class CertificateSearch(object):
    """ Getting information about certificates issued by Ofgem requires accessing their webform.
    This class provides a simple way of doing that.
    Class that queries ofgem for certificate data. If it succeeds then

    There are 2 generator methods that allow iterating through the returned data,
    - each call to :func:`stations()` will return a list of :class:`Certificates` objects related to a single station.
    - each call to :func:`certificates()` will return a single :class:`Certificates` object.

    .. code::

      >>> from pywind.ofgem.CertificateSearch import CertificateSearch
      >>> ocs = CertificateSearch()
      >>> ocs.start()
      >>> ocs.set_period(201601)
      >>> ocs.get_data()
      >>> len(ocs)


    START_URL = 'ReportViewer.aspx?ReportPath=/DatawarehouseReports/' + \

    NSMAP = {'a': 'CertificatesExternalPublicDataWarehouse'}

    def __init__(self, filename=None):
        self.has_data = False
        self.form = None
        self.certificate_records = []
        self.station_records = {}

        if filename is not None:
            self.form = OfgemForm(self.START_URL)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.certificate_records)

    def start(self):
        """ Retrieve the form from Ofgem website so we can start updating it.

        :returns: True or False
        :rtype: bool
        if self.form is not None:
            return self.form.get()
        return True

    def set_period(self, yearmonth):
        """ Set the year and month for certificates.

        :param yearmonth: Numeric period in YYYYMM format
        :returns: True or False
        :rtype: bool
        if not isinstance(yearmonth, int):
            yearmonth = int(yearmonth)
        year = int(yearmonth / 100)
        if self._set_year(year) is False:
            return False
        return self._set_month(yearmonth % year)

    def set_start_month(self, month):
        """ Set the start month for certificates

        :param month: Numeric month number
        :rtype: bool
        return self.form.set_value("output period \"month from\"", MONTHS[month - 1])

    def set_finish_month(self, month):
        """ Set the finish month for certificates

        :param month: Numeric month number
        :rtype: bool
        return self.form.set_value("output period \"month to\"", MONTHS[month - 1])

    def set_start_year(self, year):
        """ Set the start year for certificates

        :param year: Numeric year to be set
        :rtype: bool
        return self.form.set_value("output period \"year from\"", str(year))

    def set_finish_year(self, year):
        """ Set the finish year for certificates

        :param year: Numeric year to be set
        :rtype: bool
        return self.form.set_value("output period \"year to\"", str(year))

    def filter_technology(self, what):
        """ Filter certificates by technology group """
        return self.form.set_value('technology group', what)

    def filter_generation_type(self, what):
        """ Filter certificates by generation type """
        return self.form.set_value('generation type', what)

    def filter_scheme(self, what):
        """ Filter certificates by scheme

        :param what: Scheme abbreviation [REGO, RO]
        :rtype: bool
        return self.form.set_value('scheme', what.upper())

    def filter_generator_id(self, acc_no):
        """ Filter certificates by generator id (accreditation number).

        .. note::

           Values supplied are upper cased automatically.

        :param acc_no: Accreditation/Generation number
        :rtype: bool
        return self.form.set_value('accreditation no', acc_no.upper())

    def get_data(self):
        """ Submit the form, get the results and parse them into :class:`Certificate` objects

        :rtype: bool
        self.certificate_records = []
        self.station_records = {}

        if not self.form.submit():
            return False
            xml = etree.fromstring(self.form.raw_data)
        except XMLSyntaxError:
            print("Invalid XML returned from Ofgem server.")
            return False

        for node in xml.xpath('.//a:Detail', namespaces=self.NSMAP):
            cert = Certificates(node)
            self.station_records.setdefault(cert.name, []).append(cert)

        self.has_data = len(self.certificate_records) > 0
        return self.has_data

    def save_original(self, filename):
        """ Save the downloaded certificate data into the filename provided.

        :param filename: Filename to save the file to.
        :rtype: bool
        return self.form.save_original(filename)

    # Generators to access data
    def rows(self):
        """ Generator function that returns a station each time it is called.

        :returns: A function that returns a dict containing information on one station.
        :rtype: generator
        for cert in self.certificate_records:
            yield {'CertificateRecord': cert.as_row()}

    def certificates(self):
        """ Generator that returns :class:`Certificates` objects.

        :returns: Certificates objects
        :rtype: Certificates
        for cert in self.certificate_records:
            yield cert

    def stations(self):
        """ Generator that returns a Return a list of stations related to the certificates """
        for stat in sorted(self.station_records):
            yield self.station_records[stat]

    def parse_filename(self, filename):
        """Parse an Ofgem generated file of certificates. This parses downloaded Ofgem files.

        :param filename: The filename to be parsed
        :returns: True or False
        :rtype: bool
        with open(filename, 'r') as xfh:
            data = xfh.read()

        xml = etree.fromstring(data)
        for node in xml.xpath('.//a:Detail', namespaces=self.NSMAP):
            cert = Certificates(node)
            self.station_records.setdefault(cert.name, []).append(cert)

        return len(self.certificate_records) > 0

    # Internal functions

    def _set_year(self, year):
        """ Set both the start and finish year for certificates.

        :param year: Numeric year to set
        :rtype: bool
        if self.set_start_year(year) is False:
            return False
        return self.set_finish_year(year)

    def _set_month(self, month):
        """ Set both the start and finish months for certificates

        :param month: Numeric month number
        :returns: True or False
        :rtype: bool
        if self.set_start_month(month) is False:
            return False
        return self.set_finish_month(month)
class StationSearch(object):
    """ Performing a station search using the Ofgem website takes a while due to the 3.5M initial file and the
     2M replies that are sent. Parsing these takes time, so patience is needed.

     .. code::

       >>> from pywind.ofgem.StationSearch import StationSearch
       >>> oss = StationSearch()
       >>> oss.start()
       >>> oss.filter_name('griffin')
       >>> oss.get_data()
       >>> len(oss)

    START_URL = 'ReportViewer.aspx?ReportPath=/Renewables/Accreditation/' + \

    def __init__(self):
        self.form = OfgemForm(self.START_URL)
        self.stations = []

    def __len__(self):
        """ len(...) returns the number of stations available. """
        return len(self.stations)

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        """ Get a station by name. """
        if 0 >= item < len(self.stations):
            return self.stations[item]

    def start(self):
        """ Retrieve the form from Ofgem website so we can start updating it.
        if self.form is not None:

    def get_data(self):
        """ Get data from form.

        :rtype: bool
        if not self.form.submit():
            return False

        parser = XMLParser(huge_tree=True)
        doc = etree.fromstring(self.form.raw_data, parser=parser)
        # There are a few stations with multiple generator id's, separated by '\n' so
        # capture them and add each as a separate entry.
        for detail in doc.xpath("//*[local-name()='Detail']"):
            stt = Station(detail)
            if '\n' in stt.generator_id:
                ids = [x.strip() for x in stt.generator_id.split('\n')]
                stt.generator_id = ids[0]
                for _id in ids[1:]:
                    _st = copy.copy(stt)
                    _st.generator_id = _id
        return len(self.stations) > 0

    def filter_technology(self, what):
        """ Filter stations based on technology.

        :rtype: bool
        return self.form.set_value("technology", what)

    def filter_scheme(self, scheme):
        """ Filter stations based on scheme they are members of.

        :rtype: bool
        return self.form.set_value("scheme", scheme.upper())

    def filter_name(self, name):
        """ Filter stations based on name. The search will return all stations containing the supplied name.

        :param name: The name to filter for
        :rtype: bool
        return self.form.set_value("generating station search", name)

    def filter_generator_id(self, accno):
        """ Filter stations based on generator id.

        :rtype: bool
        return self.form.set_value("accreditation search", accno)

    def filter_organisation(self, org_name):
        Filter stations based on generator id.

        :param org_name: Organisation name to filter
        :rtype: bool
        return self.form.set_value("organisation search", org_name)

    def save_original(self, filename):
        """ Save the downloaded station data into the filename provided.

        :param filename: Filename to save the file to.
        :rtype: bool
        return self.form.save_original(filename)

    def rows(self):
        """ Generator to return dicts of station information.

         :returns: Dict of station information
         :rtype: dict
        for station in self.stations:
            yield {'Station': station.as_row()}