def upload(self, path, filedata): # qcloud_cos needs path to startswith / if not path.startswith("/"): path = "/" + path if isinstance(filedata, text_type): req = qcloud_cos.UploadFileRequest(self.bucket, path, filedata, insert_only=0) return self._cos_client.update_file(req) elif isinstance(filedata, binary_type): req = qcloud_cos.UploadFileFromBufferRequest(self.bucket, path, filedata, insert_only=0) return self._cos_client.upload_file_from_buffer(req) else: raise TypeError( "filedata should be filename(text_type) or content(binary_type)" )
def upload(self, bucket, path, local_file): """ 上传本地文件到 COS, 将覆盖已经存在的文件 :param bucket: bucket name :param path: dest cos path :param local_file: local file """ req = qcos.UploadFileRequest(unicode(bucket), unicode(path), unicode(local_file), insert_only=0) resp = self.client.upload_file(req) if resp["code"] != 0: # COS 上传失败的文件会保留, 下次上传时无法覆盖, 这里先删除 if resp["message"].find("status_code:403") != -1: req = qcos.DelFileRequest(unicode(bucket), unicode(path)) self.client.del_file(req) raise Exception(resp["message"])
region_info = "gz" # # 替换为用户的region,目前可以为 sh/gz/tj,分别对应于上海,广州,天津园区 cos_client = qcloud_cos.CosClient(appid, secret_id, secret_key, region=region_info) # 设置要操作的bucket bucket = u'zhangh214' ############################################################################ # 文件操作 # ############################################################################ # 1. 上传文件(默认不覆盖) # 将本地的py_demo.py上传到bucket的根分区下,并命名为 # 默认不覆盖, 如果cos上文件存在,则会返回错误 request = qcloud_cos.UploadFileRequest(bucket, u'/', u'') upload_file_ret = cos_client.upload_file(request) print 'upload file ret:', repr(upload_file_ret) # 2. 上传文件(覆盖文件) # 将本地的py_demo2.py上传到bucket的根分区下,覆盖已上传的 request = qcloud_cos.UploadFileRequest(bucket, u'/', u'') request.set_insert_only(0) # 设置允许覆盖 upload_file_ret = cos_client.upload_file(request) print 'overwrite file ret:', repr(upload_file_ret) # 3. 获取文件属性 request = qcloud_cos.StatFileRequest(bucket, u'/') stat_file_ret = cos_client.stat_file(request) print 'stat file ret:', repr(stat_file_ret)
def loadDataToCos(filein,fileout): request = qcloud_cos.UploadFileRequest(bucketname, fileout, filein, u'bizAttribute') upload_file_ret = cos_client.upload_file(request) print "upload file retresult : ", upload_file_ret
def creatSection(request): try: body = request.POST.dict() if 'courseid' not in body: t = loader.get_template('upload.html') return HttpResponse(t.render()) user = tokenActive({'token': body['token']}) if not isinstance(user, User): return pack(code=user) # 如果是学生,那么不让创建 if user.type == 0: return pack(msg='学生无法创建课程') # 获取当前时间戳 now = int(1000 * time.time()) id = random_str() section = EditSection(sectionid=id, creattime=now, creator=user.userid, type=body['type'], title=body['title'], father=body['courseid'], operator=0) # 获取上传的文件,如果没有文件,则默认为None file = request.FILES.get("file", None) if not file: pack(msg="no files for upload!") # 文字文件和视频文件分别处理 if body['type'] == '1': appid = 1252409052 secret_id = u'AKIDQkspaAxYEZItIV7K2axCF6yuhHIDfVr0' secret_key = u'CG8nkZJtJXaS7au1vdJsGtOp4JQQFsRp' region_info = u"tj" cos_client = qcloud_cos.CosClient(appid, secret_id, secret_key, region=region_info) creatSectionFile(file=file, section=section) request = qcloud_cos.UploadFileRequest( u'conlinestatic1', u'/sectionfile/' + section.fileurl, u'' + sectionfiledir + section.fileurl) res = cos_client.upload_file(request) if res['code'] != 0: raise Exception('上传失败') request = qcloud_cos.UpdateFileRequest( u'conlinestatic1', u'/sectionfile/' + section.fileurl) request.set_content_disposition(u'inline; filename=' + section.fileurl) cos_client.update_file(request) os.remove(sectionfiledir + section.fileurl) elif body['type'] == '0': filetype = '.' + str(file).split('.')[1] # 如果是txt或者md那么存到数据库 if filetype == '.txt' or filetype == '.md': filecontent = # 获取编码方式 encodetype = chardet.detect(filecontent)['encoding'] section.content = filecontent.decode(encodetype) # 如果是pdf那么创建文件 elif filetype == '.pdf': creatSectionFile(file=file, section=section) # 如果是doc那么先转pdf再保存文件 elif filetype == '.doc': creatSectionFile(file=file, section=section) desfile = random_str() + '.pdf' log('des: ' + desfile) log('sre' + section.fileurl) office = subprocess.Popen(['sh', '/home/ubuntu/']) office.wait() write = subprocess.Popen([ 'python3', '/home/ubuntu/', sectionfiledir + section.fileurl, sectionfiledir + desfile ], stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) write.wait() if != '': log('error: ' + raise Exception('上传出错') section.fileurl = desfile else: raise Exception('文件类型错误') return pack() except Exception as e: return pack(msg=e)
def upload_file(des,loc): request = qcloud_cos.UploadFileRequest(bucketname, des, loc, u'bizAttribute') upload_file_ret = cos_client.upload_file(request) print "upload file retresult : ", upload_file_ret