def test_get_psi_results_opt():
    infile = os.path.join(mydir, 'data_tests', 'gbi-200.sdf')
    outfile = os.path.join(mydir, 'data_tests', 'gbi-210.sdf')
    m, b = get_psi_results(infile, outfile, 'opt', "output.dat", "timer.dat")
    assert m == 'mp2'
    assert b == 'def2-SV(P)'

    # read the single mol (from generator) and get its three conformers
    # confs 2 and 4 failed opt so we should have data from confs 1 3 5
    mol = read_mol(outfile, True)
    confs = list(next(mol).GetConfs())
    assert len(confs) == 3

    # get one conf and check its tag data
    conf = confs[1]
    # handy way to get all tags and data (.GetTag(), .GetValue())
    #print([x.GetValue() for x in list(oechem.OEGetSDDataPairs(conf))])
    assert oechem.OEGetSDData(
        conf, 'QM Psi4 Opt. Runtime (sec) mp2/def2-SV(P)') == '2635.0'
    assert oechem.OEGetSDData(
        conf, 'QM Psi4 Final Opt. Energy (Har) mp2/def2-SV(P)'
    ) == '-582.1570265488717'
    assert oechem.OEGetSDData(conf,
                              'QM Psi4 Opt. Steps mp2/def2-SV(P)') == '21'
    assert oechem.OEGetSDData(
        conf, 'QM Psi4 Initial Opt. Energy (Har) mp2/def2-SV(P)'
    ) == '-582.146838702714'
def test_get_psi_results_hess():
    infile = os.path.join(mydir, 'data_tests', 'carbon-222.sdf')
    outfile = os.path.join(mydir, 'data_tests', 'carbon_hess-222.sdf')
    m, b = get_psi_results(infile, outfile, 'hess', "output.dat", "timer.dat")
    # check the method and basis set returned
    assert m == 'mp2'
    assert b == 'def2-tzvp'

    # check tag of Hessian calculation time for one conformer
    mols = read_mol(outfile, True)
    conf = list(next(mols).GetConfs())[0]  # only conf of the s1 mol
    assert oechem.OEGetSDData(
        conf, 'QM Psi4 Hessian Runtime (sec) mp2/def2-tzvp') == '253.0'

    # check a few values of the Hessian matrix for each conformer
    hpickle = os.path.join(mydir, 'data_tests', 'carbon_hess-222.hess.pickle')
    hdict = pickle.load(open(hpickle, 'rb'))
    # mol s1, conf 1, row 10, column 23
    assert hdict['s1'][1][9][22] == 0.00065859359798
    # mol t1, conf 1, row 3, column 9
    assert hdict['t1'][1][2][8] == -0.42670095298438

    # clean up
def test_get_psi_results_exists():
    infile = os.path.join(mydir, 'data_tests', 'methane_c2p.sdf')
    with pytest.raises(FileExistsError):
        m, b = get_psi_results(infile,
    assert True
def test_get_psi_results_calctype():
    infile = os.path.join(mydir, 'data_tests', 'methane_c2p.sdf')
    outfile = os.path.join(mydir, 'data_tests', 'methane_c2p-210.sdf')
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        m, b = get_psi_results(infile,
    assert True