def interpolate_wswd(ds_in, x1, ds_out, x2):
     Interpolate wind speed and direction by converting them to U and V
     components first, doing the interpolation and then converting back
     to wind speed and direction.
    Side effects
    Author: PRI
    Date: December 2017
    # get the number of records in the output data
    nrecs = ds_out.globalattributes["nc_nrecs"]
    f0 = numpy.zeros(nrecs, dtype=numpy.int32)
    f1 = numpy.ones(nrecs, dtype=numpy.int32)
    # local pointer to the output datetime
    ldt = qcutils.GetVariable(ds_out, "DateTime")
    # create empty variables for the output dara
    Ws_out = qcutils.create_empty_variable("Ws", nrecs, datetime=ldt["Data"])
    Wd_out = qcutils.create_empty_variable("Wd", nrecs, datetime=ldt["Data"])
    U_out = qcutils.create_empty_variable("u", nrecs, datetime=ldt["Data"])
    V_out = qcutils.create_empty_variable("v", nrecs, datetime=ldt["Data"])
    # get the input wind speed and direction
    Ws_in = qcutils.GetVariable(ds_in, "Ws")
    Wd_in = qcutils.GetVariable(ds_in, "Wd")
    # covert to U and V components
    U_in, V_in = qcutils.convert_WSWDtoUV(Ws_in, Wd_in)
    # interpolate the components to the output time stamp
    U_out["Data"] = interpolate_1d(x1, U_in["Data"], x2)
    V_out["Data"] = interpolate_1d(x1, V_in["Data"], x2)
    # add the QC flag and update variable attributes
    U_out["Flag"] = numpy.ma.where(numpy.ma.getmaskarray(U_out["Data"])==True, f1, f0)
    V_out["Flag"] = numpy.ma.where(numpy.ma.getmaskarray(V_out["Data"])==True, f1, f0)
    U_out["Attr"]["long_name"] = "U component of wind velocity, postive east"
    U_out["Attr"]["units"] = "m/s"
    V_out["Attr"]["long_name"] = "V component of wind velocity, postive north"
    V_out["Attr"]["units"] = "m/s"
    # write the U and V components to the output data structure
    qcutils.CreateVariable(ds_out, U_out)
    qcutils.CreateVariable(ds_out, V_out)
    # convert the interpolated components to wind speed and direction
    Ws_out, Wd_out = qcutils.convert_UVtoWSWD(U_out, V_out)
    # add the Qc flag and update the variable attributes
    Ws_out["Flag"] = numpy.ma.where(numpy.ma.getmaskarray(Ws_out["Data"])==True, f1, f0)
    Wd_out["Flag"] = numpy.ma.where(numpy.ma.getmaskarray(Wd_out["Data"])==True, f1, f0)
    Ws_out["Attr"] = copy.deepcopy(Ws_in["Attr"])
    Wd_out["Attr"] = copy.deepcopy(Wd_in["Attr"])
    # write the wind speed and direction into the output data structure
    qcutils.CreateVariable(ds_out, Ws_out)
    qcutils.CreateVariable(ds_out, Wd_out)
def interpolate_precip(ds_in, x1, ds_out, x2):
     Transfer precipitation data from one time stamp to another.
     Interpolating precipitation does not make sense since interpolation
     will change the total amount of the precipitation and because
     precipitation is very intermittent, we do not know how it will
     behave at the missing times.  Instead of interpolation, we assign
     all of the precipitation total at the input time stamp to the
     matching output time stamp.
     That the input time stamps are a subset of the output time stamps.
    Side effects:
    Author: PRI
    Date: December 2017
    nrecs = ds_out.globalattributes["nc_nrecs"]
    # local pointer to the output datetime
    ldt = qcutils.GetVariable(ds_out, "DateTime")
    # just assign any precipitation to the ISD time stamp.
    precip_out = qcutils.create_empty_variable("Precip", nrecs, datetime=ldt["Data"])
    # zero the data array
    precip_out["Data"] = precip_out["Data"] * float(0)
    precip_in = qcutils.GetVariable(ds_in, "Precip")
    # get indices of elements where the times match
    idx = numpy.searchsorted(x2, numpy.intersect1d(x2, x1))
    precip_out["Data"][idx] = precip_in["Data"]
    precip_out["Flag"] = numpy.zeros(nrecs, dtype=numpy.int32)
    precip_out["Attr"] = copy.deepcopy(precip_in["Attr"])
    qcutils.CreateVariable(ds_out, precip_out)
def interpolate_ds(ds_in, ts):
     Interpolate the contents of a data structure onto a different time step.
    Author: PRI
    Date: June 2017
    logger.info("Interpolating data")
    # instance the output data structure
    ds_out = qcio.DataStructure()
    # copy the global attributes
    ds_out.globalattributes = copy.deepcopy(ds_in.globalattributes)
    # add the time step
    ds_out.globalattributes["time_step"] = str(ts)
    # generate a regular time series at the required time step
    dt = ds_in.series["DateTime"]["Data"]
    dt0 = qcutils.rounddttots(dt[0], ts=ts)
    if dt0 < dt[0]:
        dt0 = dt0 + datetime.timedelta(minutes=ts)
    dt1 = qcutils.rounddttots(dt[-1], ts=ts)
    if dt1 > dt[-1]:
        dt1 = dt1 - datetime.timedelta(minutes=ts)
    idt = [result for result in qcutils.perdelta(dt0, dt1, datetime.timedelta(minutes=ts))]
    x1 = numpy.array([toTimestamp(dt[i]) for i in range(len(dt))])
    x2 = numpy.array([toTimestamp(idt[i]) for i in range(len(idt))])
    # loop over the series in the data structure and interpolate
    flag = numpy.zeros(len(idt), dtype=numpy.int32)
    attr = {"long_name":"Datetime", "units":"none"}
    ldt_var = {"Label":"DateTime", "Data":idt, "Flag":flag, "Attr":attr}
    qcutils.CreateVariable(ds_out, ldt_var)
    nrecs = len(idt)
    ds_out.globalattributes["nc_nrecs"] = nrecs
    # first, we do the air temperature, dew point temperature and surface pressure
    f0 = numpy.zeros(nrecs, dtype=numpy.int32)
    f1 = numpy.ones(nrecs, dtype=numpy.int32)
    for label in ["Ta", "Td", "ps", "RH", "Ah", "q"]:
        var_out = qcutils.create_empty_variable(label, nrecs, datetime=idt)
        var_in = qcutils.GetVariable(ds_in, label)
        var_out["Data"] = interpolate_1d(x1, var_in["Data"], x2)
        var_out["Flag"] = numpy.where(numpy.ma.getmaskarray(var_out["Data"])==True, f1, f0)
        var_out["Attr"] = copy.deepcopy(var_in["Attr"])
        qcutils.CreateVariable(ds_out, var_out)
    # now clamp the dew point so that TD <= TA
    Ta = qcutils.GetVariable(ds_out, "Ta")
    Td = qcutils.GetVariable(ds_out, "Td")
    Td["Data"] = numpy.ma.where(Td["Data"]<=Ta["Data"], x=Td["Data"], y=Ta["Data"])
    qcutils.CreateVariable(ds_out, Td)
    # now we do wind speed and direction by converting to U and V components
    interpolate_wswd(ds_in, x1, ds_out, x2)
    # and lastly, do precipitation
    interpolate_precip(ds_in, x1, ds_out, x2)

    return ds_out
     ds_all.globalattributes["latitude_"+isd_site_id] = ds_out[i].globalattributes["latitude"]
     ds_all.globalattributes["longitude_"+isd_site_id] = ds_out[i].globalattributes["longitude"]
     ds_all.globalattributes["altitude_"+isd_site_id] = ds_out[i].globalattributes["altitude"]
     # now copy the variables
     # first, we get the indices of matching datetimes
     ldt_one = ds_out[i].series["DateTime"]["Data"]
     idx = numpy.searchsorted(ldt_all, numpy.intersect1d(ldt_all, ldt_one))
     # then we get a list of the variables to copy
     labels = [label for label in ds_out[i].series.keys() if label not in ["DateTime"]]
     # and then we loop over the variables to be copied
     for label in labels:
         # read the data out of the ISD site data structure
         var_out = qcutils.GetVariable(ds_out[i], label)
         # create an empty output variable with a number, unique to each ISD station,
         # appended to the label
         var_all = qcutils.create_empty_variable(label+"_"+str(i), nrecs)
         # copy the variable attributes
         var_all["Attr"] = copy.deepcopy(var_out["Attr"])
         # add the ISD site ID
         var_all["Attr"]["isd_site_id"] = isd_site_id
         # copy the data and flag onto the matching times
         var_all["Data"][idx] = var_out["Data"]
         var_all["Flag"][idx] = var_out["Flag"]
         # put the data, flag and attributes into the all-in-one data structure
         qcutils.CreateVariable(ds_all, var_all)
 # write the netCDF file with the combined data for this year
 if len(fluxnet_id) == 0:
     nc_dir_path = os.path.join(out_base_path,site,"Data","ISD")
     nc_file_name = site+"_ISD_"+str(year)+".nc"
     nc_dir_path = os.path.join(out_base_path,fluxnet_id,"Data","ISD")
     # now copy the variables
     # first, we get the indices of matching datetimes
     ldt_one = ds_out[i].series["DateTime"]["Data"]
     idx = numpy.searchsorted(ldt_all,
                              numpy.intersect1d(ldt_all, ldt_one))
     # then we get a list of the variables to copy
     series_list = ds_out[i].series.keys()
     # and remove the datetime
     if "DateTime" in series_list:
     # and then we loop over the variables to be copied
     for label in series_list:
         # append a number, unique to each ISD station, to the variable label
         all_label = label + "_" + str(i)
         # create empty data and flag arrays
         variable = qcutils.create_empty_variable(all_label, nrecs)
         # read the data out of the ISD site data structure
         data, flag, attr = qcutils.GetSeriesasMA(ds_out[i], label)
         # add the ISD site ID
         attr["isd_site_id"] = isd_site_id
         # put the data, flag and attributes into the all-in-one data structure
         ds_all.series[all_label]["Data"][idx] = data
         ds_all.series[all_label]["Flag"][idx] = flag
         ds_all.series[all_label]["Attr"] = copy.deepcopy(attr)
 # write the netCDF file with the combined data for this year
 if len(fluxnet_id) == 0: