def loadTxt(self): try: filePath, __ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileNameAndFilter( self, 'Select tab or space delimited text file containing station and elevation data' ) # QGIS2 (using this rather than getOpenFileName will avoid opening a dialog twice) except: filePath, __ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, 'Select tab or space delimited text file containing station and elevation data' ) # fix_print_with_import print(filePath) try: self.staElev = np.loadtxt(filePath) self.inputFile.setText(filePath) self.calcType = 'UD' self.doIrregularProfileFlowEstimator() except: if (filePath == ('')): # null string for cancel return QMessageBox.warning( self, 'Error', 'Please check that the text file is space or tab delimited and does not contain header information' )
def chooseInputFile(self): vectorFormats = QgsProviderRegistry.instance().fileVectorFilters() # get last used dir and format settings = QSettings() lastDir = settings.value("/db_manager/lastUsedDir", "") lastVectorFormat = settings.value("/UI/lastVectorFileFilter", "") # ask for a filename (filename, lastVectorFormat) = QFileDialog.getOpenFileNameAndFilter(self,"Choose the file to import"), lastDir, vectorFormats, lastVectorFormat) if filename == "": return # store the last used dir and format settings.setValue("/db_manager/lastUsedDir", QFileInfo(filename).filePath()) settings.setValue("/UI/lastVectorFileFilter", lastVectorFormat) self.cboInputLayer.setEditText(filename)