def test_max_cuts_negative_fails():
    """Tests the circuit-to-ordering conversion."""
    qubits = [cirq.GridQubit(0, 0), cirq.GridQubit(0, 1)]
    size = 4
    for x in range(size):
        qubits.append([cirq.GridQubit(x, y) for y in range(size)])

    moments = (cirq.Moment([cirq.CZ(qubits[0], qubits[1])]),
               cirq.Moment([cirq.CZ(qubits[0], qubits[1])]))
    circuit = cirq.Circuit(moments)

    # max_cuts cannot be less than zero.
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        order_lib.circuit_to_ordering(circuit=circuit, max_cuts=-1)
def test_max_cuts_zero_succeeds():
    """Tests the circuit-to-ordering conversion."""
    qubits = [cirq.GridQubit(0, 0), cirq.GridQubit(0, 1)]
    size = 4
    for x in range(size):
        qubits.append([cirq.GridQubit(x, y) for y in range(size)])

    moments = (cirq.Moment([cirq.CZ(qubits[0], qubits[1])]),
               cirq.Moment([cirq.CZ(qubits[0], qubits[1])]))
    circuit = cirq.Circuit(moments)

    # max_cuts of zero will generate an ordering.
    order = order_lib.circuit_to_ordering(circuit=circuit, max_cuts=0)
    assert len(order) > 1
def test_automatic_ordering():

    test_size = 2
    test_circuit = generate_circuit(size=test_size)

    # This is a known order
    order = order_lib.circuit_to_ordering(test_circuit)

    # Now I am creating a QFlexOrder
    qorder = QFlexOrder(qflex_order_strings=None,

    read_contents = None
    with open(qorder.order_data, "r") as file:
        read_contents = "".join(file.readlines())

    assert (read_contents.strip() == "\n".join(order).strip())
    def __init__(self,

        if (qflex_order_strings is None) and (cirq_circuit is None):
            # TODO: More serious checking
            raise ValueError("No order specified to constructor!")

        if (cirq_circuit
                is not None) and (not isinstance(cirq_circuit, cirq.Circuit)):
            raise ValueError("Order accepts only QFlexCircuits")

        ord_list = qflex_order_strings
        if cirq_circuit is not None:

            if qubits is None:
                raise ValueError("Qubits have to be specified!")

            # The device has to be QFlex
            # qubits = qflex_circuit.device.get_indexed_grid_qubits()
            # List of ordering commands
            print("Ordering is being computed from the provided circuit ...")
            ord_list = auto_order.circuit_to_ordering(
                cirq_circuit, qubit_names=sorted(qubits))
            print("... Done!")

        # Long string of ordering commands
        _local_order_string = '\n'.join([x.strip() for x in ord_list])

        # Behind the scene, this class creates a temporary file for each object
        self.temp_file_if = tmpi.DataStorageInterface()

        with open(self.temp_file_if.fullpath, "w") as f:
            # I do have the file handle anyway...
            print(_local_order_string, file=f)
def test_circuit_to_ordering():
    """Tests the circuit-to-ordering conversion.

  This is mostly a change-detecting test, as the heuristic is known to be
  non-optimal. If this test fails, verify that the new output is an improvement
  over the old output (either in time or memory cost) and update the test.
    qubits = []
    size = 4
    for x in range(size):
        qubits.append([cirq.GridQubit(x, y) for y in range(size)])


    # Build moments with ISWAPs and CZs on each adjacent pair of qubits.
    # Each bond has a pseudorandom dimension between 2 and 5:
    # (Dots represent qubits, numbers are bond dimension, and Xs are cuts)
    #  .3.4.5.         Canonical qubit numbering goes in row-major order:
    #  5 5 2 4           - The top-left qubit, (0, 0), is index 0.
    #  .2.2.2.           - The top-right qubit, (0, 3), is index 3.
    #  X 5 4 5           - The bottom-left qubit, (3, 0), is index 12.
    #  .4.2.4.
    #  4 3 3 4
    #  .3.X.5.
    # ISWAPs add 2 to the bond dimension, and CZs add 1.
    moments = ()
    for x in range(size - 1):
        for y in range(size):
            r = random.randint(2, 5)
            while r > 1:
                moments += (cirq.Moment(
                    [cirq.ISWAP(qubits[x][y], qubits[x + 1][y])]), )
                r -= 2
            while r > 0:
                moments += (cirq.Moment(
                    [cirq.CZ(qubits[x][y], qubits[x + 1][y])]), )
                r -= 1
    for y in range(size - 1):
        for x in range(size):
            r = random.randint(2, 5)
            while r > 1:
                moments += (cirq.Moment(
                    [cirq.ISWAP(qubits[x][y], qubits[x][y + 1])]), )
                r -= 2
            while r > 0:
                moments += (cirq.Moment(
                    [cirq.CZ(qubits[x][y], qubits[x][y + 1])]), )
                r -= 1

    circuit = cirq.Circuit(moments)
    order = order_lib.circuit_to_ordering(circuit=circuit, max_cuts=2)
    # Log the ordering file for debugging purposes.
    assert len(order) == 39
    # The order of these two operations doesn't matter, and cuts may have their
    # indices Iswapped.
    # cut bond (cirq.GridQubit(3, 1), cirq.GridQubit(3, 2)) of dim 16
    cut1 = set(["cut () 13 14", "cut () 14 13"])
    # cut bond (cirq.GridQubit(1, 0), cirq.GridQubit(2, 0)) of dim 4
    cut2 = set(["cut () 9 10", "cut () 10 9"])
    # approximate fidelity: 1.0
    assert cut1.intersection(set([order[1], order[3]]))
    assert cut2.intersection(set([order[1], order[3]]))
    # These are the lines with commands.
    command_indices = [
        6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30, 32
    order5_33 = [order[i] for i in command_indices]
    assert order5_33 == [
        # 1: ['ISWAP((3, 2), (3, 3))', 'ISWAP((3, 2), (3, 3))', 'CZ((3, 2), (3, 3))']
        "expand A 14",
        "expand A 15",
        # 2: ['ISWAP((0, 0), (1, 0))', 'ISWAP((0, 0), (1, 0))', 'CZ((0, 0), (1, 0))']
        "expand B 0",
        "expand B 4",
        # 3: ['ISWAP((0, 2), (0, 3))', 'ISWAP((0, 2), (0, 3))', 'CZ((0, 2), (0, 3))']
        "expand C 2",
        "expand C 3",
        # 4: ['ISWAP((2, 3), (3, 3))', 'ISWAP((2, 3), (3, 3))']
        "expand A 11",
        # 5: ['ISWAP((2, 2), (2, 3))', 'ISWAP((2, 2), (2, 3))', 'ISWAP((2, 2), (3, 2))', 'CZ((2, 2), (3, 2))']
        "expand A 10",
        # 6: ['ISWAP((1, 3), (2, 3))', 'ISWAP((1, 3), (2, 3))', 'CZ((1, 3), (2, 3))']
        "expand A 7",
        # 7: ['ISWAP((1, 2), (2, 2))', 'ISWAP((1, 2), (2, 2))', 'ISWAP((1, 2), (1, 3))']
        "expand A 6",
        # 8: ['ISWAP((0, 2), (1, 2))', 'ISWAP((0, 3), (1, 3))', 'ISWAP((0, 3), (1, 3))']
        "merge A C",
        # 9: ['ISWAP((0, 1), (0, 2))', 'ISWAP((0, 1), (0, 2))']
        "expand C 1",
        # 10: ['ISWAP((0, 1), (1, 1))', 'ISWAP((0, 1), (1, 1))', 'CZ((0, 1), (1, 1))', 'ISWAP((1, 1), (1, 2))']
        "expand C 5",
        # 11: ['ISWAP((2, 0), (3, 0))', 'ISWAP((2, 0), (3, 0))']
        "expand D 8",
        "expand D 12",
        # 12: ['ISWAP((0, 0), (0, 1))', 'CZ((0, 0), (0, 1))', 'ISWAP((1, 0), (1, 1))']
        "merge B C"
    # The order of these two operations doesn't matter.
    # 13: ['ISWAP((1, 0), (2, 0))', 'ISWAP((1, 0), (2, 0))', 'CZ((1, 0), (2, 0))']
    # 14: ['ISWAP((1, 1), (2, 1))', 'ISWAP((1, 1), (2, 1))', 'CZ((1, 1), (2, 1))', 'ISWAP((2, 0), (2, 1))', 'ISWAP((2, 0), (2, 1))']
    assert (["expand C 9", "merge C D"] == [order[34], order[36]]
            or ["merge C D", "expand D 9"] == [order[34], order[36]])
    # 15: ['ISWAP((2, 1), (3, 1))', 'CZ((2, 1), (3, 1))', 'ISWAP((3, 0), (3, 1))', 'CZ((3, 0), (3, 1))']
    assert order[38] == "expand D 13"
expand B 10
expand B 11
expand B 12
expand B 13
expand B 14
expand B 15

merge A B

# Simulate circuit
qubits = utils.GetGridQubits(StringIO(grid_test))
circuit = utils.GetCircuit(StringIO(circuit_test), qubits)
circuit_no_h_and_sparse = utils.GetCircuit(
    StringIO(circuit_no_h_and_sparse_test), qubits)
auto_ordering = auto_order.circuit_to_ordering(circuit,
results = cirq.Simulator().simulate(circuit)
results_no_h_and_sparse = cirq.Simulator().simulate(circuit_no_h_and_sparse)

@pytest.mark.parametrize('m', ['1kB', '10B', '1', 1 << 10, 10, 1, '1kMB'])
def test_memory_limit(m):

    # Get configuration as a string
    final_conf = '0' * len(qubits)

    options = {
        'circuit': circuit_test.split('\n'),
        'ordering': ordering_test.split('\n'),
        'grid': grid_test.split('\n'),