def preprocess_field_names(self, data, **_): # type: ignore """Pre-process the jobs limit response fields.""" FIELDS_MAP = { # pylint: disable=invalid-name 'maximumJobs': 'maximum_jobs', 'runningJobs': 'running_jobs' } return map_field_names(FIELDS_MAP, data)
def preprocess_field_names(self, data, **_): # type: ignore """Pre-process the info queue response fields.""" FIELDS_MAP = { # pylint: disable=invalid-name 'status': '_status', 'estimatedStartTime': 'estimated_start_time', 'estimatedCompleteTime': 'estimated_complete_time', 'hubPriority': 'hub_priority', 'groupPriority': 'group_priority', 'projectPriority': 'project_priority' } return map_field_names(FIELDS_MAP, data)
def preprocess_field_names(self, data, **_): # type: ignore """Pre-process the job response fields. Rename selected fields of the job response due to name clashes, and convert from camel-case the rest of the fields. TODO: when updating to terra 0.10, check if changes related to marshmallow 3 allow to use directly `data_key`, as in 0.9 terra duplicates the unknown keys. """ return map_field_names(FIELDS_MAP, data)