def test_subscriptions_getting_all_points(experiment, DAC, DMM, N):
    def sub_get_x_vals(results, length, state):
        A list of all x values
        state += [res[0] for res in results]

    def sub_get_y_vals(results, length, state):
        A list of all y values
        state += [res[1] for res in results]

    meas = Measurement(exp=experiment)
    meas.register_parameter(DMM.v1, setpoints=(DAC.ch1, ))

    xvals = []
    yvals = []

    meas.add_subscriber(sub_get_x_vals, state=xvals)
    meas.add_subscriber(sub_get_y_vals, state=yvals)

    given_xvals = range(N)
    given_yvals = range(1, N + 1)

    with meas.run() as datasaver:

        for x, y in zip(given_xvals, given_yvals):
            datasaver.add_result((DAC.ch1, x), (DMM.v1, y))

    assert xvals == list(given_xvals)
    assert yvals == list(given_yvals)
def test_subscriptions(experiment, DAC, DMM):
    def subscriber1(results, length, state):
        A dict of all results
        state[length] = results

    def subscriber2(results, length, state):
        A list of all parameter values larger than 7
        for res in results:
            state += [pres for pres in res if pres > 7]

    meas = Measurement(exp=experiment)
    meas.register_parameter(DMM.v1, setpoints=(DAC.ch1, ))

    res_dict = {}
    lt7s = []

    meas.add_subscriber(subscriber1, state=res_dict)
    assert len(meas.subscribers) == 1
    meas.add_subscriber(subscriber2, state=lt7s)
    assert len(meas.subscribers) == 2

    meas.write_period = 0.2

    expected_list = []

    with meas.run() as datasaver:

        assert len(datasaver._dataset.subscribers) == 2
        assert res_dict == {}
        assert lt7s == []

        as_and_bs = list(zip(range(5), range(3, 8)))

        for num in range(5):

            (a, b) = as_and_bs[num]
            expected_list += [c for c in (a, b) if c > 7]
            sleep(1.2 * meas.write_period)
            datasaver.add_result((DAC.ch1, a), (DMM.v1, b))
            assert lt7s == expected_list
            assert list(res_dict.keys()) == [n for n in range(1, num + 2)]

    assert len(datasaver._dataset.subscribers) == 0
def test_subscribers_called_at_exiting_context_if_queue_is_not_empty(
        experiment, DAC):
    Upon quitting the "run()" context, verify that in case the queue is
    not empty, the subscriber's callback is still called on that data.
    This situation is created by setting the minimum length of the queue
    to a number that is larger than the number of value written to the dataset.
    def collect_x_vals(results, length, state):
        Collects first elements of results tuples in *state*
        index_of_x = 0
        state += [res[index_of_x] for res in results]

    meas = Measurement(exp=experiment)

    collected_x_vals = []

    meas.add_subscriber(collect_x_vals, state=collected_x_vals)

    given_x_vals = [0, 1, 2, 3]

    with meas.run() as datasaver:
        # Set the minimum queue size of the subscriber to more that
        # the total number of values being added to the dataset;
        # this way the subscriber callback is not called before
        # we exit the "run()" context.
        subscriber = list(datasaver.dataset.subscribers.values())[0]
        subscriber.min_queue_length = int(len(given_x_vals) + 1)

        for x in given_x_vals:
            datasaver.add_result((DAC.ch1, x))
            # Verify that the subscriber callback is not called yet
            assert collected_x_vals == []

    # Verify that the subscriber callback is finally called
    assert collected_x_vals == given_x_vals
def test_subscriptions(experiment, DAC, DMM):
    Test that subscribers are called at the moment that data is flushed to database

    Note that for the purpose of this test, flush_data_to_database method is called explicitly instead of waiting for
    the data to be flushed automatically after the write_period passes after a add_result call.

        experiment (qcodes.dataset.experiment_container.Experiment) : qcodes experiment object
        DAC (qcodes.instrument.base.Instrument) : dummy instrument object
        DMM (qcodes.instrument.base.Instrument) : another dummy instrument object
    def subscriber1(results, length, state):
        A dict of all results
        state[length] = results

    def subscriber2(results, length, state):
        A list of all parameter values larger than 7
        for res in results:
            state += [pres for pres in res if pres > 7]

    meas = Measurement(exp=experiment)
    meas.register_parameter(DMM.v1, setpoints=(DAC.ch1, ))

    res_dict = {}
    lt7s = []

    meas.add_subscriber(subscriber1, state=res_dict)
    assert len(meas.subscribers) == 1
    meas.add_subscriber(subscriber2, state=lt7s)
    assert len(meas.subscribers) == 2

    meas.write_period = 0.2

    expected_list = []

    with meas.run() as datasaver:

        assert len(datasaver._dataset.subscribers) == 2
        assert res_dict == {}
        assert lt7s == []

        as_and_bs = list(zip(range(5), range(3, 8)))

        for num in range(5):

            (a, b) = as_and_bs[num]
            expected_list += [c for c in (a, b) if c > 7]

            datasaver.add_result((DAC.ch1, a), (DMM.v1, b))

            assert lt7s == expected_list
            assert list(res_dict.keys()) == [n for n in range(1, num + 2)]

    assert len(datasaver._dataset.subscribers) == 0
def test_subscriptions(experiment, DAC, DMM):
    Test that subscribers are called at the moment the data is flushed to database

    Note that for the purpose of this test, flush_data_to_database method is
    called explicitly instead of waiting for the data to be flushed
    automatically after the write_period passes after a add_result call.
    def collect_all_results(results, length, state):
        Updates the *state* to contain all the *results* acquired
        during the experiment run
        # Due to the fact that by default subscribers only hold 1 data value
        # in their internal queue, this assignment should work (i.e. not
        # overwrite values in the "state" object) assuming that at the start
        # of the experiment both the dataset and the *state* objects have
        # the same length.
        state[length] = results

    def collect_values_larger_than_7(results, length, state):
        Appends to the *state* only the values from *results*
        that are larger than 7
        for result_tuple in results:
            state += [value for value in result_tuple if value > 7]

    meas = Measurement(exp=experiment)
    meas.register_parameter(DMM.v1, setpoints=(DAC.ch1, ))

    # key is the number of the result tuple,
    # value is the result tuple itself
    all_results_dict = {}
    values_larger_than_7 = []

    meas.add_subscriber(collect_all_results, state=all_results_dict)
    assert len(meas.subscribers) == 1
    assert len(meas.subscribers) == 2

    meas.write_period = 0.2

    with meas.run() as datasaver:

        # Assert that the measurement, runner, and datasaver
        # have added subscribers to the dataset
        assert len(datasaver._dataset.subscribers) == 2

        assert all_results_dict == {}
        assert values_larger_than_7 == []

        dac_vals_and_dmm_vals = list(zip(range(5), range(3, 8)))
        values_larger_than_7__expected = []

        for num in range(5):
            (dac_val, dmm_val) = dac_vals_and_dmm_vals[num]
            values_larger_than_7__expected += \
                [val for val in (dac_val, dmm_val) if val > 7]

            datasaver.add_result((DAC.ch1, dac_val), (DMM.v1, dmm_val))

            # Ensure that data is flushed to the database despite the write
            # period, so that the database triggers are executed, which in turn
            # add data to the queues within the subscribers

            # In order to make this test deterministic, we need to ensure that
            # just enough time has passed between the moment the data is flushed
            # to database and the "state" object (that is passed to subscriber
            # constructor) has been updated by the corresponding subscriber's
            # callback function. At the moment, there is no robust way to ensure
            # this. The reason is that the subscribers have internal queue which
            # is populated via a trigger call from the SQL database, hence from
            # this "main" thread it is difficult to say whether the queue is
            # empty because the subscriber callbacks have already been executed
            # or because the triggers of the SQL database has not been executed
            # yet.
            # In order to overcome this problem, a special decorator is used
            # to wrap the assertions. This is going to ensure that some time
            # is given to the Subscriber threads to finish exhausting the queue.
                exception_class_to_expect=AssertionError, delay=0.5, tries=10)
            def assert_states_updated_from_callbacks():
                assert values_larger_than_7 == values_larger_than_7__expected
                assert list(all_results_dict.keys()) == \
                    [result_index for result_index in range(1, num + 1 + 1)]


    # Ensure that after exiting the "run()" context,
    # all subscribers get unsubscribed from the dataset
    assert len(datasaver._dataset.subscribers) == 0

    # Ensure that the triggers for each subscriber
    # have been removed from the database
    get_triggers_sql = "SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE TYPE = 'trigger';"
    triggers = atomic_transaction(datasaver._dataset.conn,
    assert len(triggers) == 0