def __init__(self, vals, weights, max_weight, ans, shots=8192): self.provider = IonQProvider(token='API-token') # Get an IonQ simulator backend to run circuits on: self.backend = self.provider.get_backend("ionq_simulator") # get the weighted Pauli Operators self.ham = ks.get_operator(vals, weights, max_weight)[0] # get the shift for Maximum values self.shift = ks.get_operator(vals, weights, max_weight)[1] self.shots = shots # number of qubits used self.n_qubits = self.ham.num_qubits # build the ansatz from this module self.ansatz = RealAmplitudes(self.n_qubits, reps=1) # number of parameters for this ansatz self.num_params = self.ansatz.num_parameters # default an initial energy to be large value self.prev_energy = 100000000000 # real answer from the DWave Side self.ans = ans
def compile_and_run(self, t, vertex_coins, mode="ionq_simulator"): from qiskit_ionq_provider import IonQProvider from import circuit_drawer from qiskit.providers.jobstatus import JobStatus provider = IonQProvider(token='UXA0mTBVroG62waNXpn6yCXDyx2iDNH0') backend = provider.get_backend(mode) self.build_evolution_operator(vertex_coins) circuit = self.evolve(t) transpiled = transpile(circuit, backend=backend) print(circuit_drawer(circuit)) job = #save job_id job_id = job.job_id() if mode == "ionq_simulator": #Fetch the result: result = job.result() elif mode == "ionq_qpu": job=backend.retrieve_job(job_id) while job.status() is not JobStatus.DONE: time.sleep(5) from qiskit.visualization import plot_histogram fig = plot_histogram(result.get_counts()) fig.savefig("hist.png")
def run(self): provider = IonQProvider(token=self.__API_KEY) backend = provider.get_backend("ionq_qpu") job =, shots=1) return job.result() #%% # h = gt.HadamardGate(0) # x = gt.XGate(1) # cnot = gt.CNOTGate(1, 2) # tof = gt.ToffoliGate([0, 2], 1) # measure = gt.MeasureGate() # swap = gt.SWAPGate([1, 2]) # #%% # c = ct.Circuit(API_KEY=API_KEY) # fig = c.draw() # fig.savefig("figures/initial_circuit.png") # #%% # c.apply_gate(h) # c.apply_gate(cnot) # c.apply_gate(x) # c.apply_gate(tof) # c.apply_gate(swap) # c.apply_gate(measure) # c.draw() # #%% # result = c.simulate() # plot_histogram(result.get_counts()) # #%% # result = # #%% # img = c.draw() # type(img) # #%% # #%%
def test_provider_getbackend(): """Verifies that provider.get_backend works.""" pro = IonQProvider("123456") for backend in pro.backends(): assert backend == pro.get_backend(
def test_provider_autocomplete(): """Verifies that provider.backends autocomplete works.""" pro = IonQProvider("123456") for backend in pro.backends(): assert hasattr(pro.backends,
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 from qiskit import * from qiskit_ionq_provider import IonQProvider from qiskit.providers.jobstatus import JobStatus #Call provider and set token value provider = IonQProvider(token='BFmvdArkiCbsS12r4LZf5VgYDo4HngsS') from random import randrange import numpy as np from swap_test import swap_test from hash import crypto_hash, bitstring # given a message, produces a Quantum Digital Signature class Signed_Transaction(): def __init__(self, message): self.message = message self.bitstring = self.string_to_bitstring(message) self.signed_transaction = self.sign_transaction() def string_to_bitstring(self, m): bs = "" for i in bytes(m, encoding='utf-8'): bs += bin(i)[2:] return bs # make M pairs of private keys def generate_priv_keys(self): n = 4
class PlayGround: def __init__(self, vals, weights, max_weight, ans, shots=8192): self.provider = IonQProvider(token='API-token') # Get an IonQ simulator backend to run circuits on: self.backend = self.provider.get_backend("ionq_simulator") # get the weighted Pauli Operators self.ham = ks.get_operator(vals, weights, max_weight)[0] # get the shift for Maximum values self.shift = ks.get_operator(vals, weights, max_weight)[1] self.shots = shots # number of qubits used self.n_qubits = self.ham.num_qubits # build the ansatz from this module self.ansatz = RealAmplitudes(self.n_qubits, reps=1) # number of parameters for this ansatz self.num_params = self.ansatz.num_parameters # default an initial energy to be large value self.prev_energy = 100000000000 # real answer from the DWave Side self.ans = ans def get_result(self, qcs, shots=1000): full_rd = None # full result dictionary for aqc in qcs: # had to transpile otherwise will have illegal gates t_aqc = transpile(aqc, self.backend) job =, shots=shots) # save job_id # job_id_bell = job.job_id() # Fetch the result: result = job.result() rd = result.to_dict() if full_rd is None: full_rd = rd else: full_rd['results'].append(rd['results']) fin_result = Result.from_dict(full_rd) return fin_result def compute_energy(self, cur_param, demo=True, which_params=None): # compute the energy correspond to our WeightedPauliOperators # with ansatz having parameters: cur_param qc_binded = update_params(self.ansatz, cur_param) # had to do this for provider's limitation qc_cur = QuantumCircuit(self.n_qubits) qc_cur.compose(qc_binded, inplace=True) # append to evaluation circuit for state initialized by the ansatz, # this is in qc_cur # append the appropriate rotation to compute # expectation value for WeightedPaulioperators wpauli_circuits = self.ham.construct_evaluation_circuit(qc_cur, False) if not demo: result = self.get_result(wpauli_circuits, shots=self.shots) e = self.ham.evaluate_with_result(result, False) else: # generate some pseudo random energy landscape for demo purposes e = abs(np.sin(cur_param[which_params[0]]))**abs(cur_param[0]) e *= abs(np.cos(cur_param[which_params[1]]))**abs(cur_param[1]) e *= abs(self.ans) e *= np.random.random() if np.isnan(e): pdb.set_trace() return e def plot_energy_landscape(self, ax, prev_param, which_params, p_rng0, p_rng1, step=10, demo=True): # plot the energies landscapes around the prev_param # due to limitations we only vary two parameters at a time energies = np.ones((step, step)) theta0i = prev_param[which_params[0]] theta1i = prev_param[which_params[1]] theta0r = np.linspace(theta0i + p_rng0[0], theta0i + p_rng0[1], step) theta1r = np.linspace(theta1i + p_rng1[0], theta1i + p_rng1[1], step) for i, theta0 in enumerate(theta0r): for j, theta1 in enumerate(theta1r): cur_param = prev_param cur_param[which_params[0]] = theta0 cur_param[which_params[1]] = theta1 e = self.compute_energy(cur_param, demo, which_params) energies[i][j] = e X, Y = np.meshgrid(theta0r, theta1r) # plot current location ax.plot([theta0i] * 10, [theta1i] * 10, np.linspace(np.min(energies), np.max(energies), 10), 'or-', alpha=0.8, linewidth=1.5) ax.plot_surface(X, Y, energies, cmap=cm.coolwarm, linewidth=0, antialiased=False) ax.set_ylabel('theta{}'.format(which_params[0])) ax.set_xlabel('theta{}'.format(which_params[1])) return ax def ask_move(self): # asks which direction and magnitude you want to move print("Anon bid me how thee wanteth to moveth in the parameter space.") print("Chooseth thy grise wisely!") print("Lacking valor moves shall beest did punish") changes = np.zeros((self.num_params, )) print("Tell me which two parameters you want to move in") var1 = int( input("Enter a number between 0 and {0} separated by a space: ". format(self.num_params)) or randrange(self.num_params)) var2 = int( input("Enter a number between 0 and {0} separated by a space: ". format(self.num_params)) or randrange(self.num_params)) delta = np.pi / 100 for i in [int(var1), int(var2)]: j = int( input('How many steps for parameter {}?'.format(i)) or randrange(5)) changes[i] = j * delta return changes, [int(var1), int(var2)] def ask_show_param(self): # asks which parameter to show the plot print( "Which two parameters would you like to see for the next energy landscape plot" ) var1 = int( input("Enter a number between 0 and {0} separated by a space: ". format(self.num_params)) or randrange(self.num_params)) var2 = int( input("Enter a number between 0 and {0} separated by a space: ". format(self.num_params)) or randrange(self.num_params)) return int(var1), int(var2) def punish_player(self, cur_energy): # if you get to a higher energy, give random kick to parameters if self.prev_energy < cur_energy: print("You moved from energy {0} to {1}".format( self.prev_energy, cur_energy)) print( "Bad move, a strong wind blows you to somewhere else in parameter space" ) punish = np.random.random((self.num_params, )) * np.pi / 100 return punish else: print("Well done, your current energy is {}".format(cur_energy)) print("You maybe one step closer to the ground state energy {}". format(self.ans)) self.prev_energy = cur_energy return np.zeros((self.num_params, )) def do_move(self, new_params, demo, which_params): # actually change the update parameters e = self.compute_energy(new_params, demo, which_params) punish_step = self.punish_player(e) return punish_step + new_params # update the prev_param def play(self): prev_param = np.pi * np.random.random((self.num_params, )) - np.pi / 2 next_param = None counter = 0 while not isclose(self.prev_energy, self.ans, rel_tol=0.05): # fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2) fig = plt.figure() # loop over this to show multiple views for i in range(4): print("Now pick some parameter pairs") vary_param = self.ask_show_param() cur_ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, i + 1, projection='3d') cur_ax = self.plot_energy_landscape(cur_ax, prev_param, vary_param, [-np.pi / 10, np.pi / 10], [-np.pi / 10, np.pi / 10], 10) plt.title("Optimal answer: {}".format(self.ans)) # change this retarded funciton I wrote # put the optimal answer on the title of the plot moves, which_params = self.ask_move() next_param = prev_param + moves prev_param = self.do_move(next_param, True, which_params) if counter >= 2: print("You mad yet bro?") counter += 1 print("Brave Soul, congratulations!") print("Now you know the hard works a VQE has to do right?")
def run(self): provider = IonQProvider(token=self.__API_KEY) backend = provider.get_backend("ionq_qpu") job =, shots=1) return job.result()
def simulate(self): provider = IonQProvider(token=self.__API_KEY) backend = provider.get_backend("ionq_simulator") job =, shots=100) return job.result()
def loop(): global alice_hp global bob_hp global GAMMA global friendliness qc = QuantumCircuit(3,3) j_hat = np.matrix(scipy.linalg.expm( np.kron(-1j * GAMMA * d_hat, d_hat / 2))) # qc.unitary(Operator(j_hat), [0, 1], label="Friendship") qc.rx(-np.pi/2,2),0),1) def defect(q): qc.x(q) #Defecting is just a \sigma_x now # qc.z(q) def quantum(q): qc.y(q) qc.x(q) def exec_gate(q, gate): for g in gate: if g == 'Z': qc.z(q) elif g == 'Y': qc.y(q) elif g == 'X': qc.x(q) elif g == 'H': qc.h(q) elif g == 'T': qc.t(q) elif g == 'S': qc.s(q) def prompt(q): clear_screen() print_header(should_crawl=False) options = tuple(random.sample(OPTION_NAMES, 3)) while True: print("\nWhat will {} do?".format( alice_name if q == 0 else bob_name)) print("[1] Fight\t[2] Heal\t[3] Befriend") print("[4] {}\t[5] {}\t[6] {}".format(*options)) result = input(bcolors.WARNING + ">>> " + bcolors.ENDC) try: i = int(result) - 1 if i == 0: defect(q) return "Fight" elif i == 1: return "Heal" elif i == 2: quantum(q) return "Befriend" else: exec_gate(q, rand_gates[options[i - 3]]) return options[i - 3] except (ValueError, IndexError): print("Please enter an option number.") continue if random.choice([True, False]): alice_move = prompt(0) bob_move = prompt(1) else: bob_move = prompt(1) alice_move = prompt(0) clear_screen() # qc.unitary(Operator(j_hat.H), [0, 1], label="Battle"),1),0) qc.rx(np.pi/2,2) qc.measure(range(3),range(3)) msg = "" msg += "{} used {}{}!\n".format(alice_name, alice_move, " to heal 5 HP" if alice_move == "Heal" else "") msg += "{} used {}{}!\n".format(bob_name, bob_move, " to heal 5 HP" if bob_move == "Heal" else "") if alice_move == "Heal": alice_hp += 5 if bob_move == "Heal": bob_hp += 5 bob_hp = min(bob_hp, 100) alice_hp = min(alice_hp, 100) shots=1000 provider = IonQProvider(token='token') backend = provider.get_backend("ionq_simulator") job =, shots=1000) # backend = Aer.get_backend('qasm_simulator') # job = execute(qc, backend,shots=shots) result = job.result().get_counts() alice_exp = 0 bob_exp = 0 for outcome, prob in result.items(): prob=prob/shots alice, bob = int(outcome[2]), int(outcome[1]) #These numbers have been changed to incorporate the extra qubit added alice, bob = payoff(alice, bob) alice_exp += prob * alice bob_exp += prob * bob if alice_move == "Befriend" and bob_move not in ("Befriend", "Heal") \ and alice_exp > bob_exp or bob_move == "Befriend" \ and alice_move not in ("Befriend", "Heal") and bob_exp > alice_exp: msg += bcolors.OKCYAN + bcolors.BOLD + \ "It's the power of friendship!\n" + bcolors.ENDC if alice_exp == bob_exp: if alice_exp > 0: msg += bcolors.OKGREEN + \ "It's a draw! Both sides heal {:.2f} HP!{}\n".format( alice_exp, bcolors.ENDC) else: msg += bcolors.FAIL + \ "It's a draw! Both sides take {:.2f} HP damage!{}\n".format( abs(alice_exp), bcolors.ENDC) bob_hp += bob_exp alice_hp += alice_exp elif alice_exp > bob_exp: msg += bcolors.FAIL + "{} hits {} for {:.2f} HP damage!{}\n".format( alice_name, bob_name, alice_exp - bob_exp, bcolors.ENDC) bob_hp -= alice_exp - bob_exp else: msg += bcolors.FAIL + "{} hits {} for {:.2f} HP damage!{}\n".format( bob_name, alice_name, bob_exp - alice_exp, bcolors.ENDC) alice_hp -= bob_exp - alice_exp bob_hp = max(0, min(bob_hp, 100)) alice_hp = max(0, min(alice_hp, 100)) print_hp() print(qc) print("") crawl(msg) if alice_hp <= 0 or bob_hp <= 0: game_over() sys.exit(0) friendliness = min(max(abs(alice_hp - bob_hp) / 50, 1 - max(alice_hp, bob_hp) / 50), 1) GAMMA = friendliness * np.pi / 2 time.sleep(2) clear_screen() print_header()
import asyncio from pathlib import Path from qiskit import Aer from qiskit_ionq_provider import IonQProvider import random from qmc.utils import to_thread with open(Path(__file__).parent / "API_KEY") as key_file: key = provider = IonQProvider(token=key) class Backend: """The base Backend class""" def _run_ionq_simulator(qc): backend = provider.get_backend("ionq_simulator") job =, shots=2) result = job.result().get_counts().keys() if len(result) == 1: return list(result)[0] else: return random.choice(list(result)) class SimulatorBackend(Backend): async def schedule_execution(self, qc): result = await to_thread(_run_ionq_simulator, qc) return result