 def addRequest(self, proxy):
     '''push another request proxy thread onto the running stack.'''
     if not issubclass(proxy, QualysStatusMonitor):
         raise exceptions.QualysFrameworkException('\'%s\' is not a \
         subclass of QualysStatusMonitor.' % type(proxy).__name__)
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        ''' Simple interface to threading out multiple QualysStatusMonitor
        classes.  We build out a thread pool of them and then keep an eye on
        them and clean them up when they finish.  This class is not designed to
        be subclassed or to do anything with results.  If you want that,
        your're going to have to write your own threadpool manager.

        request_proxies -- A list of QualysStatusMonitor or subclasses.
        max_sockets -- (Optional)  The maximum number of concurrent requests to
        allow to qualys API servers.  This is default at 10.
        callback -- (Optional) A callback that recieves a result set of
        objects when the monitored qualys process finishes and returns actual
        results.  This is discouraged in favor of subclassing a consumer
        process, but for small result sets or tasks requiring more than one
        result set it can be useful or even necessary.
        max_sockets = 20
        request_proxies = None
        if len(args):
            request_proxies = args[0]
            request_proxies = kwargs.pop('request_proxies', [])

        if not request_proxies:  # should catch none or []
            raise exceptions.QualysFrameworkException('You have to pass in \
                    QualysStatusMonitor objects or subclasses...')

        # maximum request sockets...
        self.max_sockets = kwargs.pop('max_sockets', self.max_sockets)
        self.pool_sema = threading.BoundedSemaphore(value=max_sockets)
        for proxy in request_proxies:
            if not issubclass(proxy, QualysStatusMonitor):
                raise exceptions.QualysFrameworkException('\'%s\' is not a \
                subclass of QualysStatusMonitor.' % type(proxy).__name__)
    def __init__(self, qconfig, **kwargs):
        initialize this report runner.
        Parent Params:
        qconfig -- the current api configuration from the parent threadpool.

        Keyword Params (passed to the action object):

        if 'mapr' not in kwargs:
            raise exceptions.QualysFrameworkException('A map result is \
            required for the report runner to monitor and update.')
        self.__mapr = kwargs.pop('mapr')
        super(QualysStatusMonitor, self).__init__(qconfig,
                                                  **kwargs)  #pass to parent
    def launchMapReports(self, **kwargs):
        This is a type of automation function that should really be used in a
        process server or manager context.  Consider yourself warned.

        This function gatheres a list of finished maps, turns them into json
        strings, stores them in redis and then performs a series of automation
        tasks on them.

        Steps followed:
        * get a list of finished maps from Qualys.  Serialize
        each map object as a json string to redis using a key generated from
        the map name.  This means that only the most recent run of a map with a
        given name is cached or operated on by default.
        * after the maps have been cached, a filter is applied to the map
        objects including or excluding name patterns or date ranges.
        * the resulting filtered list of maps is handed off to a report running
        multiprocessing queue which will ensure that reports are started for
        each of the maps.  Each process will respond to qualys indications of
        concurrent report quests by sleeping and periodically checking to see
        if qualys is ready to begin another report.  After a report is started,
        the process will periodically check to see if the report is finished
        and then download the report.  IDs will be stored with and associated
        with the map and report.
        * each process will update the cache with the current state of the map
        and report each time it wakes up.  This allows processes which want to
        consume available or specific map reports to simply check if the report is
        available for processing against the cache and continue sleeping.
        * Consumption of specific map reports is outside the purview of this
        process manager.

        include_pattern -- an optional pattern by which to include map names.
        exclude_pattern -- an optional pattern by which to exclude map names.
        map_refs -- an optional list of map references to operate on.
        map_names -- an optional list of map names to operate on.
        sleep_period -- override the default sleep period for map report
        checking.  Each processes will sleep for 30 minutes by default.

        @returns -- a list of @see qualysapi.api_objects.Maps that this processes
        is or was operating on when called.  If this call is non-blocking then
        anything other than the name, ref, and map date will almost certainly
        be out of date with the cache (map report ids will need to be refreshed from
        the cache, so think of the results returned as useful for reference to
        state rather than completed states.)


        # verify we have a cache connection since a cache is required for this
        from qualysapi import qcache
        if not isinstance(self.conn, qcache.APICacheInstance):
            raise exceptions.QualysFrameworkException('This method requires \
                that you use the redis cache.')
        maps = self.listMaps()
        # filter the list to only include those we want
        if include_pattern in kwargs:
            #TODO: compile regex and filter matches
        if exclude_pattern in kwargs:
            #TODO: compile regex and filter matches

        if 'map_refs' in kwargs:
            maps[:] = [mapr for mapr in maps if mapr.map_ref in \
                    kwargs.get('map_refs', []) ]

        if 'map_names' in kwargs:
            maps[:] = [mapr for mapr in maps if mapr.name in \
                kwargs.get('map_names', []) ]
    def parseResponse(self, **kwargs):
        An internal utility method that implements an lxml parser capable of
        handling streams and mapping objects to elements.

        Please note that this utiliy is only capable of parsing known Qualys
        API DTDs properly.

        source -- An api endpoint (mapped using the api_methods sets) or an IO
        source.  If this is an instance of str it is treated as an api
        endpoint, otherwise it is treated as a file-like object yielding binary
        xml data.  This should be sufficient to allow any kind of
        processing while still being convenient for standard uses.
        block -- an optional parameter which binds the caller to the parse
        buffer for consumption.  It is generally assumed by the design that
        parse consumers will handle themselves internally and that this method
        can return once it kicks off an action.  When block is set to True,
        however, this method will join the parse buffer and wait for the
        consumers to clear the queue before returning.  By default this is true
        for ease of implementation.
        completion_callback -- an optional method that gets called when consumption
        of a parse completes.  This method will receive all of the objects
        handled by the buffer consumers as a callback rather than a threaded
        parse consumer.

        source = kwargs.pop('source', None)
        if not source:
            raise QualysException('No source file or URL or raw stream found.')

        block = kwargs.pop('block', True)
        callback = kwargs.pop('completion_callback', None)
        #TODO: consider passing in an import_buffer for thread management reuse
        #of this object
        #TODO: consider replacing this requirement
        if not block and not callback:
            raise exceptions.QualysFrameworkException("A callback outlet is \
            required for nonblocking calls to the parser/consumer framework.")

        #select the response file-like object
        response = None
        if isinstance(source, str):
            response = self.stream_request(source, **kwargs)
            response = source

        if self.import_buffer is None:
            self.import_buffer = ImportBuffer(callback=callback)

        block = kwargs.pop('block', True)
        callback = kwargs.pop('completion_callback', None)
        if not block and not callback:
            raise exceptions.QualysFrameworkException("A callback outlet is \
            required for nonblocking calls to the parser/consumer framework.")

        clear_ok = False
        context = lxml.etree.iterparse(response, events=('end', ))
        for event, elem in context:
            # Use QName to avoid specifying or stripping the namespace, which we don't need
            if lxml.etree.QName(elem.tag).localname.upper() in obj_elem_map:
                clear_ok = True
            if clear_ok:
                elem.clear()  #don't fill up a dom we don't need.
                clear_ok = False
        return self.import_buffer.finish() if block else self.import_buffer
 def singleRequestResponse(self):
     '''This is the method ot override in your implementation.'''
     raise exceptions.QualysFrameworkException('Abstract thread subclass. \
         You need to implement your own subclass.')