def __init__(self, *args): apply(QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__,(self,)+args) self.canva = qtViewer3d(self) self.setWindowTitle("pythonOCC-%s 3d viewer ('qt' backend)"%VERSION) self.resize(1024,768) self.setCentralWidget(self.canva) self.menuBar = self.menuBar() self._menus = {} self._menu_methods = {}
def __init__(self, *args): apply(QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__, (self, ) + args) self.canva = qtViewer3d(self) self.setWindowTitle("pythonOCC-%s 3d viewer ('qt' backend)" % VERSION) self.resize(1024, 768) self.setCentralWidget(self.canva) self.menuBar = self.menuBar() self._menus = {} self._menu_methods = {}
def __init__(self, *args): apply(QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__, (self,)+args) self.canva = qtViewer3d(self) self.setWindowTitle("pythonOCC-%s 3d viewer ('qt' backend)" % VERSION) self.resize(1024, 768) self.setCentralWidget(self.canva) if not sys.platform == 'darwin': self.menu_bar = self.menuBar() else: # create a parentless menubar # see: # noticeable is that the menu ( alas ) is created in the topleft of the screen, just # next to the apple icon # still does ugly things like showing the "Python" menu in bold self.menu_bar = QtGui.QMenuBar() self._menus = {} self._menu_methods = {} # place the window in the center of the screen, at half the screen size self.centerOnScreen()
def __init__(self, *args): apply(QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__, (self, ) + args) self.canva = qtViewer3d(self) self.setWindowTitle("pythonOCC-%s 3d viewer ('qt' backend)" % VERSION) self.resize(1024, 768) self.setCentralWidget(self.canva) if not sys.platform == 'darwin': self.menu_bar = self.menuBar() else: # create a parentless menubar # see: # noticeable is that the menu ( alas ) is created in the topleft of the screen, just # next to the apple icon # still does ugly things like showing the "Python" menu in bold self.menu_bar = QtGui.QMenuBar() self._menus = {} self._menu_methods = {} # place the window in the center of the screen, at half the screen size self.centerOnScreen()
def __init__(self, *args): QtWidgets.QMainWindow.__init__(self, *args) self.canva = qtViewer3d(self) self.setWindowTitle("666666") self.setCentralWidget(self.canva) if sys.platform != 'darwin': self.menu_bar = self.menuBar() else: # create a parentless menubar # see: # noticeable is that the menu ( alas ) is created in the # topleft of the screen, just # next to the apple icon # still does ugly things like showing the "Python" menu in # bold self.menu_bar = QtWidgets.QMenuBar() self._menus = {} self._menu_methods = {} # place the window in the center of the screen, at half the # screen size self.centerOnScreen()
def __init__(self, *args): ''' 初始化界面 ''' # 中心控件 # 中心控件 QMainWindow.__init__(self, *args) layout = QHBoxLayout() # 水平布局 self.canva = qtViewer3d(self) # 显示设置 self.canva.InitDriver() # canva的驱动,设置驱动后,才能成功display display = self.canva._display display.set_bg_gradient_color([206, 215, 222], [128, 128, 128]) # 设置背景渐变色 display.display_triedron = True # display black trihedron self.setWindowTitle("Aim") # self.setWindowIcon(QIcon('./icons/aim.png')) #设置程序图标 self.setCentralWidget(self.canva) self.resize(1024, 768) self.centerOnScreen() # 容器控件 # 容器控件 self.items = QDockWidget('功能区', self) self.listWidget = QListWidget() self.listWidget.addItem('item1') self.listWidget.addItem('item2') self.listWidget.addItem('item3') self.items.setWidget(self.listWidget) self.items.setFloating(False) print(()) print(type(QtCore.Qt.RightDockWidgetArea)) print(type(self.items)) self.addDockWidget(QtCore.Qt.RightDockWidgetArea, self.items) # #### 菜单栏 # #### 菜单栏 menubar = self.menuBar() # 第一个菜单栏‘打开文件’ file = menubar.addMenu('&打开文件') file.addAction('模型导入') file.addAction('打开表格文件') file.addAction('打开图片') # #### 工具栏 #工具一:打开文件 exitAction = QAction(QIcon('./icons/open.gif'), '打开文件', self) exitAction.setShortcut('Ctrl+Q') exitAction.triggered.connect(QFileDialog.getOpenFileName) self.toolbar = self.addToolBar('Exit') self.toolbar.addAction(exitAction) # #### label标签 label = QLabel(self) label.move(900, 0) label.setText( "<a href=''>PythonOCC帮助</a>" ) label.setOpenExternalLinks(True) self.setLayout(layout) # 临时读入一个文件 P0 = gp_Pnt(0, 0, 1) P1 = gp_Pnt(0, 30, 20) display.DisplayShape(P0) display.DisplayShape(P1)