def dead(name): with use_scope('dead', if_exist='remove'): clear_scope('dead') put_text('HELLO %s, WELCOME TO CHILD MODE' % name) put_text('今天吃大餐,明天領藥單') put_buttons(['重新搜尋'], onclick=[whoAreYou]) food = search_food('dead') hold()
def child(name): with use_scope('child', if_exist='remove'): clear_scope('child') put_text('HELLO %s, WELCOME TO CHILD MODE' % name) put_text('一天eatago,醫生遠離我') put_buttons(['重新搜尋'], onclick=[whoAreYou]) food = search_food('child') hold()
def normal(name): with use_scope('normal', if_exist='remove'): clear_scope('normal') put_text('HELLO %s, WELCOME TO NORMAL MODE' % name) put_text('今天吃了沒~?') put_buttons(['重新搜尋'], onclick=[whoAreYou]) food = search_food('normal') # hold()
from pywebio.output import put_html, put_file from pywebio.session import hold from frontend import getInfo from backend import fillDoc title = "<h1 style=\"text-align:center\">Ўзбекистон Республикаси фуқаросининг\ хорижга чиқиш биометрик паспортини расмийлаштириш учун АНКЕТА</h1>" put_html(title) userInfo = getInfo() filename = fillDoc(userInfo) text = "<h3>Анкета тайёр. Юклаб олиш учун қуйидаги боғламани босинг.</h3>" put_html(text) with open(filename, 'rb') as fayl: anketa = put_file(filename, content=anketa) hold()
def translate(): """ Translate Alas """ set_env(output_animation=False) run_js(r"""$('head').append('<style>footer {display: none}</style>')""") put_markdown(""" # Translate You can submit(Next) by press `Enter`. """) dict_lang = { "zh-CN": read_file(filepath_i18n('zh-CN')), "zh-TW": read_file(filepath_i18n('zh-TW')), "en-US": read_file(filepath_i18n('en-US')), "ja-JP": read_file(filepath_i18n('ja-JP')), } modified = { "zh-CN": {}, "zh-TW": {}, "en-US": {}, "ja-JP": {}, } list_path = [] # list_group = [] # Menu list_arg = [] # Task list_key = [] # name for L, _ in deep_iter(dict_lang['zh-CN'], depth=3): list_path.append('.'.join(L)) list_group.append(L[0]) list_arg.append(L[1]) list_key.append(L[2]) total = len(list_path) class V: lang = lang.LANG untranslated_only = False clear = False idx = -1 group = '' group_idx = 0 groups = list(dict_lang['zh-CN'].keys()) arg = '' arg_idx = 0 args = [] key = '' key_idx = 0 keys = [] def update_var(group=None, arg=None, key=None): if group: = group V.idx = list_group.index(group) V.group_idx = V.idx V.arg = list_arg[V.idx] V.arg_idx = V.idx V.args = list(dict_lang["zh-CN"][].keys()) V.key = list_key[V.idx] V.key_idx = V.idx V.keys = list(dict_lang["zh-CN"][][V.arg].keys()) elif arg: V.arg = arg V.idx = list_arg.index(arg, V.group_idx) V.arg_idx = V.idx V.args = list(dict_lang["zh-CN"][].keys()) V.key = list_key[V.idx] V.key_idx = V.idx V.keys = list(dict_lang["zh-CN"][][V.arg].keys()) elif key: V.key = key V.idx = list_key.index(key, V.arg_idx) V.key_idx = V.idx V.keys = list(dict_lang["zh-CN"][][V.arg].keys()) update_form() def next_key(): if V.idx + 1 > total: V.idx = -1 V.idx += 1 if V.untranslated_only: while True: # print(V.idx) key = deep_get(dict_lang[V.lang], list_path[V.idx]) if list_path[V.idx] == key or list_path[V.idx].split( '.')[2] == key: break else: V.idx += 1 if V.idx + 1 > total: V.idx = 0 break (, V.arg, V.key) = tuple(list_path[V.idx].split('.')) V.group_idx = list_group.index( V.arg_idx = list_arg.index(V.arg, V.group_idx) V.args = list(dict_lang["zh-CN"][].keys()) V.key_idx = list_key.index(V.key, V.arg_idx) V.keys = list(dict_lang["zh-CN"][][V.arg].keys()) def update_form(): input_update('arg', options=V.args, value=V.arg) input_update('key', options=V.keys, value=V.key) for L in LANGUAGES: input_update(L, value=deep_get(dict_lang[L], f'{}.{V.arg}.{V.key}', 'Key not found!')) old = deep_get(dict_lang[V.lang], f'{}.{V.arg}.{V.key}', 'Key not found!') input_update( V.lang, value=None if V.clear else old, help_text=f'{}.{V.arg}.{V.key}', placeholder=old, ) def get_inputs(): out = [] old = deep_get(dict_lang[V.lang], f'{}.{V.arg}.{V.key}', 'Key not found!') out.append( input( name=V.lang, label=V.lang, value=None if V.clear else old, help_text=f'{}.{V.arg}.{V.key}', placeholder=old, )) out.append( select(name='group', label='Group', options=V.groups,, onchange=lambda g: update_var(group=g), required=True)) out.append( select(name='arg', label='Arg', options=V.args, value=V.arg, onchange=lambda a: update_var(arg=a), required=True)) out.append( select(name='key', label='Key', options=V.keys, value=V.key, onchange=lambda k: update_var(key=k), required=True)) _LANGUAGES = LANGUAGES.copy() _LANGUAGES.remove(V.lang) for L in _LANGUAGES: out.append( input(name=L, label=L, readonly=True, value=deep_get(dict_lang[L], f'{}.{V.arg}.{V.key}', 'Key not found!'))) out.append( actions(name='action', buttons=[ { "label": "Next", "value": 'Next', "type": "submit", "color": "success" }, { "label": "Next without save", "value": 'Skip', "type": "submit", "color": "secondary" }, { "label": "Submit", "value": "Submit", "type": "submit", "color": "primary" }, { "label": "Quit and save", "type": "cancel", "color": "secondary" }, ])) return out def save(): for LANG in LANGUAGES: d = read_file(filepath_i18n(LANG)) for k in modified[LANG].keys(): deep_set(d, k, modified[LANG][k]) write_file(filepath_i18n(LANG), d) defer_call(save) def loop(): while True: data = input_group(inputs=get_inputs()) if data is None: save() break if data['action'] == 'Next': modified[V.lang][f'{}.{V.arg}.{V.key}'] = data[ V.lang].replace("\\n", "\n") deep_set(dict_lang[V.lang], f'{}.{V.arg}.{V.key}', data[V.lang].replace("\\n", "\n")) next_key() if data['action'] == 'Skip': next_key() elif data['action'] == 'Submit': modified[V.lang][f'{}.{V.arg}.{V.key}'] = data[ V.lang].replace("\\n", "\n") deep_set(dict_lang[V.lang], f'{}.{V.arg}.{V.key}', data[V.lang].replace("\\n", "\n")) continue def setting(): data = input_group(inputs=[ select(name='language', label='Language', options=LANGUAGES, value=V.lang, required=True), checkbox( name='check', label='Other settings', options=[{ "label": 'Button [Next] only shows untranslated key', 'value': 'untranslated', 'selected': V.untranslated_only }, { "label": 'Do not fill input with old value (only effect the language you selected)', "value": "clear", "selected": V.clear }]) ]) V.lang = data['language'] V.untranslated_only = True if 'untranslated' in data['check'] else False V.clear = True if 'clear' in data['check'] else False put_buttons([{ "label": "Start", "value": "start" }, { "label": "Setting", "value": "setting" }], onclick=[loop, setting]) next_key() setting() hold()