def test_insert_dd_ghz_everywhere(self): """Test DD gates even on initial idle spots. ┌───┐ ┌────────────────┐┌───┐┌────────────────┐┌───┐» q_0: ──────┤ H ├─────────■──┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├┤ Y ├┤ Delay(200[dt]) ├┤ Y ├» ┌─────┴───┴─────┐ ┌─┴─┐└────────────────┘└───┘└────────────────┘└───┘» q_1: ┤ Delay(50[dt]) ├─┤ X ├───────────────────────────────────────────■──» ├───────────────┴┐├───┤┌────────────────┐┌───┐┌────────────────┐┌─┴─┐» q_2: ┤ Delay(162[dt]) ├┤ Y ├┤ Delay(326[dt]) ├┤ Y ├┤ Delay(162[dt]) ├┤ X ├» ├────────────────┤├───┤├────────────────┤├───┤├────────────────┤└───┘» q_3: ┤ Delay(212[dt]) ├┤ Y ├┤ Delay(426[dt]) ├┤ Y ├┤ Delay(212[dt]) ├─────» └────────────────┘└───┘└────────────────┘└───┘└────────────────┘ » « ┌────────────────┐ «q_0: ┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├───────────────────────────────────────────── « ├───────────────┬┘┌───┐┌────────────────┐┌───┐┌───────────────┐ «q_1: ┤ Delay(50[dt]) ├─┤ Y ├┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├┤ Y ├┤ Delay(50[dt]) ├ « └───────────────┘ └───┘└────────────────┘└───┘└───────────────┘ «q_2: ────────■────────────────────────────────────────────────────── « ┌─┴─┐ «q_3: ──────┤ X ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────── « └───┘ """ dd_sequence = [YGate(), YGate()] pm = PassManager([ ALAPSchedule(self.durations), DynamicalDecoupling(self.durations, dd_sequence, skip_reset_qubits=False), ]) ghz4_dd = expected = self.ghz4.copy() expected = expected.compose(Delay(50), [1], front=True) expected = expected.compose(Delay(162), [2], front=True) expected = expected.compose(YGate(), [2], front=True) expected = expected.compose(Delay(326), [2], front=True) expected = expected.compose(YGate(), [2], front=True) expected = expected.compose(Delay(162), [2], front=True) expected = expected.compose(Delay(212), [3], front=True) expected = expected.compose(YGate(), [3], front=True) expected = expected.compose(Delay(426), [3], front=True) expected = expected.compose(YGate(), [3], front=True) expected = expected.compose(Delay(212), [3], front=True) expected = expected.compose(Delay(100), [0]) expected = expected.compose(YGate(), [0]) expected = expected.compose(Delay(200), [0]) expected = expected.compose(YGate(), [0]) expected = expected.compose(Delay(100), [0]) expected = expected.compose(Delay(50), [1]) expected = expected.compose(YGate(), [1]) expected = expected.compose(Delay(100), [1]) expected = expected.compose(YGate(), [1]) expected = expected.compose(Delay(50), [1]) self.assertEqual(ghz4_dd, expected)
def test_insert_dd_bad_sequence(self): """Test DD raises when non-identity sequence is inserted.""" dd_sequence = [XGate(), YGate()] pm = PassManager([ ALAPSchedule(self.durations), DynamicalDecoupling(self.durations, dd_sequence), ]) with self.assertRaises(TranspilerError):
def test_insert_midmeas_hahn_asap(self): """Test a single X gate as Hahn echo can absorb in the upstream circuit. ┌──────────────────┐ ┌────────────────┐┌─────────┐» q_0: ────────■─────────┤ U(3π/4,-π/2,π/2) ├─┤ Delay(600[dt]) ├┤ Rx(π/4) ├» ┌─┴─┐ └──────────────────┘┌┴────────────────┤└─────────┘» q_1: ──────┤ X ├────────────────■──────────┤ Delay(1000[dt]) ├─────■─────» ┌─────┴───┴──────┐ ┌─┴─┐ └───────┬─┬───────┘ ┌─┴─┐ » q_2: ┤ Delay(700[dt]) ├───────┤ X ├────────────────┤M├───────────┤ X ├───» └────────────────┘ └───┘ └╥┘ └───┘ » c: 1/═══════════════════════════════════════════════╩════════════════════» 0 » « ┌────────────────┐ «q_0: ┤ Delay(600[dt]) ├──■── « └────────────────┘┌─┴─┐ «q_1: ──────────────────┤ X ├ « ┌────────────────┐└───┘ «q_2: ┤ Delay(700[dt]) ├───── « └────────────────┘ «c: 1/═══════════════════════ « """ dd_sequence = [RXGate(pi / 4)] pm = PassManager([ ASAPSchedule(self.durations), DynamicalDecoupling(self.durations, dd_sequence) ]) midmeas_dd = combined_u = UGate(3 * pi / 4, -pi / 2, pi / 2) expected = QuantumCircuit(3, 1), 1) expected.compose(combined_u, [0], inplace=True) expected.delay(600, 0) expected.rx(pi / 4, 0) expected.delay(600, 0) expected.delay(700, 2), 2) expected.delay(1000, 1) expected.measure(2, 0), 2), 1) expected.delay(700, 2) self.assertEqual(midmeas_dd, expected) # check the absorption into U was done correctly self.assertTrue( Operator(XGate()).equiv( Operator(UGate(3 * pi / 4, -pi / 2, pi / 2)) & Operator(RXGate(pi / 4))))
def test_insert_dd_ghz_one_qubit(self): """Test DD gates are inserted on only one qubit. ┌───┐ ┌────────────────┐ ┌───┐ » q_0: ──────┤ H ├─────────■──┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├──────┤ X ├───────» ┌─────┴───┴─────┐ ┌─┴─┐└────────────────┘┌─────┴───┴──────┐» q_1: ┤ Delay(50[dt]) ├─┤ X ├────────■─────────┤ Delay(300[dt]) ├» ├───────────────┴┐└───┘ ┌─┴─┐ └────────────────┘» q_2: ┤ Delay(750[dt]) ├───────────┤ X ├───────────────■─────────» ├────────────────┤ └───┘ ┌─┴─┐ » q_3: ┤ Delay(950[dt]) ├─────────────────────────────┤ X ├───────» └────────────────┘ └───┘ » meas: 4/═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════» » « ┌────────────────┐┌───┐┌────────────────┐ ░ ┌─┐ « q_0: ┤ Delay(200[dt]) ├┤ X ├┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├─░─┤M├───────── « └────────────────┘└───┘└────────────────┘ ░ └╥┘┌─┐ « q_1: ──────────────────────────────────────────░──╫─┤M├────── « ░ ║ └╥┘┌─┐ « q_2: ──────────────────────────────────────────░──╫──╫─┤M├─── « ░ ║ ║ └╥┘┌─┐ « q_3: ──────────────────────────────────────────░──╫──╫──╫─┤M├ « ░ ║ ║ ║ └╥┘ «meas: 4/═════════════════════════════════════════════╩══╩══╩══╩═ « 0 1 2 3 """ dd_sequence = [XGate(), XGate()] pm = PassManager( [ ALAPSchedule(self.durations), DynamicalDecoupling(self.durations, dd_sequence, qubits=[0]), ] ) ghz4_dd = expected = self.ghz4.copy() expected = expected.compose(Delay(50), [1], front=True) expected = expected.compose(Delay(750), [2], front=True) expected = expected.compose(Delay(950), [3], front=True) expected = expected.compose(Delay(100), [0]) expected = expected.compose(XGate(), [0]) expected = expected.compose(Delay(200), [0]) expected = expected.compose(XGate(), [0]) expected = expected.compose(Delay(100), [0]) expected = expected.compose(Delay(300), [1]) expected.measure_all() self.assertEqual(ghz4_dd, expected)
def test_insert_midmeas_hahn_alap(self): """Test a single X gate as Hahn echo can absorb in the downstream circuit. global phase: 3π/2 ┌────────────────┐ ┌───┐ ┌────────────────┐» q_0: ────────■─────────┤ Delay(625[dt]) ├───────┤ X ├───────┤ Delay(625[dt]) ├» ┌─┴─┐ └────────────────┘┌──────┴───┴──────┐└────────────────┘» q_1: ──────┤ X ├───────────────■─────────┤ Delay(1000[dt]) ├────────■─────────» ┌─────┴───┴──────┐ ┌─┴─┐ └───────┬─┬───────┘ ┌─┴─┐ » q_2: ┤ Delay(700[dt]) ├──────┤ X ├───────────────┤M├──────────────┤ X ├───────» └────────────────┘ └───┘ └╥┘ └───┘ » c: 1/═════════════════════════════════════════════╩═══════════════════════════» 0 » « ┌───────────────┐ «q_0: ┤ U(0,π/2,-π/2) ├───■── « └───────────────┘ ┌─┴─┐ «q_1: ──────────────────┤ X ├ « ┌────────────────┐└───┘ «q_2: ┤ Delay(700[dt]) ├───── « └────────────────┘ «c: 1/═══════════════════════ """ dd_sequence = [XGate()] pm = PassManager([ ALAPSchedule(self.durations), DynamicalDecoupling(self.durations, dd_sequence) ]) midmeas_dd = combined_u = UGate(0, pi / 2, -pi / 2) expected = QuantumCircuit(3, 1), 1) expected.delay(625, 0) expected.x(0) expected.delay(625, 0) expected.compose(combined_u, [0], inplace=True) expected.delay(700, 2), 2) expected.delay(1000, 1) expected.measure(2, 0), 2), 1) expected.delay(700, 2) expected.global_phase = 4.71238898038469 self.assertEqual(midmeas_dd, expected) # check the absorption into U was done correctly self.assertEqual(Operator(combined_u), Operator(XGate()) & Operator(XGate()))
def test_insert_dd_ghz(self): """Test DD gates are inserted in correct spots. ┌───┐ ┌────────────────┐ ┌───┐ » q_0: ──────┤ H ├─────────■──┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├──────┤ X ├──────» ┌─────┴───┴─────┐ ┌─┴─┐└────────────────┘┌─────┴───┴─────┐» q_1: ┤ Delay(50[dt]) ├─┤ X ├────────■─────────┤ Delay(50[dt]) ├» ├───────────────┴┐└───┘ ┌─┴─┐ └───────────────┘» q_2: ┤ Delay(750[dt]) ├───────────┤ X ├───────────────■────────» ├────────────────┤ └───┘ ┌─┴─┐ » q_3: ┤ Delay(950[dt]) ├─────────────────────────────┤ X ├──────» └────────────────┘ └───┘ » « ┌────────────────┐ ┌───┐ ┌────────────────┐ «q_0: ┤ Delay(200[dt]) ├──────┤ X ├───────┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├───────────────── « └─────┬───┬──────┘┌─────┴───┴──────┐└─────┬───┬──────┘┌───────────────┐ «q_1: ──────┤ X ├───────┤ Delay(100[dt]) ├──────┤ X ├───────┤ Delay(50[dt]) ├ « └───┘ └────────────────┘ └───┘ └───────────────┘ «q_2: ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── « «q_3: ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── « """ dd_sequence = [XGate(), XGate()] pm = PassManager([ ALAPSchedule(self.durations), DynamicalDecoupling(self.durations, dd_sequence) ]) ghz4_dd = expected = self.ghz4.copy() expected = expected.compose(Delay(50), [1], front=True) expected = expected.compose(Delay(750), [2], front=True) expected = expected.compose(Delay(950), [3], front=True) expected = expected.compose(Delay(100), [0]) expected = expected.compose(XGate(), [0]) expected = expected.compose(Delay(200), [0]) expected = expected.compose(XGate(), [0]) expected = expected.compose(Delay(100), [0]) expected = expected.compose(Delay(50), [1]) expected = expected.compose(XGate(), [1]) expected = expected.compose(Delay(100), [1]) expected = expected.compose(XGate(), [1]) expected = expected.compose(Delay(50), [1]) self.assertEqual(ghz4_dd, expected)
def test_asymmetric_xy4_in_t2(self): """Test insertion of XY4 sequence with unbalanced spacing. global phase: π ┌───┐┌───┐┌────────────────┐┌───┐┌────────────────┐┌───┐┌────────────────┐» q_0: ┤ H ├┤ X ├┤ Delay(450[dt]) ├┤ Y ├┤ Delay(450[dt]) ├┤ X ├┤ Delay(450[dt]) ├» └───┘└───┘└────────────────┘└───┘└────────────────┘└───┘└────────────────┘» « ┌───┐┌────────────────┐┌───┐ «q_0: ┤ Y ├┤ Delay(450[dt]) ├┤ H ├ « └───┘└────────────────┘└───┘ """ dd_sequence = [XGate(), YGate()] * 2 spacing = [0] + [1 / 4] * 4 pm = PassManager( [ ALAPSchedule(self.durations), DynamicalDecoupling(self.durations, dd_sequence, spacing=spacing), ] ) t2 = QuantumCircuit(1) t2.h(0) t2.delay(2000, 0) t2.h(0) expected = QuantumCircuit(1) expected.h(0) expected.x(0) expected.delay(450, 0) expected.y(0) expected.delay(450, 0) expected.x(0) expected.delay(450, 0) expected.y(0) expected.delay(450, 0) expected.h(0) expected.global_phase = pi t2_dd = self.assertEqual(t2_dd, expected) # check global phase is correct self.assertEqual(Operator(t2), Operator(expected))
def test_dd_after_reset(self): """Test skip_reset_qubits option works. ┌─────────────────┐┌───┐┌────────────────┐┌───┐┌─────────────────┐» q_0: ─|0>─┤ Delay(1000[dt]) ├┤ H ├┤ Delay(190[dt]) ├┤ X ├┤ Delay(1710[dt]) ├» └─────────────────┘└───┘└────────────────┘└───┘└─────────────────┘» « ┌───┐┌───┐ «q_0: ┤ X ├┤ H ├ « └───┘└───┘ """ dd_sequence = [XGate(), XGate()] spacing = [0.1, 0.9] pm = PassManager( [ ALAPSchedule(self.durations), DynamicalDecoupling( self.durations, dd_sequence, spacing=spacing, skip_reset_qubits=True ), ] ) t2 = QuantumCircuit(1) t2.reset(0) t2.delay(1000) t2.h(0) t2.delay(2000, 0) t2.h(0) expected = QuantumCircuit(1) expected.reset(0) expected.delay(1000) expected.h(0) expected.delay(190, 0) expected.x(0) expected.delay(1710, 0) expected.x(0) expected.h(0) t2_dd = self.assertEqual(t2_dd, expected)
def test_dd_with_calibrations_with_parameters(self, param_value): """Check that calibrations in a circuit with parameters work fine.""" circ = QuantumCircuit(2) circ.x(0), 1) circ.rx(param_value, 1) rx_duration = int(param_value * 1000) with as rx:, 0.1, rx_duration // 4), pulse.DriveChannel(1)) circ.add_calibration("rx", (1,), rx, params=[param_value]) durations = InstructionDurations([("x", None, 100), ("cx", None, 300)]) dd_sequence = [XGate(), XGate()] pm = PassManager([ALAPSchedule(durations), DynamicalDecoupling(durations, dd_sequence)]) self.assertEqual(, rx_duration + 100 + 300)
def test_insert_ghz_uhrig(self): """Test custom spacing (following Uhrig DD [1]). [1] Uhrig, G. "Keeping a quantum bit alive by optimized π-pulse sequences." Physical Review Letters 98.10 (2007): 100504. ┌───┐ ┌──────────────┐ ┌───┐ ┌──────────────┐┌───┐» q_0: ──────┤ H ├─────────■──┤ Delay(3[dt]) ├──────┤ X ├───────┤ Delay(8[dt]) ├┤ X ├» ┌─────┴───┴─────┐ ┌─┴─┐└──────────────┘┌─────┴───┴──────┐└──────────────┘└───┘» q_1: ┤ Delay(50[dt]) ├─┤ X ├───────■────────┤ Delay(300[dt]) ├─────────────────────» ├───────────────┴┐└───┘ ┌─┴─┐ └────────────────┘ » q_2: ┤ Delay(750[dt]) ├──────────┤ X ├──────────────■──────────────────────────────» ├────────────────┤ └───┘ ┌─┴─┐ » q_3: ┤ Delay(950[dt]) ├───────────────────────────┤ X ├────────────────────────────» └────────────────┘ └───┘ » « ┌───────────────┐┌───┐┌───────────────┐┌───┐┌───────────────┐┌───┐┌───────────────┐» «q_0: ┤ Delay(13[dt]) ├┤ X ├┤ Delay(16[dt]) ├┤ X ├┤ Delay(20[dt]) ├┤ X ├┤ Delay(16[dt]) ├» « └───────────────┘└───┘└───────────────┘└───┘└───────────────┘└───┘└───────────────┘» «q_1: ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────» « » «q_2: ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────» « » «q_3: ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────» « » « ┌───┐┌───────────────┐┌───┐┌──────────────┐┌───┐┌──────────────┐ «q_0: ┤ X ├┤ Delay(13[dt]) ├┤ X ├┤ Delay(8[dt]) ├┤ X ├┤ Delay(3[dt]) ├ « └───┘└───────────────┘└───┘└──────────────┘└───┘└──────────────┘ «q_1: ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── « «q_2: ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── « «q_3: ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── « """ n = 8 dd_sequence = [XGate()] * n # uhrig specifies the location of the k'th pulse def uhrig(k): return np.sin(np.pi * (k + 1) / (2 * n + 2))**2 # convert that to spacing between pulses (whatever finite duration pulses have) spacing = [] for k in range(n): spacing.append(uhrig(k) - sum(spacing)) spacing.append(1 - sum(spacing)) pm = PassManager([ ALAPSchedule(self.durations), DynamicalDecoupling(self.durations, dd_sequence, qubits=[0], spacing=spacing), ]) ghz4_dd = expected = self.ghz4.copy() expected = expected.compose(Delay(50), [1], front=True) expected = expected.compose(Delay(750), [2], front=True) expected = expected.compose(Delay(950), [3], front=True) expected = expected.compose(Delay(3), [0]) expected = expected.compose(XGate(), [0]) expected = expected.compose(Delay(8), [0]) expected = expected.compose(XGate(), [0]) expected = expected.compose(Delay(13), [0]) expected = expected.compose(XGate(), [0]) expected = expected.compose(Delay(16), [0]) expected = expected.compose(XGate(), [0]) expected = expected.compose(Delay(20), [0]) expected = expected.compose(XGate(), [0]) expected = expected.compose(Delay(16), [0]) expected = expected.compose(XGate(), [0]) expected = expected.compose(Delay(13), [0]) expected = expected.compose(XGate(), [0]) expected = expected.compose(Delay(8), [0]) expected = expected.compose(XGate(), [0]) expected = expected.compose(Delay(3), [0]) expected = expected.compose(Delay(300), [1]) self.assertEqual(ghz4_dd, expected)
def test_insert_dd_ghz_xy4(self): """Test XY4 sequence of DD gates. ┌───┐ ┌───────────────┐ ┌───┐ ┌───────────────┐» q_0: ──────┤ H ├─────────■──┤ Delay(37[dt]) ├──────┤ X ├──────┤ Delay(75[dt]) ├» ┌─────┴───┴─────┐ ┌─┴─┐└───────────────┘┌─────┴───┴─────┐└─────┬───┬─────┘» q_1: ┤ Delay(50[dt]) ├─┤ X ├────────■────────┤ Delay(12[dt]) ├──────┤ X ├──────» ├───────────────┴┐└───┘ ┌─┴─┐ └───────────────┘ └───┘ » q_2: ┤ Delay(750[dt]) ├───────────┤ X ├──────────────■─────────────────────────» ├────────────────┤ └───┘ ┌─┴─┐ » q_3: ┤ Delay(950[dt]) ├────────────────────────────┤ X ├───────────────────────» └────────────────┘ └───┘ » « ┌───┐ ┌───────────────┐ ┌───┐ ┌───────────────┐» «q_0: ──────┤ Y ├──────┤ Delay(76[dt]) ├──────┤ X ├──────┤ Delay(75[dt]) ├» « ┌─────┴───┴─────┐└─────┬───┬─────┘┌─────┴───┴─────┐└─────┬───┬─────┘» «q_1: ┤ Delay(25[dt]) ├──────┤ Y ├──────┤ Delay(26[dt]) ├──────┤ X ├──────» « └───────────────┘ └───┘ └───────────────┘ └───┘ » «q_2: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────» « » «q_3: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────» « » « ┌───┐ ┌───────────────┐ «q_0: ──────┤ Y ├──────┤ Delay(37[dt]) ├───────────────── « ┌─────┴───┴─────┐└─────┬───┬─────┘┌───────────────┐ «q_1: ┤ Delay(25[dt]) ├──────┤ Y ├──────┤ Delay(12[dt]) ├ « └───────────────┘ └───┘ └───────────────┘ «q_2: ─────────────────────────────────────────────────── « «q_3: ─────────────────────────────────────────────────── """ dd_sequence = [XGate(), YGate(), XGate(), YGate()] pm = PassManager([ ALAPSchedule(self.durations), DynamicalDecoupling(self.durations, dd_sequence) ]) ghz4_dd = expected = self.ghz4.copy() expected = expected.compose(Delay(50), [1], front=True) expected = expected.compose(Delay(750), [2], front=True) expected = expected.compose(Delay(950), [3], front=True) expected = expected.compose(Delay(37), [0]) expected = expected.compose(XGate(), [0]) expected = expected.compose(Delay(75), [0]) expected = expected.compose(YGate(), [0]) expected = expected.compose(Delay(76), [0]) expected = expected.compose(XGate(), [0]) expected = expected.compose(Delay(75), [0]) expected = expected.compose(YGate(), [0]) expected = expected.compose(Delay(37), [0]) expected = expected.compose(Delay(12), [1]) expected = expected.compose(XGate(), [1]) expected = expected.compose(Delay(25), [1]) expected = expected.compose(YGate(), [1]) expected = expected.compose(Delay(26), [1]) expected = expected.compose(XGate(), [1]) expected = expected.compose(Delay(25), [1]) expected = expected.compose(YGate(), [1]) expected = expected.compose(Delay(12), [1]) self.assertEqual(ghz4_dd, expected)
def time_dynamical_decoupling_pass(self, _, __): DynamicalDecoupling(self.durations, dd_sequence=[XGate(), XGate()]).run(self.scheduled_dag)