def test_total_values_for_no_transactions(): """ Tests 'total_market_value', 'total_unrealised_pnl', 'total_realised_pnl' and 'total_pnl' for the case of no transactions being carried out. """ ph = PositionHandler() assert ph.total_market_value() == 0.0 assert ph.total_unrealised_pnl() == 0.0 assert ph.total_realised_pnl() == 0.0 assert ph.total_pnl() == 0.0
def test_total_values_for_two_separate_transactions(): """ Tests 'total_market_value', 'total_unrealised_pnl', 'total_realised_pnl' and 'total_pnl' for single transactions in two separate assets. """ ph = PositionHandler() # Asset 1 asset1 = 'EQ:AMZN' dt1 = pd.Timestamp('2015-05-06 15:00:00', tz=pytz.UTC) trans_pos_1 = Transaction( asset1, quantity=75, dt=dt1, price=483.45, order_id=1, commission=15.97 ) ph.transact_position(trans_pos_1) # Asset 2 asset2 = 'EQ:MSFT' dt2 = pd.Timestamp('2015-05-07 15:00:00', tz=pytz.UTC) trans_pos_2 = Transaction( asset2, quantity=250, dt=dt2, price=142.58, order_id=2, commission=8.35 ) ph.transact_position(trans_pos_2) # Check all total values assert ph.total_market_value() == 71903.75 assert np.isclose(ph.total_unrealised_pnl(), -24.31999999999971) assert ph.total_realised_pnl() == 0.0 assert np.isclose(ph.total_pnl(), -24.31999999999971)
class Portfolio(object): """ Represents a portfolio of assets. It contains a cash account with the ability to subscribe and withdraw funds. It also contains a list of positions in assets, encapsulated by a PositionHandler instance. Parameters ---------- start_dt : datetime Portfolio creation datetime. starting_cash : float, optional Starting cash of the portfolio. Defaults to 100,000 USD. currency: str, optional The portfolio denomination currency. portfolio_id: str, optional An identifier for the portfolio. name: str, optional The human-readable name of the portfolio. """ def __init__(self, start_dt, starting_cash=0.0, currency="USD", portfolio_id=None, name=None): """ Initialise the Portfolio object with a PositionHandler, an event history, along with cash balance. Make sure the portfolio denomination currency is also set. """ self.start_dt = start_dt self.current_dt = start_dt self.starting_cash = starting_cash self.currency = currency self.portfolio_id = portfolio_id = name self.pos_handler = PositionHandler() self.history = [] self.logger = logging.getLogger('Portfolio') self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) '(%s) Portfolio "%s" instance initialised' % (self.current_dt.strftime( settings.LOGGING["DATE_FORMAT"]), self.portfolio_id)) self._initialise_portfolio_with_cash() def _initialise_portfolio_with_cash(self): """ Initialise the portfolio with a (default) currency Cash Asset with quantity equal to 'starting_cash'. """ = copy.copy(self.starting_cash) if self.starting_cash > 0.0: self.history.append( PortfolioEvent.create_subscription(self.current_dt, self.starting_cash, self.starting_cash)) '(%s) Funds subscribed to portfolio "%s" ' '- Credit: %0.2f, Balance: %0.2f' % (self.current_dt.strftime( settings.LOGGING["DATE_FORMAT"]), self.portfolio_id, round(self.starting_cash, 2), round(self.starting_cash, 2))) @property def total_market_value(self): """ Obtain the total market value of the portfolio excluding cash. """ return self.pos_handler.total_market_value() @property def total_equity(self): """ Obtain the total market value of the portfolio including cash. """ return self.total_market_value + @property def total_unrealised_pnl(self): """ Calculate the sum of all the positions' unrealised P&Ls. """ return self.pos_handler.total_unrealised_pnl() @property def total_realised_pnl(self): """ Calculate the sum of all the positions' realised P&Ls. """ return self.pos_handler.total_realised_pnl() @property def total_pnl(self): """ Calculate the sum of all the positions' total P&Ls. """ return self.pos_handler.total_pnl() def subscribe_funds(self, dt, amount): """ Credit funds to the portfolio. """ if dt < self.current_dt: raise ValueError('Subscription datetime (%s) is earlier than ' 'current portfolio datetime (%s). Cannot ' 'subscribe funds.' % (dt, self.current_dt)) self.current_dt = dt if amount < 0.0: raise ValueError('Cannot credit negative amount: ' '%s to the portfolio.' % amount) += amount self.history.append( PortfolioEvent.create_subscription(self.current_dt, amount, '(%s) Funds subscribed to portfolio "%s" ' '- Credit: %0.2f, Balance: %0.2f' % (self.current_dt.strftime(settings.LOGGING["DATE_FORMAT"]), self.portfolio_id, round(amount, 2), round(, 2))) def withdraw_funds(self, dt, amount): """ Withdraw funds from the portfolio if there is enough cash to allow it. """ # Check that amount is positive and that there is # enough in the portfolio to withdraw the funds if dt < self.current_dt: raise ValueError('Withdrawal datetime (%s) is earlier than ' 'current portfolio datetime (%s). Cannot ' 'withdraw funds.' % (dt, self.current_dt)) self.current_dt = dt if amount < 0: raise ValueError('Cannot debit negative amount: ' '%0.2f from the portfolio.' % amount) if amount > raise ValueError('Not enough cash in the portfolio to ' 'withdraw. %s withdrawal request exceeds ' 'current portfolio cash balance of %s.' % (amount, -= amount self.history.append( PortfolioEvent.create_withdrawal(self.current_dt, amount, '(%s) Funds withdrawn from portfolio "%s" ' '- Debit: %0.2f, Balance: %0.2f' % (self.current_dt.strftime(settings.LOGGING["DATE_FORMAT"]), self.portfolio_id, round(amount, 2), round(, 2))) def transact_asset(self, txn): """ Adjusts positions to account for a transaction. """ if txn.dt < self.current_dt: raise ValueError('Transaction datetime (%s) is earlier than ' 'current portfolio datetime (%s). Cannot ' 'transact assets.' % (txn.dt, self.current_dt)) self.current_dt = txn.dt txn_share_cost = txn.price * txn.quantity txn_total_cost = txn_share_cost + txn.commission if txn_total_cost > if settings.PRINT_EVENTS: print('WARNING: Not enough cash in the portfolio to ' 'carry out transaction. Transaction cost of %s ' 'exceeds remaining cash of %s. Transaction ' 'will proceed with a negative cash balance.' % (txn_total_cost, self.pos_handler.transact_position(txn) -= txn_total_cost # Form Portfolio history details direction = "LONG" if txn.direction > 0 else "SHORT" description = "%s %s %s %0.2f %s" % ( direction, txn.quantity, txn.asset.upper(), txn.price, datetime.datetime.strftime(txn.dt, "%d/%m/%Y")) if direction == "LONG": pe = PortfolioEvent(dt=txn.dt, type='asset_transaction', description=description, debit=round(txn_total_cost, 2), credit=0.0, balance=round(, 2)) '(%s) Asset "%s" transacted LONG in portfolio "%s" ' '- Debit: %0.2f, Balance: %0.2f' % (txn.dt.strftime(settings.LOGGING["DATE_FORMAT"]), txn.asset, self.portfolio_id, round(txn_total_cost, 2), round(, 2))) else: pe = PortfolioEvent(dt=txn.dt, type='asset_transaction', description=description, debit=0.0, credit=-1.0 * round(txn_total_cost, 2), balance=round(, 2)) '(%s) Asset "%s" transacted SHORT in portfolio "%s" ' '- Credit: %0.2f, Balance: %0.2f' % (txn.dt.strftime(settings.LOGGING["DATE_FORMAT"]), txn.asset, self.portfolio_id, -1.0 * round(txn_total_cost, 2), round(, 2))) self.history.append(pe) def portfolio_to_dict(self): """ Output the portfolio holdings information as a dictionary with Assets as keys and sub-dictionaries as values. This excludes cash. Returns ------- `dict` The portfolio holdings. """ holdings = {} for asset, pos in self.pos_handler.positions.items(): holdings[asset] = { "quantity": pos.net_quantity, "market_value": pos.market_value, "unrealised_pnl": pos.unrealised_pnl, "realised_pnl": pos.realised_pnl, "total_pnl": pos.total_pnl } return holdings def update_market_value_of_asset(self, asset, current_price, current_dt): """ Update the market value of the asset to the current trade price and date. """ if asset not in self.pos_handler.positions: return else: if current_price < 0.0: raise ValueError('Current trade price of %s is negative for ' 'asset %s. Cannot update position.' % (current_price, asset)) if current_dt < self.current_dt: raise ValueError('Current trade date of %s is earlier than ' 'current date %s of asset %s. Cannot update ' 'position.' % (current_dt, self.current_dt, asset)) self.pos_handler.positions[asset].update_current_price( current_price, current_dt) def history_to_df(self): """ Creates a Pandas DataFrame of the Portfolio history. """ records = [pe.to_dict() for pe in self.history] return pd.DataFrame.from_records(records, columns=[ "date", "type", "description", "debit", "credit", "balance" ]).set_index(keys=["date"])