def disableStreams(access_key, secret_key, hub, streamTitle, disabledTill): """ 禁播流 :param access_key: 公钥 :param secret_key: 私钥 :param hub: 直播空间 :param streamTitle: 流名 :param disabledTill: 整数,Unix 时间戳,表示流禁播的结束时间,单位 s(秒),-1 表示永久禁播。0 表示解除禁播。 :return: 200 {} 612 { "error": "stream not found" } """ auth = QiniuMacAuth(access_key, secret_key) # 流名base64安全编码 EncodedStreamTitle = urlsafe_base64_encode(streamTitle) # 请求URL url = f'{hub}/streams/{EncodedStreamTitle}/disabled' # 请求体 body = {"disabledTill": disabledTill} # 发起POST请求 ret, res = http._post_with_qiniu_mac(url, body, auth) headers = {"code": res.status_code, "reqid": res.req_id, "xlog": res.x_log} # 格式化响应体 Headers = json.dumps(headers, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) result = json.dumps(ret, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) return Headers, result
def createStreams(access_key, secret_key, namespaceId, body): """ 创建流 :param access_key: 公钥 :param secret_key: 私钥 :param namespaceId: 空间ID :param body: 请求体 { "streamId":"device009", // 必填,流名称, 流名称在空间中唯一,可包含 字母、数字、中划线、下划线;1 ~ 100 个字符长;创建后将不可修改 "desc":"流说明信息", // 非必填,关于流的描述信息 "recordTemplateId":"d102sns2mwhd", // 非必填,录制模版ID,配置流维度的录制模板 "snapshotTemplateId":"截图模板ID" // 非必填,截图模版ID,配置流维度的截图模板 } :return: 200 { } """ auth = QiniuMacAuth(access_key, secret_key) # 请求URL url = f"{namespaceId}/streams" # 发起POST请求 ret, res = http._post_with_qiniu_mac(url, body, auth=auth) headers = {"code": res.status_code, "reqid": res.req_id, "xlog": res.x_log} # 格式化响应体 Headers = json.dumps(headers, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) result = json.dumps(ret, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) return Headers, result
def enableStreams(access_key, secret_key, namespaceId, streamId): """ 启用流 :param access_key: 公钥 :param secret_key: 私钥 :param namespaceId: 空间ID :param streamId: 流ID :return: { "code": 200 } """ auth = QiniuMacAuth(access_key, secret_key) # 请求URL url = f"{namespaceId}/streams/{streamId}/enabled" # 发起POST请求 ret, res = http._post_with_qiniu_mac(url, None, auth=auth) headers = {"code": res.status_code, "reqid": res.req_id, "xlog": res.x_log} # 格式化响应体 Headers = json.dumps(headers, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) result = json.dumps(ret, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) return Headers, result
def saveasStreams(access_key, secret_key, hub, streamTitle, body): """ 保存直播截图 :param access_key: 公钥 :param secret_key: 私钥 :param hub: 直播空间 :param streamTitle: 流名 :param body: 请求体 :return: 200 { "fname": "<Fname>" } """ auth = QiniuMacAuth(access_key, secret_key) # 流名base64安全编码 EncodedStreamTitle = urlsafe_base64_encode(streamTitle) # 请求URL url = f'{hub}/streams/{EncodedStreamTitle}/snapshot' # 发起POST请求 ret, res = http._post_with_qiniu_mac(url, body, auth) headers = {"code": res.status_code, "reqid": res.req_id, "xlog": res.x_log} # 格式化响应体内容 Headers = json.dumps(headers, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) result = json.dumps(ret, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) return Headers, result
def createStreams(access_key, secret_key, hub, streamTitle): """ 创建流 :param access_key: 公钥 :param secret_key: 私钥 :param hub: 直播空间 :param streamTitle: 流名 :return: 200 {} 614 { "error": "stream already exists" } """ auth = QiniuMacAuth(access_key, secret_key) # 请求体 body = {"key": streamTitle} # 请求URL url = f'{hub}/streams' # 发起POST请求 ret, res = http._post_with_qiniu_mac(url, body, auth) headers = {"code": res.status_code, "reqid": res.req_id, "xlog": res.x_log} # 格式化响应体 Headers = json.dumps(headers, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) result = json.dumps(ret, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) return Headers, result
def domain_offline(self, name): """ 下线域名,文档 Args: name: 域名, 如果是泛域名,必须以点号 . 开头 bosy: 创建域名参数 Returns: {} """ url = '{0}/domain/{1}/offline'.format(self.server, name) return http._post_with_qiniu_mac(url, None, self.auth)
def video_appraisal(auth, vid, url, ops, params=None): """ @vid 视频唯一的ID @url 视频鉴黄的地址 @params 字典,视频处理的参数 @ops 视频检测命令 [AppraisalOperation...] 具体参数格式参考:''' """ if params is not None: if not isinstance(params, dict): raise TypeError( "params must be instance of dict, invalid params: %s" % params) if not isinstance(ops, list): raise TypeError("ops must be instance of list, invalid ops: %s" % ops) if len(ops) <= 0: raise ValueError("length of ops must greater than zero") if not isinstance(auth, QiniuMacAuth): raise TypeError("auth must be instance of QiniuMacAuth") def getop(operation): d = { "op": operation.op, } if operation.hook_url: d["hookURL"] = operation.hook_url if operation.params: d["params"] = operation.params return d ops = [getop(op) for op in ops] if params: data = { "data": { "uri": url, }, "params": params } else: data = { "data": { "uri": url, }, } data['ops'] = ops return _post_with_qiniu_mac("" % vid, data, auth)
def create_app(self, args): """创建应用 在指定区域创建一个新应用,所属应用为当前请求方。 Args: - args: 请求参数(json),参考 Returns: - result 成功返回所创建的应用信息,若失败则返回None - ResponseInfo 请求的Response信息 """ url = '{0}/v3/apps'.format( return http._post_with_qiniu_mac(url, args, self.auth)
def create_app(self, args): """创建应用 在指定区域创建一个新应用,所属应用为当前请求方。 Args: - args: 请求参数(json),参考 Returns: - result 成功返回所创建的应用信息,若失败则返回None - ResponseInfo 请求的Response信息 """ url = '{0}/v3/apps'.format( return http._post_with_qiniu_mac(url, args, self.auth)
def is_image_valid(image_url): url = '' auth = QiniuMacAuth(QINIU_ACCESS_KEY, QINIU_SECRET_KEY) body = { "data": { "uri": "<uri>" }, "params": { "scenes": [] } } body["params"]["scenes"] = ['pulp', 'terror', 'politician'] body["data"]["uri"] = image_url ret, res = http._post_with_qiniu_mac(url, body, auth) if res.status_code == 200: is_valid = ret['result']['suggestion'] == 'pass' else: is_valid = False return is_valid
def async_fetch(self, urls, bucket, host=None, key=None, md5=None, etag=None, callback_url=None, callback_body=None, callback_body_type=None, callback_host=None, file_type=0): """异步抓取文件: 从指定URL抓取资源,并将该资源存储到指定空间中,具体规格参考: Args: url: 指定的URL bucket: 目标资源空间 key: 目标资源文件名 Returns: 一个dict变量,成功返回NULL,失败返回{"error": "<errMsg string>"} 一个ResponseInfo对象 """ data = {"url": ";".join(urls), "bucket": bucket} if host: data["host"] = host if md5: data["md5"] = md5 if key: data["key"] = key if etag: data["etag"] = etag if callback_url: data["callbackurl"] = callback_url if callback_body: data["callbackbody"] = callback_body if callback_body_type: data["callbackbodytype"] = callback_body_type if callback_host: data["callbackhost"] = callback_host if file_type: data["file_type"] = file_type api_host =, self.auth) url = "http://%s/%s" % (api_host, "sisyphus/fetch") return http._post_with_qiniu_mac(url, data, self.auth, headers={ "Host": api_host, "Content-Type": "application/json", })
def createTemplate(access_key, secret_key, body): """ 创建模板 :param access_key: 公钥 :param secret_key: 私钥 :param body: 请求体 { "name": 必填,模版名称,格式为 1 ~ 100个字符,可包含小写字母、数字、中划线 "desc":非必填,模板描述 "bucket": 必填,模版对应的对象存储的bucket "deleteAfterDays": 必填,存储过期时间,默认永久不过期 "fileType": 必填,文件存储类型,取值:0(普通存储),1(低频存储) "recordFileFormat": 非必填,录制文件存储格式,取值:0(m3u8格式存储) "templateType": 必填,模板类型,取值:0(录制模版), 1(截图模版) "recordType":templateType为0时须指定,录制模式, 0(不录制),1(实时录制) "jpgOverwriteStatus": templateType为1时须指定,开启覆盖式截图(一般用于流封面) "jpgSequenceStatus":templateType为1时须指定,开启序列式截图 "jpgOnDemandStatus":templateType为1时须指定,开启按需截图 "recordInterval":非必填,录制文件时长 单位为秒,600~3600 "snapInterval": 非必填,截图间隔, 单位为秒, 10~600 } :return: { } """ auth = QiniuMacAuth(access_key, secret_key) # 请求URL url = "" # 发起POST请求 ret, res = http._post_with_qiniu_mac(url, body, auth) headers = {"code": res.status_code, "reqid": res.req_id, "xlog": res.x_log} # 格式化响应体 Headers = json.dumps(headers, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) result = json.dumps(ret, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) return Headers, result
def saveasPlayBack(access_key, secret_key, hub, streamTitle, body): """ 录制直播回放 :param access_key: 公钥 :param secret_key: 私钥 :param hub: 直播空间 :param streamTitle: 流名 :param body: 请求体 :return: 200 { "fname": "<Fname>", "persistentID": "<PersistentID>" } 612 { "error": "stream not found" } 619 { "error": "no data" // 没有直播数据 } """ auth = QiniuMacAuth(access_key, secret_key) print('==') print(auth.__dict__) print('==') # 流名base64安全编码 EncodedStreamTitle = urlsafe_base64_encode(streamTitle) # 请求URL url = f'{hub}/streams/{EncodedStreamTitle}/saveas' # 发起POST请求 ret, res = http._post_with_qiniu_mac(url, body, auth) headers = {"code": res.status_code, "reqid": res.req_id, "xlog": res.x_log} # 格式化响应体 Headers = json.dumps(headers, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) result = json.dumps(ret, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) return Headers, result
def set_bucketImagesource(self, bucket_name, resourceDomain, resourceHost=None): """ 设置 存储空间 镜像源 Args: bucket_name: 存储空间名 """ resourceDomain = urlsafe_base64_encode(resourceDomain) resourceHost = urlsafe_base64_encode(resourceHost) if resourceHost is None or resourceHost == "": url = "{0}/image/{1}/from/{2}".format( config.get_default("default_uc_host"), bucket_name, resourceDomain) else: url = "{0}/image/{1}/from/{2}/host/{3}".format( config.get_default("default_uc_host"), bucket_name, resourceDomain, resourceHost) data = None return http._post_with_qiniu_mac(url, data, self.auth)
def saveasStreams(access_key, secret_key, hub, streamTitle, body): """ 修改流转码配置 :param access_key: 公钥 :param secret_key: 私钥 :param hub: 直播空间 :param streamTitle: 流名 :param body: 请求体 :return: 200 {} 400 { "error": "invalid stream key" // 只能修改原始流,包含@的流不允许 } 400 { "error": "invalid args" // 转码配置不存在 } 612 { "error": "stream not found" } """ auth = QiniuMacAuth(access_key, secret_key) # 流名base64安全编码 EncodedStreamTitle = urlsafe_base64_encode(streamTitle) # 请求地址 url = f'{hub}/streams/{EncodedStreamTitle}/converts' # 发起post请求 ret, res = http._post_with_qiniu_mac(url, body, auth) headers = {"code": res.status_code, "reqid": res.req_id, "xlog": res.x_log} # 格式化响应体内容 Headers = json.dumps(headers, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) result = json.dumps(ret, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) return Headers, result
def batchListOnlineStreamsInfo(access_key, secret_key, hub, body): """ 批量查询直播实时信息 :param access_key: 公钥 :param secret_key: 私钥 :param hub: 直播空间 :param body: 请求体 :return: 200 { "items": [ { "key": "<StreamTitle>", "startAt": <StartAt>, "clientIP": "<ClientIP>", "bps": <Bps>, // 当前码率 "fps": { "audio": <Audio>, "video": <Video>, "data": <Data> }, ... ] } """ auth = QiniuMacAuth(access_key, secret_key) # 请求URL url = f'{hub}/livestreams' # 发起POST请求 ret, res = http._post_with_qiniu_mac(url, body, auth) headers = {"code": res.status_code, "reqid": res.req_id, "xlog": res.x_log} # 格式化响应体 Headers = json.dumps(headers, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) result = json.dumps(ret, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) return Headers, result
def createNamespaces(access_key, secret_key, body): """ 创建空间 :param access_key: 公钥 :param secret_key: 私钥 :param body: 请求体 { "name": 必填,空间名称(格式"^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,100}$") "desc":非必填,空间描述 "accessType": 必填,接入类型(rtmp或者gb28181) "rtmpUrlType": accessType为“rtmp”时 必填,推拉流地址计算方式,1:static, 2:dynamic "domains": rtmpUrlType为1时必填,直播域名,列表格式 "callBack":非必填,回调地址,可用于获取空间内设备/流状态更新时的信息 "recordTemplateId": 非必填,录制模版ID,需要录制功能时输入对应的模板ID,录制模板ID可以模板管理中获取 "snapshotTemplateId":非必填,截图模版ID,需要截图功能时输入对应的模板ID,截图模板ID可以模板管理中获取 "recordTemplateApplyAll":非必填,空间模版是否应用到全局 "snapshotTemplateApplyAll":非必填,截图模版是否应用到全局 } :return: { } """ auth = QiniuMacAuth(access_key, secret_key) # 请求URL url = "" # 发起POST请求 ret, res = http._post_with_qiniu_mac(url, body, auth) headers = {"code": res.status_code, "reqid": res.req_id, "xlog": res.x_log} # 格式化响应体 Headers = json.dumps(headers, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) result = json.dumps(ret, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) return Headers, result
import requests, json """ 旧版OCR身份证识别(idcard) """ # AK、SK access_key = '<access_key>' secret_key = '<secret_key>' auth = QiniuMacAuth(access_key, secret_key) # 请求URL url = '' # 请求参数 body = { "data": { # 身份证图片链接 "uri": "" } } ret, res = http._post_with_qiniu_mac(url, body, auth) headers = {"code": res.status_code, "reqid": res.req_id, "xlog": res.x_log} print(json.dumps(headers, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)) print(json.dumps(ret, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False))
def __post(self, url, data=None): return http._post_with_qiniu_mac(url, data, self.auth)
from qiniu import QiniuMacAuth, http import requests, time # 密钥队初始化 access_key = 'your_AK' secret_key = 'your_SK' q = QiniuMacAuth(access_key, secret_key) url = '' # 请求url data = {"data": {"uri": ""}, "params": {"scenes": ["pulp", "terror", "politician"]}} ret, info = http._post_with_qiniu_mac(url, data, q) job = ret['job'] time.sleep(10) # 根据job得到结果 url1 = '{}'.format(job) token = "Qiniu " + q.token_of_request("GET", "", url1, "") r = requests.get(url1, headers={'Authorization': token}) print(r.text)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import qiniu from qiniu import QiniuMacAuth from qiniu import http access_key = os.getenv('QINIU_ACCESS_KEY') secret_key = os.getenv('QINIU_SECRET_KEY') auth = QiniuMacAuth(access_key, secret_key) url = '' data = {"data": {"uri": ""}} req = http._post_with_qiniu_mac(url, data, auth) print(req[0])
from qiniu import QiniuMacAuth from qiniu import http # 初始化AK,SK access_key = 'your_AK' secret_key = 'your_SK' q = QiniuMacAuth(access_key, secret_key) # 包体和接口 data = {'data': {'uri': ''}} # body = json.dumps(data).encode('utf-8') # url = '' url = '' # # 生成七牛鉴权,专门用来数据处理的鉴权 # token = q.token_of_request(method='POST', host='', url=url, qheaders='', content_type='application/json', body=body) # # headers= { # 'Content-Type': 'application/json', # 'Authorization': 'Qiniu {0}'.format(token) # } # print(headers) res1 = http._post_with_qiniu_mac(url=url, data=data, auth=q) # res =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)) print(res1)
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from qiniu import QiniuMacAuth from qiniu import http import json from configobj import ConfigObj config = ConfigObj("../../.config.ini", encoding='UTF8') # 读配置文件 access_key = config['account']['access_key'] secret_key = config['account']['secret_key'] q_auth = QiniuMacAuth(access_key, secret_key) data_json = "{\"data\":{\"uri\":\"\"}" + "}" url = "" content_type = "application/json" # data = data_json.encode('utf-8') authorization = "Qiniu " + q_auth.token_of_request("POST", "", url, "", content_type, data_json) headers = {} headers["Host"] = "" headers["Content-Type"] = content_type ret, info = http._post_with_qiniu_mac(url, json.loads(data_json), q_auth) print(info)