def setup(**kw):
    """initialize the setup"""
    settings = AttributeMapper()

    settings.um_client_id = "example_client" # you should change this in settings
    settings.um_client_secret = "ex1" # you should change this in settings
    settings.um_poco_endpoint = "http://localhost:9992/1/users"

    settings.log = logbook.Logger("ql.backend")

    ## our database connection (TODO: should this be overridable?)
    settings.db = db = pymongo.Connection().pm

    # now we create the content type manager and register the content types
    ctm = ContentTypeManager()
    ctm.add(StatusType(db, "contents"))
    ctm.add(FolderType(db, "contents"))
    ctm.add(LinkType(db, "contents"))
    settings.content1=ctm # not sure if this is actually needed (TODO)

    # this is the main database handler. It retrieves and stores objects
    # we initialize it with the database, the collection name and the 
    # root node. 
    settings.contentmanager = ContentManager(db, "contents", ctm, "0")

    # this is the registry containing a mapping from type names to a list
    # of representations available for this type
    # TODO: Should this be part of the content types? Probably, but the question
    # is if we still want to keep python API and RESTful API seperate and this
    # is more a RESTful thing
    settings.representations = rest.registry.representations
    settings.views = rest.registry.views
    # the base path under which this application runs, usually on root
    # example: "/myapi"
    settings.virtual_path = ""

    # the auth manager which needs to support the ``get(access_token)`` method
    # which has to return some session object which identifies the user and
    # has a ``roles`` attribute.
    settings.authmanager = rest.auth.Sessions(settings)

    # update the settings with the keywords passed in
    # TODO: enable updating of sub settings via dot notation (pm.client_id)
    return settings
def setup(**kw):
    """initialize the setup"""
    settings = AttributeMapper()

    settings['log'] = logbook.Logger("ql.um.simple")

    # database
    settings.db = db = pymongo.Connection().pm

    # path
    settings['virtual_path'] = ""

    # update the settings with the keywords passed in
    # TODO: enable updating of sub settings via dot notation (pm.client_id)

    # now setup the user store
    settings.users = users.Users(settings.user_store_filename)
    settings.clients = clients.Clients(settings.client_store_filename)
    settings.tokens = tokens.Tokens()
    settings.authmanager = tokens.AuthManager(settings.tokens)
    return settings