    def test_getListFromRangeString(self):
        inputStrings = ["1,5-8,10",         "2,6,9-11",        "2 5, 6-8"]
        outputLists = [[1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10], [2, 6, 9, 10, 11], [2, 5, 6, 7, 8]]

        for s, o in zip(inputStrings, outputLists):
            self.assertEqual(o, pwutils.getListFromRangeString(s))
            # Check that also works properly with spaces as delimiters
            s2 = s.replace(',', ' ')
            self.assertEqual(o, pwutils.getListFromRangeString(s2))
    def test_getListFromRangeString(self):
        inputStrings = ["1,5-8,10", "2,6,9-11", "2 5, 6-8"]
        outputLists = [[1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10], [2, 6, 9, 10, 11], [2, 5, 6, 7, 8]]

        for s, o in zip(inputStrings, outputLists):
            self.assertEqual(o, pwutils.getListFromRangeString(s))
            # Check that also works properly with spaces as delimiters
            s2 = s.replace(',', ' ')
            self.assertEqual(o, pwutils.getListFromRangeString(s2))
 def writeModesMetaData(self):
     """ Iterate over the input SetOfNormalModes and write
     the proper Xmipp metadata.
     Take into account a possible selection of modes (This option is 
     just a shortcut for testing. The recommended
     way is just create a subset from the GUI and use that as input)
     modeSelection = []
     if self.modeList.empty():
         modeSelection = []
         modeSelection = getListFromRangeString(self.modeList.get())
     md = xmipp.MetaData()
     inputModes = self.inputModes.get()
     for mode in inputModes:
         # If there is a mode selection, only
         # take into account those selected
         if not modeSelection or mode.getObjId() in modeSelection:
             row = XmippMdRow()
             modeToRow(mode, row)
             row.writeToMd(md, md.addObject())
    def writeModesMetaData(self):
        """ Iterate over the input SetOfNormalModes and write
        the proper Xmipp metadata.
        Take into account a possible selection of modes (This option is 
        just a shortcut for testing. The recommended
        way is just create a subset from the GUI and use that as input)
        modeSelection = []
        if self.modeList.empty():
            modeSelection = []
            modeSelection = getListFromRangeString(self.modeList.get())

        mdModes = md.MetaData()

        inputModes = self.inputModes.get()
        for mode in inputModes:
            # If there is a mode selection, only
            # take into account those selected
            if not modeSelection or mode.getObjId() in modeSelection:
                row = XmippMdRow()
                modeToRow(mode, row)
                row.writeToMd(mdModes, mdModes.addObject())