def test_site_nc(self): '''Pull met data using the nc files ''' attributes = ["power", "wind_direction", "wind_speed", "temperature", "pressure","density"] leap_day = True utc = True start = pandas.Timestamp('2007-08-01', tz='utc') end = pandas.Timestamp('2007-08-15', tz='utc') wind_data = get_nc_data("102445", start, end, attributes=attributes, leap_day=leap_day, utc=utc, nc_dir=WIND_MET_NC_DIR) expected = [9.53277647e-01, 2.16432190e+02, 4.99592876e+00, 2.92580750e+02, 1.01280258e+05, 1.17889750e+00] numpy.testing.assert_allclose(expected, wind_data.ix[0].values) self.assertEqual(14*24*12+1, len(wind_data)) # End is inclusive of midnight utc = False start = pandas.Timestamp('2007-08-01', tz='America/New_York') end = pandas.Timestamp('2007-08-15', tz='America/New_York') # The files return Standard Time rather than Daylight Savings time #2007,7,31,23,0,1.176,2.7840000000000003,101219.832,290.957,251.209,6.839 #2007,8,1,0,0,1.177,2.458,101206.096,290.874,248.353,6.595 # Testing as though local time should use DST where appropriate expected = [2.78404403e+00, 2.51209885e+02, 6.83912182e+00, 2.90957336e+02, 1.01219828e+05, 1.17690361e+00] wind_data = get_nc_data("102445", start, end, attributes=attributes, leap_day=leap_day, utc=utc, nc_dir=WIND_MET_NC_DIR) numpy.testing.assert_allclose(expected, wind_data.ix[0].values) self.assertEqual(14*24*12+1, len(wind_data)) # End is inclusive of midnight
def test_partial_year(self): '''Match site data from forecast nc files ''' # UTC start = pandas.Timestamp('2007-01-01', tz='utc') end = pandas.Timestamp('2007-01-02', tz='utc') fcst_data = get_nc_data("53252", start, end, utc=True, nc_dir=WIND_FCST_DIR) self.assertEqual(start, fcst_data.index[0]) # From ncdump, all values are float32 which do not compare easily to # python floats which are float64 expected = numpy.array([ 6.2671943, 8.6079865, 6.7353525, 6.384234, 0.26309761, 3.6874273, 1.4196928, 0.53551841, 10.572015, 13.249797, 10.526829, 10.306773 ], dtype='float32') self.assertEqual(25, len(fcst_data)) self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(expected, list(fcst_data.ix[0]))) ex_dict = dict(zip(FORECAST_ATTRS, expected)) # Verify column names are correct for k, v in ex_dict.items(): self.assertEqual(v, fcst_data.ix[0][k]) # Local #start = pandas.Timestamp('2007-01-01', tz='America/Denver') #end = pandas.Timestamp('2007-01-02', tz='America/Denver') fcst_data = get_nc_data("53252", start, end, utc=False, nc_dir=WIND_FCST_DIR) self.assertEqual(start, fcst_data.index[0]) # From ncdump, all values are float32 which do not compare easily to # python floats which are float64 expected = numpy.array([ 6.2671943, 8.6079865, 6.7353525, 6.384234, 0.26309761, 3.6874273, 1.4196928, 0.53551841, 10.572015, 13.249797, 10.526829, 10.306773 ], dtype='float32') self.assertEqual(25, len(fcst_data)) self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(expected, list(fcst_data.ix[0]))) ex_dict = dict(zip(FORECAST_ATTRS, expected)) # Verify column names are correct for k, v in ex_dict.items(): self.assertEqual(v, fcst_data.ix[0][k])
def test_multiple_years(self): '''Match site data from forecast nc files for multiple years ''' # UTC start = pandas.Timestamp('2007-01-01', tz='utc') end = pandas.Timestamp('2008-08-02', tz='utc') fcst_data = get_nc_data("53252", start, end, utc=True, nc_dir=WIND_FCST_DIR) self.assertEqual(start, fcst_data.index[0]) self.assertEqual(end, fcst_data.index[-1])
def test_aws_wind_data(self): '''Pull nc data from AWS ''' #filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "") nc_dir = "s3://nrel-pds-wtk/wtk-techno-economic/pywtk-data/met_data" #wkt = "POINT(-103.128662109375 40.24179856487036)" attributes = [ "power", "wind_direction", "wind_speed", "temperature", "pressure", "density" ] #attributes = ["power"] #names = ["2011"] leap_day = False utc = False start = pandas.Timestamp('2011-01-01', tz='America/Denver') end = pandas.Timestamp('2011-12-31 23:59:59', tz='America/Denver') #wind_data = get_nc_data_from_file(filename, start, end, attributes=attributes, leap_day=leap_day, utc=utc) wind_data = get_nc_data("53252", start, end, attributes=attributes, leap_day=leap_day, utc=utc, nc_dir=nc_dir) #wind_data = wind_dict["53252"] #Year,Month,Day,Hour,Minute,density at hub height (kg/m^3),power (MW),surface air pressure (Pa),air temperature at 2m (K),wind direction at 100m (deg),wind speed at 100m (m/s) #first_line = [2011,1,1,0,0,1.1320000000000001,15.359,85467.688,259.591,318.124,11.844] # Match to the higher accuracy of the nc dataset expected = [ 15.35958480834961, 318.1243896484375, 11.844223022460938, 259.5919494628906, 85467.6875, 1.132704496383667 ] #expected_dict = dict(zip(["density", "power", "pressure", "temperature", "wind_direction", "wind_speed"], first_line[5:])) expected_dict = dict( zip([ 'power', 'wind_direction', 'wind_speed', 'temperature', 'pressure', 'density' ], expected)) self.assertEqual(expected_dict, wind_data.iloc[0].to_dict()) #print map(float, wind_data.ix[0].values) #print wind_data.columns.values self.assertEqual(365 * 24 * 12, len(wind_data))
def met_data(): '''Return met data from the nc files as to_json representation of pandas dataframe. Required parameters: sites | wkt - string of comma-separated site_ids or Well known text geometry start - unix timestamp of start time end - unix timestamp of end time Optional parameters: orient - Pandas dataframe to_json orientation, defaults to records: split, records, index, columns or values See Pandas documentation for more info max_point_return - Maximum number of closest sites to a POINT wkt, defaults to 1. Will be ignored for all other cases. attributes - string attributes separated by commas to return, will fail if attribute is not valid for the data set leap_day - Bool to include leap day. Defaults to True utc - Bool to use UTC rather than site local time. Defaults to True Returns: dict of site id to json representation of dataframes ''' if len(request.args) == 0: return send_from_directory('static', 'met.html') try: sites = get_sites_from_request(request) start = pandas.Timestamp(request.args.get('start', type=int), unit="s", tz='utc') end = pandas.Timestamp(request.args.get('end', type=int), unit="s", tz='utc') orient = request.args.get("orient", "records") if orient not in ["split", "records", "index", "columns", "values"]: return jsonify({ "success": False, "message": "Orient must be one of split, records, index, columns or values" }), 400 if "attributes" in request.args: attributes = request.args.get("attributes", "").split(",") if not set(attributes) <= set(MET_ATTRS): return jsonify({ "success": False, "message": "Attributes must be a subset of %s" % MET_ATTRS }), 400 else: attributes = MET_ATTRS ret_dict = {} for site_id in sites['site_id']: #ret_dict[site_id] = get_wind_data(site_id, start, end).to_json() ret_dict[str(site_id)] = json.loads( get_nc_data( site_id, start, end, attributes=attributes, leap_day=True, utc=False, nc_dir=MET_LOC).reset_index().to_json(orient=orient)) return jsonify(ret_dict) except Exception as e: return jsonify({"success": False, "message": str(e)}), 400