 def test_copy_axes_manager(self):
     s = self.s
     s_new = Signal2D(np.zeros((50, 50)))
     pst._copy_signal2d_axes_manager_metadata(s, s_new)
     sa_ori = s.axes_manager.signal_axes
     sa_new = s_new.axes_manager.signal_axes
     assert sa_ori[0].offset == sa_new[0].offset
     assert sa_ori[1].offset == sa_new[1].offset
     assert sa_ori[0].scale == sa_new[0].scale
     assert sa_ori[1].scale == sa_new[1].scale
     assert sa_ori[0].name == sa_new[0].name
     assert sa_ori[1].name == sa_new[1].name
     assert sa_ori[0].units == sa_new[0].units
     assert sa_ori[1].units == sa_new[1].units
    def get_phase_signal(self, rotation=None):
        """Get DPC phase image visualized using continuous color scale.

        Converts the x and y beam shifts into an RGB array, showing the
        direction of the beam shifts.

        Useful for visualizing magnetic domain structures.

        rotation : float, optional
            In degrees. Useful for correcting the mismatch between
            scan direction and diffraction pattern rotation.
        autolim : bool, default True
        autolim_sigma : float, default 4

        phase_signal : HyperSpy 2D RGB signal

        >>> s = pxm.dummy_data.get_simple_dpc_signal()
        >>> s_color = s.get_phase_signal(rotation=20)
        >>> s_color.plot()

        See Also
        get_color_signal : Signal showing both phase and magnitude
        get_magnitude_signal : Signal showing the magnitude

        # Rotate the phase by -30 degrees in the color "wheel", to get better
        # visualization in the vertical and horizontal direction.
        if rotation is None:
            rotation = -30
            rotation = rotation - 30
        phase = np.arctan2(self.inav[0].data, self.inav[1].data) % (2 * np.pi)
        rgb_array = pst._get_rgb_phase_array(phase=phase, rotation=rotation)
        signal_rgb = Signal1D(rgb_array * (2 ** 16 - 1))
        pst._copy_signal2d_axes_manager_metadata(self, signal_rgb)
        return signal_rgb
    def get_magnitude_signal(self, autolim=True, autolim_sigma=4):
        """Get DPC magnitude image visualized as greyscale.

        Converts the x and y beam shifts into a magnitude map, showing the
        magnitude of the beam shifts.

        Useful for visualizing magnetic domain structures.

        autolim : bool, default True
        autolim_sigma : float, default 4

        magnitude_signal : HyperSpy 2D signal

        >>> s = pxm.dummy_data.get_simple_dpc_signal()
        >>> s_magnitude = s.get_magnitude_signal()
        >>> s_magnitude.plot()

        See Also
        get_color_signal : Signal showing both phase and magnitude
        get_phase_signal : Signal showing the phase

        inav02 = np.abs(self.inav[0].data)**2
        inav12 = np.abs(self.inav[1].data)**2
        magnitude = np.sqrt(inav02 + inav12)
        magnitude_limits = None
        if autolim:
            magnitude_limits = pst._get_limits_from_array(magnitude,

        signal = Signal2D(magnitude)
        pst._copy_signal2d_axes_manager_metadata(self, signal)
        return signal
    def phase_retrieval(self, method="kottler", mirroring=False, mirror_flip=False):
        """Retrieve the phase from two orthogonal phase gradients.

        method : 'kottler', 'arnison' or 'frankot', optional
            the formula to use, 'kottler'[1], 'arnison'[2] and 'frankot'[3]
            are available. The default is 'kottler'.
        mirroring : bool, optional
            whether to mirror the phase gradients before Fourier transformed.
            Attempt to reduce boundary effect. The default is False.
        mirror_flip : bool, optional
            only active when 'mirroring' is True. Flip the direction of the
            derivatives which results in negation during signal mirroring.
            The default is False. If the retrieved phase is not sensible after
            mirroring, set this to True may resolve it.

            if the method is not implemented

        signal : HyperSpy 2D signal
            the phase retrieved.

        .. [1] Kottler, C., David, C., Pfeiffer, F. and Bunk, O., 2007. A
        two-directional approach for grating based differential phase contrast
        imaging using hard x-rays. Optics Express, 15(3), p.1175. (Equation 4)

        .. [2] Arnison, M., Larkin, K., Sheppard, C., Smith, N. and
        Cogswell, C., 2004. Linear phase imaging using differential
        interference contrast microscopy. Journal of Microscopy, 214(1),
        pp.7-12. (Equation 6)

        .. [3] Frankot, R. and Chellappa, R., 1988. A method for enforcing
        integrability in shape from shading algorithms.
        IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
        10(4), pp.439-451. (Equation 21)

        >>> s = pxm.dummy_data.get_square_dpc_signal()
        >>> s_phase = s.phase_retrieval()
        >>> s_phase.plot()

        method = method.lower()
        if method not in ("kottler", "arnison", "frankot"):
            raise ValueError(
                "Method '{}' not recognised. 'kottler', 'arnison'"
                " and 'frankot' are available.".format(method)

        # get x and y phase gradient
        dx = self.inav[0].data
        dy = self.inav[1].data

        # attempt to reduce boundary effect
        if mirroring:
            Ax = dx
            Bx = np.flip(dx, axis=1)
            Cx = np.flip(dx, axis=0)
            Dx = np.flip(dx)

            Ay = dy
            By = np.flip(dy, axis=1)
            Cy = np.flip(dy, axis=0)
            Dy = np.flip(dy)

            # the -ve depends on the direction of derivatives
            if not mirror_flip:
                dx = np.bmat([[Ax, -Bx], [Cx, -Dx]]).A
                dy = np.bmat([[Ay, By], [-Cy, -Dy]]).A
                dx = np.bmat([[Ax, Bx], [-Cx, -Dx]]).A
                dy = np.bmat([[Ay, -By], [Cy, -Dy]]).A

        nc, nr = dx.shape[1], dx.shape[0]

        # get scan step size
        calX = np.diff(self.axes_manager.signal_axes[0].axis).mean()
        calY = np.diff(self.axes_manager.signal_axes[1].axis).mean()

        # construct Fourier-space grids
        kx = (2 * np.pi) * np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftfreq(nc))
        ky = (2 * np.pi) * np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftfreq(nr))
        kx_grid, ky_grid = np.meshgrid(kx, ky)

        if method == "kottler":
            gxy = dx + 1j * dy
            numerator = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(gxy))
            denominator = 2 * np.pi * 1j * (kx_grid + 1j * ky_grid)
        elif method == "arnison":
            gxy = dx + 1j * dy
            numerator = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(gxy))
            denominator = 2j * (
                np.sin(2 * np.pi * calX * kx_grid)
                + 1j * np.sin(2 * np.pi * calY * ky_grid)
        elif method == "frankot":
            kx_grid /= calX
            ky_grid /= calY
            fx = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(dx))
            fy = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(dy))
            # weights in x,y directins, currently hardcoded, but easy to extend if required
            wx, wy = 0.5, 0.5

            numerator = -1j * (wx * kx_grid * fx + wy * ky_grid * fy)
            denominator = wx * kx_grid ** 2 + wy * ky_grid ** 2

        # handle the division by zero in the central pixel
        # set the undefined/infinity pixel to 0
        with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"):
            res = numerator / denominator
        res = np.nan_to_num(res, nan=0, posinf=0, neginf=0)

        retrieved = np.fft.ifft2(np.fft.ifftshift(res)).real

        # get 1/4 of the result if mirroring
        if mirroring:
            M, N = retrieved.shape
            retrieved = retrieved[: M // 2, : N // 2]

        signal = Signal2D(retrieved)
        pst._copy_signal2d_axes_manager_metadata(self, signal)

        return signal