    def __init__(
        N: int = 15,
        a: int = 2,
        quantum_instance: Optional[Union[QuantumInstance, BaseBackend,
                                         Backend]] = None
    ) -> None:
            N: The integer to be factored, has a min. value of 3.
            a: Any integer that satisfies 1 < a < N and gcd(a, N) = 1.
            quantum_instance: Quantum Instance or Backend

            ValueError: Invalid input
        validate_min('N', N, 3)
        validate_min('a', a, 2)
        self._n = None  # type: Optional[int]
        self._up_qreg = None
        self._down_qreg = None  # type: Optional[QuantumRegister]
        self._aux_qreg = None  # type: Optional[QuantumRegister]

        # check the input integer
        if N < 1 or N % 2 == 0:
            raise ValueError(
                'The input needs to be an odd integer greater than 1.')

        self._N = N

        if a >= N or math.gcd(a, self._N) != 1:
            raise ValueError(
                'The integer a needs to satisfy a < N and gcd(a, N) = 1.')

        self._a = a

        self._ret = AlgorithmResult({
            "factors": [],
            "total_counts": 0,
            "successful_counts": 0

        # check if the input integer is a power
        tf, b, p = is_power(N, return_decomposition=True)
        if tf:
            logger.info('The input integer is a power: %s=%s^%s.', N, b, p)

        self._qft = QFT(do_swaps=False).to_instruction()
        self._iqft = self._qft.inverse()

        self._phi_add_N = None  # type: Optional[Gate]
        self._iphi_add_N = None
    def factor(
        N: int,
        a: int = 2,
    ) -> 'ShorResult':
        """Execute the algorithm.

        The input integer :math:`N` to be factored is expected to be odd and greater than 2.
        Even though this implementation is general, its capability will be limited by the
        capacity of the simulator/hardware. Another input integer :math:`a`  can also be supplied,
        which needs to be a co-prime smaller than :math:`N` .

            N: The integer to be factored, has a min. value of 3.
            a: Any integer that satisfies 1 < a < N and gcd(a, N) = 1.

            ShorResult: results of the algorithm.

            ValueError: Invalid input
            AlgorithmError: If a quantum instance or backend has not been provided

        validate_min('N', N, 3)
        validate_min('a', a, 2)

        # check the input integer
        if N < 1 or N % 2 == 0:
            raise ValueError(
                'The input needs to be an odd integer greater than 1.')

        if a >= N or math.gcd(a, N) != 1:
            raise ValueError(
                'The integer a needs to satisfy a < N and gcd(a, N) = 1.')

        if self.quantum_instance is None:
            raise AlgorithmError(
                "A QuantumInstance or Backend "
                "must be supplied to run the quantum algorithm.")

        result = ShorResult()

        # check if the input integer is a power
        tf, b, p = is_power(N, return_decomposition=True)
        if tf:
            logger.info('The input integer is a power: %s=%s^%s.', N, b, p)

        if not result.factors:
            logger.debug('Running with N=%s and a=%s.', N, a)

            if self._quantum_instance.is_statevector:
                circuit = self.construct_circuit(N=N, a=a, measurement=False)
                logger.warning('The statevector_simulator might lead to '
                               'subsequent computation using too much memory.')
                result = self._quantum_instance.execute(circuit)
                complete_state_vec = result.get_statevector(circuit)
                # TODO: this uses too much memory
                up_qreg_density_mat = partial_trace(
                    complete_state_vec, range(2 * self._n, 4 * self._n + 2))
                up_qreg_density_mat_diag = np.diag(up_qreg_density_mat)

                counts = dict()
                for i, v in enumerate(up_qreg_density_mat_diag):
                    if not v == 0:
                        counts[bin(int(i))[2:].zfill(2 * self._n)] = v**2
                circuit = self.construct_circuit(N=N, a=a, measurement=True)
                counts = self._quantum_instance.execute(circuit).get_counts(

            result.total_counts = len(counts)

            # For each simulation result, print proper info to user
            # and try to calculate the factors of N
            for measurement in list(counts.keys()):
                # Get the x_final value from the final state qubits
                logger.info("------> Analyzing result %s.", measurement)
                factors = self._get_factors(N, a, measurement)

                if factors:
                    logger.info('Found factors %s from measurement %s.',
                                factors, measurement)
                    result.successful_counts = result.successful_counts + 1
                    if factors not in result.factors:

        return result