def count_commits(qapp):
    ''' Return the total number of (unique) commits in a repo '''
    counted = set()
    repo = Repo(qualitas.file_for(qapp))
    for c in repo.iter_commits():
        if not c in counted:
            #print(c.binsha, c.committed_date)
    return len(counted)
def categorise_commits(pyvers, qapp):
    ''' Return cumulative number of commits on-or-after each Python version'''
    repo = Repo(qualitas.file_for(qapp))
    pd = CategoriseDates(pyvers, qapp)
    counted = set()
    for c in repo.iter_commits():
        if not c in counted:
    return (pd.count_cumulative(), pd.get_counted())
def restore_one(qapp, old_head):
    ''' Put the GIT repo for an app back the way you found it.
        Specifically, restore HEAD to master, and delete rollback branch.
        repo = Repo(qualitas.file_for(qapp))
        with repo.config_writer():
            repo.head.reference = old_head
            repo.head.reset(index=True, working_tree=True)
            repo.git.branch('-D', TEMP_BRANCH_NAME)  # delete the temp branch
    except (Exception) as err:
        print('### Unable to restore', qapp)
def test_at_commit(pyvers, qapp, acommit):
    percs = []
    repo = Repo(qualitas.file_for(qapp))
    old_head = repo.heads[0]  # Mostly 'master' but not always
    repo.head.reset(commit=acommit, index=True, working_tree=True)
        percs = qualitas_test.test_all(pyvers, [qapp])
    except:  # Want to make sure I do 'restore_one' no matter what...
        print('Exception running test harness', file=sys.stderr)
    # Now, put it back the way you found it:
    repo.head.reference = old_head
    repo.head.reset(index=True, working_tree=True)
    return percs[0]  # One entry for each Python version we tried
def get_tag_date(qapp, tagname):
    ''' Return a date corresponding to this tagged release.
        If not found, return a list of possible alternatives.
    # Open the GIT repo if it's there:
        repo = Repo(qualitas.file_for(qapp))
    except InvalidGitRepositoryError as err:
        return (False, [])
    alternatives = []
    for tagref in repo.refs:
        refname, refdate = git_query.tagref2namedate(repo, tagref)
        if refname == tagname:
            return (True, refdate)
            if refdate.year in [2014, 2015]:
                alternatives.append((refname, refdate))
    return (False, alternatives)
def rollback_all(pyversion, qualapps):
    ''' Roll-back all the apps in qualapps to the date of pyversion.
        Silently ignore an app if it has no release for pyversion.
        Return a list of what you did, so we can restore them later.
    rolledback = []  # List of (app, head-name) pairs
    for qapp in qualapps:
        latest = git_query.get_latest_for(qapp, pyversion)
        if not latest:  # App was not released back then
            repo = Repo(qualitas.file_for(qapp))
            print('Roll', qapp, 'back to version', latest[0], 'of', latest[1])
            old_head = rollback_one(repo, qapp, latest[0])
            if old_head:
                details = '%s & %s & %s' % (qapp, latest[0], latest[1])
                rolledback.append((qapp, old_head, details))
        except (Exception) as err:
            print('### Unable to rollback', qapp)
    return rolledback
def get_tag_dates(qapp):
    ''' Return (name,date) pairs for this application's tagged releases '''
    repo = Repo(qualitas.file_for(qapp))
    # Now collect the data from the 'tagged' commits:
    ndlist = [tagref2namedate(repo, tagref) for tagref in repo.tags]
    return [nd for nd in ndlist if nd]  # Filter out any blanks
def get_tagged_commits(qapp):
    ''' Return (commit,name) pairs for this application's tagged releases '''
    repo = Repo(qualitas.file_for(qapp))
    ct_dict = {tr.commit: tr for tr in repo.tags}
    return ct_dict