文件: queries.py 项目: asqum/Qcodes
def _add_parameters_to_layout_and_deps(
        conn: ConnectionPlus, formatted_name: str,
        *parameter: ParamSpec) -> sqlite3.Cursor:
    # get the run_id
    sql = f"""
    SELECT run_id FROM runs WHERE result_table_name="{formatted_name}";
    run_id = one(transaction(conn, sql), 'run_id')
    layout_args = []
    for p in parameter:
    rowplaceholder = '(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'
    placeholder = ','.join([rowplaceholder] * len(parameter))
    sql = f"""
    INSERT INTO layouts (run_id, parameter, label, unit, inferred_from)
    VALUES {placeholder}

    with atomic(conn) as conn:
        c = transaction(conn, sql, *layout_args)

        for p in parameter:

            if p.depends_on != '':

                layout_id = get_layout_id(conn, p, run_id)

                deps = p.depends_on.split(', ')
                for ax_num, dp in enumerate(deps):

                    sql = """
                    SELECT layout_id FROM layouts
                    WHERE run_id=? and parameter=?;

                    c = transaction(conn, sql, run_id, dp)
                    dep_ind = one(c, 'layout_id')

                    sql = """
                    INSERT INTO dependencies (dependent, independent, axis_num)
                    VALUES (?,?,?)

                    c = transaction(conn, sql, layout_id, dep_ind, ax_num)
    return c
def fix_version_4a_run_description_bug(conn: ConnectionPlus) -> Dict[str, int]:
    Fix function to fix a bug where the RunDescriber accidentally wrote itself
    to string using the (new) InterDependencies_ object instead of the (old)
    InterDependencies object. After the first call, this function should be

        conn: the connection to the database

        A dict with the fix results ('runs_inspected', 'runs_fixed')

    user_version = get_user_version(conn)

    if not user_version == 4:
        raise RuntimeError('Database of wrong version. Will not apply fix. '
                           'Expected version 4, found version {user_version}')

    no_of_runs_query = "SELECT max(run_id) FROM runs"
    no_of_runs = one(atomic_transaction(conn, no_of_runs_query), 'max(run_id)')
    no_of_runs = no_of_runs or 0

    with atomic(conn) as conn:

        pbar = tqdm(range(1, no_of_runs+1))
        pbar.set_description("Fixing database")

        # collect some metrics
        runs_inspected = 0
        runs_fixed = 0

        old_style_keys = ['paramspecs']
        new_style_keys = ['parameters', 'dependencies', 'inferences',

        for run_id in pbar:

            desc_str = get_run_description(conn, run_id)
            desc_ser = json.loads(desc_str)
            idps_ser = desc_ser['interdependencies']

            if list(idps_ser.keys()) == old_style_keys:
            elif list(idps_ser.keys()) == new_style_keys:
                old_desc_ser = \
                json_str = json.dumps(old_desc_ser)
                _update_run_description(conn, run_id, json_str)
                runs_fixed += 1
                raise RuntimeError(f'Invalid runs_description for run_id: '

            runs_inspected += 1

    return {'runs_inspected': runs_inspected, 'runs_fixed': runs_fixed}
def test_perform_actual_upgrade_5_to_6():
    fixpath = os.path.join(fixturepath, 'db_files', 'version5')

    db_file = 'empty.db'
    dbname_old = os.path.join(fixpath, db_file)

    if not os.path.exists(dbname_old):
        pytest.skip("No db-file fixtures found. You can generate test db-files"
                    " using the scripts in the "
                    "https://github.com/QCoDeS/qcodes_generate_test_db/ repo")

    with temporarily_copied_DB(dbname_old, debug=False, version=5) as conn:
        assert get_user_version(conn) == 6

    db_file = 'some_runs.db'
    dbname_old = os.path.join(fixpath, db_file)

    with temporarily_copied_DB(dbname_old, debug=False, version=5) as conn:
        assert get_user_version(conn) == 6

        no_of_runs_query = "SELECT max(run_id) FROM runs"
        no_of_runs = one(
            atomic_transaction(conn, no_of_runs_query), 'max(run_id)')
        assert no_of_runs == 10

        for run_id in range(1, no_of_runs + 1):
            json_str = get_run_description(conn, run_id)

            deser = json.loads(json_str)
            assert deser['version'] == 0

            desc = serial.from_json_to_current(json_str)
            assert desc._version == 1
文件: queries.py 项目: asqum/Qcodes
def set_run_timestamp(conn: ConnectionPlus, run_id: int) -> None:
    Set the run_timestamp for the run with the given run_id. If the
    run_timestamp has already been set, a RuntimeError is raised.

    query = """
            SELECT run_timestamp
            FROM runs
            WHERE run_id = ?
    cmd = """
          UPDATE runs
          SET run_timestamp = ?
          WHERE run_id = ?

    with atomic(conn) as conn:
        c = conn.cursor()
        timestamp = one(c.execute(query, (run_id, )), 'run_timestamp')
        if timestamp is not None:
            raise RuntimeError('Can not set run_timestamp; it has already '
                               f'been set to: {timestamp}')
            current_time = time.time()
            c.execute(cmd, (current_time, run_id))
            log.info(f"Set the run_timestamp of run_id {run_id} to "
def load_by_counter(counter: int,
                    exp_id: int,
                    conn: Optional[ConnectionPlus] = None) -> DataSet:
    Load a dataset given its counter in a given experiment

    Lookup is performed in the database file that is specified in the config.

        counter: counter of the dataset within the given experiment
        exp_id: id of the experiment where to look for the dataset
        conn: connection to the database to load from. If not provided, a
          connection to the DB file specified in the config is made

        dataset of the given counter in the given experiment
    conn = conn or connect(get_DB_location())
    sql = """
    SELECT run_id
      result_counter= ? AND
      exp_id = ?
    c = transaction(conn, sql, counter, exp_id)
    run_id = one(c, 'run_id')

    d = DataSet(conn=conn, run_id=run_id)
    return d
def load_by_counter(counter: int, exp_id: int,
                    conn: Optional[ConnectionPlus] = None) -> DataSet:
    Load a dataset given its counter in a given experiment

    Lookup is performed in the database file that is specified in the config.

    Note that the `counter` used in this function in not preserved when copying
    data to another db file. We recommend using :func:`.load_by_run_spec` which
    does not have this issue and is significantly more flexible.

        counter: counter of the dataset within the given experiment
        exp_id: id of the experiment where to look for the dataset
        conn: connection to the database to load from. If not provided, a
          connection to the DB file specified in the config is made

        :class:`.DataSet` of the given counter in the given experiment
    conn = conn or connect(get_DB_location())
    sql = """
    SELECT run_id
      result_counter= ? AND
      exp_id = ?
    c = transaction(conn, sql, counter, exp_id)
    run_id = one(c, 'run_id')

    d = DataSet(conn=conn, run_id=run_id)
    return d
文件: queries.py 项目: asqum/Qcodes
def get_layout_id(conn: ConnectionPlus, parameter: Union[ParamSpec, str],
                  run_id: int) -> int:
    Get the layout id of a parameter in a given run

        conn: The database connection
        parameter: A ParamSpec or the name of the parameter
        run_id: The run_id of the run in question
    # get the parameter layout id
    sql = """
    SELECT layout_id FROM layouts
    WHERE parameter = ?
    and run_id = ?

    if isinstance(parameter, ParamSpec):
        name = parameter.name
    elif isinstance(parameter, str):
        name = parameter
        raise ValueError('Wrong parameter type, must be ParamSpec or str, '
                         f'received {type(parameter)}.')

    c = atomic_transaction(conn, sql, name, run_id)
    res = one(c, 'layout_id')

    return res
def upgrade_5_to_6(conn: ConnectionPlus) -> None:
    Perform the upgrade from version 5 to version 6.

    The upgrade ensures that the runs_description has a top-level entry
    called 'version'. Note that version changes of the runs_description will
    not be tracked as schema upgrades.
    no_of_runs_query = "SELECT max(run_id) FROM runs"
    no_of_runs = one(atomic_transaction(conn, no_of_runs_query), 'max(run_id)')
    no_of_runs = no_of_runs or 0

    # If one run fails, we want the whole upgrade to roll back, hence the
    # entire upgrade is one atomic transaction

    with atomic(conn) as conn:
        pbar = tqdm(range(1, no_of_runs + 1))
        pbar.set_description("Upgrading database, version 5 -> 6")

        empty_idps_ser = InterDependencies()._to_dict()

        for run_id in pbar:
            json_str = get_run_description(conn, run_id)
            if json_str is None:
                new_json = json.dumps({
                    'version': 0,
                    'interdependencies': empty_idps_ser
                ser = json.loads(json_str)
                new_ser = {'version': 0}  # let 'version' be the first entry
                new_ser['interdependencies'] = ser['interdependencies']
                new_json = json.dumps(new_ser)
            update_run_description(conn, run_id, new_json)
def test_perform_actual_upgrade_6_to_7():

    fixpath = os.path.join(fixturepath, 'db_files', 'version6')

    db_file = 'some_runs.db'
    dbname_old = os.path.join(fixpath, db_file)

    if not os.path.exists(dbname_old):
        pytest.skip("No db-file fixtures found. You can generate test db-files"
                    " using the scripts in the "
                    "https://github.com/QCoDeS/qcodes_generate_test_db/ repo")

    with temporarily_copied_DB(dbname_old, debug=False, version=6) as conn:
        assert isinstance(conn, ConnectionPlus)
        assert get_user_version(conn) == 7

        no_of_runs_query = "SELECT max(run_id) FROM runs"
        no_of_runs = one(atomic_transaction(conn, no_of_runs_query),
        assert no_of_runs == 10

        columns = atomic_transaction(conn,
                                     "PRAGMA table_info(runs)").fetchall()
        col_names = [col['name'] for col in columns]

        assert 'captured_run_id' in col_names
        assert 'captured_counter' in col_names

        for run_id in range(1, no_of_runs + 1):
            ds1 = load_by_id(run_id, conn)
            ds2 = load_by_run_spec(captured_run_id=run_id, conn=conn)

            assert ds1.the_same_dataset_as(ds2)

            assert ds1.run_id == run_id
            assert ds1.run_id == ds1.captured_run_id
            assert ds2.run_id == run_id
            assert ds2.run_id == ds2.captured_run_id

        exp_id = 1
        for counter in range(1, no_of_runs + 1):
            ds1 = load_by_counter(counter, exp_id, conn)
            ds2 = load_by_run_spec(captured_counter=counter, conn=conn)

            assert ds1.the_same_dataset_as(ds2)
            assert ds1.counter == counter
            assert ds1.counter == ds1.captured_counter
            assert ds2.counter == counter
            assert ds2.counter == ds2.captured_counter
def fix_version_4a_run_description_bug(conn: ConnectionPlus) -> Dict[str, int]:
    Fix function to fix a bug where the RunDescriber accidentally wrote itself
    to string using the (new) InterDependencies_ object instead of the (old)
    InterDependencies object. After the first run, this function should be

        conn: the connection to the database

        A dict with the fix results ('runs_inspected', 'runs_fixed')

    user_version = get_user_version(conn)

    if not user_version == 4:
        raise RuntimeError('Database of wrong version. Will not apply fix. '
                           'Expected version 4, found version {user_version}')

    no_of_runs_query = "SELECT max(run_id) FROM runs"
    no_of_runs = one(atomic_transaction(conn, no_of_runs_query), 'max(run_id)')
    no_of_runs = no_of_runs or 0

    with atomic(conn) as conn:

        pbar = tqdm(range(1, no_of_runs + 1))
        pbar.set_description("Fixing database")

        # collect some metrics
        runs_inspected = 0
        runs_fixed = 0

        for run_id in pbar:

            desc_str = get_run_description(conn, run_id)
            desc_ser = json.loads(desc_str)
            idps_ser = desc_ser['interdependencies']

            if RunDescriber._is_description_old_style(idps_ser):
                new_desc = RunDescriber.from_json(desc_str)
                update_run_description(conn, run_id, new_desc.to_json())
                runs_fixed += 1

            runs_inspected += 1

    return {'runs_inspected': runs_inspected, 'runs_fixed': runs_fixed}
文件: queries.py 项目: asqum/Qcodes
def get_last_run(conn: ConnectionPlus, exp_id: int) -> Optional[int]:
    Get run_id of the last run in experiment with exp_id

        conn: connection to use for the query
        exp_id: id of the experiment to look inside

        the integer id of the last run or None if there are not runs in the
    query = """
    SELECT run_id, max(run_timestamp), exp_id
    FROM runs
    WHERE exp_id = ?;
    c = atomic_transaction(conn, query, exp_id)
    return one(c, 'run_id')
def perform_db_upgrade_0_to_1(conn: ConnectionPlus) -> None:
    Perform the upgrade from version 0 to version 1

    Add a GUID column to the runs table and assign guids for all existing runs

    sql = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='runs'"
    cur = atomic_transaction(conn, sql)
    n_run_tables = len(cur.fetchall())

    if n_run_tables == 1:
        with atomic(conn) as conn:
            sql = "ALTER TABLE runs ADD COLUMN guid TEXT"
            transaction(conn, sql)
            # now assign GUIDs to existing runs
            cur = transaction(conn, 'SELECT run_id FROM runs')
            run_ids = [r[0] for r in many_many(cur, 'run_id')]

            pbar = tqdm(range(1, len(run_ids) + 1), file=sys.stdout)
            pbar.set_description("Upgrading database; v0 -> v1")

            for run_id in pbar:
                query = f"""
                        SELECT run_timestamp
                        FROM runs
                        WHERE run_id == {run_id}
                cur = transaction(conn, query)
                timestamp = one(cur, 'run_timestamp')
                timeint = int(np.round(timestamp * 1000))
                sql = f"""
                        UPDATE runs
                        SET guid = ?
                        where run_id == {run_id}
                sampleint = 3736062718  # 'deafcafe'
                    (generate_guid(timeint=timeint, sampleint=sampleint), ))
        raise RuntimeError(f"found {n_run_tables} runs tables expected 1")
文件: queries.py 项目: asqum/Qcodes
def get_runid_from_expid_and_counter(conn: ConnectionPlus, exp_id: int,
                                     counter: int) -> int:
    Get the run_id of a run in the specified experiment with the specified

        conn: connection to the database
        exp_id: the exp_id of the experiment containing the run
        counter: the intra-experiment run counter of that run
    sql = """
          SELECT run_id
          FROM runs
          WHERE result_counter= ? AND
          exp_id = ?
    c = transaction(conn, sql, counter, exp_id)
    run_id = one(c, 'run_id')
    return run_id
文件: queries.py 项目: asqum/Qcodes
def add_parameter(conn: ConnectionPlus, formatted_name: str,
                  *parameter: ParamSpec):
    Add parameters to the dataset

    This will update the layouts and dependencies tables

    NOTE: two parameters with the same name are not allowed

        conn: the connection to the sqlite database
        formatted_name: name of the table
        parameter: the list of ParamSpecs for parameters to add
    with atomic(conn) as conn:
        p_names = []
        for p in parameter:
            insert_column(conn, formatted_name, p.name, p.type)
        # get old parameters column from run table
        sql = f"""
        SELECT parameters FROM runs
        WHERE result_table_name=?
        with atomic(conn) as conn:
            c = transaction(conn, sql, formatted_name)
        old_parameters = one(c, 'parameters')
        if old_parameters:
            new_parameters = ",".join([old_parameters] + p_names)
            new_parameters = ",".join(p_names)
        sql = "UPDATE runs SET parameters=? WHERE result_table_name=?"
        with atomic(conn) as conn:
            transaction(conn, sql, new_parameters, formatted_name)

        # Update the layouts table
        c = _add_parameters_to_layout_and_deps(conn, formatted_name,
def upgrade_2_to_3(conn: ConnectionPlus) -> None:
    Perform the upgrade from version 2 to version 3

    Insert a new column, run_description, to the runs table and fill it out
    for exisitng runs with information retrieved from the layouts and
    dependencies tables represented as the json output of a RunDescriber

    no_of_runs_query = "SELECT max(run_id) FROM runs"
    no_of_runs = one(atomic_transaction(conn, no_of_runs_query), 'max(run_id)')
    no_of_runs = no_of_runs or 0

    # If one run fails, we want the whole upgrade to roll back, hence the
    # entire upgrade is one atomic transaction

    with atomic(conn) as conn:
        sql = "ALTER TABLE runs ADD COLUMN run_description TEXT"
        transaction(conn, sql)

        result_tables = _2to3_get_result_tables(conn)
        layout_ids_all = _2to3_get_layout_ids(conn)
        indeps_all = _2to3_get_indeps(conn)
        deps_all = _2to3_get_deps(conn)
        layouts = _2to3_get_layouts(conn)
        dependencies = _2to3_get_dependencies(conn)

        pbar = tqdm(range(1, no_of_runs + 1))
        pbar.set_description("Upgrading database")

        for run_id in pbar:

            if run_id in layout_ids_all:

                result_table_name = result_tables[run_id]
                layout_ids = list(layout_ids_all[run_id])
                if run_id in indeps_all:
                    independents = tuple(indeps_all[run_id])
                    independents = ()
                if run_id in deps_all:
                    dependents = tuple(deps_all[run_id])
                    dependents = ()

                paramspecs = _2to3_get_paramspecs(conn, layout_ids, layouts,
                                                  dependencies, dependents,

                interdeps = InterDependencies(*paramspecs.values())
                desc_dict = {'interdependencies': interdeps._to_dict()}
                json_str = json.dumps(desc_dict)

                desc_dict = {
                    'interdependencies': InterDependencies()._to_dict()
                json_str = json.dumps(desc_dict)

            sql = f"""
                   UPDATE runs
                   SET run_description = ?
                   WHERE run_id == ?
            cur = conn.cursor()
            cur.execute(sql, (json_str, run_id))
            log.debug(f"Upgrade in transition, run number {run_id}: OK")
 def number_of_results(self):
     sql = f'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "{self.table_name}"'
     cursor = atomic_transaction(self.conn, sql)
     return one(cursor, 'COUNT(*)')
文件: queries.py 项目: asqum/Qcodes
def get_paramspec(conn: ConnectionPlus, run_id: int,
                  param_name: str) -> ParamSpec:
    Get the ParamSpec object for the given parameter name
    in the given run

        conn: Connection to the database
        run_id: The run id
        param_name: The name of the parameter

    # get table name
    sql = f"""
    SELECT result_table_name FROM runs WHERE run_id = {run_id}
    c = conn.execute(sql)
    result_table_name = one(c, 'result_table_name')

    # get the data type
    sql = f"""
    PRAGMA TABLE_INFO("{result_table_name}")
    c = conn.execute(sql)
    for row in c.fetchall():
        if row['name'] == param_name:
            param_type = row['type']

    # get everything else

    sql = f"""
    SELECT * FROM layouts
    WHERE parameter="{param_name}" and run_id={run_id}
    c = conn.execute(sql)
    resp = many(c, 'layout_id', 'run_id', 'parameter', 'label', 'unit',
    (layout_id, _, _, label, unit, inferred_from_string) = resp

    if inferred_from_string:
        inferred_from = inferred_from_string.split(', ')
        inferred_from = []

    deps = get_dependencies(conn, layout_id)
    depends_on: Optional[List[str]]
    if len(deps) == 0:
        depends_on = None
        dps: List[int] = [dp[0] for dp in deps]
        ax_nums: List[int] = [dp[1] for dp in deps]
        depends_on = []
        for _, dp in sorted(zip(ax_nums, dps)):
            sql = f"""
            SELECT parameter FROM layouts WHERE layout_id = {dp}
            c = conn.execute(sql)
            depends_on.append(one(c, 'parameter'))

    parspec = ParamSpec(param_name, param_type, label, unit, inferred_from,
    return parspec
def test_perform_actual_upgrade_6_to_newest_add_new_data():
    Insert new runs on top of existing runs upgraded and verify that they
    get the correct captured_run_id and captured_counter
    from qcodes.dataset.measurements import Measurement
    from qcodes.instrument.parameter import Parameter
    import numpy as np

    fixpath = os.path.join(fixturepath, 'db_files', 'version6')

    db_file = 'some_runs.db'
    dbname_old = os.path.join(fixpath, db_file)

    if not os.path.exists(dbname_old):
        pytest.skip("No db-file fixtures found. You can generate test db-files"
                    " using the scripts in the "
                    "https://github.com/QCoDeS/qcodes_generate_test_db/ repo")

    with temporarily_copied_DB(dbname_old, debug=False, version=6) as conn:
        assert isinstance(conn, ConnectionPlus)
        assert get_user_version(conn) >= 7
        no_of_runs_query = "SELECT max(run_id) FROM runs"
        no_of_runs = one(
            atomic_transaction(conn, no_of_runs_query), 'max(run_id)')

        # Now let's insert new runs and ensure that they also get
        # captured_run_id assigned.
        params = []
        for n in range(5):
            params.append(Parameter(f'p{n}', label=f'Parameter {n}',
                                    unit=f'unit {n}', set_cmd=None,

        # Set up an experiment
        exp = new_experiment('some-exp', 'some-sample', conn=conn)
        meas = Measurement(exp=exp)
        meas.register_parameter(params[2], basis=(params[0],))
        meas.register_parameter(params[3], basis=(params[1],))
        meas.register_parameter(params[4], setpoints=(params[2], params[3]))

        # Make a number of identical runs
        for _ in range(10):
            with meas.run() as datasaver:
                for x in np.random.rand(10):
                    for y in np.random.rand(10):
                        z = np.random.rand()
                        datasaver.add_result((params[0], 0),
                                             (params[1], 1),
                                             (params[2], x),
                                             (params[3], y),
                                             (params[4], z))

        no_of_runs_new = one(
            atomic_transaction(conn, no_of_runs_query), 'max(run_id)')
        assert no_of_runs_new == 20

        # check that run_id is equivalent to captured_run_id for new
        # runs
        for run_id in range(no_of_runs, no_of_runs_new + 1):
            ds1 = load_by_id(run_id, conn)
            ds2 = load_by_run_spec(captured_run_id=run_id, conn=conn)

            assert ds1.the_same_dataset_as(ds2)

            assert ds1.run_id == run_id
            assert ds1.run_id == ds1.captured_run_id
            assert ds2.run_id == run_id
            assert ds2.run_id == ds2.captured_run_id

        # we are creating a new experiment into a db with one exp so:
        exp_id = 2

        # check that counter is equivalent to captured_counter for new
        # runs
        for counter in range(1, no_of_runs_new - no_of_runs + 1):
            ds1 = load_by_counter(counter, exp_id, conn)
            # giving only the counter is not unique since we have 2 experiments
            with pytest.raises(NameError, match="More than one"
                                                " matching dataset"):
                load_by_run_spec(captured_counter=counter, conn=conn)
            # however we can supply counter and experiment
            ds2 = load_by_run_spec(captured_counter=counter,

            assert ds1.the_same_dataset_as(ds2)
            assert ds1.counter == counter
            assert ds1.counter == ds1.captured_counter
            assert ds2.counter == counter
            assert ds2.counter == ds2.captured_counter
def test_perform_upgrade_v3_to_v4():
    Test that a db upgrade from v2 to v4 works correctly.

    v3fixpath = os.path.join(fixturepath, 'db_files', 'version3')

    dbname_old = os.path.join(v3fixpath, 'some_runs_upgraded_2.db')

    if not os.path.exists(dbname_old):
        pytest.skip("No db-file fixtures found. You can generate test db-files"
                    " using the scripts in the "
                    "https://github.com/QCoDeS/qcodes_generate_test_db/ repo")

    with temporarily_copied_DB(dbname_old, debug=False, version=3) as conn:

        assert get_user_version(conn) == 3

        sql = f"""
              SELECT run_description
              FROM runs
              WHERE run_id == 1


        c = atomic_transaction(conn, sql)
        json_str = one(c, 'run_description')

        unversioned_dict = json.loads(json_str)
        idp = InterDependencies._from_dict(

        assert isinstance(idp, InterDependencies)

        p0 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if p.name == 'p0'][0]
        assert p0.depends_on == ''
        assert p0.depends_on_ == []
        assert p0.inferred_from == ''
        assert p0.inferred_from_ == []
        assert p0.label == "Parameter 0"
        assert p0.unit == "unit 0"

        p1 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if p.name == 'p1'][0]
        assert p1.depends_on == ''
        assert p1.depends_on_ == []
        assert p1.inferred_from == ''
        assert p1.inferred_from_ == []
        assert p1.label == "Parameter 1"
        assert p1.unit == "unit 1"

        p2 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if p.name == 'p2'][0]
        assert p2.depends_on == ''
        assert p2.depends_on_ == []
        assert p2.inferred_from == 'p0'
        assert p2.inferred_from_ == ['p0']
        assert p2.label == "Parameter 2"
        assert p2.unit == "unit 2"

        p3 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if p.name == 'p3'][0]
        assert p3.depends_on == ''
        assert p3.depends_on_ == []
        assert p3.inferred_from == 'p1, p0'
        assert p3.inferred_from_ == ['p1', 'p0']
        assert p3.label == "Parameter 3"
        assert p3.unit == "unit 3"

        p4 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if p.name == 'p4'][0]
        assert p4.depends_on == 'p2, p3'
        assert p4.depends_on_ == ['p2', 'p3']
        assert p4.inferred_from == ''
        assert p4.inferred_from_ == []
        assert p4.label == "Parameter 4"
        assert p4.unit == "unit 4"

        p5 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if p.name == 'p5'][0]
        assert p5.depends_on == ''
        assert p5.depends_on_ == []
        assert p5.inferred_from == 'p0'
        assert p5.inferred_from_ == ['p0']
        assert p5.label == "Parameter 5"
        assert p5.unit == "unit 5"
def test_perform_actual_upgrade_2_to_3_some_runs():

    v2fixpath = os.path.join(fixturepath, 'db_files', 'version2')

    dbname_old = os.path.join(v2fixpath, 'some_runs.db')

    if not os.path.exists(dbname_old):
        pytest.skip("No db-file fixtures found. You can generate test db-files"
                    " using the scripts in the"
                    "https://github.com/QCoDeS/qcodes_generate_test_db/ repo")

    with temporarily_copied_DB(dbname_old, debug=False, version=2) as conn:

        assert get_user_version(conn) == 2


        desc_query = 'SELECT run_description FROM runs'

        c = atomic_transaction(conn, desc_query)
        assert len(c.fetchall()) == 10

        # retrieve the json string and recreate the object

        sql = f"""
              SELECT run_description
              FROM runs
              WHERE run_id == 1
        c = atomic_transaction(conn, sql)
        json_str = one(c, 'run_description')

        unversioned_dict = json.loads(json_str)
        idp = InterDependencies._from_dict(
        assert isinstance(idp, InterDependencies)

        # here we verify that the dependencies encoded in
        # tests/dataset/legacy_DB_generation/generate_version_2.py
        # are recovered

        p0 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if p.name == 'p0'][0]
        assert p0.depends_on == ''
        assert p0.depends_on_ == []
        assert p0.inferred_from == ''
        assert p0.inferred_from_ == []
        assert p0.label == "Parameter 0"
        assert p0.unit == "unit 0"

        p1 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if p.name == 'p1'][0]
        assert p1.depends_on == ''
        assert p1.depends_on_ == []
        assert p1.inferred_from == ''
        assert p1.inferred_from_ == []
        assert p1.label == "Parameter 1"
        assert p1.unit == "unit 1"

        p2 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if p.name == 'p2'][0]
        assert p2.depends_on == ''
        assert p2.depends_on_ == []
        assert p2.inferred_from == 'p0'
        assert p2.inferred_from_ == ['p0']
        assert p2.label == "Parameter 2"
        assert p2.unit == "unit 2"

        p3 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if p.name == 'p3'][0]
        assert p3.depends_on == ''
        assert p3.depends_on_ == []
        assert p3.inferred_from == 'p1, p0'
        assert p3.inferred_from_ == ['p1', 'p0']
        assert p3.label == "Parameter 3"
        assert p3.unit == "unit 3"

        p4 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if p.name == 'p4'][0]
        assert p4.depends_on == 'p2, p3'
        assert p4.depends_on_ == ['p2', 'p3']
        assert p4.inferred_from == ''
        assert p4.inferred_from_ == []
        assert p4.label == "Parameter 4"
        assert p4.unit == "unit 4"

        p5 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if p.name == 'p5'][0]
        assert p5.depends_on == ''
        assert p5.depends_on_ == []
        assert p5.inferred_from == 'p0'
        assert p5.inferred_from_ == ['p0']
        assert p5.label == "Parameter 5"
        assert p5.unit == "unit 5"
def upgrade_3_to_4(conn: ConnectionPlus) -> None:
    Perform the upgrade from version 3 to version 4. This really
    repeats the version 3 upgrade as it originally had two bugs in
    the inferred annotation. inferred_from was passed incorrectly
    resulting in the parameter being marked inferred_from for each char
    in the inferred_from variable and inferred_from was not handled
    correctly for parameters that were neither dependencies nor dependent on
    other parameters. Both have since been fixed so rerun the upgrade.

    no_of_runs_query = "SELECT max(run_id) FROM runs"
    no_of_runs = one(atomic_transaction(conn, no_of_runs_query), 'max(run_id)')
    no_of_runs = no_of_runs or 0

    # If one run fails, we want the whole upgrade to roll back, hence the
    # entire upgrade is one atomic transaction

    with atomic(conn) as conn:

        result_tables = _2to3_get_result_tables(conn)
        layout_ids_all = _2to3_get_layout_ids(conn)
        indeps_all = _2to3_get_indeps(conn)
        deps_all = _2to3_get_deps(conn)
        layouts = _2to3_get_layouts(conn)
        dependencies = _2to3_get_dependencies(conn)

        pbar = tqdm(range(1, no_of_runs + 1), file=sys.stdout)
        pbar.set_description("Upgrading database; v3 -> v4")

        for run_id in pbar:

            if run_id in layout_ids_all:

                result_table_name = result_tables[run_id]
                layout_ids = list(layout_ids_all[run_id])
                if run_id in indeps_all:
                    independents = tuple(indeps_all[run_id])
                    independents = ()
                if run_id in deps_all:
                    dependents = tuple(deps_all[run_id])
                    dependents = ()

                paramspecs = _2to3_get_paramspecs(conn, layout_ids, layouts,
                                                  dependencies, dependents,

                interdeps = InterDependencies(*paramspecs.values())
                desc_dict = {'interdependencies': interdeps._to_dict()}
                json_str = json.dumps(desc_dict)

                desc_dict = {
                    'interdependencies': InterDependencies()._to_dict()
                json_str = json.dumps(desc_dict)

            sql = f"""
                   UPDATE runs
                   SET run_description = ?
                   WHERE run_id == ?
            cur = conn.cursor()
            cur.execute(sql, (json_str, run_id))
            log.debug(f"Upgrade in transition, run number {run_id}: OK")
def test_perform_upgrade_v2_v3_to_v4_fixes():
    Test that a db that was upgraded from v2 to v3 with a buggy
    version will be corrected when upgraded to v4.

    v3fixpath = os.path.join(fixturepath, 'db_files', 'version3')

    dbname_old = os.path.join(v3fixpath, 'some_runs_upgraded_2.db')

    if not os.path.exists(dbname_old):
        pytest.skip("No db-file fixtures found. You can generate test db-files"
                    " using the scripts in the"
                    " https://github.com/QCoDeS/qcodes_generate_test_db/ repo")

    with temporarily_copied_DB(dbname_old, debug=False, version=3) as conn:

        assert get_user_version(conn) == 3

        sql = f"""
              SELECT run_description
              FROM runs
              WHERE run_id == 1
        c = atomic_transaction(conn, sql)
        json_str = one(c, 'run_description')

        desc = RunDescriber.from_json(json_str)
        idp = desc.interdeps
        assert isinstance(idp, InterDependencies)

        p0 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if p.name == 'p0'][0]
        assert p0.depends_on == ''
        assert p0.depends_on_ == []
        assert p0.inferred_from == ''
        assert p0.inferred_from_ == []
        assert p0.label == "Parameter 0"
        assert p0.unit == "unit 0"

        p1 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if p.name == 'p1'][0]
        assert p1.depends_on == ''
        assert p1.depends_on_ == []
        assert p1.inferred_from == ''
        assert p1.inferred_from_ == []
        assert p1.label == "Parameter 1"
        assert p1.unit == "unit 1"

        p2 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if p.name == 'p2'][0]
        assert p2.depends_on == ''
        assert p2.depends_on_ == []
        # the 2 lines below are wrong due to the incorrect upgrade from
        # db version 2 to 3
        assert p2.inferred_from == 'p, 0'
        assert p2.inferred_from_ == ['p', '0']
        assert p2.label == "Parameter 2"
        assert p2.unit == "unit 2"

        p3 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if p.name == 'p3'][0]
        assert p3.depends_on == ''
        assert p3.depends_on_ == []
        # the 2 lines below are wrong due to the incorrect upgrade from
        # db version 2 to 3
        assert p3.inferred_from == 'p, 1, ,,  , p, 0'
        assert p3.inferred_from_ == ['p', '1', ',', ' ', 'p', '0']
        assert p3.label == "Parameter 3"
        assert p3.unit == "unit 3"

        p4 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if p.name == 'p4'][0]
        assert p4.depends_on == 'p2, p3'
        assert p4.depends_on_ == ['p2', 'p3']
        assert p4.inferred_from == ''
        assert p4.inferred_from_ == []
        assert p4.label == "Parameter 4"
        assert p4.unit == "unit 4"

        p5 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if p.name == 'p5'][0]
        assert p5.depends_on == ''
        assert p5.depends_on_ == []
        # the 2 lines below are wrong due to the incorrect upgrade from
        # db version 2 to 3. Here the interdep is missing
        assert p5.inferred_from == ''
        assert p5.inferred_from_ == []
        assert p5.label == "Parameter 5"
        assert p5.unit == "unit 5"


        c = atomic_transaction(conn, sql)
        json_str = one(c, 'run_description')

        desc = RunDescriber.from_json(json_str)
        idp = desc.interdeps
        assert isinstance(idp, InterDependencies)

        p0 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if p.name == 'p0'][0]
        assert p0.depends_on == ''
        assert p0.depends_on_ == []
        assert p0.inferred_from == ''
        assert p0.inferred_from_ == []
        assert p0.label == "Parameter 0"
        assert p0.unit == "unit 0"

        p1 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if p.name == 'p1'][0]
        assert p1.depends_on == ''
        assert p1.depends_on_ == []
        assert p1.inferred_from == ''
        assert p1.inferred_from_ == []
        assert p1.label == "Parameter 1"
        assert p1.unit == "unit 1"

        p2 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if p.name == 'p2'][0]
        assert p2.depends_on == ''
        assert p2.depends_on_ == []
        assert p2.inferred_from == 'p0'
        assert p2.inferred_from_ == ['p0']
        assert p2.label == "Parameter 2"
        assert p2.unit == "unit 2"

        p3 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if p.name == 'p3'][0]
        assert p3.depends_on == ''
        assert p3.depends_on_ == []
        assert p3.inferred_from == 'p1, p0'
        assert p3.inferred_from_ == ['p1', 'p0']
        assert p3.label == "Parameter 3"
        assert p3.unit == "unit 3"

        p4 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if p.name == 'p4'][0]
        assert p4.depends_on == 'p2, p3'
        assert p4.depends_on_ == ['p2', 'p3']
        assert p4.inferred_from == ''
        assert p4.inferred_from_ == []
        assert p4.label == "Parameter 4"
        assert p4.unit == "unit 4"

        p5 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if p.name == 'p5'][0]
        assert p5.depends_on == ''
        assert p5.depends_on_ == []
        assert p5.inferred_from == 'p0'
        assert p5.inferred_from_ == ['p0']
        assert p5.label == "Parameter 5"
        assert p5.unit == "unit 5"
def get_user_version(conn: ConnectionPlus) -> int:
    curr = atomic_transaction(conn, 'PRAGMA user_version')
    res = one(curr, 0)
    return res
文件: queries.py 项目: asqum/Qcodes
def get_parameter_data(conn: ConnectionPlus,
                       table_name: str,
                       columns: Sequence[str] = (),
                       start: Optional[int] = None,
                       end: Optional[int] = None) -> \
        Dict[str, Dict[str, np.ndarray]]:
    Get data for one or more parameters and its dependencies. The data
    is returned as numpy arrays within 2 layers of nested dicts. The keys of
    the outermost dict are the requested parameters and the keys of the second
    level are the loaded parameters (requested parameter followed by its
    dependencies). Start and End allows one to specify a range of rows to
    be returned (1-based indexing, both ends are included). The range filter
    is applied AFTER the NULL values have been filtered out.
    Be aware that different parameters that are independent of each other
    may return a different number of rows.

    Note that this assumes that all array type parameters have the same length.
    This should always be the case for a parameter and its dependencies.

    Note that all numeric data will at the moment be returned as floating point

        conn: database connection
        table_name: name of the table
        columns: list of columns. If no columns are provided, all parameters
            are returned.
        start: start of range; if None, then starts from the top of the table
        end: end of range; if None, then ends at the bottom of the table
    sql = """
    SELECT run_id FROM runs WHERE result_table_name = ?
    c = atomic_transaction(conn, sql, table_name)
    run_id = one(c, 'run_id')

    output = {}
    if len(columns) == 0:
        columns = get_non_dependencies(conn, run_id)

    # loop over all the requested parameters
    for output_param in columns:
        # find all the dependencies of this param
        paramspecs = get_parameter_dependencies(conn, output_param, run_id)
        param_names = [param.name for param in paramspecs]
        types = [param.type for param in paramspecs]

        res = get_parameter_tree_values(conn,

        # if we have array type parameters expand all other parameters
        # to arrays
        if 'array' in types and ('numeric' in types or 'text' in types
                                 or 'complex' in types):
            first_array_element = types.index('array')
            numeric_elms = [i for i, x in enumerate(types) if x == "numeric"]
            complex_elms = [i for i, x in enumerate(types) if x == 'complex']
            text_elms = [i for i, x in enumerate(types) if x == "text"]
            for row in res:
                for element in numeric_elms:
                    row[element] = np.full_like(row[first_array_element],
                    # todo should we handle int/float types here
                    # we would in practice have to perform another
                    # loop to check that all elements of a given can be cast to
                    # int without loosing precision before choosing an integer
                    # representation of the array
                for element in complex_elms:
                    row[element] = np.full_like(row[first_array_element],
                for element in text_elms:
                    strlen = len(row[element])
                    row[element] = np.full_like(row[first_array_element],

        # Benchmarking shows that transposing the data with python types is
        # faster than transposing the data using np.array.transpose
        res_t = map(list, zip(*res))
        output[output_param] = {
            name: np.array(column_data)
            for name, column_data in zip(param_names, res_t)

    return output
文件: queries.py 项目: asqum/Qcodes
def get_setpoints(conn: ConnectionPlus, table_name: str,
                  param_name: str) -> Dict[str, List[List[Any]]]:
    Get the setpoints for a given dependent parameter

        conn: Connection to the database
        table_name: Name of the table that holds the data
        param_name: Name of the parameter to get the setpoints of

        A list of returned setpoint values. Each setpoint return value
        is a list of lists of Any. The first list is a list of run points,
        the second list is a list of parameter values.
    # TODO: We do this in no less than 5 table lookups, surely
    # this number can be reduced

    # get run_id
    sql = """
    SELECT run_id FROM runs WHERE result_table_name = ?
    c = atomic_transaction(conn, sql, table_name)
    run_id = one(c, 'run_id')

    # get the parameter layout id
    sql = """
    SELECT layout_id FROM layouts
    WHERE parameter = ?
    and run_id = ?
    c = atomic_transaction(conn, sql, param_name, run_id)
    layout_id = one(c, 'layout_id')

    # get the setpoint layout ids
    sql = """
    SELECT independent FROM dependencies
    WHERE dependent = ?
    c = atomic_transaction(conn, sql, layout_id)
    indeps = many_many(c, 'independent')
    indeps = [idp[0] for idp in indeps]

    # get the setpoint names
    sql = f"""
    SELECT parameter FROM layouts WHERE layout_id
    IN {str(indeps).replace('[', '(').replace(']', ')')}
    c = atomic_transaction(conn, sql)
    setpoint_names_temp = many_many(c, 'parameter')
    setpoint_names = [spn[0] for spn in setpoint_names_temp]
    setpoint_names = cast(List[str], setpoint_names)

    # get the actual setpoint data
    output: Dict[str, List[List[Any]]] = {}
    for sp_name in setpoint_names:
        sql = f"""
        SELECT {sp_name}
        FROM "{table_name}"
        WHERE {param_name} IS NOT NULL
        c = atomic_transaction(conn, sql)
        sps = many_many(c, sp_name)
        output[sp_name] = sps

    return output