    def test_operators_into_frame_basis_with_cutoff_no_cutoff(self):
        """Test function for construction of operators with cutoff,
        without a cutoff.

        # no cutoff with already diagonal frame
        frame_op = -1j * np.pi * Array([1.0, -1.0])
        operators = Array([self.X.data, self.Y.data, self.Z.data])
        carrier_freqs = Array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])

        frame = Frame(frame_op)

        ops_w_cutoff, ops_w_conj_cutoff = frame.operators_into_frame_basis_with_cutoff(
            operators, carrier_freqs=carrier_freqs)

        self.assertAllClose(ops_w_cutoff, operators)
        self.assertAllClose(ops_w_conj_cutoff, operators)

        # same test but with frame given as a 2d array
        # in this case diagonalization will occur, causing eigenvalues to
        # be sorted in ascending order. This will flip Y and Z
        frame_op = -1j * np.pi * Array([[1.0, 0], [0, -1.0]])
        carrier_freqs = Array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])

        frame = Frame(frame_op)

        ops_w_cutoff, ops_w_conj_cutoff = frame.operators_into_frame_basis_with_cutoff(
            operators, carrier_freqs=carrier_freqs)

        expected_ops = Array([self.X.data, -self.Y.data, -self.Z.data])

        self.assertAllClose(ops_w_cutoff, expected_ops)
        self.assertAllClose(ops_w_conj_cutoff, expected_ops)
    def test_operators_into_frame_basis_with_cutoff(self):
        """Test function for construction of operators with cutoff."""

        # cutoff test
        frame_op = -1j * np.pi * Array([1.0, -1.0])
        operators = Array([self.X.data, self.Y.data, self.Z.data])
        carrier_freqs = Array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
        cutoff_freq = 3.0

        frame = Frame(frame_op)

        cutoff_mat = Array([[[1, 1], [1, 1]], [[1, 0], [1, 1]], [[0, 0],
                                                                 [1, 0]]])

        ops_w_cutoff, ops_w_conj_cutoff = frame.operators_into_frame_basis_with_cutoff(
            operators, cutoff_freq=cutoff_freq, carrier_freqs=carrier_freqs)

        ops_w_cutoff_expect = cutoff_mat * operators
        ops_w_conj_cutoff_expect = cutoff_mat.transpose([0, 2, 1]) * operators

        self.assertAllClose(ops_w_cutoff, ops_w_cutoff_expect)
        self.assertAllClose(ops_w_conj_cutoff, ops_w_conj_cutoff_expect)

        # same test with lower cutoff
        cutoff_freq = 2.0

        cutoff_mat = Array([[[1, 0], [1, 1]], [[0, 0], [1, 0]], [[0, 0],
                                                                 [0, 0]]])

        ops_w_cutoff, ops_w_conj_cutoff = frame.operators_into_frame_basis_with_cutoff(
            operators, cutoff_freq=cutoff_freq, carrier_freqs=carrier_freqs)

        ops_w_cutoff_expect = cutoff_mat * operators
        ops_w_conj_cutoff_expect = cutoff_mat.transpose([0, 2, 1]) * operators

        self.assertAllClose(ops_w_cutoff, ops_w_cutoff_expect)
        self.assertAllClose(ops_w_conj_cutoff, ops_w_conj_cutoff_expect)