 def __init__(self,
     self.name = "AbstractSolver"
     self.n = n
     self.iter = 0
     self.solver = solver
     self.accuracy = accuracy
     self.maxIter = maxIter
     self.verb = verb
     self.qpOasesAnalyser = SolutionAnalysis()
    def test_example2(self):
        # Example for qpOASES main function using the SQProblem class.
        #  Setup data of first QP.
        H = np.array([ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5 ]).reshape((2,2))
        A = np.array([ 1.0, 1.0 ]).reshape((2,1))
        g = np.array([ 1.5, 1.0 ])
        lb = np.array([ 0.5, -2.0 ])
        ub = np.array([ 5.0, 2.0 ])
        lbA = np.array([ -1.0 ])
        ubA = np.array([ 2.0 ])

        #  Setup data of second QP.
        H_new = np.array([ 1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 ]).reshape((2,2))
        A_new = np.array([ 1.0, 5.0 ]).reshape((2,1))
        g_new = np.array([ 1.0, 1.5 ])
        lb_new = np.array([ 0.0, -1.0 ])
        ub_new = np.array([ 5.0, -0.5 ])
        lbA_new = np.array([ -2.0 ])
        ubA_new = np.array([ 1.0 ])

        #  Setting up SQProblem object and solution analyser.
        qp = SQProblem(2, 1)
        options = Options()
        options.printLevel = PrintLevel.NONE

        analyser = SolutionAnalysis()

        # get c++ solution from std
        cmd = os.path.join(bin_path, "example2")
        p = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE)
        stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
        stdout = str(stdout).replace('\\n', '\n')
        stdout = stdout.replace("'", '')

        #  Solve first QP ...
        nWSR = 10
        qp.init(H, g, A, lb, ub, lbA, ubA, nWSR)

        #  ... and analyse it.
        maxKKTviolation = np.zeros(1)
        analyser.getMaxKKTviolation(qp, maxKKTviolation)
        print("maxKKTviolation: %e\n"%maxKKTviolation)
        actual = np.asarray(maxKKTviolation)

        pattern = re.compile(r'maxKKTviolation: (?P<maxKKTviolation>[0-9+-e.]*)')

        match = pattern.findall(stdout)
        expected = np.asarray(match[0], dtype=float)

        assert_almost_equal(actual, expected, decimal=7)

        #  Solve second QP ...
        nWSR = 10
        qp.hotstart(H_new, g_new, A_new,
                              lb_new, ub_new,
                              lbA_new, ubA_new, nWSR)

        #  ... and analyse it.
        analyser.getMaxKKTviolation(qp, maxKKTviolation)
        print("maxKKTviolation: %e\n"%maxKKTviolation)
        actual = np.asarray(maxKKTviolation)

        expected = np.asarray(match[1], dtype=float)

        assert_almost_equal(actual, expected, decimal=7)

        #  ------------ VARIANCE-COVARIANCE EVALUATION --------------------

        Var             = np.zeros(5*5)
        Primal_Dual_Var = np.zeros(5*5)

        Var.reshape((5,5))[0,0] = 1.
        Var.reshape((5,5))[1,1] = 1.

        #                  (  1   0   0   0   0   )
        #                  (  0   1   0   0   0   )
        #     Var     =    (  0   0   0   0   0   )
        #                  (  0   0   0   0   0   )
        #                  (  0   0   0   0   0   )

        analyser.getVarianceCovariance(qp, Var, Primal_Dual_Var)
        print('Primal_Dual_Var=\n', Primal_Dual_Var.reshape((5,5)))
        actual = Primal_Dual_Var.reshape((5,5))

        pattern = re.compile(r'Primal_Dual_VAR = (?P<VAR>.*)',

        match = pattern.search(stdout)
        expected = match.group('VAR').strip().split("\n")
        expected = [x.strip().split() for x in expected]
        expected = np.asarray(expected, dtype=float)

        assert_almost_equal(actual, expected, decimal=7)
ub = np.array([ 5.0, 2.0 ])
lbA = np.array([ -1.0 ])
ubA = np.array([ 2.0 ])

#  Setup data of second QP.
H_new = np.array([ 1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 ]).reshape((2,2))
A_new = np.array([ 1.0, 5.0 ]).reshape((2,1))
g_new = np.array([ 1.0, 1.5 ])
lb_new = np.array([ 0.0, -1.0 ])
ub_new = np.array([ 5.0, -0.5 ])
lbA_new = np.array([ -2.0 ])
ubA_new = np.array([ 1.0 ])

#  Setting up SQProblem object and solution analyser.
example = SQProblem(2, 1)
analyser = SolutionAnalysis()

#  Solve first QP ...
nWSR = np.array([10])
example.init(H, g, A, lb, ub, lbA, ubA, nWSR)

#  ... and analyse it.
maxStat = np.zeros(1)
maxFeas = np.zeros(1)
maxCmpl = np.zeros(1)

analyser.getKktViolation(example, maxStat, maxFeas, maxCmpl)
print("maxStat: %e, maxFeas:%e, maxCmpl: %e\n"%(maxStat, maxFeas, maxCmpl))

#  Solve second QP ...
nWSR = np.array([10])
    def __init__(self, N=16, T=0.1, T_step=0.8, fsm_state='D', fsm_sl=1):
        Initialize pattern generator matrices through base class
        and allocate two QPs one for optimzation of orientation and
        one for position of CoM and feet.

        super(NMPCGenerator, self).__init__(N, T, T_step, fsm_state, fsm_sl)
        # The pattern generator has to solve the following kind of
        # problem in each iteration

        # min_x 1/2 * x.T * H(w0) * x + x.T g(w0)
        # s.t.   lbA(w0) <= A(w0) * x <= ubA(w0)
        #         lb(w0) <=         x <= ub(wo)

        # Because of varying H and A, we have to use the
        # SQPProblem class, which supports this kind of QPs

        # rename for convenience
        N = self.N
        nf = self.nf

        # define some qpOASES specific things
        self.cpu_time = 0.1  # upper bound on CPU time, 0 is no upper limit
        self.nwsr = 100  # # of working set recalculations
        self.options = Options()
        #self.options.printLevel = PrintLevel.LOW

        # define variable dimensions
        # variables of:     position + orientation
        self.nv = 2 * (self.N + self.nf) + 2 * N

        # define constraint dimensions
        self.nc_pos = (self.nc_cop + self.nc_foot_position +
        self.nc_ori = (self.nc_fvel_eq + self.nc_fpos_ineq + self.nc_fvel_ineq)
        self.nc = (
            # position
            # orientation
            + self.nc_ori)

        # setup problem
        self.dofs = numpy.zeros(self.nv)
        self.qp = SQProblem(self.nv, self.nc)

        # load NMPC options

        self.qp_H = numpy.eye(self.nv, self.nv)
        self.qp_A = numpy.zeros((self.nc, self.nv))
        self.qp_g = numpy.zeros((self.nv, ))
        self.qp_lb = -numpy.ones((self.nv, )) * 1e+08
        self.qp_ub = numpy.ones((self.nv, )) * 1e+08
        self.qp_lbA = -numpy.ones((self.nc, )) * 1e+08
        self.qp_ubA = numpy.ones((self.nc, )) * 1e+08

        self._qp_is_initialized = False

        # save computation time and working set recalculations
        self.qp_nwsr = 0.0
        self.qp_cputime = 0.0

        # setup analyzer for solution analysis
        analyser = SolutionAnalysis()

        # helper matrices for common expressions
        self.Hx = numpy.zeros((1, 2 * (N + nf)), dtype=float)
        self.Q_k_x = numpy.zeros((N + nf, N + nf), dtype=float)
        self.p_k_x = numpy.zeros((N + nf, ), dtype=float)
        self.p_k_y = numpy.zeros((N + nf, ), dtype=float)

        self.Hq = numpy.zeros((1, 2 * N), dtype=float)
        self.Q_k_qR = numpy.zeros((N, N), dtype=float)
        self.Q_k_qL = numpy.zeros((N, N), dtype=float)
        self.p_k_qR = numpy.zeros((N), dtype=float)
        self.p_k_qL = numpy.zeros((N), dtype=float)

        self.A_pos_x = numpy.zeros((self.nc_pos, 2 * (N + nf)), dtype=float)
        self.A_pos_q = numpy.zeros((self.nc_pos, 2 * N), dtype=float)
        self.ubA_pos = numpy.zeros((self.nc_pos, ), dtype=float)
        self.lbA_pos = numpy.zeros((self.nc_pos, ), dtype=float)

        self.A_ori = numpy.zeros((self.nc_ori, 2 * N), dtype=float)
        self.ubA_ori = numpy.zeros((self.nc_ori, ), dtype=float)
        self.lbA_ori = numpy.zeros((self.nc_ori, ), dtype=float)

        self.derv_Acop_map = numpy.zeros((self.nc_cop, self.N), dtype=float)
        self.derv_Afoot_map = numpy.zeros((self.nc_foot_position, self.N),


        # add additional keys that should be saved

        # reinitialize plot data structure
        self.data = PlotData(self)