def test_invalid_locations(): '''Test that the check is able to handle invalid locations.''' p = fakeProfile([0], [0], latitude=-91, longitude=10) qc = las.test(p, None) assert np.all(qc), 'Latitude < -90 not handled correctly' p = fakeProfile([0], [0], latitude=91, longitude=10) qc = las.test(p, None) assert np.all(qc), 'Latitude > 90 not handled correctly' p = fakeProfile([0], [0], latitude=0, longitude=-181) qc = las.test(p, None) assert np.all(qc), 'Longitude < -180 not handled correctly' p = fakeProfile([0], [0], latitude=0, longitude=361) qc = las.test(p, None) assert np.all(qc), 'Longitude > 360 not handled correctly' p = fakeProfile([0], [0], latitude=0, longitude=-180) qc = las.test(p, None) assert np.all(qc == False), 'Latitude == -180 not handled correctly'
def test_coast_point(): '''Check that the test correctly handles a point right on the coast.''' p = fakeProfile([0], [0], latitude=-4.1, longitude=-38.15) qc = las.test(p, None) assert np.all(qc == False), 'Coast point not handled correctly'
def test_land_point(): '''Check that the test correctly handles a land point.''' p = fakeProfile([0], [0], latitude=-4.10566666667, longitude=-39) qc = las.test(p, None) assert np.all(qc == True), 'Land point not handled correctly'
def test_ocean_point(): '''Check that the test correctly handles an ocean point.''' p = fakeProfile([0], [0], latitude=4.10566666667, longitude=-38.0133333333) qc = las.test(p, None) assert np.all(qc == False), 'Ocean point not handled correctly'