    def test_save_cluster(self):
        # TO DO -- Cluster saving probably not working yet
        y = ['Wave']
        x = ['q2', 'q3']
        v = 'x|frequency||||counts'
        cluster = Cluster(name="ClusterName")

        self.assertIsInstance(cluster, Cluster)

        for i in xrange(3):
            chain = self.stack0.get_chain(name="ChainName{0}".format(i), data_keys="Jan", x=x, y=y, views=[v])

        # Create a dictionary with the attribute structure of the cluster
        cluster_attributes = cluster.__dict__

        path_cluster = '{}test.cluster'.format(self.path)
        loaded_cluster = Cluster.load(path_cluster)

        # Create a dictionary with the attribute structure of the cluster
        loaded_cluster_attributes = loaded_cluster.__dict__

        # Ensure that we are not comparing the same variable (in memory)
        self.assertNotEqual(id(cluster), id(loaded_cluster))

        # Make sure that this is working by altering the loaded_stack_attributes
        # and comparing the result. (It should fail)

        # Change a 'value' in the dict
        loaded_cluster_attributes['name'] = "SomeOtherName"
        with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
            self.assertEqual(cluster.name, loaded_cluster_attributes['name'])

        # reset the value
        loaded_cluster_attributes['name'] = cluster_attributes['name']
        self.assertEqual(cluster_attributes['name'], loaded_cluster_attributes['name'])

        # Change a 'key' in the dict
        del loaded_cluster_attributes['name']
        loaded_cluster_attributes['new_name'] = cluster_attributes['name']
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            self.assertEqual(cluster.name, loaded_cluster.name)

        # reset the value
        del loaded_cluster_attributes['new_name']
        loaded_cluster_attributes['name'] = cluster_attributes['name']
        self.assertEqual(cluster.name, loaded_cluster.name)

        # Remove a key/value pair
        del loaded_cluster_attributes['name']
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            self.assertEqual(cluster.name, loaded_cluster.name)

        # Cleanup
        if os.path.exists(path_cluster):