def getPixmap(self): image = None if self.icon: if type(self.icon) == str: image = QPixmap() image.loadFromData(self.icon) elif type(self.icon) == list: image = QPixmap(self.icon) return image
def btnRefresh_clicked(self): if str(self.editUrl.text()): try: img = urllib2.urlopen(str(self.editUrl.text())).read() pic = QPixmap() pic.loadFromData(img) if not str(self.editWidth.text()): self.editWidth.setText(str(pic.width())) if not str(self.editHeight.text()): self.editHeight.setText(str(pic.height())) self.previewImage.setPixmap(pic) except: QMessageBox.warning(self, "Warning", "Cannot open the image url!")
def _setupTray(app, wnd): try: icons = KIconLoader() systray = KSystemTray(wnd["Class"]) p = QPixmap() p.loadFromData(icon) systray.setPixmap(p) QToolTip.add(systray, "PyQLogger - Blogger GUI") wnd["Impl"].systray = systray except Exception, inst: sys.stderr.write( "setupKDE: cannot set tray, exception: %s\n" % inst)
def SimpleButton(parent, title, handler, page=None, image=None): tabpage = parent.getPage(page) button = QPushButton(tabpage) if image: bi = QPixmap() bi.loadFromData(image, "PNG") button.setIconSet(QIconSet(bi)) w = bi.width() + 3 h = bi.height() + 3 if w < 32: w = 32 if h < 32: h = 32 button.setMaximumSize(QSize(w, h)) else: button.setText(title) QToolTip.add(button, title) parent.connect(button, SIGNAL("clicked()"), handler) p = ToolbarPlugin(parent) p.getWidget = lambda: button
def SimpleButton(parent, title, handler, page=None, image=None): tabpage = parent.getPage(page) button = QPushButton(tabpage) if image : bi = QPixmap() bi.loadFromData(image, "PNG") button.setIconSet(QIconSet(bi)) w = bi.width()+3 h = bi.height()+3 if w < 32: w = 32 if h < 32: h = 32 button.setMaximumSize(QSize(w, h)) else: button.setText(title) QToolTip.add(button, title) parent.connect(button, SIGNAL("clicked()"), handler) p = ToolbarPlugin(parent) p.getWidget = lambda: button
def __open(self, txt, btn): filename = str(QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None , \ "Images (*.png *.jpg *.gif)", \ self, \ "open image file", \ "Choose a file to open" )) txt.setText(filename) ok = False try: pic = QPixmap() if pic.loadFromData(open(filename, "rb").read()): ok = True if not str(self.editWidth.text()): self.editWidth.setText(str(pic.width())) if not str(self.editHeight.text()): self.editHeight.setText(str(pic.height())) self.previewImage.setPixmap(pic) btn.setEnabled(True) except: ok = False if not ok: QMessageBox.warning(self, "Warning", "Cannot open the image file!") self.previewImage.setPixmap(QPixmap()) btn.setEnabled(False)
def __open(self, txt, btn): filename = str( QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( None, "Images (*.png *.jpg *.gif)", self, "open image file", "Choose a file to open" ) ) txt.setText(filename) ok = False try: pic = QPixmap() if pic.loadFromData(open(filename, "rb").read()): ok = True if not str(self.editWidth.text()): self.editWidth.setText(str(pic.width())) if not str(self.editHeight.text()): self.editHeight.setText(str(pic.height())) self.previewImage.setPixmap(pic) btn.setEnabled(True) except: ok = False if not ok: QMessageBox.warning(self, "Warning", "Cannot open the image file!") self.previewImage.setPixmap(QPixmap()) btn.setEnabled(False)