def parseBib(filename, language): pp.ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(" \n\t") entry = returnList(pp.Word('@', pp.alphanums) + sl('{') + pp.Word(pp.alphanums + "_") + sl(',') + CommaList(returnTuple(pp.Word(pp.alphanums) + sl('=') + pp.QuotedString('{', endQuoteChar = '}'))) + pp.Suppress(pp.Optional(',')) + sl('}')) r = (pp.ZeroOrMore(entry) | pp.Suppress('#' + pp.ZeroOrMore(pp.CharsNotIn('\n'))) + pp.StringEnd()).parseFile(filename) bibliography = QOpen(os.path.join(language, "bibliography.rst"), 'wt') print >>bibliography, "Bibliography" print >>bibliography, "============" print >>bibliography for _,e in sorted([(str(x[1]), x) for x in r]): (etype, tag, attrs) = str(e[0][1:]), str(e[1]), dict([(str(a), str(b)) for (a,b) in e[2]]) representations = { 'article' : '$author, "$title". $journal $volume $number, pp $pages ($year)', 'inproceedings' : '$author "$title", $booktitle, $year', 'misc' : '$author "$title", $year', 'techreport' : '$author "$title", $edition, $edition ($year)', } if etype in representations: if 0: print >>bibliography, tag print >>bibliography, "^" * len(tag) print >>bibliography print >>bibliography, ".. [%s] %s" % (tag, Template(representations[etype]).safe_substitute(attrs)) print >>bibliography bibliography.close()
def cmd_chapter(self, c): filename = str(c.params[0]).lower().replace(' ', '_').replace('/', '_') self.f_index.write(" %s\n" % filename) self.f_chapter = QOpen(os.path.join(self.language, filename + '.rst'), 'wt') self.f_section = None self.f = self.f_chapter self.indent = 0 title = str(c.params[0]) print >> self, '*' * len(title) print >> self, title print >> self, '*' * len(title) print >> self self.chapter_intoc = False
def cmd_section(self, c): filename = str(c.params[0]).lower().replace(' ', '_').replace('/', '_') if len(self.cur_module) > 0: filename = self.cur_module + "_" + filename if not self.chapter_intoc: self.chapter_intoc = True print >> self.f_chapter print >> self.f_chapter, '.. toctree::' print >> self.f_chapter, ' :maxdepth: 2' print >> self.f_chapter self.f_chapter.write(" %s\n" % filename) self.f_section = QOpen(os.path.join(self.language, filename + '.rst'), 'wt') self.f = self.f_section self.indent = 0 title = self.render(c.params[0].str) print >> self, title print >> self, '=' * len(title) print >> self print >> self, '.. highlight:: %s' % { 'c': 'c', 'cpp': 'cpp', 'py': 'python' }[self.language] print >> self
def __init__(self, filename, language, abspath): assert language in ['py', 'c', 'cpp'] self.language = language self.abspath = abspath os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(filename)) self.f_index = QOpen(os.path.join(self.language, filename), 'wt') self.f = self.f_index self.f_chapter = None self.f_section = None self.indent = 0 self.state = None self.envstack = [] self.tags = {} self.errors = open('errors.%s' % language, 'wt') self.unhandled_commands = set() self.freshline = True self.function_props = {} self.covered = set() # covered functions, used for error report self.description = ""
def parseBib(filename, language): pp.ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(" \n\t") entry = returnList( pp.Word('@', pp.alphanums) + sl('{') + pp.Word(pp.alphanums + "_") + sl(',') + CommaList( returnTuple( pp.Word(pp.alphanums) + sl('=') + pp.QuotedString('{', endQuoteChar='}'))) + pp.Suppress(pp.Optional(',')) + sl('}')) r = (pp.ZeroOrMore(entry) | pp.Suppress('#' + pp.ZeroOrMore(pp.CharsNotIn('\n'))) + pp.StringEnd()).parseFile(filename) bibliography = QOpen(os.path.join(language, "bibliography.rst"), 'wt') print >> bibliography, "Bibliography" print >> bibliography, "============" print >> bibliography for _, e in sorted([(str(x[1]), x) for x in r]): (etype, tag, attrs) = str(e[0][1:]), str(e[1]), dict([ (str(a), str(b)) for (a, b) in e[2] ]) representations = { 'article': '$author, "$title". $journal $volume $number, pp $pages ($year)', 'inproceedings': '$author "$title", $booktitle, $year', 'misc': '$author "$title", $year', 'techreport': '$author "$title", $edition, $edition ($year)', } if etype in representations: if 0: print >> bibliography, tag print >> bibliography, "^" * len(tag) print >> bibliography print >> bibliography, ".. [%s] %s" % ( tag, Template(representations[etype]).safe_substitute(attrs)) print >> bibliography bibliography.close()
def cmd_chapter(self, c): filename = str(c.params[0]).lower().replace(' ', '_').replace('/','_').replace('.','_') self.f_index.write(" %s\n" % filename) self.f_chapter = QOpen(os.path.join(self.language, filename + '.rst'), 'wt') self.f_section = None self.f = self.f_chapter self.indent = 0 title = str(c.params[0]) print >>self, '*' * len(title) print >>self, title print >>self, '*' * len(title) print >>self self.chapter_intoc = False
class SphinxWriter: def __init__(self, filename, language, abspath): assert language in ['py', 'c', 'cpp'] self.language = language self.abspath = abspath os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(filename)) self.f_index = QOpen(os.path.join(self.language, filename), 'wt') self.f = self.f_index self.f_chapter = None self.f_section = None self.indent = 0 self.state = None self.envstack = [] self.tags = {} self.errors = open('errors.%s' % language, 'wt') self.unhandled_commands = set() self.freshline = True self.function_props = {} self.covered = set() # covered functions, used for error report self.description = "" self.cur_module = "" def write(self, s): self.freshline = len(s) > 0 and (s[-1] == '\n') self.f.write(s.replace('\n', '\n' + self.indent * " ")) def appendspace(self): """ append a space to the output - if we're not at the start of a line """ if not self.freshline: self.write(' ') def doplain(self, s): if (len(s) > 1) and (s[0] == '$' and s[-1] == '$') and self.state != 'math': s = ":math:`%s`" % s[1:-1].strip() elif self.state != 'math': s.replace('\\_', '_') if len(s) > 0 and s[-1] == '\n': s = s[:-1] if self.state == 'fpreamble': self.description += s else: self.write(s) def docmd(self, c): if self.state == 'math': if c.cmd != ']': self.default_cmd(c) else: self.indent -= 1 self.state = None self.write('\n\n') else: if c.cmd == '\n': self.write('\\\n') else: if c.cmd == '[': meth = self.cmd_gomath else: cname = "cmd_" + c.cmd meth = getattr(self, cname, self.unrecognized_cmd) meth(c) def cmd_gomath(self, c): self.state = 'math' print >>self, "\n\n.. math::" self.indent += 1 print >>self def cmd_chapter(self, c): filename = str(c.params[0]).lower().replace(' ', '_').replace('/','_').replace('.','_') self.f_index.write(" %s\n" % filename) self.f_chapter = QOpen(os.path.join(self.language, filename + '.rst'), 'wt') self.f_section = None self.f = self.f_chapter self.indent = 0 title = str(c.params[0]) print >>self, '*' * len(title) print >>self, title print >>self, '*' * len(title) print >>self self.chapter_intoc = False def cmd_section(self, c): filename = str(c.params[0]).lower().replace(' ', '_').replace('/','_') if len(self.cur_module) > 0: filename = self.cur_module + "_" + filename if not self.chapter_intoc: self.chapter_intoc = True print >>self.f_chapter print >>self.f_chapter, '.. toctree::' print >>self.f_chapter, ' :maxdepth: 2' print >>self.f_chapter self.f_chapter.write(" %s\n" % filename) self.f_section = QOpen(os.path.join(self.language, filename + '.rst'), 'wt') self.f = self.f_section self.indent = 0 title = self.render(c.params[0].str) print >>self, title print >>self, '=' * len(title) print >>self print >>self, '.. highlight:: %s' % {'c': 'c', 'cpp': 'cpp', 'py': 'python'}[self.language] print >>self def cmd_subsection(self, c): print >>self nm = str(c.params[0]) print >>self, nm print >>self, '-' * len(nm) print >>self self.function_props = {} self.covered.add(nm) def cmd_includegraphics(self, c): filename = os.path.join('..', '..', str(c.params[0])) print >>self, "\n\n.. image:: %s\n\n" % filename def cmd_renewcommand(self, c): self.indent = 0 command = self.render(c.params[0].str) if command == 'curModule': self.cur_module = self.render(c.params[1].str) def wikiLink(self, name): return '`id=%s Comments from the Wiki <>`__' % (random(), self.language, self.cur_module, urllib.quote(name) ) def cmd_cvCppCross(self, c): self.write(":func:`%s`" % str(c.params[0])) def cmd_cvCPyCross(self, c): self.write(":ref:`%s`" % str(c.params[0])) def cmd_cross(self, c): self.write(":ref:`%s`" % str(c.params[0])) def cmd_cvCross(self, c): self.write(":ref:`%s`" % str(c.params[0])) def cmd_cvclass(self, c): self.indent = 0 self.state = None nm = self.render(list(c.params[0].str)) print >>self, "\n.. index:: %s\n" % nm print >>self, ".. _%s:\n" % nm print >>self, nm print >>self, '-' * len(nm) print >>self print >>self, self.wikiLink(nm) print >>self if self.language == 'py': print >>self, ".. class:: " + nm + "\n" else: print >>self, ".. ctype:: " + nm + "\n" print >>self self.addtag(nm, c) self.state = 'class' def cmd_index(self, c): pass def cmd_hyperref(self, c): pass def cmd_footnote(self, c): pass def cmd_textasciitilde(self, c): self.write('~') def addtag(self, nm, c): if nm == "": self.report_error(c, "empty name") self.tags[nm] = "%s\t%s\t%d" % (nm, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), c.filename), c.lineno) def cmd_cvfunc(self, c): self.cmd_cvCPyFunc(c) def cmd_cvCPyFunc(self, c): self.indent = 0 nm = self.render(c.params[0].str) print >>self, "\n.. index:: %s\n" % nm print >>self, ".. _%s:\n" % nm print >>self, nm print >>self, '-' * len(nm) print >>self print >>self, self.wikiLink(nm) print >>self self.state = 'fpreamble' if self.description != "": self.report_error(c, "overflow - preceding cvfunc (starting %s) not terminated?" % repr(self.description[:30])) self.description = "" self.addtag(nm, c) self.function_props = {'name' : nm} self.covered.add(nm) def cmd_cvCppFunc(self, c): self.indent = 0 nm = self.render(c.params[0].str) print >>self, "\n.. index:: %s\n" % nm if 0: print >>self, "\n.. _%s:\n" % nm print >>self print >>self, 'cv::%s' % nm print >>self, '-' * (4+len(nm)) print >>self print >>self, self.wikiLink(nm) print >>self self.state = 'fpreamble' if self.description != "": self.report_error(c, "overflow - preceding cvfunc (starting %s) not terminated?" % repr(self.description[:30])) self.description = "" self.addtag(nm, c) self.function_props = {'name' : nm} self.covered.add(nm) def cmd_cvdefC(self, c): if self.language != 'c': return s = str(c.params[0]).replace('\\_', '_') s = s.replace('\\par', '') s = s.replace('\n', ' ') s = s.replace(';', '') self.indent = 0 for proto in s.split('\\newline'): if proto.strip() != "": print >>self, "\n\n.. cfunction:: " + proto.strip() + "\n" # print >>self, "=", repr(c.params[0].str) print >>self, ' ' + self.description self.description = "" print >>self self.state = None self.function_props['defpy'] = s def cmd_cvdefCpp(self, c): if self.language != 'cpp': return s = str(c.params[0]).replace('\\_', '_') s = s.replace('\\par', '') s = s.replace('\n', ' ') s = s.replace(';', '') self.indent = 0 for proto in s.split('\\newline'): if proto.strip() != "": print >>self, "\n\n.. cfunction:: " + proto.strip() + "\n" # print >>self, "=", repr(c.params[0].str) if self.description != "": print >>self, ' ' + self.description else: self.report_error(c, 'empty description') self.description = "" print >>self self.state = None self.function_props['defpy'] = s def cmd_cvdefPy(self, c): if self.language != 'py': return s = str(c.params[0]).replace('\\_', '_') self.indent = 0 print >>self, ".. function:: " + s + "\n" # print >>self, "=", repr(c.params[0].str) print >>self, ' ' + self.description print >>self self.description = "" self.state = None self.function_props['defpy'] = s pp.ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(" \n\t") ident = pp.Word(pp.alphanums + "_.+-") ident_or_tuple = ident | (sl('(') + CommaList(ident) + sl(')')) initializer = ident_or_tuple arg = returnList(ident + pp.Optional(sl('=') + initializer)) decl = ident + sl('(') + CommaList(arg) + sl(')') + sl("->") + ident_or_tuple + pp.StringEnd() try: l = decl.parseString(s) if str(l[0]) != self.function_props['name']: self.report_error(c, 'Decl "%s" does not match function name "%s"' % (str(l[0]), self.function_props['name'])) self.function_props['signature'] = l if l[0] in python_api: (ins, outs) = python_api[l[0]] ins = [a for a in ins if not 'O' in a.flags] if outs != None: outs = outs.split(',') if len(ins) != len(l[1]): self.report_error(c, "function %s documented arity %d, code arity %d" % (l[0], len(l[1]), len(ins))) if outs == None: if l[2] != 'None': self.report_error(c, "function %s documented None, but code has %s" % (l[0], l[2])) else: if isinstance(l[2], str): doc_outs = [l[2]] else: doc_outs = l[2] if len(outs) != len(doc_outs): self.report_error(c, "function %s output code tuple %d, documented %d" % (l[0], len(outs), len(doc_outs))) else: # self.report_error(c, "function %s documented but not found in code" % l[0]) pass except pp.ParseException, pe: self.report_error(c, str(pe)) print s print pe
class SphinxWriter: def __init__(self, filename, language, abspath): assert language in ['py', 'c', 'cpp'] self.language = language self.abspath = abspath os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(filename)) self.f_index = QOpen(os.path.join(self.language, filename), 'wt') self.f = self.f_index self.f_chapter = None self.f_section = None self.indent = 0 self.state = None self.envstack = [] self.tags = {} self.errors = open('errors.%s' % language, 'wt') self.unhandled_commands = set() self.freshline = True self.function_props = {} self.covered = set() # covered functions, used for error report self.description = "" def write(self, s): self.freshline = len(s) > 0 and (s[-1] == '\n') self.f.write(s.replace('\n', '\n' + self.indent * " ")) def appendspace(self): """ append a space to the output - if we're not at the start of a line """ if not self.freshline: self.write(' ') def doplain(self, s): if (len(s) > 1) and (s[0] == '$' and s[-1] == '$') and self.state != 'math': s = ":math:`%s`" % s[1:-1].strip() elif self.state != 'math': s.replace('\\_', '_') if len(s) > 0 and s[-1] == '\n': s = s[:-1] if self.state == 'fpreamble': self.description += s else: self.write(s) def docmd(self, c): if self.state == 'math': if c.cmd != ']': self.default_cmd(c) else: self.indent -= 1 self.state = None self.write('\n\n') else: if c.cmd == '\n': self.write('\\\n') else: if c.cmd == '[': meth = self.cmd_gomath else: cname = "cmd_" + c.cmd meth = getattr(self, cname, self.unrecognized_cmd) meth(c) def cmd_gomath(self, c): self.state = 'math' print >> self, "\n\n.. math::" self.indent += 1 print >> self def cmd_chapter(self, c): filename = str(c.params[0]).lower().replace(' ', '_').replace('/', '_') self.f_index.write(" %s\n" % filename) self.f_chapter = QOpen(os.path.join(self.language, filename + '.rst'), 'wt') self.f_section = None self.f = self.f_chapter self.indent = 0 title = str(c.params[0]) print >> self, '*' * len(title) print >> self, title print >> self, '*' * len(title) print >> self self.chapter_intoc = False def cmd_section(self, c): filename = str(c.params[0]).lower().replace(' ', '_').replace('/', '_') if not self.chapter_intoc: self.chapter_intoc = True print >> self.f_chapter print >> self.f_chapter, '.. toctree::' print >> self.f_chapter, ' :maxdepth: 2' print >> self.f_chapter self.f_chapter.write(" %s\n" % filename) self.f_section = QOpen(os.path.join(self.language, filename + '.rst'), 'wt') self.f = self.f_section self.indent = 0 title = self.render(c.params[0].str) print >> self, title print >> self, '=' * len(title) print >> self print >> self, '.. highlight:: %s' % { 'c': 'c', 'cpp': 'cpp', 'py': 'python' }[self.language] print >> self def cmd_subsection(self, c): print >> self nm = str(c.params[0]) print >> self, nm print >> self, '-' * len(nm) print >> self self.function_props = {} self.covered.add(nm) def cmd_includegraphics(self, c): filename = os.path.join('..', '..', str(c.params[0])) print >> self, "\n\n.. image:: %s\n\n" % filename def cmd_cvCppCross(self, c): self.write(":func:`%s`" % str(c.params[0])) def cmd_cvCPyCross(self, c): self.write(":ref:`%s`" % str(c.params[0])) def cmd_cross(self, c): self.write(":ref:`%s`" % str(c.params[0])) def cmd_cvCross(self, c): self.write(":ref:`%s`" % str(c.params[0])) def cmd_cvclass(self, c): self.indent = 0 self.state = None nm = self.render(list(c.params[0].str)) print >> self, "\n.. index:: %s\n" % nm print >> self, ".. _%s:\n" % nm print >> self, nm print >> self, '-' * len(nm) print >> self if self.language == 'py': print >> self, ".. class:: " + nm + "\n" else: print >> self, ".. ctype:: " + nm + "\n" print >> self self.addtag(nm, c) self.state = 'class' def cmd_index(self, c): pass def cmd_hyperref(self, c): pass def cmd_footnote(self, c): pass def cmd_textasciitilde(self, c): self.write('~') def addtag(self, nm, c): if nm == "": self.report_error(c, "empty name") self.tags[nm] = "%s\t%s\t%d" % ( nm, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), c.filename), c.lineno) def cmd_cvfunc(self, c): self.cmd_cvCPyFunc(c) def cmd_cvCPyFunc(self, c): self.indent = 0 nm = self.render(c.params[0].str) print >> self, "\n.. index:: %s\n" % nm print >> self, ".. _%s:\n" % nm print >> self, nm print >> self, '-' * len(nm) print >> self self.state = 'fpreamble' if self.description != "": self.report_error( c, "overflow - preceding cvfunc (starting %s) not terminated?" % repr(self.description[:30])) self.description = "" self.addtag(nm, c) self.function_props = {'name': nm} self.covered.add(nm) def cmd_cvCppFunc(self, c): self.indent = 0 nm = self.render(c.params[0].str) print >> self, "\n.. index:: %s\n" % nm if 0: print >> self, "\n.. _%s:\n" % nm print >> self print >> self, 'cv::%s' % nm print >> self, '-' * (4 + len(nm)) print >> self self.state = 'fpreamble' if self.description != "": self.report_error( c, "overflow - preceding cvfunc (starting %s) not terminated?" % repr(self.description[:30])) self.description = "" self.addtag(nm, c) self.function_props = {'name': nm} self.covered.add(nm) def cmd_cvdefC(self, c): if self.language != 'c': return s = str(c.params[0]).replace('\\_', '_') s = s.replace('\\par', '') s = s.replace('\n', ' ') s = s.replace(';', '') self.indent = 0 for proto in s.split('\\newline'): if proto.strip() != "": print >> self, "\n\n.. cfunction:: " + proto.strip() + "\n" # print >>self, "=", repr(c.params[0].str) print >> self, ' ' + self.description self.description = "" print >> self self.state = None self.function_props['defpy'] = s def cmd_cvdefCpp(self, c): if self.language != 'cpp': return s = str(c.params[0]).replace('\\_', '_') s = s.replace('\\par', '') s = s.replace('\n', ' ') s = s.replace(';', '') self.indent = 0 for proto in s.split('\\newline'): if proto.strip() != "": print >> self, "\n\n.. cfunction:: " + proto.strip() + "\n" # print >>self, "=", repr(c.params[0].str) if self.description != "": print >> self, ' ' + self.description else: self.report_error(c, 'empty description') self.description = "" print >> self self.state = None self.function_props['defpy'] = s def cmd_cvdefPy(self, c): if self.language != 'py': return s = str(c.params[0]).replace('\\_', '_') self.indent = 0 print >> self, ".. function:: " + s + "\n" # print >>self, "=", repr(c.params[0].str) print >> self, ' ' + self.description print >> self self.description = "" self.state = None self.function_props['defpy'] = s pp.ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(" \n\t") ident = pp.Word(pp.alphanums + "_.+-") ident_or_tuple = ident | (sl('(') + CommaList(ident) + sl(')')) initializer = ident_or_tuple arg = returnList(ident + pp.Optional(sl('=') + initializer)) decl = ident + sl('(') + CommaList(arg) + sl(')') + sl( "->") + ident_or_tuple + pp.StringEnd() try: l = decl.parseString(s) if str(l[0]) != self.function_props['name']: self.report_error( c, 'Decl "%s" does not match function name "%s"' % (str(l[0]), self.function_props['name'])) self.function_props['signature'] = l if l[0] in python_api: (ins, outs) = python_api[l[0]] ins = [a for a in ins if not 'O' in a.flags] if outs != None: outs = outs.split(',') if len(ins) != len(l[1]): self.report_error( c, "function %s documented arity %d, code arity %d" % (l[0], len(l[1]), len(ins))) if outs == None: if l[2] != 'None': self.report_error( c, "function %s documented None, but code has %s" % (l[0], l[2])) else: if isinstance(l[2], str): doc_outs = [l[2]] else: doc_outs = l[2] if len(outs) != len(doc_outs): self.report_error( c, "function %s output code tuple %d, documented %d" % (l[0], len(outs), len(doc_outs))) else: # self.report_error(c, "function %s documented but not found in code" % l[0]) pass except pp.ParseException, pe: self.report_error(c, str(pe)) print s print pe