def likelihood(self, outcomes, modelparams, expparams):
        Calculates the probability of each given outcome, conditioned on each
        given model parameter vector and each given experimental control setting.

        :param np.ndarray modelparams: A shape ``(n_models, n_modelparams)``
            array of model parameter vectors describing the hypotheses for
            which the likelihood function is to be calculated.
        :param np.ndarray expparams: A shape ``(n_experiments, )`` array of
            experimental control settings, with ``dtype`` given by 
            :attr:`~qinfer.Simulatable.expparams_dtype`, describing the
            experiments from which the given outcomes were drawn.
        :rtype: np.ndarray
        :return: A three-index tensor ``L[i, j, k]``, where ``i`` is the outcome
            being considered, ``j`` indexes which vector of model parameters was used,
            and where ``k`` indexes which experimental parameters where used.
            Each element ``L[i, j, k]`` then corresponds to the likelihood
            :math:`\Pr(d_i | \vec{x}_j; e_k)`.
        # Count the number of times the inner-most loop is called.
        self._call_count += (
            safe_shape(outcomes) * safe_shape(modelparams) * safe_shape(expparams)
 def likelihood(self, outcomes, modelparams, expparams):
     # TODO: document
     # Count the number of times the inner-most loop is called.
     self._call_count += (
         safe_shape(outcomes) * safe_shape(modelparams) * safe_shape(expparams)
    def likelihood(self, outcomes, modelparams, expparams):
        Calculates the probability of each given outcome, conditioned on each
        given model parameter vector and each given experimental control setting.

        :param np.ndarray modelparams: A shape ``(n_models, n_modelparams)``
            array of model parameter vectors describing the hypotheses for
            which the likelihood function is to be calculated.
        :param np.ndarray expparams: A shape ``(n_experiments, )`` array of
            experimental control settings, with ``dtype`` given by 
            :attr:`~qinfer.Simulatable.expparams_dtype`, describing the
            experiments from which the given outcomes were drawn.
        :rtype: np.ndarray
        :return: A three-index tensor ``L[i, j, k]``, where ``i`` is the outcome
            being considered, ``j`` indexes which vector of model parameters was used,
            and where ``k`` indexes which experimental parameters where used.
            Each element ``L[i, j, k]`` then corresponds to the likelihood
            :math:`\Pr(d_i | \vec{x}_j; e_k)`.

        # Count the number of times the inner-most loop is called.
        self._call_count += (safe_shape(outcomes) * safe_shape(modelparams) *
    def pr0_to_likelihood_array(outcomes, pr0):
        Assuming a two-outcome measurement with probabilities given by the
        array ``pr0``, returns an array of the form expected to be returned by
        ``likelihood`` method.
        :param numpy.ndarray outcomes: Array of integers indexing outcomes.
        :param numpy.ndarray pr0: Array of shape ``(n_models, n_experiments)``
            describing the probability of obtaining outcome ``0`` from each
            set of model parameters and experiment parameters.
        pr0 = pr0[np.newaxis, ...]
        pr1 = 1 - pr0

        if len(np.shape(outcomes)) == 0:
            outcomes = np.array(outcomes)[None]

        return np.concatenate([
            pr0 if outcomes[idx] == 0 else pr1
            for idx in range(safe_shape(outcomes))
    def pr0_to_likelihood_array(outcomes, pr0):
        Assuming a two-outcome measurement with probabilities given by the
        array ``pr0``, returns an array of the form expected to be returned by
        ``likelihood`` method.
        :param numpy.ndarray outcomes: Array of integers indexing outcomes.
        :param numpy.ndarray pr0: Array of shape ``(n_models, n_experiments)``
            describing the probability of obtaining outcome ``0`` from each
            set of model parameters and experiment parameters.
        pr0 = pr0[np.newaxis, ...]
        pr1 = 1 - pr0

        if len(np.shape(outcomes)) == 0:
            outcomes = np.array(outcomes)[None]
        return np.concatenate([
            pr0 if outcomes[idx] == 0 else pr1
            for idx in range(safe_shape(outcomes))