def test_collections_add(storage_socket):

    collection = 'TorsionDriveRecord'
    name = 'Torsion123'
    db = {
        "collection": collection,
        "name": name,
        "something": "else",
        "array": ["54321"]

    ret = storage_socket.add_collection(db)

    assert ret["meta"]["n_inserted"] == 1

    ret = storage_socket.get_collections(collection, name)

    assert ret["meta"]["success"] == True
    assert ret["meta"]["n_found"] == 1
    assert db['something'] == ret["data"][0]['something']

    ret = storage_socket.del_collection(collection, name)
    assert ret == 1

    ret = storage_socket.get_collections(collection, "bleh")
    # assert len(ret["meta"]["missing"]) == 1
    assert ret["meta"]["n_found"] == 0
def test_collections_overwrite(storage_socket):

    collection = 'TorsionDriveRecord'
    name = 'Torsion123'
    db = {
        "collection": collection,
        "name": name,
        "something": "else",
        "array": ["54321"]

    ret = storage_socket.add_collection(db)

    assert ret["meta"]["n_inserted"] == 1

    ret = storage_socket.get_collections(collection, name)
    assert ret["meta"]["n_found"] == 1

    db_update = {
        # "id": ret["data"][0]["id"],
        "collection": "TorsionDriveRecord",  # no need to include
        "name": "Torsion123",  # no need to include
        "something": "New",
        "something2": "else",
        "array2": ["54321"]
    ret = storage_socket.add_collection(db_update, overwrite=True)
    assert ret["meta"]["success"] == True

    ret = storage_socket.get_collections(collection, name)
    assert ret["meta"]["n_found"] == 1

    # Check to make sure the field were replaced and not updated
    db_result = ret["data"][0]
    # existing fields will not be removed, the collection will be updated
    # You will need to remove the old collection and create a new one
    # assert "something" not in db_result
    assert "something" in db_result
    assert "something2" in db_result
    assert db_update['something'] == db_result['something']

    ret = storage_socket.del_collection(collection, name)
    assert ret == 1