    def aschannel(self) -> 'Channel':
        """Converts a Gate into a Channel"""
        N = self.qubit_nb
        R = 4

        tensor = bk.outer(self.tensor, self.H.tensor)
        tensor = bk.reshape(tensor, [2**N] * R)
        tensor = bk.transpose(tensor, [0, 3, 1, 2])

        return Channel(tensor, self.qubits)
    def sharp(self) -> 'Channel':
        r"""Return the 'sharp' transpose of the superoperator.

        The transpose :math:`S^\#` switches the two covariant (bra)
        indices of the superoperator. (Which in our representation
        are the 2nd and 3rd super-indices)

        If :math:`S^\#` is Hermitian, then :math:`S` is a Hermitian-map
        (i.e. transforms Hermitian operators to hJrmitian operators)

        Flattening the :math:`S^\#` superoperator to a matrix gives
        the Choi matrix representation. (See channel.choi())

        N = self.qubit_nb

        tensor = self.tensor
        tensor = bk.reshape(tensor, [2**N] * 4)
        tensor = bk.transpose(tensor, (0, 2, 1, 3))
        tensor = bk.reshape(tensor, [2] * 4 * N)
        return Channel(tensor, self.qubits)