 def reload_dark_style(self):
     f = QFile(":/dark_theme.qss")
     f.open(QFile.ReadOnly | QFile.Text)
     ts = QTextStream(f)
     qss = ts.readAll()
     # f = open(Config.get_resource_path('dark_theme.qss', 'resources/ui'), 'r')
     # qss = f.read()
文件: __init__.py 项目: mhamid3d/jinx
def _load_stylesheet(qt_api=''):
    Load the stylesheet based on QtPy abstraction layer environment variable.

    If the argument is not passed, it uses the current QT_API environment
    variable to make the imports of Qt bindings. If passed, it sets this
    variable then make the imports.

        qt_api (str): qt binding name to set QT_API environment variable.
                      Default is ''. Possible values are pyside, pyside2
                      pyqt4, pyqt5. Not case sensitive.

        - Note that the variable QT_API is read when first imported. So,
          pay attention to the import order.
        - If you are using another abstraction layer, i.e PyQtGraph to do
          imports on Qt things you must set both to use the same Qt
          binding (PyQt, PySide).
        - OS, binding and binding version number, and application specific
          patches are applied in this order.

        str: stylesheet string (css).

    if qt_api:
        os.environ['QT_API'] = qt_api

    # Import is made after setting QT_API
    from qtpy.QtCore import QCoreApplication, QFile, QTextStream
    from qtpy.QtGui import QColor, QPalette

    # Then we import resources - binary qrc content
    from qdarkstyle import style_rc

    # Thus, by importing the binary we can access the resources
    package_dir = os.path.basename(PACKAGE_PATH)
    qss_rc_path = ":" + os.path.join(package_dir, QSS_FILE)

    # It gets the qss file from compiled style_rc that was import
    # not from the file QSS as we are using resources
    qss_file = QFile(qss_rc_path)

    if qss_file.exists():
        qss_file.open(QFile.ReadOnly | QFile.Text)
        text_stream = QTextStream(qss_file)
        stylesheet = text_stream.readAll()
        stylesheet = ""
        # Todo: check this raise type and add to docs
        raise FileNotFoundError("Unable to find QSS file '{}' "
                                "in resources.".format(qss_rc_path))

    # 4. Apply palette fix. See issue #139
    _apply_application_patches(QCoreApplication, QPalette, QColor)

    return stylesheet
 def reload_light_style(self):
     if CONFIG['light_theme_is_native']:
     f = QFile(":/light_theme.qss")
     f.open(QFile.ReadOnly | QFile.Text)
     ts = QTextStream(f)
     qss = ts.readAll()
     # f = open(Config.get_resource_path('light_theme.qss', 'resources/ui'), 'r')
     # qss = f.read()
    def updateFrameSheet(self):
        if globals.applied_style == 'light':
            f = QFile(':/frameless-light.qss')
        elif globals.applied_style == 'dark':
            f = QFile(':/frameless-dark.qss')
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Set the app style theme before instantiating ModernWindow')
        f.open(QIODevice.ReadOnly | QIODevice.Text)
        text = QTextStream(f)
        text = text.readAll()

def _apply_base_theme(app):
    """ Apply base theme to the application.

            app (QApplication): QApplication instance.

    if QT_VERSION < (5,):

    f = QFile(':/style.qss')
    f.open(QIODevice.ReadOnly | QIODevice.Text)
    text = QTextStream(f)
def _load_stylesheet(qt_api='', palette=None):
    Load the stylesheet based on QtPy abstraction layer environment variable.

    If the argument is not passed, it uses the current QT_API environment
    variable to make the imports of Qt bindings. If passed, it sets this
    variable then make the imports.

        qt_api (str): qt binding name to set QT_API environment variable.
                      Default is ''. Possible values are pyside, pyside2
                      pyqt4, pyqt5. Not case sensitive.
        palette (Palette): Palette class that inherits from Palette.

        - Note that the variable QT_API is read when first imported. So,
          pay attention to the import order.
        - If you are using another abstraction layer, i.e PyQtGraph to do
          imports on Qt things you must set both to use the same Qt
          binding (PyQt, PySide).
        - OS, binding and binding version number, and application specific
          patches are applied in this order.

        str: stylesheet string (css).

    if qt_api:
        os.environ['QT_API'] = qt_api

    # Import is made after setting QT_API
    from qtpy.QtCore import QCoreApplication, QFile, QTextStream
    from qtpy.QtGui import QColor, QPalette
    from qtpy import QT_VERSION

    # Then we import resources - binary qrc content
    if palette is None:
        from qdarkstyle.dark import style_rc
        palette = DarkPalette
    elif palette.ID == 'dark':
        from qdarkstyle.dark import style_rc
        palette = DarkPalette
    elif palette.ID == 'light':
        from qdarkstyle.light import style_rc
        palette = LightPalette
        print("Not recognized ID for palette! Exiting!")

    # Thus, by importing the binary we can access the resources
    package_dir = os.path.basename(PACKAGE_PATH)
    qss_rc_path = ":" + os.path.join(package_dir, palette.ID, QSS_FILE)

    _logger.debug("Reading QSS file in: %s" % qss_rc_path)

    # It gets the qss file from compiled style_rc that was imported,
    # not from the file QSS as we are using resources
    qss_file = QFile(qss_rc_path)

    if qss_file.exists():
        qss_file.open(QFile.ReadOnly | QFile.Text)
        text_stream = QTextStream(qss_file)
        stylesheet = text_stream.readAll()
        _logger.info("QSS file sucessfuly loaded.")
        stylesheet = ""
        # Todo: check this raise type and add to docs
        raise FileNotFoundError("Unable to find QSS file '{}' "
                                "in resources.".format(qss_rc_path))

    _logger.debug("Checking patches for being applied.")

    # Todo: check execution order for these functions
    # 1. Apply OS specific patches
    stylesheet += _apply_os_patches(palette)

    # 2. Apply binding specific patches
    stylesheet += _apply_binding_patches()

    # 3. Apply binding version specific patches
    stylesheet += _apply_version_patches(QT_VERSION)

    # 4. Apply palette fix. See issue #139
    _apply_application_patches(QCoreApplication, QPalette, QColor, palette)

    return stylesheet
def _load_stylesheet(qt_api='', style=''):
    Load the stylesheet based on QtPy abstraction layer environment variable.

    If the argument is not passed, it uses the current QT_API environment
    variable to make the imports of Qt bindings. If passed, it sets this
    variable then make the imports.

        qt_api (str): qt binding name to set QT_API environment variable.
                      Default is ''. Possible values are pyside2,
                      pyqt5. Not case sensitive.

        - Note that the variable QT_API is read when first imported. So,
          pay attention to the import order.
        - OS, binding and binding version number, and application specific
          patches are applied in this order.

        str: stylesheet string (css).

    if qt_api:
        os.environ['QT_API'] = qt_api

    # Import is made after setting QT_API
    from qtpy.QtCore import QCoreApplication, QFile, QTextStream
    from qtpy.QtGui import QColor, QPalette
    from qtpy import QT_VERSION

    # Search for style in styles directory
    style_dir = None

    available_styles = getAvailableStyles()
    _logger.debug(f"Available styles: {available_styles}")
    for stl in available_styles:
        if style.lower() == stl.lower():
            style_dir = stl

    if style_dir is None:
        stylesheet = ""
        raise FileNotFoundError("Style " + style + " does not exists")

    # check if any style_rc was loaded before
    if "style_rc" in sys.modules:
        _logger.info("Found already imported style in sys.modules")

        # use qCleanupResources to remove all resource files
        global style_rc  # noqa

        # remove imported modules
        for x in [
                module for module in sys.modules
                if module.startswith("style_rc")
            del sys.modules[x]
            del style_rc

        # remove path to previously imported style from sys.path
        for stylepath in [
                path for path in sys.path if any(
                    style for style in getAvailableStyles() if style in path)
        _logger.debug("Removed all imported styles")

        _logger.debug("Loading style from directory: " + style_dir)
        old_working_dir = os.getcwd()
        # set style directory
        package_dir = os.path.join(STYLES_PATH, style_dir)

        # append directory to sys.path and import style_rc
            import style_rc  # noqa
            # get palette
            palette = style_rc.palette

        except ModuleNotFoundError:
            raise ModuleNotFoundError(
                "Failed to import style_rc from directory: {}".format(


    except FileExistsError:
        raise FileNotFoundError("Missing style_rc.py file")

    _logger.info("Style resources imported successfully")

    # Thus, by importing the binary we can access the resources
    package_dir = os.path.basename(PACKAGE_PATH)
    qss_rc_path = ":" + os.path.join(package_dir, QSS_FILE)

    _logger.debug("Reading QSS file in: %s", qss_rc_path)

    # It gets the qss file from compiled style_rc that was import
    # not from the file QSS as we are using resources
    qss_file = QFile(qss_rc_path)

    if qss_file.exists():
        qss_file.open(QFile.ReadOnly | QFile.Text)
        text_stream = QTextStream(qss_file)
        stylesheet = text_stream.readAll()
        _logger.info("QSS file sucessfuly loaded.")
        stylesheet = ""
        # Todo: check this raise type and add to docs
        raise FileNotFoundError("Unable to find QSS file '{}' "
                                "in resources.".format(qss_rc_path))

    _logger.debug("Checking patches for being applied.")

    # Todo: check execution order for these functions
    # 1. Apply OS specific patches
    stylesheet += _apply_os_patches(palette)

    # 2. Apply binding specific patches
    stylesheet += _apply_binding_patches()

    # 3. Apply binding version specific patches
    stylesheet += _apply_version_patches(QT_VERSION)

    # 4. Apply palette fix. See issue #139
    _apply_application_patches(palette, QCoreApplication, QPalette, QColor)

    return stylesheet