def sceneEventFilter(self, obj, event): if (event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.GraphicsSceneMousePress and event.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton): return True elif (event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.GraphicsSceneMouseRelease and event.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton): pen = QtGui.QPen() pen.setColor( brush = QtGui.QBrush() brush.setColor( brush.setStyle(QtCore.Qt.SolidPattern) RADIUS = 3 point = event.scenePos() item = GraphicsPointItem(point.x(), point.y(), RADIUS) item.setPen(pen) item.setBrush(brush) item.setFlag(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable, True) item.setFlag(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable, True) obj.addItem(item) return True return False
def makeBrush(**option): brush = QtGui.QBrush() brush.setStyle(option.get('style', Qt.SolidPattern)) color = QColor(option.get('color', '#ffffff')) color.setAlphaF(option.get('alpha', 1)) brush.setColor(color) return brush
def arrow(self, sx, sy, ex, ey, body_length=0.8, body_width=.5, head_width=30, color=None, fill=False, penwidth=None, add=True): """Mimicks canvas api. See openexp._canvas.canvas.""" from openexp._canvas.canvas import canvas shape = canvas.arrow_shape(self._x(sx), self._y(sy), self._x(ex), self._y(ey), body_length=self._p(body_length), body_width=self._p(body_width), head_width=self._w(head_width)) color = self._color(color) if fill: pen = self._pen(color, 1) brush = self._brush(color) else: pen = self._pen(color, penwidth) brush = QtGui.QBrush() polygon = QtGui.QPolygonF() for point in shape: polygon << QtCore.QPointF(point[0],point[1]) i = QtWidgets.QGraphicsPolygonItem(polygon) i.setPen(pen) i.setBrush(brush) if add: self.addItem(i) return i
def paintEvent(self, e): painter = QtGui.QPainter(self) brush = QtGui.QBrush() brush.setColor(QtGui.QColor(self.color)) brush.setStyle(Qt.SolidPattern) painter.setBrush(brush) painter.drawEllipse(0, 0, self.size, self.size)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(FramelessWindow, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) palette1 = QtGui.QPalette() pix = QtGui.QPixmap('images/1.jpg') palette1.setBrush(self.backgroundRole(), QtGui.QBrush(pix)) # 设置背景图片 self.setPalette(palette1) self.setAutoFillBackground(True) self.setGeometry(300, 300, 250, 150) self._pressed = False self.Direction = None # 无边框 self.setWindowFlags(Qt.FramelessWindowHint) # 隐藏边框 # 鼠标跟踪 self.setMouseTracking(True) # 布局 layout = QVBoxLayout(self, spacing=0) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) # 标题栏 self.titleBar = TitleBar(self) layout.addWidget(self.titleBar) # 信号槽 self.titleBar.windowMinimumed.connect(self.showMinimized) self.titleBar.windowMaximumed.connect(self.showMaximized) self.titleBar.windowNormaled.connect(self.showNormal) self.titleBar.windowClosed.connect(self.close) self.titleBar.windowMoved.connect(self.move) self.windowTitleChanged.connect(self.titleBar.setTitle) self.windowIconChanged.connect(self.titleBar.setIcon)
def DrawNumerical(painter, x, y, service_key, rating_state, rating): (shape, stars) = GetStars(service_key, rating_state, rating) x_delta = 0 x_step = 12 for (num_stars, pen_colour, brush_colour) in stars: painter.setPen(QG.QPen(pen_colour)) painter.setBrush(QG.QBrush(brush_colour)) for i in range(num_stars): if shape == CIRCLE: painter.drawEllipse(QC.QPointF(x + 7 + x_delta, y + 7), 6, 6) elif shape == SQUARE: painter.drawRect(x + 2 + x_delta, y + 2, 12, 12) elif shape == STAR: offset = QC.QPoint(x + 1 + x_delta, y + 1) painter.translate(offset) painter.drawPolygon(QG.QPolygonF(STAR_COORDS)) painter.translate(-offset) x_delta += x_step
def DrawLike(painter, x, y, service_key, rating_state): shape = GetShape(service_key) (pen_colour, brush_colour) = GetPenAndBrushColours(service_key, rating_state) painter.setPen(QG.QPen(pen_colour)) painter.setBrush(QG.QBrush(brush_colour)) if shape == CIRCLE: painter.drawEllipse(QC.QPointF(x + 7, y + 7), 6, 6) elif shape == SQUARE: painter.drawRect(x + 2, y + 2, 12, 12) elif shape == STAR: offset = QC.QPoint(x + 1, y + 1) painter.translate(offset) painter.drawPolygon(QG.QPolygonF(STAR_COORDS)) painter.translate(-offset)
def data(self, index, role=QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole): if not index.isValid() or not (0 <= index.row() < len(self._builders)): return None row = index.row() column = index.column() builder = self._builders[row] if role == QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole: if column == 0: if not builder.materials: return "none" else: return ", ".join( map(operator.attrgetter("name"), builder.materials) ) elif column == 1: if len(builder.thicknesses_m) > 0: values = np.array(sorted(builder.thicknesses_m)) * 1e9 locale = QtCore.QLocale.system() precision = tolerance_to_decimals(Layer.THICKNESS_TOLERANCE_m * 1e9) return ", ".join(locale.toString(v, "f", precision) for v in values) elif role == QtCore.Qt.TextAlignmentRole: return QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter elif role == QtCore.Qt.UserRole: return builder elif role == QtCore.Qt.BackgroundRole: if len(builder) == 0: brush = QtGui.QBrush() brush.setColor(QtGui.QColor(INVALID_COLOR)) brush.setStyle(QtCore.Qt.SolidPattern) return brush
def updateMarker(self, marker): if != "drift_rect": return if not in self.overlays: overlay = QtWidgets.QGraphicsPolygonItem(self.image) overlay.setBrush(QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 255, 128))) overlay.setPen(QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0, 0))) self.overlays[] = overlay else: overlay = self.overlays[] border_x, border_y = self.getOption("borderSize") poly = [] poly.append(QtCore.QPoint(marker.x - border_x, marker.y - border_y)) poly.append( QtCore.QPoint(marker.x + marker.width + border_x, marker.y - border_y)) poly.append( QtCore.QPoint(marker.x + marker.width + border_x, marker.y + marker.height + border_y)) poly.append( QtCore.QPoint(marker.x - border_x, marker.y + marker.height + border_y)) poly.append(QtCore.QPoint(marker.x - border_x, marker.y - border_y)) poly.append(QtCore.QPoint(marker.x, marker.y)) poly.append(QtCore.QPoint(marker.x + marker.width, marker.y)) poly.append( QtCore.QPoint(marker.x + marker.width, marker.y + marker.height)) poly.append(QtCore.QPoint(marker.x, marker.y + marker.height)) poly.append(QtCore.QPoint(marker.x, marker.y)) overlay.setPolygon(QtGui.QPolygonF(poly))
def ellipse(self, x, y, w, h, fill=False, color=None, penwidth=None, add=True): """Mimicks canvas api. See openexp._canvas.canvas.""" color = self._color(color) if fill: pen = self._pen(color, 1) brush = self._brush(color) else: pen = self._pen(color, penwidth) brush = QtGui.QBrush() i = QtWidgets.QGraphicsEllipseItem(self._x(x), self._y(y), self._w(w), self._h(h)) i.setPen(pen) i.setBrush(brush) if add: self.addItem(i) return i
def __init__(self, parent=None): super(ImageView, self).__init__(parent) scene = QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene(self) self.graphics_pixmap = QtWidgets.QGraphicsPixmapItem() scene.addItem(self.graphics_pixmap) self.setScene(scene) self.zoom_factor = 1.125 self.rubberband = None self.panning = False self.first_show_occured = False self.last_scene_roi = None self.start_drag = QtCore.QPoint() self.checkerboard = None CHECK_MEDIUM = 8 CHECK_GRAY = 0x80 CHECK_LIGHT = 0xcc check_pattern = QtGui.QImage(CHECK_MEDIUM * 2, CHECK_MEDIUM * 2, QtGui.QImage.Format_RGB888) color_gray = QtGui.QColor(CHECK_GRAY, CHECK_GRAY, CHECK_GRAY) color_light = QtGui.QColor(CHECK_LIGHT, CHECK_LIGHT, CHECK_LIGHT) painter = QtGui.QPainter(check_pattern) painter.fillRect(0, 0, CHECK_MEDIUM, CHECK_MEDIUM, color_gray) painter.fillRect(CHECK_MEDIUM, CHECK_MEDIUM, CHECK_MEDIUM, CHECK_MEDIUM, color_gray) painter.fillRect(0, CHECK_MEDIUM, CHECK_MEDIUM, CHECK_MEDIUM, color_light) painter.fillRect(CHECK_MEDIUM, 0, CHECK_MEDIUM, CHECK_MEDIUM, color_light) self.check_pattern = check_pattern self.check_brush = QtGui.QBrush(check_pattern)
def setAnning(self, isAnning=True): if isAnning: self.setAcceptHoverEvents(False) self.last_focse = self.polygon_hovering self.polygon_hovering = False self.anning = True self.setBrush(QtGui.QBrush(QtCore.Qt.NoBrush)) self.setFlag(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable, False) # self.setFlag(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable, False) self.setFlag(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemSendsGeometryChanges, False) self.setFlag(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemIsFocusable, False) self.setCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.ArrowCursor)) else: self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) self.anning = False if self.last_focse: self.polygon_hovering = True self.setBrush(self.insideColor) else: self.setBrush(self.halfInsideColor) self.setFlag(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable, True) # self.setFlag(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable, True) self.setFlag(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemSendsGeometryChanges, True) self.setFlag(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemIsFocusable, True) self.setCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.PointingHandCursor))
def __init__(self, parent_hud, window, image_display, config): QtGui.QGraphicsRectItem.__init__(self, parent_hud) self.config = config self.window = window self.setCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.ArrowCursor)) self.setBrush(QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0, 250))) self.setZValue(30) self.setRect(QtGui.QRectF(0, 0, 110, 110)) BoxGrabber(self) self.dragged = False self.hidden = False if self.config.hide_interfaces: self.setVisible(False) self.hidden = True self.qimages = [] self.pixmaps = [] self.shapes = [] for i in xrange(600): self.pixmaps.append(QtGui.QGraphicsPixmapItem(self)) self.qimages.append(QtGui.QImage()) self.shapes.append((0, 0)) self.offset = [0, 0] self.t = checkUpdateThread(self) self.t.signal.sig.connect(self.updatePixmap) self.started = False
def data(self, index, role): """ :param index: :param role: :return: """ """ Different roles: The general purpose roles (and the associated types) are: Constant Value Description Qt::DisplayRole 0 The key data to be rendered in the form of text. (QString) Qt::DecorationRole 1 The data to be rendered as a decoration in the form of an icon. (QColor, QIcon or QPixmap) Qt::EditRole 2 The data in a form suitable for editing in an editor. (QString) Qt::ToolTipRole 3 The data displayed in the item's tooltip. (QString) Qt::StatusTipRole 4 The data displayed in the status bar. (QString) Qt::WhatsThisRole 5 The data displayed for the item in "What's This?" mode. (QString) Qt::SizeHintRole 13 The size hint for the item that will be supplied to views. (QSize) Roles describing appearance and meta data (with associated types): Constant Value Description Qt::FontRole 6 The font used for items rendered with the default delegate. (QFont) Qt::TextAlignmentRole 7 The alignment of the text for items rendered with the default delegate. (Qt::AlignmentFlag) Qt::BackgroundRole 8 The background brush used for items rendered with the default delegate. (QBrush) Qt::BackgroundColorRole 8 This role is obsolete. Use BackgroundRole instead. Qt::ForegroundRole 9 The foreground brush (text color, typically) used for items rendered with the default delegate. (QBrush) Qt::TextColorRole 9 This role is obsolete. Use ForegroundRole instead. Qt::CheckStateRole 10 This role is used to obtain the checked state of an item. (Qt::CheckState) Qt::InitialSortOrderRole 14 This role is used to obtain the initial sort order of a header view section. (Qt::SortOrder). This role was introduced in Qt 4.8. Accessibility roles (with associated types): Constant Value Description Qt::AccessibleTextRole 11 The text to be used by accessibility extensions and plugins, such as screen readers. (QString) Qt::AccessibleDescriptionRole 12 A description of the item for accessibility purposes. (QString) User roles: Constant Value Description Qt::UserRole 32 The first role that can be used for application-specific purposes. """ if not index.isValid(): return None # print(f"role {role}") # print(f"Qt.UserRole {Qt.UserRole}") if role == Qt.DecorationRole: item = index.internalPointer() return item = index.internalPointer() if (role == Qt.ForegroundRole) and (not item.data_valid): color = QtGui.QColor() color.setRgb(54, 54, 54) return QtGui.QBrush(color) if role != Qt.DisplayRole: return None # print(f"role {role} {Qt.DecorationRole}") return
def __init__(self, x, y, fill_color): QtWidgets.QGraphicsPolygonItem.__init__(self) self.setPen(mask_pen) self.setBrush(QtGui.QBrush(fill_color)) self.vertices = [] self.vertices.append(QtCore.QPointF(x, y))
def setBlackPen(self, qp): color = QtGui.QColor('#000000') color.setAlphaF(.5) pen = QtGui.QPen(color, 0, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) brush = QtGui.QBrush(QtCore.Qt.SolidPattern) qp.setPen(pen) qp.setBrush(brush) return qp
def __init__(self, x, y, width, height, fill_color): QtWidgets.QGraphicsRectItem.__init__(self, x, y + height, width, height) self.setPen(mask_pen) self.setBrush(QtGui.QBrush(fill_color)) self.initial_x = x self.initial_y = y
def __init__(self, radius, fill_color): QtWidgets.QGraphicsEllipseItem.__init__(self, 0, 0, radius * 2, radius * 2) self.setPen(mask_pen) self.setBrush(QtGui.QBrush(fill_color)) self.radius = radius self.x = 0 self.y = 0
def paintEvent(self, event): """ Fills the panel background. """ super(ReadOnlyPanel, self).paintEvent(event) if self.isVisible(): # fill background painter = QtGui.QPainter(self) self._background_brush = QtGui.QBrush(self._color) painter.fillRect(event.rect(), self._background_brush)
def __init__(self, x, y, radius, fill_color): QtWidgets.QGraphicsEllipseItem.__init__(self, x - radius, y - radius, radius * 2, radius * 2) self.radius = radius self.setPen(mask_pen) self.setBrush(QtGui.QBrush(fill_color)) self.center_x = x self.center_y = y
def set_fit_quality_to_default(self): self.fit_results_table.blockSignals(True) for i in range(self.get_number_of_entries()): fit_quality_item = self.fit_results_table.item( i, default_columns["Fit quality"]) fit_quality_item.setForeground(QtGui.QBrush( fit_quality_item.setText(default_fit_status) self.fit_results_table.blockSignals(False)
def _setBrush(self): """Selected cells are yellow when not current. The current cell is dark yellow when selected or grey when not selected. Other cells have no bg color by default, unless specified at instantiation (:attr:`bgcolor`)""" palette = self.palette() if self.selected: self.brush = QtGui.QBrush(self.selected_color) elif self.bgcolor is not None: self.brush = QtGui.QBrush(self.bgcolor) else: self.brush = QtGui.QBrush() palette.setBrush(self.backgroundRole(), self.brush) self.setPalette(palette) self.update()
def unhighlight(self): self._ellipseItem.setBrush(QtGui.QBrush(self._color)) self._ellipseItem.setRect( -self.__radius, -self.__radius, self.__diameter, self.__diameter, )
def _validate(self): # Construct a list of all labels for the current dataset so that # we can check which ones are duplicates labels = [c.label for c in self._components_other[]] labels.extend([c['label'] for c in self._state[].values()]) if len(labels) == 0: return label_count = Counter(labels) # It's possible that the duplicates are entirely for components not # shown in this editor, so we keep track here of whether an invalid # component has been found. invalid = False if label_count.most_common(1)[0][1] > 1: # If we are here, there are duplicates somewhere in the list # of components. brush_red = QtGui.QBrush( brush_black = QtGui.QBrush( self.list.blockSignals(True) for item in self.list: label = item.text(0) if label_count[label] > 1: item.setForeground(0, brush_red) invalid = True else: item.setForeground(0, brush_black) self.list.blockSignals(False) if invalid: self.ui.label_status.setStyleSheet('color: red') self.ui.label_status.setText( 'Error: some components have duplicate names') self.ui.button_ok.setEnabled(False) self.ui.combosel_data.setEnabled(False) else: self.ui.label_status.setStyleSheet('') self.ui.label_status.setText('') self.ui.button_ok.setEnabled(True) self.ui.combosel_data.setEnabled(True)
def __init__(self, parent, name="", start_value=None, max_value=100, min_value=0, font=None, scale=1): QtWidgets.QGraphicsRectItem.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent = name self.maxValue = max_value self.minValue = min_value self.format = "%.2f" self.setCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.OpenHandCursor)) self.setPen(QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 255, 0))) self.text = QtWidgets.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(self) if font is None: font = QtGui.QFont("", 11 / scale) else: font.setPointSize(11 / scale) self.text.setFont(font) self.text.setPos(0, -23) self.text.setBrush(QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor("white"))) self.sliderMiddel = QtWidgets.QGraphicsRectItem(self) self.sliderMiddel.setRect(QtCore.QRectF(0, 0, 100, 1)) self.sliderMiddel.setPen(QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor("white"))) path = QtGui.QPainterPath() path.addEllipse(-5, -5, 10, 10) self.slideMarker = QtWidgets.QGraphicsPathItem(path, self) self.slideMarker.setBrush(QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(255, 0, 0, 255))) self.setRect(QtCore.QRectF(-5, -5, 110, 10)) self.dragged = False self.value = (self.maxValue + self.minValue) * 0.5 if start_value is not None: self.value = start_value self.start_value = self.value self.setValue(self.value)
def paint(self, painter, option, index): """Renders the delegate for the item specified by index. This method handles specially the result returned by the model data() method for the Qt.BackgroundRole role. Typically, if the cell being rendered is selected then the data() returned value is ignored and the value set by the desktop (KDE, Gnome...) is used. We need to change that behavior as explained in the module docstring. The following properties of the style option are used for customising the painting: state (which holds the state flags), rect (which holds the area that should be used for painting) and palette (which holds the palette that should be used when painting) :Parameters: - `painter`: the painter used for rendering - `option`: the style option used for rendering - `index`: the index of the rendered item """ # option.state is an ORed combination of flags if (option.state & QtWidgets.QStyle.State_Selected): model = index.model() buffer_start = model.start cell = index.model().selected_cell if ((index == cell['index']) and \ (buffer_start != cell['buffer_start'])): self.initStyleOption(option, index) background = option.palette.color(QtGui.QPalette.Base) foreground = option.palette.color(QtGui.QPalette.Text) painter.setBrush(QtGui.QBrush(background)) painter.fillRect(option.rect, painter.brush()) painter.translate(option.rect.x() + 3, option.rect.y()) painter.setBrush(QtGui.QBrush(foreground)) painter.drawText(option.rect, QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft | QtCore.Qt.AlignTop, painter.restore() else: QtWidgets.QStyledItemDelegate.paint(self, painter, option, index) else: QtWidgets.QStyledItemDelegate.paint(self, painter, option, index)
def __init__(self, x, y, fill_color): QtWidgets.QGraphicsPolygonItem.__init__(self) self.setPen(mask_pen) self.setBrush(QtGui.QBrush(fill_color)) self.arc_center = QtCore.QPointF(0, 0) self.arc_radius = 1 self.phi_range = [] self.vertices = [] self.vertices.append(QtCore.QPointF(x, y))
def _get_brush(self, color): """ Returns a brush for the color. """ result = self._brushes.get(color) if result is None: qcolor = self._get_color(color) result = QtGui.QBrush(qcolor) self._brushes[color] = result return result
def highlight(self): self._ellipseItem.setBrush(QtGui.QBrush(self._color.lighter())) # make the port bigger to highlight it can accept the connection. self._ellipseItem.setRect( -self.__radius * 1.3, -self.__radius * 1.3, self.__diameter * 1.3, self.__diameter * 1.3, )
def _create_decoration(self, selection_start, selection_end): """ Creates the text occurences decoration """ deco = TextDecoration(self.editor.document(), selection_start, selection_end) deco.set_background(QtGui.QBrush(self.background)) deco.set_outline(self._outline) deco.set_foreground( deco.draw_order = 1 return deco