def Backend_Topology(name, refresh, show=True, datatime=False): '''Funzione che mi restituisce tutte le possibili coppie tra gli slot fisici in un dizionario, i cui valori sono una lista contenente error gate ed gate length(ns) del cx tra la coppia, i valori sono fissati a 100000, se la coppia di slot non è topologicamente legata ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ poni refresh = True per aggiornare ottenere ad ogni chiamata i dati più aggiornati di calibrazione name = Nome del backend ''' Topology_properties = {} impossible_length = 100000 impossible_error = 100000 provider = IBMQ.get_provider(hub='ibm-q') provider.backends(simulator=False) backend = provider.get_backend(name) #print(backend.configuration().basis_gates) if show == True: plot_gate_map(backend).show() coupling_map = IBMQBackend.configuration(backend).to_dict()['coupling_map'] if datatime != False: prp = else: prp = Topology_properties['backend_name'] = prp['backend_name'] Topology_properties['last_update_date'] = prp['last_update_date'] gates = prp['gates'] cx_list = [] for i in range(len(gates)): if gates[i]['gate'] == 'cx': cx_list.append([gates[i]]) coupling = {} for i in range(len(prp['qubits'])): for j in range(len(prp['qubits'])): if i != j: string_error = 'edge_error_' + str(i) + str(j) string_length = 'edge_length_' + str(i) + str(j) if not check_in_list([i, j], coupling_map): #se la lista è vuota coupling[string_error] = impossible_error coupling[string_length] = impossible_length else: for ind in check_in_list([i, j], coupling_map): coupling[string_error] = cx_list[ind][0]['parameters'][ 0]['value'] coupling[string_length] = cx_list[ind][0][ 'parameters'][1]['value'] Topology_properties['coupling'] = coupling return Topology_properties
for n in range(0, len(available_backends)): backend = provider.get_backend(str(available_backends[n])) print("{0:20} {1:<10}".format(, backend.configuration().n_qubits)) # Select a backend or go for the least busy backend with more than 1 qubits backend_input = input("Enter the name of a backend, or X for the least busy:") if backend_input not in ["X", "x"]: backend = provider.get_backend(backend_input) else: backend = least_busy( provider.backends(filters=lambda b: b.configuration().n_qubits > 1 and b.status().operational)) # Display the gate and error map for the backend. print("\nQubit data for backend:", backend.status().backend_name) display(plot_gate_map(backend, plot_directed=True)) display(plot_error_map(backend)) # Create and transpile a 2 qubit Bell circuit qc = QuantumCircuit(2) qc.h(0), 1) display(qc.draw('mpl')) qc_transpiled = transpile(qc, backend=backend, optimization_level=3) display(qc_transpiled.draw('mpl')) # Display the circuit layout for the backend. display(plot_circuit_layout(qc_transpiled, backend, view='physical'))
def save_gate_map(backend): return ( plot_gate_map(backend).savefig(backend.configuration().backend_name + ".png"))
######################################################### # #Circuit # Quantum Circuit q = QuantumRegister(nb_qubits + nb_decoherence, "game") c = ClassicalRegister(nb_qubits + nb_decoherence) qc = QuantumCircuit(q, c) # print("00 --A-- 01 --B-- 02 --C-- 03 --D-- 04 --E-- 05 --F-- 06\n" # " | | | | | | |\n" # " U T S R Q P O\n" # " | | | | | | |\n" # "14 --N-- 13 --M-- 12 --L-- 11 --K-- 10 --J-- 09 --I-- 08 --H-- 07") plot_gate_map(quantum_computer) # # Make random pairing qubit_decoherence = nb_qubits for i in range(0, nb_qubits): if i % 2 == 0: qc.rx(math.pi / 2, q[i])[i], q[i + 1]) qc.ccx(q[i], q[i + 1], q[qubit_decoherence]) qubit_decoherence += 1 qc.measure(range(nb_qubits + nb_decoherence), range(nb_qubits + nb_decoherence)) # # Drawing the circuit