def test_nested_api_fields(self): family_fields = { 'father': fields.Nested(person_fields), 'mother': fields.Nested(person_fields), } result = mask.apply(family_fields, 'father{name},mother{age}') assert set(result.keys()) == {'father', 'mother'} assert isinstance(result['father'], fields.Nested) assert set(result['father'].nested.keys()) == {'name'} assert isinstance(result['mother'], fields.Nested) assert set(result['mother'].nested.keys()) == {'age'} data = { 'father': { 'name': 'John', 'age': 42 }, 'mother': { 'name': 'Jane', 'age': 42 }, } expected = {'father': {'name': 'John'}, 'mother': {'age': 42}} assert_data(marshal(data, result), expected) # Should leave th original mask untouched assert_data(marshal(data, family_fields), data)
def test_list_fields_with_nested(self): family_fields = {'members': fields.List(fields.Nested(person_fields))} result = mask.apply(family_fields, 'members{name}') assert set(result.keys()) == {'members'} assert isinstance(result['members'], fields.List) assert isinstance(result['members'].container, fields.Nested) assert set(result['members'].container.nested.keys()) == {'name'} data = { 'members': [ { 'name': 'John', 'age': 42 }, { 'name': 'Jane', 'age': 42 }, ] } expected = {'members': [{'name': 'John'}, {'name': 'Jane'}]} assert_data(marshal(data, result), expected) # Should leave th original mask untouched assert_data(marshal(data, family_fields), data)
def test_multiple_nested_api_fields(self): level_2 = {'nested_2': fields.Nested(person_fields)} level_1 = {'nested_1': fields.Nested(level_2)} root = {'nested': fields.Nested(level_1)} result = mask.apply(root, 'nested{nested_1{nested_2{name}}}') assert set(result.keys()) == {'nested'} assert isinstance(result['nested'], fields.Nested) assert set(result['nested'].nested.keys()) == {'nested_1'} data = { 'nested': { 'nested_1': { 'nested_2': { 'name': 'John', 'age': 42 } } } } expected = {'nested': {'nested_1': {'nested_2': {'name': 'John'}}}} assert_data(marshal(data, result), expected) # Should leave th original mask untouched assert_data(marshal(data, root), data)
def test_marshal_handle_inheritance(self, app): api = Api(app) person = api.model('Person', { 'name': fields.String, 'age': fields.Integer, }) child = api.inherit('Child', person, { 'extra': fields.String, }) data = {'name': 'John Doe', 'age': 42, 'extra': 'extra'} values = ( ('name', { 'name': 'John Doe' }), ('name,extra', { 'name': 'John Doe', 'extra': 'extra' }), ('extra', { 'extra': 'extra' }), ) for value, expected in values: result = marshal(data, child, mask=value) assert result == expected
def test_list_fields_with_simple_field(self): family_fields = { 'name': fields.String, 'members': fields.List(fields.String) } result = mask.apply(family_fields, 'members') assert set(result.keys()) == {'members'} assert isinstance(result['members'], fields.List) assert isinstance(result['members'].container, fields.String) data = {'name': 'Doe', 'members': ['John', 'Jane']} expected = {'members': ['John', 'Jane']} assert_data(marshal(data, result), expected) # Should leave th original mask untouched assert_data(marshal(data, family_fields), data)
def test_list_fields_with_nested_inherited(self, app): api = Api(app) person = api.model('Person', { 'name': fields.String, 'age': fields.Integer }) child = api.inherit('Child', person, {'attr': fields.String}) family = api.model('Family', {'children': fields.List(fields.Nested(child))}) result = mask.apply(family.resolved, 'children{name,attr}') data = { 'children': [ { 'name': 'John', 'age': 5, 'attr': 'value-john' }, { 'name': 'Jane', 'age': 42, 'attr': 'value-jane' }, ] } expected = { 'children': [ { 'name': 'John', 'attr': 'value-john' }, { 'name': 'Jane', 'attr': 'value-jane' }, ] } assert_data(marshal(data, result), expected) # Should leave th original mask untouched assert_data(marshal(data, family), data)
def test_list_fields_with_raw(self): family_fields = {'members': fields.List(fields.Raw)} result = mask.apply(family_fields, 'members{name}') data = { 'members': [ { 'name': 'John', 'age': 42 }, { 'name': 'Jane', 'age': 42 }, ] } expected = {'members': [{'name': 'John'}, {'name': 'Jane'}]} assert_data(marshal(data, result), expected) # Should leave th original mask untouched assert_data(marshal(data, family_fields), data)
def test_raw_api_fields(self): family_fields = { 'father': fields.Raw, 'mother': fields.Raw, } result = mask.apply(family_fields, 'father{name},mother{age}') data = { 'father': { 'name': 'John', 'age': 42 }, 'mother': { 'name': 'Jane', 'age': 42 }, } expected = {'father': {'name': 'John'}, 'mother': {'age': 42}} assert_data(marshal(data, result), expected) # Should leave th original mask untouched assert_data(marshal(data, family_fields), data)
def marshal_nested_with_mask(app): with app.test_request_context( '/', headers={'X-Fields': 'father,children{name}'}): return marshal(family(), family_fields)
def marshal_simple_with_mask(app): with app.test_request_context('/', headers={'X-Fields': 'name'}): return marshal(person(), person_fields)
def marshal_nested(): return marshal(family(), family_fields)
def marshal_simple(): return marshal(person(), person_fields)