    def test_expand_gates(self):
        ast = qasm.Qasm(
        dag_circuit = Unroller(ast, DAGBackend()).execute()
        dag_unroller = DagUnroller(dag_circuit, DAGBackend())
        expanded_dag_circuit = dag_unroller.expand_gates()
        expected_result = """\
qreg q[3];
qreg r[3];
creg c[3];
creg d[3];
U(0.5*pi,0,pi) q[0];
U(0.5*pi,0,pi) q[1];
U(0.5*pi,0,pi) q[2];
CX q[0],r[0];
CX q[1],r[1];
CX q[2],r[2];
barrier q[0],q[1],q[2];
measure q[0] -> c[0];
measure q[1] -> c[1];
measure q[2] -> c[2];
measure r[0] -> d[0];
measure r[1] -> d[1];
measure r[2] -> d[2];
        self.assertEqual(expanded_dag_circuit.qasm(), expected_result)
    def test_expand_gates_with_basis(self):
        ast = qasm.Qasm(filename=self._get_resource_path('qasm/example.qasm')).parse()
        dag_circuit = Unroller(ast, DAGBackend(["cx", "u1", "u2", "u3"])).execute()
        dag_unroller = DagUnroller(dag_circuit, DAGBackend())
        expanded_dag_circuit = dag_unroller.expand_gates(basis=["cx", "u1", "u2", "u3"])
        expected_result = """\
qreg q[3];
qreg r[3];
creg c[3];
creg d[3];
gate u2(phi,lambda) q
  U((pi/2),phi,lambda) q;
gate cx c,t
  CX c,t;
u2(0,pi) q[0];
u2(0,pi) q[1];
u2(0,pi) q[2];
cx q[0],r[0];
cx q[1],r[1];
cx q[2],r[2];
barrier q[0],q[1],q[2];
measure q[0] -> c[0];
measure q[1] -> c[1];
measure q[2] -> c[2];
measure r[0] -> d[0];
measure r[1] -> d[1];
measure r[2] -> d[2];
        self.assertEqual(expanded_dag_circuit.qasm(), expected_result)
    def test_dag_to_dag_expand_gates_default_basis(self):
        """Test DagUnroller.expand_gates()"""
        ast = qasm.Qasm(filename=self._get_resource_path('qasm/example.qasm')).parse()
        dag_circuit = Unroller(ast, DAGBackend()).execute()
        dag_unroller = DagUnroller(dag_circuit, DAGBackend())
        expanded_dag_circuit = dag_unroller.expand_gates()
        expected_result = """\
include "qelib1.inc";
qreg q[3];
qreg r[3];
creg c[3];
creg d[3];
U(pi/2,0,pi) q[2];
CX q[2],r[2];
measure r[2] -> d[2];
U(pi/2,0,pi) q[1];
CX q[1],r[1];
measure r[1] -> d[1];
U(pi/2,0,pi) q[0];
CX q[0],r[0];
barrier q[0],q[1],q[2];
measure q[0] -> c[0];
measure q[1] -> c[1];
measure q[2] -> c[2];
measure r[0] -> d[0];
        expected_dag = circuit_to_dag(QuantumCircuit.from_qasm_str(expected_result))
        self.assertEqual(expanded_dag_circuit, expected_dag)
    def test_expand_gates(self):
        ast = qasm.Qasm(filename=self._get_resource_path('qasm/example.qasm')).parse()
        dag_circuit = Unroller(ast, DAGBackend()).execute()
        dag_unroller = DagUnroller(dag_circuit, DAGBackend())
        expanded_dag_circuit = dag_unroller.expand_gates()
        expected_result = """\
qreg q[3];
qreg r[3];
creg c[3];
creg d[3];
U(0.5*pi,0,pi) q[0];
U(0.5*pi,0,pi) q[1];
U(0.5*pi,0,pi) q[2];
CX q[0],r[0];
CX q[1],r[1];
CX q[2],r[2];
barrier q[0],q[1],q[2];
measure q[0] -> c[0];
measure q[1] -> c[1];
measure q[2] -> c[2];
measure r[0] -> d[0];
measure r[1] -> d[1];
measure r[2] -> d[2];
        self.assertEqual(expanded_dag_circuit.qasm(), expected_result)
    def test_dag_to_dag_expand_gates_custom_basis(self):
        """Test DagUnroller.expand_gates() to a gate basis."""
        ast = qasm.Qasm(
        dag_circuit = Unroller(ast, DAGBackend()).execute()
        dag_unroller = DagUnroller(dag_circuit, DAGBackend())
        expanded_dag_circuit = dag_unroller.expand_gates(
            basis=["cx", "u1", "u2", "u3"])
        expected_result = """\
qreg q[3];
qreg r[3];
creg c[3];
creg d[3];
gate u2(phi,lambda) q
  U((pi/2),phi,lambda) q;
gate h a
  u2(0,pi) a;
gate cx c,t
  CX c,t;
u2(0,pi) q[2];
cx q[2],r[2];
measure r[2] -> d[2];
u2(0,pi) q[1];
cx q[1],r[1];
measure r[1] -> d[1];
u2(0,pi) q[0];
cx q[0],r[0];
barrier q[0],q[1],q[2];
measure q[0] -> c[0];
measure q[1] -> c[1];
measure q[2] -> c[2];
measure r[0] -> d[0];
        self.assertEqual(expanded_dag_circuit.qasm(), expected_result)
def transpile(dag,
    """Transform a dag circuit into another dag circuit (transpile), through
    consecutive passes on the dag.

        dag (DAGCircuit): dag circuit to transform via transpilation
        basis_gates (str): a comma separated string for the target basis gates
        coupling_map (list): A graph of coupling::

             [control0(int), target0(int)],
             [control1(int), target1(int)],

            eg. [[0, 2], [1, 2], [1, 3], [3, 4]}

        initial_layout (dict): A mapping of qubit to qubit::

                                ("q", start(int)): ("q", final(int)),
                                ("q", 0): ("q", 0),
                                ("q", 1): ("q", 1),
                                ("q", 2): ("q", 2),
                                ("q", 3): ("q", 3)
        get_layout (bool): flag for returning the final layout after mapping
        format (str): The target format of the compilation:
            {'dag', 'json', 'qasm'}
        seed (int): random seed for the swap mapper
        pass_manager (PassManager): pass manager instance for the transpilation process
            If None, a default set of passes are run.
            Otherwise, the passes defined in it will run.
            If contains no passes in it, no dag transformations occur.

        DAGCircuit: transformed dag
        DAGCircuit, dict: transformed dag along with the final layout on backend qubits

        TranspilerError: if the format is not valid.
    # TODO: `basis_gates` will be removed after we have the unroller pass.
    # TODO: `coupling_map`, `initial_layout`, `get_layout`, `seed` removed after mapper pass.

    # TODO: move this to the mapper pass
    num_qubits = sum(dag.qregs.values())
    if num_qubits == 1 or coupling_map == "all-to-all":
        coupling_map = None

    final_layout = None

    if pass_manager:
        # run the passes specified by the pass manager
        # TODO return the property set too. See #1086
        dag = pass_manager.run_passes(dag)
        # default set of passes
        # TODO: move each step here to a pass, and use a default passmanager below
        basis = basis_gates.split(',') if basis_gates else []
        dag_unroller = DagUnroller(dag, DAGBackend(basis))
        dag = dag_unroller.expand_gates()
        # if a coupling map is given compile to the map
        if coupling_map:
            logger.info("pre-mapping properties: %s", dag.property_summary())
            # Insert swap gates
            coupling = Coupling(coupling_list2dict(coupling_map))
            removed_meas = remove_last_measurements(dag)
            logger.info("measurements moved: %s", removed_meas)
            logger.info("initial layout: %s", initial_layout)
            dag, final_layout, last_layout = swap_mapper(dag,
            logger.info("final layout: %s", final_layout)
            # Expand swaps
            dag_unroller = DagUnroller(dag, DAGBackend(basis))
            dag = dag_unroller.expand_gates()
            # Change cx directions
            dag = direction_mapper(dag, coupling)
            # Simplify cx gates
            # Simplify single qubit gates
            dag = optimize_1q_gates(dag)
            return_last_measurements(dag, removed_meas, last_layout)
            logger.info("post-mapping properties: %s", dag.property_summary())

    # choose output format
    # TODO: do we need all of these formats, or just the dag?
    if format == 'dag':
        compiled_circuit = dag
    elif format == 'json':
        # FIXME: JsonBackend is wrongly taking an ordered dict as basis, not list
        dag_unroller = DagUnroller(dag, JsonBackend(dag.basis))
        compiled_circuit = dag_unroller.execute()
    elif format == 'qasm':
        compiled_circuit = dag.qasm()
        raise TranspilerError('unrecognized circuit format')

    if get_layout:
        return compiled_circuit, final_layout
    return compiled_circuit
def optimize_1q_gates(circuit):
    """Simplify runs of single qubit gates in the QX basis.

    Return a new circuit that has been optimized.
    qx_basis = ["u1", "u2", "u3", "cx", "id"]
    dag_unroller = DagUnroller(circuit, DAGBackend(qx_basis))
    unrolled = dag_unroller.expand_gates()

    runs = unrolled.collect_runs(["u1", "u2", "u3", "id"])
    for run in runs:
        qname = unrolled.multi_graph.node[run[0]]["qargs"][0]
        right_name = "u1"
        right_parameters = (N(0), N(0), N(0))  # (theta, phi, lambda)
        for current_node in run:
            nd = unrolled.multi_graph.node[current_node]
            assert nd["condition"] is None, "internal error"
            assert len(nd["qargs"]) == 1, "internal error"
            assert nd["qargs"][0] == qname, "internal error"
            left_name = nd["name"]
            assert left_name in ["u1", "u2", "u3", "id"], "internal error"
            if left_name == "u1":
                left_parameters = (N(0), N(0), nd["params"][0])
            elif left_name == "u2":
                left_parameters = (sympy.pi / 2, nd["params"][0], nd["params"][1])
            elif left_name == "u3":
                left_parameters = tuple(nd["params"])
                left_name = "u1"  # replace id with u1
                left_parameters = (N(0), N(0), N(0))
            # Compose gates
            name_tuple = (left_name, right_name)
            if name_tuple == ("u1", "u1"):
                # u1(lambda1) * u1(lambda2) = u1(lambda1 + lambda2)
                right_parameters = (N(0), N(0), right_parameters[2] +
            elif name_tuple == ("u1", "u2"):
                # u1(lambda1) * u2(phi2, lambda2) = u2(phi2 + lambda1, lambda2)
                right_parameters = (sympy.pi / 2, right_parameters[1] +
                                    left_parameters[2], right_parameters[2])
            elif name_tuple == ("u2", "u1"):
                # u2(phi1, lambda1) * u1(lambda2) = u2(phi1, lambda1 + lambda2)
                right_name = "u2"
                right_parameters = (sympy.pi / 2, left_parameters[1],
                                    right_parameters[2] + left_parameters[2])
            elif name_tuple == ("u1", "u3"):
                # u1(lambda1) * u3(theta2, phi2, lambda2) =
                #     u3(theta2, phi2 + lambda1, lambda2)
                right_parameters = (right_parameters[0], right_parameters[1] +
                                    left_parameters[2], right_parameters[2])
            elif name_tuple == ("u3", "u1"):
                # u3(theta1, phi1, lambda1) * u1(lambda2) =
                #     u3(theta1, phi1, lambda1 + lambda2)
                right_name = "u3"
                right_parameters = (left_parameters[0], left_parameters[1],
                                    right_parameters[2] + left_parameters[2])
            elif name_tuple == ("u2", "u2"):
                # Using Ry(pi/2).Rz(2*lambda).Ry(pi/2) =
                #    Rz(pi/2).Ry(pi-2*lambda).Rz(pi/2),
                # u2(phi1, lambda1) * u2(phi2, lambda2) =
                #    u3(pi - lambda1 - phi2, phi1 + pi/2, lambda2 + pi/2)
                right_name = "u3"
                right_parameters = (sympy.pi - left_parameters[2] -
                                    right_parameters[1], left_parameters[1] +
                                    sympy.pi / 2, right_parameters[2] +
                                    sympy.pi / 2)
            elif name_tuple[1] == "nop":
                right_name = left_name
                right_parameters = left_parameters
                # For composing u3's or u2's with u3's, use
                # u2(phi, lambda) = u3(pi/2, phi, lambda)
                # together with the qiskit.mapper.compose_u3 method.
                right_name = "u3"
                # Evaluate the symbolic expressions for efficiency
                left_parameters = tuple(map(lambda x: x.evalf(), list(left_parameters)))
                right_parameters = tuple(map(lambda x: x.evalf(), list(right_parameters)))
                right_parameters = compose_u3(left_parameters[0],
                # Why evalf()? This program:
                #   OPENQASM 2.0;
                #   include "qelib1.inc";
                #   qreg q[2];
                #   creg c[2];
                #   u3(0.518016983430947*pi,1.37051598592907*pi,1.36816383603222*pi) q[0];
                #   u3(1.69867232277986*pi,0.371448347747471*pi,0.461117217930936*pi) q[0];
                #   u3(0.294319836336836*pi,0.450325871124225*pi,1.46804720442555*pi) q[0];
                #   measure q -> c;
                # took >630 seconds (did not complete) to optimize without
                # calling evalf() at all, 19 seconds to optimize calling
                # evalf() AFTER compose_u3, and 1 second to optimize
                # calling evalf() BEFORE compose_u3.
            # 1. Here down, when we simplify, we add f(theta) to lambda to
            # correct the global phase when f(theta) is 2*pi. This isn't
            # necessary but the other steps preserve the global phase, so
            # we continue in that manner.
            # 2. The final step will remove Z rotations by 2*pi.
            # 3. Note that is_zero is true only if the expression is exactly
            # zero. If the input expressions have already been evaluated
            # then these final simplifications will not occur.
            # TODO After we refactor, we should have separate passes for
            # exact and approximate rewriting.

            # Y rotation is 0 mod 2*pi, so the gate is a u1
            if (right_parameters[0] % (2 * sympy.pi)).is_zero \
                    and right_name != "u1":
                right_name = "u1"
                right_parameters = (0, 0, right_parameters[1] +
                                    right_parameters[2] +
            # Y rotation is pi/2 or -pi/2 mod 2*pi, so the gate is a u2
            if right_name == "u3":
                # theta = pi/2 + 2*k*pi
                if ((right_parameters[0] - sympy.pi / 2) % (2 * sympy.pi)).is_zero:
                    right_name = "u2"
                    right_parameters = (sympy.pi / 2, right_parameters[1],
                                        right_parameters[2] +
                                        (right_parameters[0] - sympy.pi / 2))
                # theta = -pi/2 + 2*k*pi
                if ((right_parameters[0] + sympy.pi / 2) % (2 * sympy.pi)).is_zero:
                    right_name = "u2"
                    right_parameters = (sympy.pi / 2, right_parameters[1] +
                                        sympy.pi, right_parameters[2] -
                                        sympy.pi + (right_parameters[0] +
                                                    sympy.pi / 2))
            # u1 and lambda is 0 mod 2*pi so gate is nop (up to a global phase)
            if right_name == "u1" and (right_parameters[2] % (2 * sympy.pi)).is_zero:
                right_name = "nop"
            # Simplify the symbolic parameters
            right_parameters = tuple(map(sympy.simplify, list(right_parameters)))
        # Replace the data of the first node in the run
        new_params = []
        if right_name == "u1":
            new_params = [right_parameters[2]]
        if right_name == "u2":
            new_params = [right_parameters[1], right_parameters[2]]
        if right_name == "u3":
            new_params = list(right_parameters)

        nx.set_node_attributes(unrolled.multi_graph, name='name',
                               values={run[0]: right_name})
        # params is a list of sympy symbols
        nx.set_node_attributes(unrolled.multi_graph, name='params',
                               values={run[0]: new_params})
        # Delete the other nodes in the run
        for current_node in run[1:]:
        if right_name == "nop":
    return unrolled
def swap_mapper(circuit_graph, coupling_graph,
                basis="cx,u1,u2,u3,id", trials=20, seed=None):
    """Map a DAGCircuit onto a CouplingGraph using swap gates.

        circuit_graph (DAGCircuit): input DAG circuit
        coupling_graph (CouplingGraph): coupling graph to map onto
        initial_layout (dict): dict from qubits of circuit_graph to qubits
            of coupling_graph (optional)
        basis (str): basis string specifying basis of output DAGCircuit
        trials (int): number of trials.
        seed (int): initial seed.

        DAGCircuit: object containing a circuit equivalent to
        circuit_graph that respects couplings in coupling_graph, and
        a layout dict mapping qubits of circuit_graph into qubits
        of coupling_graph. The layout may differ from the initial_layout
        if the first layer of gates cannot be executed on the
        initial_layout. Finally, returned is the final layer qubit
        permutation that is needed to add measurements back in.

        MapperError: if there was any error during the mapping or with the
    if circuit_graph.width() > coupling_graph.size():
        raise MapperError("Not enough qubits in CouplingGraph")

    # Schedule the input circuit
    layerlist = list(circuit_graph.layers())
    for i, v in enumerate(layerlist):
        logger.debug("    %d: %s", i, v["partition"])

    if initial_layout is not None:
        # Check the input layout
        circ_qubits = circuit_graph.get_qubits()
        coup_qubits = coupling_graph.get_qubits()
        qubit_subset = []
        for k, v in initial_layout.items():
            if k not in circ_qubits:
                raise MapperError("initial_layout qubit %s[%d] not in input "
                                  "DAGCircuit" % (k[0], k[1]))
            if v not in coup_qubits:
                raise MapperError("initial_layout qubit %s[%d] not in input "
                                  "CouplingGraph" % (v[0], v[1]))
        # Supply a default layout
        qubit_subset = coupling_graph.get_qubits()
        qubit_subset = qubit_subset[0:circuit_graph.width()]
        initial_layout = {a: b for a, b in
                          zip(circuit_graph.get_qubits(), qubit_subset)}

    # Find swap circuit to preceed to each layer of input circuit
    layout = initial_layout.copy()
    layout_max_index = max(map(lambda x: x[1]+1, layout.values()))

    # Construct an empty DAGCircuit with one qreg "q"
    # and the same set of cregs as the input circuit
    dagcircuit_output = DAGCircuit()
    dagcircuit_output.add_qreg("q", layout_max_index)
    for name, size in circuit_graph.cregs.items():
        dagcircuit_output.add_creg(name, size)

    # Make a trivial wire mapping between the subcircuits
    # returned by swap_mapper_layer_update and the circuit
    # we are building
    identity_wire_map = {}
    for j in range(layout_max_index):
        identity_wire_map[("q", j)] = ("q", j)
    for name, size in circuit_graph.cregs.items():
        for j in range(size):
            identity_wire_map[(name, j)] = (name, j)

    first_layer = True  # True until first layer is output
    logger.debug("initial_layout = %s", layout)

    # Iterate over layers
    for i, layer in enumerate(layerlist):

        # Attempt to find a permutation for this layer
        success_flag, best_circ, best_d, best_layout, trivial_flag \
            = layer_permutation(layer["partition"], layout,
                                qubit_subset, coupling_graph, trials, seed)
        logger.debug("swap_mapper: layer %d", i)
        logger.debug("swap_mapper: success_flag=%s,best_d=%s,trivial_flag=%s",
                     success_flag, str(best_d), trivial_flag)

        # If this fails, try one gate at a time in this layer
        if not success_flag:
            logger.debug("swap_mapper: failed, layer %d, "
                         "retrying sequentially", i)
            serial_layerlist = list(layer["graph"].serial_layers())

            # Go through each gate in the layer
            for j, serial_layer in enumerate(serial_layerlist):

                success_flag, best_circ, best_d, best_layout, trivial_flag \
                    = layer_permutation(serial_layer["partition"],
                                        layout, qubit_subset, coupling_graph,
                                        trials, seed)
                logger.debug("swap_mapper: layer %d, sublayer %d", i, j)
                logger.debug("swap_mapper: success_flag=%s,best_d=%s,"
                             success_flag, str(best_d), trivial_flag)

                # Give up if we fail again
                if not success_flag:
                    raise MapperError("swap_mapper failed: " +
                                      "layer %d, sublayer %d" % (i, j) +
                                      ", \"%s\"" %

                # If this layer is only single-qubit gates,
                # and we have yet to see multi-qubit gates,
                # continue to the next inner iteration
                if trivial_flag and first_layer:
                    logger.debug("swap_mapper: skip to next sublayer")

                # Update the record of qubit positions for each inner iteration
                layout = best_layout
                # Update the QASM
                # Update initial layout
                if first_layer:
                    initial_layout = layout
                    first_layer = False

            # Update the record of qubit positions for each iteration
            layout = best_layout

            # Update the QASM
            # Update initial layout
            if first_layer:
                initial_layout = layout
                first_layer = False

    # This is the final layout that we need to correctly replace
    # any measurements that needed to be removed before the swap
    last_layout = layout

    # If first_layer is still set, the circuit only has single-qubit gates
    # so we can use the initial layout to output the entire circuit
    if first_layer:
        layout = initial_layout
        for i, layer in enumerate(layerlist):
            dagcircuit_output.compose_back(layer["graph"], layout)

    # Parse openqasm_output into DAGCircuit object
    dag_unrrolled = DagUnroller(dagcircuit_output,
    dagcircuit_output = dag_unrrolled.expand_gates()
    return dagcircuit_output, initial_layout, last_layout
def transpile(dag_circuit,
    """Transform a dag circuit into another dag circuit (transpile), through
    consecutive passes on the dag.

        dag_circuit (DAGCircuit): dag circuit to transform via transpilation
        basis_gates (str): a comma seperated string for the target basis gates
        coupling_map (list): A graph of coupling::

             [control0(int), target0(int)],
             [control1(int), target1(int)],

            eg. [[0, 2], [1, 2], [1, 3], [3, 4]}

        initial_layout (dict): A mapping of qubit to qubit::

                                ("q", start(int)): ("q", final(int)),
                                ("q", 0): ("q", 0),
                                ("q", 1): ("q", 1),
                                ("q", 2): ("q", 2),
                                ("q", 3): ("q", 3)
        get_layout (bool): flag for returning the layout
        format (str): The target format of the compilation:
            {'dag', 'json', 'qasm'}
        seed (int): random seed for simulators
        pass_manager (PassManager): pass manager instance for the tranpilation process
            If None, a default set of passes are run.
            Otherwise, the passes defined in it will run.
            If contains no passes in it, no dag transformations occur.

        object: If get_layout == False, the compiled circuit in the specified
            format. If get_layout == True, a tuple is returned, with the
            second element being the layout.

        TranspilerError: if the format is not valid.
    final_layout = None

    if pass_manager:
        # run the passes specified by the pass manager
        for pass_ in pass_manager.passes():
        # default set of passes
        # TODO: move each step here to a pass, and use a default passmanager below
        basis = basis_gates.split(',') if basis_gates else []
        dag_unroller = DagUnroller(dag_circuit, DAGBackend(basis))
        dag_circuit = dag_unroller.expand_gates()
        # if a coupling map is given compile to the map
        if coupling_map:
            logger.info("pre-mapping properties: %s",
            # Insert swap gates
            coupling = Coupling(coupling_list2dict(coupling_map))
            logger.info("initial layout: %s", initial_layout)
            dag_circuit, final_layout = swap_mapper(dag_circuit,
            logger.info("final layout: %s", final_layout)
            # Expand swaps
            dag_unroller = DagUnroller(dag_circuit, DAGBackend(basis))
            dag_circuit = dag_unroller.expand_gates()
            # Change cx directions
            dag_circuit = direction_mapper(dag_circuit, coupling)
            # Simplify cx gates
            # Simplify single qubit gates
            dag_circuit = optimize_1q_gates(dag_circuit)
            logger.info("post-mapping properties: %s",

    # choose output format
    # TODO: do we need all of these formats, or just the dag?
    if format == 'dag':
        compiled_circuit = dag_circuit
    elif format == 'json':
        # FIXME: JsonBackend is wrongly taking an ordered dict as basis, not list
        dag_unroller = DagUnroller(dag_circuit, JsonBackend(dag_circuit.basis))
        compiled_circuit = dag_unroller.execute()
    elif format == 'qasm':
        compiled_circuit = dag_circuit.qasm()
        raise TranspilerError('unrecognized circuit format')

    if get_layout:
        return compiled_circuit, final_layout
    return compiled_circuit
def compile(quantum_circuit, basis_gates='u1,u2,u3,cx,id', coupling_map=None,
            initial_layout=None, get_layout=False, format='dag'):
    """Compile the circuit.

    This builds the internal "to execute" list which is list of quantum
    circuits to run on different backends.

        quantum_circuit (QuantumCircuit): circuit to compile
        basis_gates (str): a comma seperated string and are the base gates,
                           which by default are: u1,u2,u3,cx,id
        coupling_map (list): A graph of coupling::

             [control0(int), target0(int)],
             [control1(int), target1(int)],

            eg. [[0, 2], [1, 2], [1, 3], [3, 4]}

        initial_layout (dict): A mapping of qubit to qubit::

                                ("q", start(int)): ("q", final(int)),
                                ("q", 0): ("q", 0),
                                ("q", 1): ("q", 1),
                                ("q", 2): ("q", 2),
                                ("q", 3): ("q", 3)
        get_layout (bool): flag for returning the layout.
        format (str): The target format of the compilation:
            {'dag', 'json', 'qasm'}

        object: If get_layout == False, the compiled circuit in the specified
            format. If get_layout == True, a tuple is returned, with the
            second element being the layout.

        QISKitCompilerError: if the format is not valid.
    compiled_dag_circuit = DAGCircuit.fromQuantumCircuit(quantum_circuit)
    basis = basis_gates.split(',') if basis_gates else []

    dag_unroller = DagUnroller(compiled_dag_circuit, DAGBackend(basis))
    compiled_dag_circuit = dag_unroller.expand_gates()
    final_layout = None
    # if a coupling map is given compile to the map
    if coupling_map:
        logger.info("pre-mapping properties: %s",
        # Insert swap gates
        coupling = mapper.Coupling(mapper.coupling_list2dict(coupling_map))
        logger.info("initial layout: %s", initial_layout)
        compiled_dag_circuit, final_layout = mapper.swap_mapper(
            compiled_dag_circuit, coupling, initial_layout, trials=20, seed=13)
        logger.info("final layout: %s", final_layout)
        # Expand swaps
        dag_unroller = DagUnroller(compiled_dag_circuit, DAGBackend(basis))
        compiled_dag_circuit = dag_unroller.expand_gates()
        # Change cx directions
        compiled_dag_circuit = mapper.direction_mapper(compiled_dag_circuit, coupling)
        # Simplify cx gates
        # Simplify single qubit gates
        compiled_dag_circuit = mapper.optimize_1q_gates(compiled_dag_circuit)
        logger.info("post-mapping properties: %s",
    # choose output format
    if format == 'dag':
        compiled_circuit = compiled_dag_circuit
    elif format == 'json':
        dag_unroller = DagUnroller(compiled_dag_circuit,
        compiled_circuit = dag_unroller.execute()
    elif format == 'qasm':
        compiled_circuit = compiled_dag_circuit.qasm()
        raise QISKitCompilerError('unrecognized circuit format')

    if get_layout:
        return compiled_circuit, final_layout
    return compiled_circuit
def optimize_1q_gates(circuit):
    """Simplify runs of single qubit gates in the QX basis.

    Return a new circuit that has been optimized.
    qx_basis = ["u1", "u2", "u3", "cx", "id"]
    dag_unroller = DagUnroller(circuit, DAGBackend(qx_basis))
    unrolled = dag_unroller.expand_gates()

    runs = unrolled.collect_runs(["u1", "u2", "u3", "id"])
    for run in runs:
        qname = unrolled.multi_graph.node[run[0]]["qargs"][0]
        right_name = "u1"
        right_parameters = (N(0), N(0), N(0))  # (theta, phi, lambda)
        for current_node in run:
            nd = unrolled.multi_graph.node[current_node]
            assert nd["condition"] is None, "internal error"
            assert len(nd["qargs"]) == 1, "internal error"
            assert nd["qargs"][0] == qname, "internal error"
            left_name = nd["name"]
            assert left_name in ["u1", "u2", "u3", "id"], "internal error"
            if left_name == "u1":
                left_parameters = (N(0), N(0), nd["params"][0])
            elif left_name == "u2":
                left_parameters = (sympy.pi / 2, nd["params"][0], nd["params"][1])
            elif left_name == "u3":
                left_parameters = tuple(nd["params"])
                left_name = "u1"  # replace id with u1
                left_parameters = (N(0), N(0), N(0))
            # Compose gates
            name_tuple = (left_name, right_name)
            if name_tuple == ("u1", "u1"):
                # u1(lambda1) * u1(lambda2) = u1(lambda1 + lambda2)
                right_parameters = (N(0), N(0), right_parameters[2] +
            elif name_tuple == ("u1", "u2"):
                # u1(lambda1) * u2(phi2, lambda2) = u2(phi2 + lambda1, lambda2)
                right_parameters = (sympy.pi / 2, right_parameters[1] +
                                    left_parameters[2], right_parameters[2])
            elif name_tuple == ("u2", "u1"):
                # u2(phi1, lambda1) * u1(lambda2) = u2(phi1, lambda1 + lambda2)
                right_name = "u2"
                right_parameters = (sympy.pi / 2, left_parameters[1],
                                    right_parameters[2] + left_parameters[2])
            elif name_tuple == ("u1", "u3"):
                # u1(lambda1) * u3(theta2, phi2, lambda2) =
                #     u3(theta2, phi2 + lambda1, lambda2)
                right_parameters = (right_parameters[0], right_parameters[1] +
                                    left_parameters[2], right_parameters[2])
            elif name_tuple == ("u3", "u1"):
                # u3(theta1, phi1, lambda1) * u1(lambda2) =
                #     u3(theta1, phi1, lambda1 + lambda2)
                right_name = "u3"
                right_parameters = (left_parameters[0], left_parameters[1],
                                    right_parameters[2] + left_parameters[2])
            elif name_tuple == ("u2", "u2"):
                # Using Ry(pi/2).Rz(2*lambda).Ry(pi/2) =
                #    Rz(pi/2).Ry(pi-2*lambda).Rz(pi/2),
                # u2(phi1, lambda1) * u2(phi2, lambda2) =
                #    u3(pi - lambda1 - phi2, phi1 + pi/2, lambda2 + pi/2)
                right_name = "u3"
                right_parameters = (sympy.pi - left_parameters[2] -
                                    right_parameters[1], left_parameters[1] +
                                    sympy.pi / 2, right_parameters[2] +
                                    sympy.pi / 2)
            elif name_tuple[1] == "nop":
                right_name = left_name
                right_parameters = left_parameters
                # For composing u3's or u2's with u3's, use
                # u2(phi, lambda) = u3(pi/2, phi, lambda)
                # together with the qiskit.mapper.compose_u3 method.
                right_name = "u3"
                # Evaluate the symbolic expressions for efficiency
                left_parameters = tuple(map(lambda x: x.evalf(), list(left_parameters)))
                right_parameters = tuple(map(lambda x: x.evalf(), list(right_parameters)))
                right_parameters = compose_u3(left_parameters[0],
                # Why evalf()? This program:
                #   OPENQASM 2.0;
                #   include "qelib1.inc";
                #   qreg q[2];
                #   creg c[2];
                #   u3(0.518016983430947*pi,1.37051598592907*pi,1.36816383603222*pi) q[0];
                #   u3(1.69867232277986*pi,0.371448347747471*pi,0.461117217930936*pi) q[0];
                #   u3(0.294319836336836*pi,0.450325871124225*pi,1.46804720442555*pi) q[0];
                #   measure q -> c;
                # took >630 seconds (did not complete) to optimize without
                # calling evalf() at all, 19 seconds to optimize calling
                # evalf() AFTER compose_u3, and 1 second to optimize
                # calling evalf() BEFORE compose_u3.
            # 1. Here down, when we simplify, we add f(theta) to lambda to
            # correct the global phase when f(theta) is 2*pi. This isn't
            # necessary but the other steps preserve the global phase, so
            # we continue in that manner.
            # 2. The final step will remove Z rotations by 2*pi.
            # 3. Note that is_zero is true only if the expression is exactly
            # zero. If the input expressions have already been evaluated
            # then these final simplifications will not occur.
            # TODO After we refactor, we should have separate passes for
            # exact and approximate rewriting.

            # Y rotation is 0 mod 2*pi, so the gate is a u1
            if (right_parameters[0] % (2 * sympy.pi)).is_zero \
                    and right_name != "u1":
                right_name = "u1"
                right_parameters = (0, 0, right_parameters[1] +
                                    right_parameters[2] +
            # Y rotation is pi/2 or -pi/2 mod 2*pi, so the gate is a u2
            if right_name == "u3":
                # theta = pi/2 + 2*k*pi
                if ((right_parameters[0] - sympy.pi / 2) % (2 * sympy.pi)).is_zero:
                    right_name = "u2"
                    right_parameters = (sympy.pi / 2, right_parameters[1],
                                        right_parameters[2] +
                                        (right_parameters[0] - sympy.pi / 2))
                # theta = -pi/2 + 2*k*pi
                if ((right_parameters[0] + sympy.pi / 2) % (2 * sympy.pi)).is_zero:
                    right_name = "u2"
                    right_parameters = (sympy.pi / 2, right_parameters[1] +
                                        sympy.pi, right_parameters[2] -
                                        sympy.pi + (right_parameters[0] +
                                                    sympy.pi / 2))
            # u1 and lambda is 0 mod 2*pi so gate is nop (up to a global phase)
            if right_name == "u1" and (right_parameters[2] % (2 * sympy.pi)).is_zero:
                right_name = "nop"
            # Simplify the symbolic parameters
            right_parameters = tuple(map(sympy.simplify, list(right_parameters)))
        # Replace the data of the first node in the run
        new_params = []
        if right_name == "u1":
            new_params = [right_parameters[2]]
        if right_name == "u2":
            new_params = [right_parameters[1], right_parameters[2]]
        if right_name == "u3":
            new_params = list(right_parameters)

        nx.set_node_attributes(unrolled.multi_graph, name='name',
                               values={run[0]: right_name})
        # params is a list of sympy symbols
        nx.set_node_attributes(unrolled.multi_graph, name='params',
                               values={run[0]: new_params})
        # Delete the other nodes in the run
        for current_node in run[1:]:
        if right_name == "nop":
    return unrolled
def swap_mapper(circuit_graph, coupling_graph,
                basis="cx,u1,u2,u3,id", trials=20, seed=None):
    """Map a DAGCircuit onto a CouplingGraph using swap gates.

        circuit_graph (DAGCircuit): input DAG circuit
        coupling_graph (CouplingGraph): coupling graph to map onto
        initial_layout (dict): dict from qubits of circuit_graph to qubits
            of coupling_graph (optional)
        basis (str): basis string specifying basis of output DAGCircuit
        trials (int): number of trials.
        seed (int): initial seed.

        DAGCircuit: object containing a circuit equivalent to
        circuit_graph that respects couplings in coupling_graph, and
        a layout dict mapping qubits of circuit_graph into qubits
        of coupling_graph. The layout may differ from the initial_layout
        if the first layer of gates cannot be executed on the
        MapperError: if there was any error during the mapping or with the
    if circuit_graph.width() > coupling_graph.size():
        raise MapperError("Not enough qubits in CouplingGraph")

    # Schedule the input circuit
    layerlist = list(circuit_graph.layers())
    for i, v in enumerate(layerlist):
        logger.debug("    %d: %s", i, v["partition"])

    if initial_layout is not None:
        # Check the input layout
        circ_qubits = circuit_graph.get_qubits()
        coup_qubits = coupling_graph.get_qubits()
        qubit_subset = []
        for k, v in initial_layout.items():
            if k not in circ_qubits:
                raise MapperError("initial_layout qubit %s[%d] not in input "
                                  "DAGCircuit" % (k[0], k[1]))
            if v not in coup_qubits:
                raise MapperError("initial_layout qubit %s[%d] not in input "
                                  "CouplingGraph" % (v[0], v[1]))
        # Supply a default layout
        qubit_subset = coupling_graph.get_qubits()
        qubit_subset = qubit_subset[0:circuit_graph.width()]
        initial_layout = {a: b for a, b in
                          zip(circuit_graph.get_qubits(), qubit_subset)}

    # Find swap circuit to preceed to each layer of input circuit
    layout = initial_layout.copy()
    layout_max_index = max(map(lambda x: x[1]+1, layout.values()))

    # Construct an empty DAGCircuit with one qreg "q"
    # and the same set of cregs as the input circuit
    dagcircuit_output = DAGCircuit()
    dagcircuit_output.add_qreg("q", layout_max_index)
    for name, size in circuit_graph.cregs.items():
        dagcircuit_output.add_creg(name, size)

    # Make a trivial wire mapping between the subcircuits
    # returned by swap_mapper_layer_update and the circuit
    # we are building
    identity_wire_map = {}
    for j in range(layout_max_index):
        identity_wire_map[("q", j)] = ("q", j)
    for name, size in circuit_graph.cregs.items():
        for j in range(size):
            identity_wire_map[(name, j)] = (name, j)

    first_layer = True  # True until first layer is output
    logger.debug("initial_layout = %s", layout)

    # Iterate over layers
    for i, layer in enumerate(layerlist):

        # Attempt to find a permutation for this layer
        success_flag, best_circ, best_d, best_layout, trivial_flag \
            = layer_permutation(layer["partition"], layout,
                                qubit_subset, coupling_graph, trials, seed)
        logger.debug("swap_mapper: layer %d", i)
        logger.debug("swap_mapper: success_flag=%s,best_d=%s,trivial_flag=%s",
                     success_flag, str(best_d), trivial_flag)

        # If this fails, try one gate at a time in this layer
        if not success_flag:
            logger.debug("swap_mapper: failed, layer %d, "
                         "retrying sequentially", i)
            serial_layerlist = list(layer["graph"].serial_layers())

            # Go through each gate in the layer
            for j, serial_layer in enumerate(serial_layerlist):

                success_flag, best_circ, best_d, best_layout, trivial_flag \
                    = layer_permutation(serial_layer["partition"],
                                        layout, qubit_subset, coupling_graph,
                                        trials, seed)
                logger.debug("swap_mapper: layer %d, sublayer %d", i, j)
                logger.debug("swap_mapper: success_flag=%s,best_d=%s,"
                             success_flag, str(best_d), trivial_flag)

                # Give up if we fail again
                if not success_flag:
                    raise MapperError("swap_mapper failed: " +
                                      "layer %d, sublayer %d" % (i, j) +
                                      ", \"%s\"" %

                # If this layer is only single-qubit gates,
                # and we have yet to see multi-qubit gates,
                # continue to the next inner iteration
                if trivial_flag and first_layer:
                    logger.debug("swap_mapper: skip to next sublayer")

                # Update the record of qubit positions for each inner iteration
                layout = best_layout
                # Update the QASM
                # Update initial layout
                if first_layer:
                    initial_layout = layout
                    first_layer = False

            # Update the record of qubit positions for each iteration
            layout = best_layout

            # Update the QASM
            # Update initial layout
            if first_layer:
                initial_layout = layout
                first_layer = False

    # If first_layer is still set, the circuit only has single-qubit gates
    # so we can use the initial layout to output the entire circuit
    if first_layer:
        layout = initial_layout
        for i, layer in enumerate(layerlist):
            dagcircuit_output.compose_back(layer["graph"], layout)

    # Parse openqasm_output into DAGCircuit object
    dag_unrrolled = DagUnroller(dagcircuit_output,
    dagcircuit_output = dag_unrrolled.expand_gates()
    return dagcircuit_output, initial_layout