 def domain(self, expparams):
     Returns a list of :class:`Domain` objects, one for each input expparam.
     :param numpy.ndarray expparams:  Array of experimental parameters. This
         array must be of dtype agreeing with the ``expparams_dtype``
     :rtype: list of ``Domain``
     return [
         MultinomialDomain(n_elements=self.n_sides, n_meas=ep['n_meas'])
         for ep in expparams
    def __init__(self, underlying_model):
        super(MultinomialModel, self).__init__(underlying_model)

        if isinstance(underlying_model.expparams_dtype, str):
            # We default to calling the original experiment parameters "x".
            self._expparams_scalar = True
            self._expparams_dtype = [('x', underlying_model.expparams_dtype),
                                     ('n_meas', 'uint')]
            self._expparams_scalar = False
            self._expparams_dtype = underlying_model.expparams_dtype + [
                ('n_meas', 'uint')

        # Demand that the underlying model always has the same number of outcomes
        # This assumption could in principle be generalized, but not worth the effort now.
        assert (self.underlying_model.is_n_outcomes_constant)
        self._underlying_domain = self.underlying_model.domain(None)
        self._n_sides = self._underlying_domain.n_members
        # Useful for getting the right type, etc.
        self._example_domain = MultinomialDomain(n_elements=self.n_sides,
    def __init__(self, underlying_model):
        super(MultinomialModel, self).__init__(underlying_model)

        if isinstance(underlying_model.expparams_dtype, str):
            # We default to calling the original experiment parameters "x".
            self._expparams_scalar = True
            self._expparams_dtype = [('x', underlying_model.expparams_dtype), ('n_meas', 'uint')]
            self._expparams_scalar = False
            self._expparams_dtype = underlying_model.expparams_dtype + [('n_meas', 'uint')]

        # Demand that the underlying model always has the same number of outcomes
        # This assumption could in principle be generalized, but not worth the effort now.
        self._underlying_domain = self.underlying_model.domain(None)
        self._n_sides = self._underlying_domain.n_members
        # Useful for getting the right type, etc.
        self._example_domain = MultinomialDomain(n_elements=self.n_sides, n_meas=3) 
class MultinomialModel(DerivedModel):
    Model representing finite numbers of iid samples from another model with 
    a fixed and finite number of outcomes,
    using the multinomial distribution to calculate the new likelihood function.
    :param qinfer.abstract_model.FiniteOutcomeModel underlying_model: An instance 
        of a D-outcome model to be decorated by the multinomial distribution. 
        This underlying model must have ``is_n_outcomes_constant`` as ``True``.
    Note that a new experimental parameter field ``n_meas`` is added by this
    model. This parameter field represents how many times a measurement should
    be made at a given set of experimental parameters. To ensure the correct
    operation of this model, it is important that the decorated model does not
    also admit a field with the name ``n_meas``.

    def __init__(self, underlying_model):
        super(MultinomialModel, self).__init__(underlying_model)

        if isinstance(underlying_model.expparams_dtype, str):
            # We default to calling the original experiment parameters "x".
            self._expparams_scalar = True
            self._expparams_dtype = [('x', underlying_model.expparams_dtype), ('n_meas', 'uint')]
            self._expparams_scalar = False
            self._expparams_dtype = underlying_model.expparams_dtype + [('n_meas', 'uint')]

        # Demand that the underlying model always has the same number of outcomes
        # This assumption could in principle be generalized, but not worth the effort now.
        self._underlying_domain = self.underlying_model.domain(None)
        self._n_sides = self._underlying_domain.n_members
        # Useful for getting the right type, etc.
        self._example_domain = MultinomialDomain(n_elements=self.n_sides, n_meas=3) 

    ## PROPERTIES ##

    def decorated_model(self):
        # Provided for backcompat only.
        return self.underlying_model

    def expparams_dtype(self):
        return self._expparams_dtype  
    def is_n_outcomes_constant(self):
        Returns ``True`` if and only if the number of outcomes for each
        experiment is independent of the experiment being performed.
        This property is assumed by inference engines to be constant for
        the lifetime of a Model instance.
        # Different values of n_meas result in different numbers of outcomes
        return False

    def n_sides(self):
        Returns the number of possible outcomes of the underlying model.
        return self._n_sides

    def underlying_domain(self):
        Returns the `Domain` of the underlying model.
        return self._underlying_domain
    ## METHODS ##

    def n_outcomes(self, expparams):
        Returns an array of dtype ``uint`` describing the number of outcomes
        for each experiment specified by ``expparams``.
        :param numpy.ndarray expparams: Array of experimental parameters. This
            array must be of dtype agreeing with the ``expparams_dtype``
        # Standard combinatorial formula equal to the number of 
        # possible tuples whose non-negative integer entries sum to n_meas.
        n = expparams['n_meas']
        k = self.n_sides
        return scipy.special.binom(n + k - 1, k - 1)

    def domain(self, expparams):
        Returns a list of :class:`Domain` objects, one for each input expparam.
        :param numpy.ndarray expparams:  Array of experimental parameters. This
            array must be of dtype agreeing with the ``expparams_dtype``
        :rtype: list of ``Domain``
        return [
            MultinomialDomain(n_elements=self.n_sides, n_meas=ep['n_meas']) 
                for ep in expparams
    def are_expparam_dtypes_consistent(self, expparams):
        Returns `True` iff all of the given expparams 
        correspond to outcome domains with the same dtype.
        For efficiency, concrete subclasses should override this method 
        if the result is always `True`.

        :param np.ndarray expparams: Array of expparamms 
             of type `expparams_dtype`
        :rtype: `bool`
        # The output type is always the same, even though the domain is not.
        return True
    def likelihood(self, outcomes, modelparams, expparams):
        # By calling the superclass implementation, we can consolidate
        # call counting there.
        super(MultinomialModel, self).likelihood(outcomes, modelparams, expparams)
        # Save a wee bit of time by only calculating the likelihoods of outcomes 0,...,d-2
        prs = self.underlying_model.likelihood(
            expparams['x'] if self._expparams_scalar else expparams) 
            # shape (sides-1, n_mps, n_eps)
        prs = np.tile(prs, (outcomes.shape[0],1,1,1)).transpose((1,0,2,3))
        # shape (n_outcomes, sides-1, n_mps, n_eps)

        os = self._example_domain.to_regular_array(outcomes)
        # shape (n_outcomes, sides)
        os = np.tile(os, (modelparams.shape[0],expparams.shape[0],1,1)).transpose((3,2,0,1))
        # shape (n_outcomes, sides, n_mps, n_eps)

        L = multinomial_pdf(os, prs) 
        assert not np.any(np.isnan(L))
        return L

    def simulate_experiment(self, modelparams, expparams, repeat=1):
        super(MultinomialModel, self).simulate_experiment(modelparams, expparams)
        n_sides = self.n_sides
        n_mps = modelparams.shape[0]
        n_eps = expparams.shape[0]

        # Save a wee bit of time by only calculating the likelihoods of outcomes 0,...,d-2
        prs = np.empty((n_sides,n_mps,n_eps))
        prs[:-1,...] = self.underlying_model.likelihood(
            expparams['x'] if self._expparams_scalar else expparams) 
            # shape (sides, n_mps, n_eps)

        os = np.concatenate([
            sample_multinomial(n_meas, prs[:,:,idx_n_meas], size=repeat)[np.newaxis,...]
            for idx_n_meas, n_meas in enumerate(expparams['n_meas'].astype('int'))

        # convert to fancy data type
        os = self._example_domain.from_regular_array(os)

        return os[0,0,0] if os.size == 1 else os
class MultinomialModel(DerivedModel):
    Model representing finite numbers of iid samples from another model with 
    a fixed and finite number of outcomes,
    using the multinomial distribution to calculate the new likelihood function.
    :param qinfer.abstract_model.FiniteOutcomeModel underlying_model: An instance 
        of a D-outcome model to be decorated by the multinomial distribution. 
        This underlying model must have ``is_n_outcomes_constant`` as ``True``.
    Note that a new experimental parameter field ``n_meas`` is added by this
    model. This parameter field represents how many times a measurement should
    be made at a given set of experimental parameters. To ensure the correct
    operation of this model, it is important that the decorated model does not
    also admit a field with the name ``n_meas``.


    def __init__(self, underlying_model):
        super(MultinomialModel, self).__init__(underlying_model)

        if isinstance(underlying_model.expparams_dtype, str):
            # We default to calling the original experiment parameters "x".
            self._expparams_scalar = True
            self._expparams_dtype = [('x', underlying_model.expparams_dtype),
                                     ('n_meas', 'uint')]
            self._expparams_scalar = False
            self._expparams_dtype = underlying_model.expparams_dtype + [
                ('n_meas', 'uint')

        # Demand that the underlying model always has the same number of outcomes
        # This assumption could in principle be generalized, but not worth the effort now.
        assert (self.underlying_model.is_n_outcomes_constant)
        self._underlying_domain = self.underlying_model.domain(None)
        self._n_sides = self._underlying_domain.n_members
        # Useful for getting the right type, etc.
        self._example_domain = MultinomialDomain(n_elements=self.n_sides,

    ## PROPERTIES ##

    def decorated_model(self):
        # Provided for backcompat only.
        return self.underlying_model

    def expparams_dtype(self):
        return self._expparams_dtype

    def is_n_outcomes_constant(self):
        Returns ``True`` if and only if the number of outcomes for each
        experiment is independent of the experiment being performed.
        This property is assumed by inference engines to be constant for
        the lifetime of a Model instance.
        # Different values of n_meas result in different numbers of outcomes
        return False

    def n_sides(self):
        Returns the number of possible outcomes of the underlying model.
        return self._n_sides

    def underlying_domain(self):
        Returns the `Domain` of the underlying model.
        return self._underlying_domain

    ## METHODS ##

    def n_outcomes(self, expparams):
        Returns an array of dtype ``uint`` describing the number of outcomes
        for each experiment specified by ``expparams``.
        :param numpy.ndarray expparams: Array of experimental parameters. This
            array must be of dtype agreeing with the ``expparams_dtype``
        # Standard combinatorial formula equal to the number of
        # possible tuples whose non-negative integer entries sum to n_meas.
        n = expparams['n_meas']
        k = self.n_sides
        return scipy.special.binom(n + k - 1, k - 1)

    def domain(self, expparams):
        Returns a list of :class:`Domain` objects, one for each input expparam.
        :param numpy.ndarray expparams:  Array of experimental parameters. This
            array must be of dtype agreeing with the ``expparams_dtype``
        :rtype: list of ``Domain``
        return [
            MultinomialDomain(n_elements=self.n_sides, n_meas=ep['n_meas'])
            for ep in expparams

    def are_expparam_dtypes_consistent(self, expparams):
        Returns `True` iff all of the given expparams 
        correspond to outcome domains with the same dtype.
        For efficiency, concrete subclasses should override this method 
        if the result is always `True`.

        :param np.ndarray expparams: Array of expparamms 
             of type `expparams_dtype`
        :rtype: `bool`
        # The output type is always the same, even though the domain is not.
        return True

    def likelihood(self, outcomes, modelparams, expparams):
        # By calling the superclass implementation, we can consolidate
        # call counting there.
        super(MultinomialModel, self).likelihood(outcomes, modelparams,

        # Save a wee bit of time by only calculating the likelihoods of outcomes 0,...,d-2
        prs = self.underlying_model.likelihood(
            self.underlying_domain.values[:-1], modelparams,
            expparams['x'] if self._expparams_scalar else expparams)
        # shape (sides-1, n_mps, n_eps)

        prs = np.tile(prs, (outcomes.shape[0], 1, 1, 1)).transpose(
            (1, 0, 2, 3))
        # shape (n_outcomes, sides-1, n_mps, n_eps)

        os = self._example_domain.to_regular_array(outcomes)
        # shape (n_outcomes, sides)
        os = np.tile(
            os, (modelparams.shape[0], expparams.shape[0], 1, 1)).transpose(
                (3, 2, 0, 1))
        # shape (n_outcomes, sides, n_mps, n_eps)

        L = multinomial_pdf(os, prs)
        assert not np.any(np.isnan(L))
        return L

    def simulate_experiment(self, modelparams, expparams, repeat=1):
              self).simulate_experiment(modelparams, expparams)

        n_sides = self.n_sides
        n_mps = modelparams.shape[0]
        n_eps = expparams.shape[0]

        # Save a wee bit of time by only calculating the likelihoods of outcomes 0,...,d-2
        prs = np.empty((n_sides, n_mps, n_eps))
        prs[:-1, ...] = self.underlying_model.likelihood(
            self.underlying_domain.values[:-1], modelparams,
            expparams['x'] if self._expparams_scalar else expparams)
        # shape (sides, n_mps, n_eps)

        os = np.concatenate([
            sample_multinomial(n_meas, prs[:, :, idx_n_meas],
                               size=repeat)[np.newaxis, ...] for idx_n_meas,
            n_meas in enumerate(expparams['n_meas'].astype('int'))
        ]).transpose((3, 2, 0, 1))

        # convert to fancy data type
        os = self._example_domain.from_regular_array(os)

        return os[0, 0, 0] if os.size == 1 else os