def format_coords(geo): """ format the coords section """ # Get the number of atoms natoms = len(geo) # Get the geometry information symbols = geom.symbols(geo) coordinates = geom.coordinates(geo) masses = [int(ptab.to_mass(symbol)) for symbol in symbols] # Build a string with the formatted coordinates string if geom.is_atom(geo): geo_str = '{0:<4s}{1:<6d}'.format(symbols[0], masses[0]) else: geo_str = '' for symbol, mass, coords in zip(symbols, masses, coordinates): coords = [coord * BOHR2ANG for coord in coords] coords_str = '{0:>14.8f}{1:>14.8f}{2:>14.8f}'.format( coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]) geo_str += '{0:<4s}{1:<6d}{2}\n'.format(symbol, mass, coords_str) # Remove final newline character from the string geo_str = geo_str.rstrip() return natoms, geo_str
def sample_normal_modes(conformer, n_samples, temperature): """ Take a conformer and return randomly sampled geometries by applying random displacements according to the normal modes of the molecule """ atoms = conformer.atoms n_atoms = atoms.shape[0] original_xyz = masses = [periodictable.to_mass(atom) for atom in atoms.tolist()] normal_modes = conformer.labels['normal modes'] force_constants = conformer.labels['force constants'] n_modes = len(normal_modes) kb = physical_constants.pc['boltzmann constant'] new_coords = [] for sample in range(n_samples): cis = torch.rand(n_modes) c_scale = torch.rand(1) cis = c_scale * cis / cis.sum() displacement_scalars = ( ((torch.bernoulli(torch.fill(n_modes, 0.5)) - 0.5) * 2.0) * torch.sqrt( 3.0 * cis * n_atoms * kb * temperature / force_constants)) displacements = [ mode * displacement_scalars[i] for i, mode in enumerate(normal_modes) ]
def to_mass(atom): """ Obtain the atomic mass for a given atom (in amu). :param atom: atom representation (symbol, number, mass) :type atom: str/int :rtype: float """ return periodictable.to_mass(atom)
def atom_mass(har_min_cnf_locs, har_cnf_save_fs): """ write the atom string """ har_geo = return ptab.to_mass(har_geo[0][0])
def atom_to_mass(atom: Union[str, int]) -> float: """Give back the mass of a given element.""" return periodictable.to_mass(atom)