def loadComposersFromProject( self, doc ): ''' Load composers from project document ''' composerNodeList = doc.elementsByTagName( "Composer" ); i = 0 while i < composerNodeList.size() : composerElem = title = composerElem.attribute( "title" ) visible = composerElem.attribute( "visible" ) composition = QgsComposition( self.canvas.mapSettings() ); compositionNodeList = composerElem.elementsByTagName( "Composition" ) if compositionNodeList.size() > 0 : compositionElem = 0 ).toElement(); composition.readXML( compositionElem, doc ); atlasElem = composerElem.firstChildElement( "Atlas" ); composition.atlasComposition().readXML( atlasElem, doc ); composition.addItemsFromXML( composerElem, doc ); composition.atlasComposition().readXMLMapSettings( atlasElem, doc ); self.composers.append({ 'title': title, 'visible': visible, 'composition': composition }) i += 1
def printToPdf(self, params): self.check_required_params(params) with change_directory(self.project_root): crs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem() crs.createFromSrid(params.get('srs')) mapRenderer = QgsMapRenderer() mapUnits = crs.mapUnits() mapRenderer.setMapUnits(mapUnits) mapExtent = QgsRectangle(*params.get('bbox')) mapRenderer.setExtent(mapExtent) le = QgsPalLabeling() mapRenderer.setLabelingEngine(le) layers = params.get('layers') self.setTransparencies(layers, params.get('transparencies')) mapRenderer.setLayerSet(layers) composer = ( self.getLayoutbyName(params['layout']) .firstChildElement('Composition') ) comp = QgsComposition(mapRenderer) comp.setPlotStyle(QgsComposition.Print) comp.readXML(composer, self.doc) # read composition elements comp.addItemsFromXML(composer, self.doc) comp.setPrintResolution(90) # set bbox for the first Map in the layout comp_map = comp.getComposerMapById(0) comp_map.setNewExtent(QgsRectangle(*params.get('bbox'))) # comp_map.setNewScale(10000) # comp_map.setLayerSet(layers) # comp_map.setKeepLayerSet(True) # save the file comp.exportAsPDF(params['tmpFile'] + '.pdf')
def composers(projectfile, mapsettings): with open(projectfile) as f: xml = doc = QDomDocument() doc.setContent(xml) nodes = doc.elementsByTagName("Composer") for nodeid in range(nodes.count()): node = name = node.attribute("title") compositionnodes = doc.elementsByTagName("Composition") if compositionnodes.count() == 0: continue compositionelm = comp = QgsComposition(mapsettings) comp.readXML(compositionelm, doc) atlaselm = node.firstChildElement("Atlas") comp.atlasComposition().readXML(atlaselm, doc) comp.addItemsFromXML(node, doc) comp.refreshZList() yield name, comp
class Map(): """A class for creating a map.""" def __init__(self, iface): """Constructor for the Map class. :param iface: Reference to the QGIS iface object. :type iface: QgsAppInterface """ LOGGER.debug('InaSAFE Map class initialised') self.iface = iface self.layer = iface.activeLayer() self.keywordIO = KeywordIO() self.printer = None self.composition = None self.legend = None self.pageWidth = 210 # width in mm self.pageHeight = 297 # height in mm self.pageDpi = 300.0 self.pageMargin = 10 # margin in mm self.verticalSpacing = 1 # vertical spacing between elements self.showFramesFlag = False # intended for debugging use only # make a square map where width = height = page width self.mapHeight = self.pageWidth - (self.pageMargin * 2) self.mapWidth = self.mapHeight self.disclaimer ='InaSAFE has been jointly developed by' ' BNPB, AusAid & the World Bank') def tr(self, string): """We implement this since we do not inherit QObject. :param string: String for translation. :type string: QString, str :returns: Translated version of theString. :rtype: QString """ # noinspection PyCallByClass,PyTypeChecker,PyArgumentList return QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate('Map', string) def set_impact_layer(self, layer): """Set the layer that will be used for stats, legend and reporting. :param layer: Layer that will be used for stats, legend and reporting. :type layer: QgsMapLayer, QgsRasterLayer, QgsVectorLayer """ self.layer = layer def setup_composition(self): """Set up the composition ready for drawing elements onto it.""" LOGGER.debug('InaSAFE Map setupComposition called') myCanvas = self.iface.mapCanvas() myRenderer = myCanvas.mapRenderer() self.composition = QgsComposition(myRenderer) self.composition.setPlotStyle(QgsComposition.Print) # or preview self.composition.setPaperSize(self.pageWidth, self.pageHeight) self.composition.setPrintResolution(self.pageDpi) self.composition.setPrintAsRaster(True) def compose_map(self): """Place all elements on the map ready for printing.""" self.setup_composition() # Keep track of our vertical positioning as we work our way down # the page placing elements on it. myTopOffset = self.pageMargin self.draw_logo(myTopOffset) myLabelHeight = self.draw_title(myTopOffset) # Update the map offset for the next row of content myTopOffset += myLabelHeight + self.verticalSpacing myComposerMap = self.draw_map(myTopOffset) self.draw_scalebar(myComposerMap, myTopOffset) # Update the top offset for the next horizontal row of items myTopOffset += self.mapHeight + self.verticalSpacing - 1 myImpactTitleHeight = self.draw_impact_title(myTopOffset) # Update the top offset for the next horizontal row of items if myImpactTitleHeight: myTopOffset += myImpactTitleHeight + self.verticalSpacing + 2 self.draw_legend(myTopOffset) self.draw_host_and_time(myTopOffset) self.draw_disclaimer() def render(self): """Render the map composition to an image and save that to disk. :returns: A three-tuple of: * str: myImagePath - absolute path to png of rendered map * QImage: myImage - in memory copy of rendered map * QRectF: myTargetArea - dimensions of rendered map :rtype: tuple """ LOGGER.debug('InaSAFE Map renderComposition called') # NOTE: we ignore self.composition.printAsRaster() and always rasterise myWidth = int(self.pageDpi * self.pageWidth / 25.4) myHeight = int(self.pageDpi * self.pageHeight / 25.4) myImage = QtGui.QImage(QtCore.QSize(myWidth, myHeight), QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32) myImage.setDotsPerMeterX(dpi_to_meters(self.pageDpi)) myImage.setDotsPerMeterY(dpi_to_meters(self.pageDpi)) # Only works in Qt4.8 #myImage.fill(QtGui.qRgb(255, 255, 255)) # Works in older Qt4 versions myImage.fill(55 + 255 * 256 + 255 * 256 * 256) myImagePainter = QtGui.QPainter(myImage) mySourceArea = QtCore.QRectF(0, 0, self.pageWidth, self.pageHeight) myTargetArea = QtCore.QRectF(0, 0, myWidth, myHeight) self.composition.render(myImagePainter, myTargetArea, mySourceArea) myImagePainter.end() myImagePath = unique_filename(prefix='mapRender_', suffix='.png', dir=temp_dir()) return myImagePath, myImage, myTargetArea def make_pdf(self, filename): """Generate the printout for our final map. :param filename: Path on the file system to which the pdf should be saved. If None, a generated file name will be used. :type filename: str :returns: File name of the output file (equivalent to filename if provided). :rtype: str """ LOGGER.debug('InaSAFE Map printToPdf called') if filename is None: myMapPdfPath = unique_filename( prefix='report', suffix='.pdf', dir=temp_dir('work')) else: # We need to cast to python string in case we receive a QString myMapPdfPath = str(filename) self.compose_map() self.printer = setup_printer(myMapPdfPath) _, myImage, myRectangle = self.render() myPainter = QtGui.QPainter(self.printer) myPainter.drawImage(myRectangle, myImage, myRectangle) myPainter.end() return myMapPdfPath def draw_logo(self, top_offset): """Add a picture containing the logo to the map top left corner :param top_offset: Vertical offset at which the logo should be drawn. :type top_offset: int """ myLogo = QgsComposerPicture(self.composition) myLogo.setPictureFile(':/plugins/inasafe/bnpb_logo.png') myLogo.setItemPosition(self.pageMargin, top_offset, 10, 10) myLogo.setFrameEnabled(self.showFramesFlag) myLogo.setZValue(1) # To ensure it overlays graticule markers self.composition.addItem(myLogo) def draw_title(self, top_offset): """Add a title to the composition. :param top_offset: Vertical offset at which the logo should be drawn. :type top_offset: int :returns: The height of the label as rendered. :rtype: float """ LOGGER.debug('InaSAFE Map drawTitle called') myFontSize = 14 myFontWeight = QtGui.QFont.Bold myItalicsFlag = False myFont = QtGui.QFont('verdana', myFontSize, myFontWeight, myItalicsFlag) myLabel = QgsComposerLabel(self.composition) myLabel.setFont(myFont) myHeading ='InaSAFE - Indonesia Scenario Assessment' ' for Emergencies') myLabel.setText(myHeading) myLabel.adjustSizeToText() myLabelHeight = 10.0 # determined using qgis map composer myLabelWidth = 170.0 # item - position and size...option myLeftOffset = self.pageWidth - self.pageMargin - myLabelWidth myLabel.setItemPosition(myLeftOffset, top_offset - 2, # -2 to push it up a little myLabelWidth, myLabelHeight, ) myLabel.setFrameEnabled(self.showFramesFlag) self.composition.addItem(myLabel) return myLabelHeight def draw_map(self, top_offset): """Add a map to the composition and return the composer map instance. :param top_offset: Vertical offset at which the logo should be drawn. :type top_offset: int :returns: The composer map. :rtype: QgsComposerMap """ LOGGER.debug('InaSAFE Map drawMap called') myMapWidth = self.mapWidth myComposerMap = QgsComposerMap( self.composition, self.pageMargin, top_offset, myMapWidth, self.mapHeight) #myExtent = self.iface.mapCanvas().extent() # The dimensions of the map canvas and the print composer map may # differ. So we set the map composer extent using the canvas and # then defer to the map canvas's map extents thereafter # Update: disabled as it results in a rectangular rather than # square map #myComposerMap.setNewExtent(myExtent) myComposerExtent = myComposerMap.extent() # Recenter the composer map on the center of the canvas # Note that since the composer map is square and the canvas may be # arbitrarily shaped, we center based on the longest edge myCanvasExtent = self.iface.mapCanvas().extent() myWidth = myCanvasExtent.width() myHeight = myCanvasExtent.height() myLongestLength = myWidth if myWidth < myHeight: myLongestLength = myHeight myHalfLength = myLongestLength / 2 myCenter = myMinX = myCenter.x() - myHalfLength myMaxX = myCenter.x() + myHalfLength myMinY = myCenter.y() - myHalfLength myMaxY = myCenter.y() + myHalfLength mySquareExtent = QgsRectangle(myMinX, myMinY, myMaxX, myMaxY) myComposerMap.setNewExtent(mySquareExtent) myComposerMap.setGridEnabled(True) myNumberOfSplits = 5 # .. todo:: Write logic to adjust precision so that adjacent tick marks # always have different displayed values myPrecision = 2 myXInterval = myComposerExtent.width() / myNumberOfSplits myComposerMap.setGridIntervalX(myXInterval) myYInterval = myComposerExtent.height() / myNumberOfSplits myComposerMap.setGridIntervalY(myYInterval) myComposerMap.setGridStyle(QgsComposerMap.Cross) myCrossLengthMM = 1 myComposerMap.setCrossLength(myCrossLengthMM) myComposerMap.setZValue(0) # To ensure it does not overlay logo myFontSize = 6 myFontWeight = QtGui.QFont.Normal myItalicsFlag = False myFont = QtGui.QFont( 'verdana', myFontSize, myFontWeight, myItalicsFlag) myComposerMap.setGridAnnotationFont(myFont) myComposerMap.setGridAnnotationPrecision(myPrecision) myComposerMap.setShowGridAnnotation(True) myComposerMap.setGridAnnotationDirection( QgsComposerMap.BoundaryDirection, QgsComposerMap.Top) self.composition.addItem(myComposerMap) self.draw_graticule_mask(top_offset) return myComposerMap def draw_graticule_mask(self, top_offset): """A helper function to mask out graticule labels. It will hide labels on the right side by over painting a white rectangle with white border on them. **kludge** :param top_offset: Vertical offset at which the logo should be drawn. :type top_offset: int """ LOGGER.debug('InaSAFE Map drawGraticuleMask called') myLeftOffset = self.pageMargin + self.mapWidth myRect = QgsComposerShape(myLeftOffset + 0.5, top_offset, self.pageWidth - myLeftOffset, self.mapHeight + 1, self.composition) myRect.setShapeType(QgsComposerShape.Rectangle) myPen = QtGui.QPen() myPen.setColor(QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0)) myPen.setWidthF(0.1) myRect.setPen(myPen) myRect.setBackgroundColor(QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 255)) myRect.setTransparency(100) #myRect.setLineWidth(0.1) #myRect.setFrameEnabled(False) #myRect.setOutlineColor(QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 255)) #myRect.setFillColor(QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 255)) #myRect.setOpacity(100) # These two lines seem superfluous but are needed myBrush = QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 255)) myRect.setBrush(myBrush) self.composition.addItem(myRect) def draw_native_scalebar(self, composer_map, top_offset): """Draw a scale bar using QGIS' native drawing. In the case of geographic maps, scale will be in degrees, not km. :param composer_map: Composer map on which to draw the scalebar. :type composer_map: QgsComposerMap :param top_offset: Vertical offset at which the logo should be drawn. :type top_offset: int """ LOGGER.debug('InaSAFE Map drawNativeScaleBar called') myScaleBar = QgsComposerScaleBar(self.composition) myScaleBar.setStyle('Numeric') # optionally modify the style myScaleBar.setComposerMap(composer_map) myScaleBar.applyDefaultSize() myScaleBarHeight = myScaleBar.boundingRect().height() myScaleBarWidth = myScaleBar.boundingRect().width() # -1 to avoid overlapping the map border myScaleBar.setItemPosition( self.pageMargin + 1, top_offset + self.mapHeight - (myScaleBarHeight * 2), myScaleBarWidth, myScaleBarHeight) myScaleBar.setFrameEnabled(self.showFramesFlag) # Disabled for now #self.composition.addItem(myScaleBar) def draw_scalebar(self, composer_map, top_offset): """Add a numeric scale to the bottom left of the map. We draw the scale bar manually because QGIS does not yet support rendering a scale bar for a geographic map in km. .. seealso:: :meth:`drawNativeScaleBar` :param composer_map: Composer map on which to draw the scalebar. :type composer_map: QgsComposerMap :param top_offset: Vertical offset at which the logo should be drawn. :type top_offset: int """ LOGGER.debug('InaSAFE Map drawScaleBar called') myCanvas = self.iface.mapCanvas() myRenderer = myCanvas.mapRenderer() # # Add a linear map scale # myDistanceArea = QgsDistanceArea() myDistanceArea.setSourceCrs(myRenderer.destinationCrs().srsid()) myDistanceArea.setEllipsoidalMode(True) # Determine how wide our map is in km/m # Starting point at BL corner myComposerExtent = composer_map.extent() myStartPoint = QgsPoint(myComposerExtent.xMinimum(), myComposerExtent.yMinimum()) # Ending point at BR corner myEndPoint = QgsPoint(myComposerExtent.xMaximum(), myComposerExtent.yMinimum()) myGroundDistance = myDistanceArea.measureLine(myStartPoint, myEndPoint) # Get the equivalent map distance per page mm myMapWidth = self.mapWidth # How far is 1mm on map on the ground in meters? myMMToGroundDistance = myGroundDistance / myMapWidth #print 'MM:', myMMDistance # How long we want the scale bar to be in relation to the map myScaleBarToMapRatio = 0.5 # How many divisions the scale bar should have myTickCount = 5 myScaleBarWidthMM = myMapWidth * myScaleBarToMapRatio myPrintSegmentWidthMM = myScaleBarWidthMM / myTickCount # Segment width in real world (m) # We apply some logic here so that segments are displayed in meters # if each segment is less that 1000m otherwise km. Also the segment # lengths are rounded down to human looking numbers e.g. 1km not 1.1km myUnits = '' myGroundSegmentWidth = myPrintSegmentWidthMM * myMMToGroundDistance if myGroundSegmentWidth < 1000: myUnits = 'm' myGroundSegmentWidth = round(myGroundSegmentWidth) # adjust the segment width now to account for rounding myPrintSegmentWidthMM = myGroundSegmentWidth / myMMToGroundDistance else: myUnits = 'km' # Segment with in real world (km) myGroundSegmentWidth = round(myGroundSegmentWidth / 1000) myPrintSegmentWidthMM = ((myGroundSegmentWidth * 1000) / myMMToGroundDistance) # Now adjust the scalebar width to account for rounding myScaleBarWidthMM = myTickCount * myPrintSegmentWidthMM #print "SBWMM:", myScaleBarWidthMM #print "SWMM:", myPrintSegmentWidthMM #print "SWM:", myGroundSegmentWidthM #print "SWKM:", myGroundSegmentWidthKM # start drawing in line segments myScaleBarHeight = 5 # mm myLineWidth = 0.3 # mm myInsetDistance = 7 # how much to inset the scalebar into the map by myScaleBarX = self.pageMargin + myInsetDistance myScaleBarY = ( top_offset + self.mapHeight - myInsetDistance - myScaleBarHeight) # mm # Draw an outer background box - shamelessly hardcoded buffer myRect = QgsComposerShape(myScaleBarX - 4, # left edge myScaleBarY - 3, # top edge myScaleBarWidthMM + 13, # right edge myScaleBarHeight + 6, # bottom edge self.composition) myRect.setShapeType(QgsComposerShape.Rectangle) myPen = QtGui.QPen() myPen.setColor(QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 255)) myPen.setWidthF(myLineWidth) myRect.setPen(myPen) #myRect.setLineWidth(myLineWidth) myRect.setFrameEnabled(False) myBrush = QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 255)) # workaround for missing setTransparentFill missing from python api myRect.setBrush(myBrush) self.composition.addItem(myRect) # Set up the tick label font myFontWeight = QtGui.QFont.Normal myFontSize = 6 myItalicsFlag = False myFont = QtGui.QFont('verdana', myFontSize, myFontWeight, myItalicsFlag) # Draw the bottom line myUpshift = 0.3 # shift the bottom line up for better rendering myRect = QgsComposerShape(myScaleBarX, myScaleBarY + myScaleBarHeight - myUpshift, myScaleBarWidthMM, 0.1, self.composition) myRect.setShapeType(QgsComposerShape.Rectangle) myPen = QtGui.QPen() myPen.setColor(QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 255)) myPen.setWidthF(myLineWidth) myRect.setPen(myPen) #myRect.setLineWidth(myLineWidth) myRect.setFrameEnabled(False) self.composition.addItem(myRect) # Now draw the scalebar ticks for myTickCountIterator in range(0, myTickCount + 1): myDistanceSuffix = '' if myTickCountIterator == myTickCount: myDistanceSuffix = ' ' + myUnits myRealWorldDistance = ('%.0f%s' % (myTickCountIterator * myGroundSegmentWidth, myDistanceSuffix)) #print 'RW:', myRealWorldDistance myMMOffset = myScaleBarX + (myTickCountIterator * myPrintSegmentWidthMM) #print 'MM:', myMMOffset myTickHeight = myScaleBarHeight / 2 # Lines are not exposed by the api yet so we # bodge drawing lines using rectangles with 1px height or width myTickWidth = 0.1 # width or rectangle to be drawn myUpTickLine = QgsComposerShape( myMMOffset, myScaleBarY + myScaleBarHeight - myTickHeight, myTickWidth, myTickHeight, self.composition) myUpTickLine.setShapeType(QgsComposerShape.Rectangle) myPen = QtGui.QPen() myPen.setWidthF(myLineWidth) myUpTickLine.setPen(myPen) #myUpTickLine.setLineWidth(myLineWidth) myUpTickLine.setFrameEnabled(False) self.composition.addItem(myUpTickLine) # # Add a tick label # myLabel = QgsComposerLabel(self.composition) myLabel.setFont(myFont) myLabel.setText(myRealWorldDistance) myLabel.adjustSizeToText() myLabel.setItemPosition( myMMOffset - 3, myScaleBarY - myTickHeight) myLabel.setFrameEnabled(self.showFramesFlag) self.composition.addItem(myLabel) def draw_impact_title(self, top_offset): """Draw the map subtitle - obtained from the impact layer keywords. :param top_offset: Vertical offset at which the logo should be drawn. :type top_offset: int :returns: The height of the label as rendered. :rtype: float """ LOGGER.debug('InaSAFE Map drawImpactTitle called') myTitle = self.map_title() if myTitle is None: myTitle = '' myFontSize = 20 myFontWeight = QtGui.QFont.Bold myItalicsFlag = False myFont = QtGui.QFont( 'verdana', myFontSize, myFontWeight, myItalicsFlag) myLabel = QgsComposerLabel(self.composition) myLabel.setFont(myFont) myHeading = myTitle myLabel.setText(myHeading) myLabelWidth = self.pageWidth - (self.pageMargin * 2) myLabelHeight = 12 myLabel.setItemPosition( self.pageMargin, top_offset, myLabelWidth, myLabelHeight) myLabel.setFrameEnabled(self.showFramesFlag) self.composition.addItem(myLabel) return myLabelHeight def draw_legend(self, top_offset): """Add a legend to the map using our custom legend renderer. .. note:: getLegend generates a pixmap in 150dpi so if you set the map to a higher dpi it will appear undersized. :param top_offset: Vertical offset at which the logo should be drawn. :type top_offset: int """ LOGGER.debug('InaSAFE Map drawLegend called') mapLegendAttributes = self.map_legend_attributes() legendNotes = mapLegendAttributes.get('legend_notes', None) legendUnits = mapLegendAttributes.get('legend_units', None) legendTitle = mapLegendAttributes.get('legend_title', None) LOGGER.debug(mapLegendAttributes) myLegend = MapLegend(self.layer, self.pageDpi, legendTitle, legendNotes, legendUnits) self.legend = myLegend.get_legend() myPicture1 = QgsComposerPicture(self.composition) myLegendFilePath = unique_filename( prefix='legend', suffix='.png', dir='work'), 'PNG') myPicture1.setPictureFile(myLegendFilePath) myLegendHeight = points_to_mm(self.legend.height(), self.pageDpi) myLegendWidth = points_to_mm(self.legend.width(), self.pageDpi) myPicture1.setItemPosition(self.pageMargin, top_offset, myLegendWidth, myLegendHeight) myPicture1.setFrameEnabled(False) self.composition.addItem(myPicture1) os.remove(myLegendFilePath) def draw_image(self, theImage, theWidthMM, theLeftOffset, theTopOffset): """Helper to draw an image directly onto the QGraphicsScene. This is an alternative to using QgsComposerPicture which in some cases leaves artifacts under windows. The Pixmap will have a transform applied to it so that it is rendered with the same resolution as the composition. :param theImage: Image that will be rendered to the layout. :type theImage: QImage :param theWidthMM: Desired width in mm of output on page. :type theWidthMM: int :param theLeftOffset: Offset from left of page. :type theLeftOffset: int :param theTopOffset: Offset from top of page. :type theTopOffset: int :returns: Graphics scene item. :rtype: QGraphicsSceneItem """ LOGGER.debug('InaSAFE Map drawImage called') myDesiredWidthMM = theWidthMM # mm myDesiredWidthPX = mm_to_points(myDesiredWidthMM, self.pageDpi) myActualWidthPX = theImage.width() myScaleFactor = myDesiredWidthPX / myActualWidthPX LOGGER.debug('%s %s %s' % ( myScaleFactor, myActualWidthPX, myDesiredWidthPX)) myTransform = QtGui.QTransform() myTransform.scale(myScaleFactor, myScaleFactor) myTransform.rotate(0.5) # noinspection PyArgumentList myItem = self.composition.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(theImage)) myItem.setTransform(myTransform) myItem.setOffset(theLeftOffset / myScaleFactor, theTopOffset / myScaleFactor) return myItem def draw_host_and_time(self, top_offset): """Add a note with hostname and time to the composition. :param top_offset: Vertical offset at which the logo should be drawn. :type top_offset: int """ LOGGER.debug('InaSAFE Map drawDisclaimer called') #elapsed_time: 11.612545 #user: timlinux #host_name: ultrabook #time_stamp: 2012-10-13_23:10:31 #myUser = self.keywordIO.readKeywords(self.layer, 'user') #myHost = self.keywordIO.readKeywords(self.layer, 'host_name') myDateTime = self.keywordIO.read_keywords(self.layer, 'time_stamp') myTokens = myDateTime.split('_') myDate = myTokens[0] myTime = myTokens[1] #myElapsedTime = self.keywordIO.readKeywords(self.layer, # 'elapsed_time') #myElapsedTime = humaniseSeconds(myElapsedTime) myLongVersion = get_version() myTokens = myLongVersion.split('.') myVersion = '%s.%s.%s' % (myTokens[0], myTokens[1], myTokens[2]) myLabelText = 'Date and time of assessment: %s %s\n' 'Special note: This assessment is a guide - we strongly recommend ' 'that you ground truth the results shown here before deploying ' 'resources and / or personnel.\n' 'Assessment carried out using InaSAFE release %s (QGIS ' 'plugin version).') % (myDate, myTime, myVersion) myFontSize = 6 myFontWeight = QtGui.QFont.Normal myItalicsFlag = True myFont = QtGui.QFont('verdana', myFontSize, myFontWeight, myItalicsFlag) myLabel = QgsComposerLabel(self.composition) myLabel.setFont(myFont) myLabel.setText(myLabelText) myLabel.adjustSizeToText() myLabelHeight = 50.0 # mm determined using qgis map composer myLabelWidth = (self.pageWidth / 2) - self.pageMargin myLeftOffset = self.pageWidth / 2 # put in right half of page myLabel.setItemPosition(myLeftOffset, top_offset, myLabelWidth, myLabelHeight, ) myLabel.setFrameEnabled(self.showFramesFlag) self.composition.addItem(myLabel) def draw_disclaimer(self): """Add a disclaimer to the composition.""" LOGGER.debug('InaSAFE Map drawDisclaimer called') myFontSize = 10 myFontWeight = QtGui.QFont.Normal myItalicsFlag = True myFont = QtGui.QFont('verdana', myFontSize, myFontWeight, myItalicsFlag) myLabel = QgsComposerLabel(self.composition) myLabel.setFont(myFont) myLabel.setText(self.disclaimer) myLabel.adjustSizeToText() myLabelHeight = 7.0 # mm determined using qgis map composer myLabelWidth = self.pageWidth # item - position and size...option myLeftOffset = self.pageMargin myTopOffset = self.pageHeight - self.pageMargin myLabel.setItemPosition(myLeftOffset, myTopOffset, myLabelWidth, myLabelHeight, ) myLabel.setFrameEnabled(self.showFramesFlag) self.composition.addItem(myLabel) def map_title(self): """Get the map title from the layer keywords if possible. :returns: None on error, otherwise the title. :rtype: None, str """ LOGGER.debug('InaSAFE Map getMapTitle called') try: myTitle = self.keywordIO.read_keywords(self.layer, 'map_title') return myTitle except KeywordNotFoundError: return None except Exception: return None def map_legend_attributes(self): """Get the map legend attribute from the layer keywords if possible. :returns: None on error, otherwise the attributes (notes and units). :rtype: None, str """ LOGGER.debug('InaSAFE Map getMapLegendAtributes called') legendAttributes = ['legend_notes', 'legend_units', 'legend_title'] dictLegendAttributes = {} for myLegendAttribute in legendAttributes: try: dictLegendAttributes[myLegendAttribute] = \ self.keywordIO.read_keywords(self.layer, myLegendAttribute) except KeywordNotFoundError: pass except Exception: pass return dictLegendAttributes def showComposer(self): """Show the composition in a composer view so the user can tweak it. """ myView = QgsComposerView(self.iface.mainWindow()) def write_template(self, template_path): """Write current composition as a template that can be re-used in QGIS. :param template_path: Path to which template should be written. :type template_path: str """ myDocument = QtXml.QDomDocument() myElement = myDocument.createElement('Composer') myDocument.appendChild(myElement) self.composition.writeXML(myElement, myDocument) myXml = myDocument.toByteArray() myFile = file(template_path, 'wb') myFile.write(myXml) myFile.close() def render_template(self, template_path, output_path): """Load a QgsComposer map from a template and render it. .. note:: THIS METHOD IS EXPERIMENTAL AND CURRENTLY NON FUNCTIONAL :param template_path: Path to the template that should be loaded. :type template_path: str :param output_path: Path for the output pdf. :type output_path: str """ self.setup_composition() myResolution = self.composition.printResolution() self.printer = setup_printer( output_path, resolution=myResolution) if self.composition: myFile = QtCore.QFile(template_path) myDocument = QtXml.QDomDocument() myDocument.setContent(myFile, False) # .. todo:: fix magic param myNodeList = myDocument.elementsByTagName('Composer') if myNodeList.size() > 0: myElement = self.composition.readXML(myElement, myDocument) self.make_pdf(output_path)
class Map(): """A class for creating a map.""" def __init__(self, theIface): """Constructor for the Map class. Args: theIface - reference to the QGIS iface object Returns: None Raises: Any exceptions raised by the InaSAFE library will be propagated. """ LOGGER.debug('InaSAFE Map class initialised') self.iface = theIface self.layer = theIface.activeLayer() self.keywordIO = KeywordIO() self.printer = None self.composition = None self.legend = None self.pageWidth = 210 # width in mm self.pageHeight = 297 # height in mm self.pageDpi = 300.0 self.pageMargin = 10 # margin in mm self.verticalSpacing = 1 # vertical spacing between elements self.showFramesFlag = False # intended for debugging use only # make a square map where width = height = page width self.mapHeight = self.pageWidth - (self.pageMargin * 2) self.mapWidth = self.mapHeight self.disclaimer ='InaSAFE has been jointly developed by' ' BNPB, AusAid & the World Bank') def tr(self, theString): """We implement this since we do not inherit QObject. Args: theString - string for translation. Returns: Translated version of theString. Raises: no exceptions explicitly raised. """ return QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate('Map', theString) def setImpactLayer(self, theLayer): """Mutator for the impact layer that will be used for stats, legend and reporting. Args: theLayer - a valid QgsMapLayer Returns: None Raises: Any exceptions raised by the InaSAFE library will be propagated. """ self.layer = theLayer def setupComposition(self): """Set up the composition ready for drawing elements onto it. Args: None Returns: None Raises: None """ LOGGER.debug('InaSAFE Map setupComposition called') myCanvas = self.iface.mapCanvas() myRenderer = myCanvas.mapRenderer() self.composition = QgsComposition(myRenderer) self.composition.setPlotStyle(QgsComposition.Print) # or preview self.composition.setPaperSize(self.pageWidth, self.pageHeight) self.composition.setPrintResolution(self.pageDpi) self.composition.setPrintAsRaster(True) def composeMap(self): """Place all elements on the map ready for printing. Args: None Returns: None Raises: Any exceptions raised will be propagated. """ self.setupComposition() # Keep track of our vertical positioning as we work our way down # the page placing elements on it. myTopOffset = self.pageMargin self.drawLogo(myTopOffset) myLabelHeight = self.drawTitle(myTopOffset) # Update the map offset for the next row of content myTopOffset += myLabelHeight + self.verticalSpacing myComposerMap = self.drawMap(myTopOffset) self.drawScaleBar(myComposerMap, myTopOffset) # Update the top offset for the next horizontal row of items myTopOffset += self.mapHeight + self.verticalSpacing - 1 myImpactTitleHeight = self.drawImpactTitle(myTopOffset) # Update the top offset for the next horizontal row of items if myImpactTitleHeight: myTopOffset += myImpactTitleHeight + self.verticalSpacing + 2 self.drawLegend(myTopOffset) self.drawHostAndTime(myTopOffset) self.drawDisclaimer() def renderComposition(self): """Render the map composition to an image and save that to disk. Args: None Returns: tuple: * str: myImagePath - absolute path to png of rendered map * QImage: myImage - in memory copy of rendered map * QRectF: myTargetArea - dimensions of rendered map str: Absolute file system path to the rendered image. Raises: None """ LOGGER.debug('InaSAFE Map renderComposition called') # NOTE: we ignore self.composition.printAsRaster() and always rasterise myWidth = (int)(self.pageDpi * self.pageWidth / 25.4) myHeight = (int)(self.pageDpi * self.pageHeight / 25.4) myImage = QtGui.QImage(QtCore.QSize(myWidth, myHeight), QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32) myImage.setDotsPerMeterX(dpiToMeters(self.pageDpi)) myImage.setDotsPerMeterY(dpiToMeters(self.pageDpi)) # Only works in Qt4.8 #myImage.fill(QtGui.qRgb(255, 255, 255)) # Works in older Qt4 versions myImage.fill(55 + 255 * 256 + 255 * 256 * 256) myImagePainter = QtGui.QPainter(myImage) mySourceArea = QtCore.QRectF(0, 0, self.pageWidth, self.pageHeight) myTargetArea = QtCore.QRectF(0, 0, myWidth, myHeight) self.composition.render(myImagePainter, myTargetArea, mySourceArea) myImagePainter.end() myImagePath = unique_filename(prefix='mapRender_', suffix='.png', dir=temp_dir()) return myImagePath, myImage, myTargetArea def printToPdf(self, theFilename): """Generate the printout for our final map. Args: theFilename: str - optional path on the file system to which the pdf should be saved. If None, a generated file name will be used. Returns: str: file name of the output file (equivalent to theFilename if provided). Raises: None """ LOGGER.debug('InaSAFE Map printToPdf called') if theFilename is None: myMapPdfPath = unique_filename(prefix='report', suffix='.pdf', dir=temp_dir('work')) else: # We need to cast to python string in case we receive a QString myMapPdfPath = str(theFilename) self.composeMap() self.printer = setupPrinter(myMapPdfPath) _, myImage, myRectangle = self.renderComposition() myPainter = QtGui.QPainter(self.printer) myPainter.drawImage(myRectangle, myImage, myRectangle) myPainter.end() return myMapPdfPath def drawLogo(self, theTopOffset): """Add a picture containing the logo to the map top left corner Args: theTopOffset - vertical offset at which the logo shoudl be drawn Returns: None Raises: None """ myLogo = QgsComposerPicture(self.composition) myLogo.setPictureFile(':/plugins/inasafe/bnpb_logo.png') myLogo.setItemPosition(self.pageMargin, theTopOffset, 10, 10) if qgisVersion() >= 10800: # 1.8 or newer myLogo.setFrameEnabled(self.showFramesFlag) else: myLogo.setFrame(self.showFramesFlag) myLogo.setZValue(1) # To ensure it overlays graticule markers self.composition.addItem(myLogo) def drawTitle(self, theTopOffset): """Add a title to the composition. Args: theTopOffset - vertical offset at which the map should be drawn Returns: float - the height of the label as rendered Raises: None """ LOGGER.debug('InaSAFE Map drawTitle called') myFontSize = 14 myFontWeight = QtGui.QFont.Bold myItalicsFlag = False myFont = QtGui.QFont('verdana', myFontSize, myFontWeight, myItalicsFlag) myLabel = QgsComposerLabel(self.composition) myLabel.setFont(myFont) myHeading ='InaSAFE - Indonesia Scenario Assessment' ' for Emergencies') myLabel.setText(myHeading) myLabel.adjustSizeToText() myLabelHeight = 10.0 # determined using qgis map composer myLabelWidth = 170.0 # item - position and size...option myLeftOffset = self.pageWidth - self.pageMargin - myLabelWidth myLabel.setItemPosition( myLeftOffset, theTopOffset - 2, # -2 to push it up a little myLabelWidth, myLabelHeight, ) myLabel.setFrame(self.showFramesFlag) self.composition.addItem(myLabel) return myLabelHeight def drawMap(self, theTopOffset): """Add a map to the composition and return the compsermap instance. Args: theTopOffset - vertical offset at which the map should be drawn Returns: A QgsComposerMap instance is returned Raises: None """ LOGGER.debug('InaSAFE Map drawMap called') myMapWidth = self.mapWidth myComposerMap = QgsComposerMap(self.composition, self.pageMargin, theTopOffset, myMapWidth, self.mapHeight) #myExtent = self.iface.mapCanvas().extent() # The dimensions of the map canvas and the print compser map may # differ. So we set the map composer extent using the canvas and # then defer to the map canvas's map extents thereafter # Update: disabled as it results in a rectangular rather than # square map #myComposerMap.setNewExtent(myExtent) myComposerExtent = myComposerMap.extent() # Recenter the composer map on the center of the canvas # Note that since the composer map is square and the canvas may be # arbitrarily shaped, we center based on the longest edge myCanvasExtent = self.iface.mapCanvas().extent() myWidth = myCanvasExtent.width() myHeight = myCanvasExtent.height() myLongestLength = myWidth if myWidth < myHeight: myLongestLength = myHeight myHalfLength = myLongestLength / 2 myCenter = myMinX = myCenter.x() - myHalfLength myMaxX = myCenter.x() + myHalfLength myMinY = myCenter.y() - myHalfLength myMaxY = myCenter.y() + myHalfLength mySquareExtent = QgsRectangle(myMinX, myMinY, myMaxX, myMaxY) myComposerMap.setNewExtent(mySquareExtent) myComposerMap.setGridEnabled(True) myNumberOfSplits = 5 # .. todo:: Write logic to adjust preciosn so that adjacent tick marks # always have different displayed values myPrecision = 2 myXInterval = myComposerExtent.width() / myNumberOfSplits myComposerMap.setGridIntervalX(myXInterval) myYInterval = myComposerExtent.height() / myNumberOfSplits myComposerMap.setGridIntervalY(myYInterval) myComposerMap.setGridStyle(QgsComposerMap.Cross) myCrossLengthMM = 1 myComposerMap.setCrossLength(myCrossLengthMM) myComposerMap.setZValue(0) # To ensure it does not overlay logo myFontSize = 6 myFontWeight = QtGui.QFont.Normal myItalicsFlag = False myFont = QtGui.QFont('verdana', myFontSize, myFontWeight, myItalicsFlag) myComposerMap.setGridAnnotationFont(myFont) myComposerMap.setGridAnnotationPrecision(myPrecision) myComposerMap.setShowGridAnnotation(True) myComposerMap.setGridAnnotationDirection( QgsComposerMap.BoundaryDirection) self.composition.addItem(myComposerMap) self.drawGraticuleMask(theTopOffset) return myComposerMap def drawGraticuleMask(self, theTopOffset): """A helper function to mask out graticule labels on the right side by over painting a white rectangle with white border on them. Args: theTopOffset - vertical offset at which the map should be drawn Returns: None Raises: None """ LOGGER.debug('InaSAFE Map drawGraticuleMask called') myLeftOffset = self.pageMargin + self.mapWidth myRect = QgsComposerShape(myLeftOffset + 0.5, theTopOffset, self.pageWidth - myLeftOffset, self.mapHeight + 1, self.composition) myRect.setShapeType(QgsComposerShape.Rectangle) myRect.setLineWidth(0.1) myRect.setFrame(False) myRect.setOutlineColor(QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 255)) myRect.setFillColor(QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 255)) myRect.setOpacity(100) # These two lines seem superfluous but are needed myBrush = QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 255)) myRect.setBrush(myBrush) self.composition.addItem(myRect) def drawNativeScaleBar(self, theComposerMap, theTopOffset): """Draw a scale bar using QGIS' native drawing - in the case of geographic maps, scale will be in degrees, not km. Args: None Returns: None Raises: Any exceptions raised by the InaSAFE library will be propagated. """ LOGGER.debug('InaSAFE Map drawNativeScaleBar called') myScaleBar = QgsComposerScaleBar(self.composition) myScaleBar.setStyle('Numeric') # optionally modify the style myScaleBar.setComposerMap(theComposerMap) myScaleBar.applyDefaultSize() myScaleBarHeight = myScaleBar.boundingRect().height() myScaleBarWidth = myScaleBar.boundingRect().width() # -1 to avoid overlapping the map border myScaleBar.setItemPosition( self.pageMargin + 1, theTopOffset + self.mapHeight - (myScaleBarHeight * 2), myScaleBarWidth, myScaleBarHeight) myScaleBar.setFrame(self.showFramesFlag) # Disabled for now #self.composition.addItem(myScaleBar) def drawScaleBar(self, theComposerMap, theTopOffset): """Add a numeric scale to the bottom left of the map We draw the scale bar manually because QGIS does not yet support rendering a scalebar for a geographic map in km. .. seealso:: :meth:`drawNativeScaleBar` Args: * theComposerMap - QgsComposerMap instance used as the basis scale calculations. * theTopOffset - vertical offset at which the map should be drawn Returns: None Raises: Any exceptions raised by the InaSAFE library will be propagated. """ LOGGER.debug('InaSAFE Map drawScaleBar called') myCanvas = self.iface.mapCanvas() myRenderer = myCanvas.mapRenderer() # # Add a linear map scale # myDistanceArea = QgsDistanceArea() myDistanceArea.setSourceCrs(myRenderer.destinationCrs().srsid()) myDistanceArea.setProjectionsEnabled(True) # Determine how wide our map is in km/m # Starting point at BL corner myComposerExtent = theComposerMap.extent() myStartPoint = QgsPoint(myComposerExtent.xMinimum(), myComposerExtent.yMinimum()) # Ending point at BR corner myEndPoint = QgsPoint(myComposerExtent.xMaximum(), myComposerExtent.yMinimum()) myGroundDistance = myDistanceArea.measureLine(myStartPoint, myEndPoint) # Get the equivalent map distance per page mm myMapWidth = self.mapWidth # How far is 1mm on map on the ground in meters? myMMToGroundDistance = myGroundDistance / myMapWidth #print 'MM:', myMMDistance # How long we want the scale bar to be in relation to the map myScaleBarToMapRatio = 0.5 # How many divisions the scale bar should have myTickCount = 5 myScaleBarWidthMM = myMapWidth * myScaleBarToMapRatio myPrintSegmentWidthMM = myScaleBarWidthMM / myTickCount # Segment width in real world (m) # We apply some logic here so that segments are displayed in meters # if each segment is less that 1000m otherwise km. Also the segment # lengths are rounded down to human looking numbers e.g. 1km not 1.1km myUnits = '' myGroundSegmentWidth = myPrintSegmentWidthMM * myMMToGroundDistance if myGroundSegmentWidth < 1000: myUnits = 'm' myGroundSegmentWidth = round(myGroundSegmentWidth) # adjust the segment width now to account for rounding myPrintSegmentWidthMM = myGroundSegmentWidth / myMMToGroundDistance else: myUnits = 'km' # Segment with in real world (km) myGroundSegmentWidth = round(myGroundSegmentWidth / 1000) myPrintSegmentWidthMM = ((myGroundSegmentWidth * 1000) / myMMToGroundDistance) # Now adjust the scalebar width to account for rounding myScaleBarWidthMM = myTickCount * myPrintSegmentWidthMM #print "SBWMM:", myScaleBarWidthMM #print "SWMM:", myPrintSegmentWidthMM #print "SWM:", myGroundSegmentWidthM #print "SWKM:", myGroundSegmentWidthKM # start drawing in line segments myScaleBarHeight = 5 # mm myLineWidth = 0.3 # mm myInsetDistance = 7 # how much to inset the scalebar into the map by myScaleBarX = self.pageMargin + myInsetDistance myScaleBarY = (theTopOffset + self.mapHeight - myInsetDistance - myScaleBarHeight) # mm # Draw an outer background box - shamelessly hardcoded buffer myRect = QgsComposerShape( myScaleBarX - 4, # left edge myScaleBarY - 3, # top edge myScaleBarWidthMM + 13, # right edge myScaleBarHeight + 6, # bottom edge self.composition) myRect.setShapeType(QgsComposerShape.Rectangle) myRect.setLineWidth(myLineWidth) myRect.setFrame(False) myBrush = QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 255)) # workaround for missing setTransparentFill missing from python api myRect.setBrush(myBrush) self.composition.addItem(myRect) # Set up the tick label font myFontWeight = QtGui.QFont.Normal myFontSize = 6 myItalicsFlag = False myFont = QtGui.QFont('verdana', myFontSize, myFontWeight, myItalicsFlag) # Draw the bottom line myUpshift = 0.3 # shift the bottom line up for better rendering myRect = QgsComposerShape(myScaleBarX, myScaleBarY + myScaleBarHeight - myUpshift, myScaleBarWidthMM, 0.1, self.composition) myRect.setShapeType(QgsComposerShape.Rectangle) myRect.setLineWidth(myLineWidth) myRect.setFrame(False) self.composition.addItem(myRect) # Now draw the scalebar ticks for myTickCountIterator in range(0, myTickCount + 1): myDistanceSuffix = '' if myTickCountIterator == myTickCount: myDistanceSuffix = ' ' + myUnits myRealWorldDistance = ( '%.0f%s' % (myTickCountIterator * myGroundSegmentWidth, myDistanceSuffix)) #print 'RW:', myRealWorldDistance myMMOffset = myScaleBarX + (myTickCountIterator * myPrintSegmentWidthMM) #print 'MM:', myMMOffset myTickHeight = myScaleBarHeight / 2 # Lines are not exposed by the api yet so we # bodge drawing lines using rectangles with 1px height or width myTickWidth = 0.1 # width or rectangle to be drawn myUpTickLine = QgsComposerShape( myMMOffset, myScaleBarY + myScaleBarHeight - myTickHeight, myTickWidth, myTickHeight, self.composition) myUpTickLine.setShapeType(QgsComposerShape.Rectangle) myUpTickLine.setLineWidth(myLineWidth) myUpTickLine.setFrame(False) self.composition.addItem(myUpTickLine) # # Add a tick label # myLabel = QgsComposerLabel(self.composition) myLabel.setFont(myFont) myLabel.setText(myRealWorldDistance) myLabel.adjustSizeToText() myLabel.setItemPosition(myMMOffset - 3, myScaleBarY - myTickHeight) myLabel.setFrame(self.showFramesFlag) self.composition.addItem(myLabel) def drawImpactTitle(self, theTopOffset): """Draw the map subtitle - obtained from the impact layer keywords. Args: theTopOffset - vertical offset at which to begin drawing Returns: float - the height of the label as rendered Raises: None """ LOGGER.debug('InaSAFE Map drawImpactTitle called') myTitle = self.getMapTitle() if myTitle is None: myTitle = '' myFontSize = 20 myFontWeight = QtGui.QFont.Bold myItalicsFlag = False myFont = QtGui.QFont('verdana', myFontSize, myFontWeight, myItalicsFlag) myLabel = QgsComposerLabel(self.composition) myLabel.setFont(myFont) myHeading = myTitle myLabel.setText(myHeading) myLabelWidth = self.pageWidth - (self.pageMargin * 2) myLabelHeight = 12 myLabel.setItemPosition(self.pageMargin, theTopOffset, myLabelWidth, myLabelHeight) myLabel.setFrame(self.showFramesFlag) self.composition.addItem(myLabel) return myLabelHeight def drawLegend(self, theTopOffset): """Add a legend to the map using our custom legend renderer. .. note:: getLegend generates a pixmap in 150dpi so if you set the map to a higher dpi it will appear undersized. Args: theTopOffset - vertical offset at which to begin drawing Returns: None Raises: None """ LOGGER.debug('InaSAFE Map drawLegend called') mapLegendAttributes = self.getMapLegendAtributes() legendNotes = mapLegendAttributes.get('legend_notes', None) legendUnits = mapLegendAttributes.get('legend_units', None) legendTitle = mapLegendAttributes.get('legend_title', None) LOGGER.debug(mapLegendAttributes) myLegend = MapLegend(self.layer, self.pageDpi, legendTitle, legendNotes, legendUnits) self.legend = myLegend.getLegend() myPicture1 = QgsComposerPicture(self.composition) myLegendFilePath = unique_filename(prefix='legend', suffix='.png', dir='work'), 'PNG') myPicture1.setPictureFile(myLegendFilePath) myLegendHeight = pointsToMM(self.legend.height(), self.pageDpi) myLegendWidth = pointsToMM(self.legend.width(), self.pageDpi) myPicture1.setItemPosition(self.pageMargin, theTopOffset, myLegendWidth, myLegendHeight) myPicture1.setFrame(False) self.composition.addItem(myPicture1) os.remove(myLegendFilePath) def drawImage(self, theImage, theWidthMM, theLeftOffset, theTopOffset): """Helper to draw an image directly onto the QGraphicsScene. This is an alternative to using QgsComposerPicture which in some cases leaves artifacts under windows. The Pixmap will have a transform applied to it so that it is rendered with the same resolution as the composition. Args: * theImage: QImage that will be rendered to the layout. * theWidthMM: int - desired width in mm of output on page. * theLeftOffset: int - offset from left of page. * theTopOffset: int - offset from top of page. Returns: QGraphicsSceneItem is returned Raises: None """ LOGGER.debug('InaSAFE Map drawImage called') myDesiredWidthMM = theWidthMM # mm myDesiredWidthPX = mmToPoints(myDesiredWidthMM, self.pageDpi) myActualWidthPX = theImage.width() myScaleFactor = myDesiredWidthPX / myActualWidthPX LOGGER.debug('%s %s %s' % (myScaleFactor, myActualWidthPX, myDesiredWidthPX)) myTransform = QtGui.QTransform() myTransform.scale(myScaleFactor, myScaleFactor) myTransform.rotate(0.5) myItem = self.composition.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(theImage)) myItem.setTransform(myTransform) myItem.setOffset(theLeftOffset / myScaleFactor, theTopOffset / myScaleFactor) return myItem def drawHostAndTime(self, theTopOffset): """Add a disclaimer to the composition. Args: theTopOffset - vertical offset at which to begin drawing Returns: None Raises: None """ LOGGER.debug('InaSAFE Map drawDisclaimer called') #elapsed_time: 11.612545 #user: timlinux #host_name: ultrabook #time_stamp: 2012-10-13_23:10:31 #myUser = self.keywordIO.readKeywords(self.layer, 'user') #myHost = self.keywordIO.readKeywords(self.layer, 'host_name') myDateTime = self.keywordIO.readKeywords(self.layer, 'time_stamp') myTokens = myDateTime.split('_') myDate = myTokens[0] myTime = myTokens[1] #myElapsedTime = self.keywordIO.readKeywords(self.layer, # 'elapsed_time') #myElapsedTime = humaniseSeconds(myElapsedTime) myLongVersion = get_version() myTokens = myLongVersion.split('.') myVersion = '%s.%s.%s' % (myTokens[0], myTokens[1], myTokens[2]) myLabelText = 'Date and time of assessment: %1 %2\n' 'Special note: This assessment is a guide - we strongly recommend ' 'that you ground truth the results shown here before deploying ' 'resources and / or personnel.\n' 'Assessment carried out using InaSAFE release %3 (QGIS ' 'plugin version).').arg(myDate).arg(myTime).arg(myVersion) myFontSize = 6 myFontWeight = QtGui.QFont.Normal myItalicsFlag = True myFont = QtGui.QFont('verdana', myFontSize, myFontWeight, myItalicsFlag) myLabel = QgsComposerLabel(self.composition) myLabel.setFont(myFont) myLabel.setText(myLabelText) myLabel.adjustSizeToText() myLabelHeight = 50.0 # mm determined using qgis map composer myLabelWidth = (self.pageWidth / 2) - self.pageMargin myLeftOffset = self.pageWidth / 2 # put in right half of page myLabel.setItemPosition( myLeftOffset, theTopOffset, myLabelWidth, myLabelHeight, ) myLabel.setFrame(self.showFramesFlag) self.composition.addItem(myLabel) def drawDisclaimer(self): """Add a disclaimer to the composition. Args: None Returns: None Raises: None """ LOGGER.debug('InaSAFE Map drawDisclaimer called') myFontSize = 10 myFontWeight = QtGui.QFont.Normal myItalicsFlag = True myFont = QtGui.QFont('verdana', myFontSize, myFontWeight, myItalicsFlag) myLabel = QgsComposerLabel(self.composition) myLabel.setFont(myFont) myLabel.setText(self.disclaimer) myLabel.adjustSizeToText() myLabelHeight = 7.0 # mm determined using qgis map composer myLabelWidth = self.pageWidth # item - position and size...option myLeftOffset = self.pageMargin myTopOffset = self.pageHeight - self.pageMargin myLabel.setItemPosition( myLeftOffset, myTopOffset, myLabelWidth, myLabelHeight, ) myLabel.setFrame(self.showFramesFlag) self.composition.addItem(myLabel) def getMapTitle(self): """Get the map title from the layer keywords if possible. Args: None Returns: None on error, otherwise the title Raises: Any exceptions raised by the InaSAFE library will be propagated. """ LOGGER.debug('InaSAFE Map getMapTitle called') try: myTitle = self.keywordIO.readKeywords(self.layer, 'map_title') return myTitle except KeywordNotFoundError: return None except Exception: return None def getMapLegendAtributes(self): """Get the map legend attribute from the layer keywords if possible. Args: None Returns: None on error, otherwise the attributes (notes and units) Raises: Any exceptions raised by the InaSAFE library will be propagated. """ LOGGER.debug('InaSAFE Map getMapLegendAtributes called') legendAttributes = ['legend_notes', 'legend_units', 'legend_title'] dictLegendAttributes = {} for myLegendAttribute in legendAttributes: try: dictLegendAttributes[myLegendAttribute] = \ self.keywordIO.readKeywords(self.layer, myLegendAttribute) except KeywordNotFoundError: pass except Exception: pass return dictLegendAttributes def showComposer(self): """Show the composition in a composer view so the user can tweak it if they want to. Args: None Returns: None Raises: None """ myView = QgsComposerView(self.iface.mainWindow()) def writeTemplate(self, theTemplateFilePath): """Write the current composition as a template that can be re-used in QGIS.""" myDocument = QtXml.QDomDocument() myElement = myDocument.createElement('Composer') myDocument.appendChild(myElement) self.composition.writeXML(myElement, myDocument) myXml = myDocument.toByteArray() myFile = file(theTemplateFilePath, 'wb') myFile.write(myXml) myFile.close() def renderTemplate(self, theTemplateFilePath, theOutputFilePath): """Load a QgsComposer map from a template and render it .. note:: THIS METHOD IS EXPERIMENTAL AND CURRENTLY NON FUNCTIONAL Args: theTemplateFilePath - path to the template that should be loaded. theOutputFilePath - path for the output pdf Returns: None Raises: None """ self.setupComposition() myResolution = self.composition.printResolution() self.printer = setupPrinter(theOutputFilePath, theResolution=myResolution) if self.composition: myFile = QtCore.QFile(theTemplateFilePath) myDocument = QtXml.QDomDocument() myDocument.setContent(myFile, False) # .. todo:: fix magic param myNodeList = myDocument.elementsByTagName('Composer') if myNodeList.size() > 0: myElement = self.composition.readXML(myElement, myDocument) self.printToPdf(theOutputFilePath)