    def put(self, id, webhook):
        """Update webhook.

        Currently, only function_id and function_version are allowed to update.
        acl.enforce('webhook:update', context.get_ctx())

        values = {}
        for key in UPDATE_ALLOWED:
            if webhook.to_dict().get(key) is not None:
                values.update({key: webhook.to_dict()[key]})

        LOG.info('Update %s %s, params: %s', self.type, id, values)

        # Even admin user can not expose normal user's function
        webhook_db = db_api.get_webhook(id, insecure=False)
        pre_function_id = webhook_db.function_id
        pre_version = webhook_db.function_version

        new_function_id = values.get("function_id", pre_function_id)
        new_version = values.get("function_version", pre_version)

        db_api.get_function(new_function_id, insecure=False)
        if new_version > 0:
            db_api.get_function_version(new_function_id, new_version)

        webhook = db_api.update_webhook(id, values).to_dict()
        return resources.Webhook.from_dict(self._add_webhook_url(id, webhook))
    def put(self, id, webhook):
        """Update webhook.

        Currently, we only support update function_id.
        acl.enforce('webhook:update', context.get_ctx())

        values = {}
        for key in UPDATE_ALLOWED:
            if webhook.to_dict().get(key) is not None:
                values.update({key: webhook.to_dict()[key]})

        LOG.info('Update %s %s, params: %s', self.type, id, values)

        if 'function_id' in values:
            # Even admin user can not expose normal user's function
            db_api.get_function(values['function_id'], insecure=False)

        webhook = db_api.update_webhook(id, values).to_dict()
        return resources.Webhook.from_dict(self._add_webhook_url(id, webhook))
    def put(self, id, webhook):
        acl.enforce('webhook:update', context.get_ctx())

        values = {}
        for key in UPDATE_ALLOWED:
            if webhook.to_dict().get(key) is not None:
                values.update({key: webhook.to_dict()[key]})

        LOG.info('Update %s %s, params: %s', self.type, id, values)

        # Even admin user can not expose normal user's function
        webhook_db = db_api.get_webhook(id, insecure=False)
        pre_alias = webhook_db.function_alias
        pre_function_id = webhook_db.function_id
        pre_version = webhook_db.function_version

        new_alias = values.get("function_alias")
        new_function_id = values.get("function_id", pre_function_id)
        new_version = values.get("function_version", pre_version)

        function_id = pre_function_id
        version = pre_version
        if new_alias and new_alias != pre_alias:
            alias_db = db_api.get_function_alias(new_alias)
            function_id = alias_db.function_id
            version = alias_db.function_version
            # If function_alias is provided, we don't store either functin id
            # or function version.
            values.update({'function_id': None, 'function_version': None})
        elif new_function_id != pre_function_id or new_version != pre_version:
            function_id = new_function_id
            version = new_version
            values.update({"function_alias": None})

        db_api.get_function(function_id, insecure=False)
        if version and version > 0:
            db_api.get_function_version(function_id, version)

        webhook = db_api.update_webhook(id, values).to_dict()
        return resources.Webhook.from_dict(self._add_webhook_url(id, webhook))