def test_quaternion_rot_matrix_det_one(self):
   ''' Test that the determinant of the rotation matrix is 1.'''
   for _ in range(10):
     theta = np.random.normal(0., 1., 4)
     theta = Quaternion(theta/np.linalg.norm(theta))
     R = theta.rotation_matrix()
     self.assertAlmostEqual(np.linalg.det(R), 1.0)
 def __init__(self, src=None, timestamp=None):
     if src is not None:
         Quaternion.__init__(self, src.w, src.x, src.y, src.z)
     self.timestamp = timestamp
     self.valid = True
     self.interpolated = False
def generate_quaternion():
	q1 = Quaternion.random()
	q2 = Quaternion.random()
	while True:
		for q in Quaternion.intermediates(q1, q2, 20, include_endpoints=True):
			yield q
		#q1, q2 = q2, q1
		q1 = q2
		q2 = Quaternion.random()
 def test_q_bar_matrix(self):
     a, b, c, d = randomElements()
     q = Quaternion(a, b, c, d)
     M = np.array([   
         [a, -b, -c, -d],
         [b,  a,  d, -c],
         [c, -d,  a,  b],
         [d,  c, -b,  a]])
     self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(q._q_bar_matrix(), M))
    def test_inverse(self):
        q1 = Quaternion(randomElements())
        q2 = Quaternion.random()
        if q1:
            self.assertEqual(q1 * q1.inverse(), Quaternion(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
            with self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError):
                q1 * q1.inverse()

        self.assertEqual(q2 * q2.inverse(), Quaternion(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
def fqa(msr):
    ax = msr['accel.x']
    ay = msr['accel.y']
    az = msr['accel.z']
    norm = math.sqrt(ax*ax + ay*ay + az*az)
    # estimation of elevation quaternion (around y axes)
    sin_theta_a = (ax / norm)
    cos_theta_a = math.sqrt(1 - sin_theta_a ** 2)
    sin_half_theta = math.copysign(1, sin_theta_a) * math.sqrt((1 - cos_theta_a) / 2)
    cos_half_theta = math.sqrt((1 + cos_theta_a) / 2)
    q_e = Quaternion(cos_half_theta, 0, sin_half_theta, 0)
    # estimation of roll quaternion (around x axis)
    sin_phi = (-ay / norm) / cos_theta_a
    cos_phi = (-az / norm) / cos_theta_a
    sin_half_phi = half_sin(sin_phi, cos_phi)
    cos_half_phi = half_cos(sin_phi, cos_phi)
# TODO singularity avoidance!!!
    q_r = Quaternion(cos_half_phi, sin_half_phi, 0, 0)
    # estimation of azimuth quaternion (around z axis)
    mx = msr['mag.x']
    my = msr['mag.y']
    mz = msr['mag.z']
    norm = math.sqrt(mx*mx + my*my + mz*mz)
    qm = Quaternion(0, mx / norm, my / norm, mz / norm)
    qm_a = q_e.multiply(q_r).multiply(qm).multiply(q_r.inverse()).multiply(q_e.inverse())
    cos_zeta = qm_a.c
    sin_zeta = qm_a.b
    sin_half_zeta = half_sin(sin_zeta, cos_zeta)
    cos_half_zeta = half_cos(sin_zeta, cos_zeta)
    q_a = Quaternion(cos_half_zeta, 0, 0, sin_half_zeta)
    q_fqa = q_a.multiply(q_e).multiply(q_r)
    return q_fqa
 def update(self, msr):
     t = msr['t']
     dt = t - self.t
     self.t = t
     w = Quaternion(0, msr['gyro.x'], msr['gyro.y'], msr['gyro.z'])
     q_fqa = fqa(msr)
     dq_static = q_fqa.add((self.q.scalar_multiply(-1))).scalar_multiply(1/dt)
     dq_dynamic = w.multiply(self.q).scalar_multiply(0.5)
     dq = dq_static.scalar_multiply(self.k).add(dq_dynamic.scalar_multiply(1 - self.k))
     self.q = self.q.add(dq.scalar_multiply(dt))
     self.q = Quaternion.normalize(self.q)
    def test_matrix_io(self):
        v = np.random.uniform(-100, 100, 3)

        for i in range(10):
            q0 = Quaternion.random()
            R  = q0.rotation_matrix()
            q1 = Quaternion(matrix=R)
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(q0.rotate(v),, v), decimal=ALMOST_EQUAL_TOLERANCE)
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(q0.rotate(v), q1.rotate(v), decimal=ALMOST_EQUAL_TOLERANCE)
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(q1.rotate(v),, v), decimal=ALMOST_EQUAL_TOLERANCE)

            self.assertTrue((q0 == q1) or (q0 == -q1)) # q1 and -q1 are equivalent rotations
 def __init__(self, cx, cy, radius):
     Initialize instance of ArcBall with no constraint on axis of rotation
     self.center_x = cx
     self.center_y = cy
     self.radius = radius
     self.v_down = PVector()
     self.v_drag = PVector()
     self.q_now = Quaternion()
     self.q_down = Quaternion()
     self.q_drag = Quaternion() 
     self.axis_set = [PVector(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), PVector(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), PVector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)]
     self.axis = -1  
    def get(self, requested_timestamp):
        if len(self.history) == 0:
            return None

        if requested_timestamp in self.history:
            match = self.history[requested_timestamp]
            return TimestampedQuaternion(match.w, match.x, match.y, match.z, requested_timestamp)

            keys = list(self.history.keys())

            if keys[0] > requested_timestamp or keys[-1] < requested_timestamp:
                return None

            for i, key in enumerate(keys):
                if key > requested_timestamp:
                    previous_timestamp = keys[i - 1]
                    next_timestamp = key
                    timestamp_delta = next_timestamp - previous_timestamp
                    requested_timestamp_offset = requested_timestamp - previous_timestamp
                    requested_timestamp_ratio = requested_timestamp_offset / timestamp_delta
                    interpolated_quaternion = Quaternion.slerp(self.history[previous_timestamp],

                    match = TimestampedQuaternion(interpolated_quaternion.w,
                                                  interpolated_quaternion.z, requested_timestamp)
                    return match
            return None
    def test_differentiation(self):
        q = Quaternion.random()
        omega = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, 3) # Random angular velocity

        q_dash = 0.5 * q * Quaternion(vector=omega)

        self.assertEqual(q_dash, q.derivative(omega))
  def test_quaternion_rotation_angle(self):
    ''' Test generating rotation angle from quaternion. '''
    # First construct any random unit quaternion. Not uniform.
    s = 2*random.random() - 1.
    p1 = (2. - 2*np.abs(s))*random.random() - (1. - np.abs(s))
    p2 = ((2. - 2.*np.abs(s) - 2.*np.abs(p1))*random.random() - 
          (1. - np.abs(s) - np.abs(p1)))
    p3 = np.sqrt(1. - s**2 - p1**2 - p2**2)
    theta = Quaternion(np.array([s, p1, p2, p3]))

    rotation_angle = theta.rotation_angle()
    phi = Quaternion.from_rotation(rotation_angle)

    self.assertAlmostEqual(phi.s, theta.s)
    self.assertAlmostEqual(phi.p[0], theta.p[0])
    self.assertAlmostEqual(phi.p[1], theta.p[1])
    self.assertAlmostEqual(phi.p[2], theta.p[2])
  def test_quaternion_inverse(self):
    '''Test that the quaternion inverse works.'''
    # First construct any random unit quaternion. Not uniform.
    s = 2*random.random() - 1.
    p1 = (2. - 2*np.abs(s))*random.random() - (1. - np.abs(s))
    p2 = ((2. - 2.*np.abs(s) - 2.*np.abs(p1))*random.random() - 
          (1. - np.abs(s) - np.abs(p1)))
    p3 = np.sqrt(1. - s**2 - p1**2 - p2**2)
    theta = Quaternion(np.array([s, p1, p2, p3]))

    theta_inv = theta.inverse()
    identity = theta*theta_inv
    self.assertAlmostEqual(identity.s, 1.0)
    self.assertAlmostEqual(identity.p[0], 0.0)
    self.assertAlmostEqual(identity.p[1], 0.0)
    self.assertAlmostEqual(identity.p[2], 0.0)
class ComplimentaryFilter:
    def __init__(self, k=0.5):
        self.q = Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0)
        self.t = 0
        self.k = k

    def update(self, msr):
        t = msr['t']
        dt = t - self.t
        self.t = t
        w = Quaternion(0, msr['gyro.x'], msr['gyro.y'], msr['gyro.z'])
        q_fqa = fqa(msr)
        dq_static = q_fqa.add((self.q.scalar_multiply(-1))).scalar_multiply(1/dt)
        dq_dynamic = w.multiply(self.q).scalar_multiply(0.5)
        dq = dq_static.scalar_multiply(self.k).add(dq_dynamic.scalar_multiply(1 - self.k))
        self.q = self.q.add(dq.scalar_multiply(dt))
        self.q = Quaternion.normalize(self.q)
 def test_init_copy(self):
     q1 = Quaternion.random()
     q2 = Quaternion(q1)
     self.assertIsInstance(q2, Quaternion)
     self.assertEqual(q2, q1)
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         q3 = Quaternion(None)
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         q4 = Quaternion("String")
    def test_interpolate(self):
        q1 = Quaternion(axis=[1, 0, 0], angle=0.0)
        q2 = Quaternion(axis=[1, 0, 0], angle=2*pi/3)
        num_intermediates = 3
        base = pi/6
        list1 = list(Quaternion.intermediates(q1, q2, num_intermediates, include_endpoints=False))
        list2 = list(Quaternion.intermediates(q1, q2, num_intermediates, include_endpoints=True))
        self.assertEqual(len(list1), num_intermediates)
        self.assertEqual(len(list2), num_intermediates+2)
        self.assertEqual(list1[0], list2[1])
        self.assertEqual(list1[1], list2[2])
        self.assertEqual(list1[2], list2[3])

        self.assertEqual(list2[0], q1)
        self.assertEqual(list2[1], Quaternion(axis=[1, 0, 0], angle=base))
        self.assertEqual(list2[2], Quaternion(axis=[1, 0, 0], angle=2*base))
        self.assertEqual(list2[3], Quaternion(axis=[1, 0, 0], angle=3*base))
        self.assertEqual(list2[4], q2)
 def estimate_divergence(self):
   Estimate the divergence term with a deterministic
   finite difference approach. This is for a single quaternion.
   delta = 1e-6
   div_term = np.zeros(3)
   for k in range(3):
     omega = np.zeros(3)
     omega[k] = 1.
     quaternion_dt = Quaternion.from_rotation(omega*delta/2.)
     quaternion_tilde_1 = quaternion_dt*self.orientation[0]
     quaternion_dt = Quaternion.from_rotation(-1.*omega*delta/2.)
     quaternion_tilde_2 = quaternion_dt*self.orientation[0]
     div_term += np.inner((self.mobility([quaternion_tilde_1]) -
   return div_term
    def test_conjugate(self):
        a, b, c, d = randomElements()
        q1 = Quaternion(a, b, c, d)
        q2 = Quaternion.random()
        self.assertEqual(q1.conjugate(), Quaternion(a, -b, -c, -d))

        self.assertEqual((q1 * q2).conjugate(), q2.conjugate() * q1.conjugate())
        self.assertEqual((q1 + q1.conjugate()) / 2, Quaternion(scalar=q1.scalar()))
        self.assertEqual((q1 - q1.conjugate()) / 2, Quaternion(vector=q1.vector()))
 def test_quaternion_from_rotation(self):
   ''' Test that we correctly create a quaternion from an angle '''
   # Generate a random rotation vector
   phi = np.random.rand(3)
   phi_norm = np.linalg.norm(phi)
   theta = Quaternion.from_rotation(phi)
   self.assertAlmostEqual(theta.entries[0], np.cos(phi_norm/2.))
   self.assertAlmostEqual(theta.entries[1], np.sin(phi_norm/2.)*phi[0]/phi_norm)
   self.assertAlmostEqual(theta.entries[2], np.sin(phi_norm/2.)*phi[1]/phi_norm)
   self.assertAlmostEqual(theta.entries[3], np.sin(phi_norm/2.)*phi[2]/phi_norm)
  def test_quaternion_rotation_matrix(self):
    ''' Test that we create the correct rotation matrix for a quaternion. '''
    # First construct any random unit quaternion. Not uniform.
    s = 2*random.random() - 1.
    p1 = (2. - 2*np.abs(s))*random.random() - (1. - np.abs(s))
    p2 = ((2. - 2.*np.abs(s) - 2.*np.abs(p1))*random.random() - 
          (1. - np.abs(s) - np.abs(p1)))
    p3 = np.sqrt(1. - s**2 - p1**2 - p2**2)
    theta = Quaternion(np.array([s, p1, p2, p3]))
    R = theta.rotation_matrix()

    self.assertAlmostEqual(R[0][0], 2.*(theta.s**2 + theta.p[0]**2 - 0.5))
    self.assertAlmostEqual(R[0][1], 2.*(theta.p[0]*theta.p[1] - 
    self.assertAlmostEqual(R[1][0], 2.*(theta.p[0]*theta.p[1] +
    self.assertAlmostEqual(R[1][1], 2.*(theta.s**2 + theta.p[1]**2 - 0.5))
    self.assertAlmostEqual(R[2][2], 2.*(theta.s**2 + theta.p[2]**2 - 0.5))
    self.assertAlmostEqual(R[2][0], 2.*(theta.p[0]*theta.p[2] - theta.s*theta.p[1]))
  def additive_em_time_step(self, dt):
    Take a simple Euler Maruyama step assuming that the mobility is
    constant.  This for testing and debugging.  We also use it to make sure
    that we need the drift for the correct distribution, etc.
    if self.has_location:
      mobility  = self.mobility(self.location, self.orientation)
      mobility_half = np.linalg.cholesky(mobility)
      noise = np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, self.dim*6)
      force = self.force_calculator(self.location, self.orientation)
      torque = self.torque_calculator(self.location, self.orientation)
      velocity_and_omega = (, np.concatenate([force, torque])) +
                  , noise))
      velocity = velocity_and_omega[0:(3*self.dim)]
      omega = velocity_and_omega[(3*self.dim):(6*self.dim)]
      new_location = self.location + dt*velocity
      new_orientation = []
      for i in range(self.dim):
        quaternion_dt = Quaternion.from_rotation((omega[(i*3):(i*3+3)])*dt)
      if self.check_new_state(new_location, new_orientation):
        self.successes += 1
        self.orientation = new_orientation
        self.location = new_location
      mobility = self.mobility(self.orientation)
      mobility_half = np.linalg.cholesky(mobility)
      torque = self.torque_calculator(self.orientation)
      noise = np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, self.dim*3)
      omega = (, torque) + 
               np.sqrt(2.0*self.kT/dt)*, noise))
      new_orientation = []
      for i in range(self.dim):
        quaternion_dt = Quaternion.from_rotation((omega[(i*3):(i*3+3)])*dt)

      if self.check_new_state(None, new_orientation):
        self.successes += 1
        self.orientation = new_orientation
    def test_divide_by_scalar(self):
        a, b, c, d = randomElements()
        q1 = Quaternion(a, b, c, d)
        for s in [30.0, 0.3, -2, -4.7]:
            q2 = Quaternion(a/s, b/s, c/s, d/s)
            q3 = q1
            self.assertEqual(q1 / s, q2)
            if q1:
                self.assertEqual(s / q1, q2.inverse())
                with self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError):
                    s / q1

            q3 /= repr(s)
            self.assertEqual(q3, q2)

        with self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError):
            q4 = q1 / 0.0
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            q4 = q1 / None
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            q4 = q1 / 's'
 def test_output_of_components(self):
     a, b, c, d = randomElements()
     q = Quaternion(a, b, c, d)
     # Test scalar
     self.assertEqual(q.scalar(), a)
     self.assertEqual(q.real(), a)
     # Test vector
     self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(q.vector(), [b, c, d]))
     self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(q.imaginary(), [b, c, d]))
     self.assertEqual(tuple(q.vector()), (b, c, d))
     self.assertEqual(list(q.imaginary()), [b, c, d])
 def test_power(self):
     q1 = Quaternion.random()
     q2 = Quaternion(q1)
     self.assertEqual(q1 ** 0, Quaternion())
     self.assertEqual(q1 ** 1, q1)
     q2 **= 4
     self.assertEqual(q2, q1 * q1 * q1 * q1)
     self.assertEqual((q1 ** 0.5) * (q1 ** 0.5), q1)
     self.assertEqual(q1 ** -1, q1.inverse())
     self.assertEqual(4 ** Quaternion(2), Quaternion(16))
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         q1 ** None
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         q1 ** 's'
    def validate_axis_angle(self, axis, angle):
        def wrap_angle(theta):
            """ Wrap any angle to lie between -pi and pi 

            Odd multiples of pi are wrapped to +pi (as opposed to -pi)
            result = ((theta + pi) % (2*pi)) - pi
            if result == -pi: result = pi
            return result

        theta = wrap_angle(angle)
        v = axis

        q = Quaternion(angle=theta, axis=v)

        v_ = q.axis()
        theta_ = q.angle()
        if theta == 0.0: # axis is irrelevant (check defaults to x=y=z)
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(theta_, 0.0, decimal=ALMOST_EQUAL_TOLERANCE)
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(v_, np.zeros(3), decimal=ALMOST_EQUAL_TOLERANCE)
        elif abs(theta) == pi: # rotation in either direction is equivalent
                np.isclose(theta, pi) or np.isclose(theta, -pi) 
                np.isclose(v, v_).all() or np.isclose(v, -v_).all()
                np.isclose(theta, theta_) and np.isclose(v, v_).all()
                np.isclose(theta, -theta_) and np.isclose(v, -v_).all()
        # Ensure the returned axis is a unit vector
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.linalg.norm(v_), 1.0, decimal=ALMOST_EQUAL_TOLERANCE)
    def test_init_from_explicit_rotation_params(self):
        vx = random()
        vy = random()
        vz = random()
        theta = random() * 2.0 * pi

        v1 = (vx, vy, vz) # tuple format
        v2 = [vx, vy, vz] # list format
        v3 = np.array(v2) # array format
        q1 = Quaternion(axis=v1, angle=theta)
        q2 = Quaternion(axis=v2, angle=theta)
        q3 = Quaternion(axis=v3, angle=theta)

        # normalise v to a unit vector
        v3 = v3 / np.linalg.norm(v3)

        q4 = Quaternion(angle=theta, axis=v3)

        # Construct the true quaternion
        t = theta / 2.0

        a = cos(t)
        b = v3[0] * sin(t)
        c = v3[1] * sin(t)
        d = v3[2] * sin(t)

        truth = Quaternion(a, b, c, d)

        self.assertEqual(q1, truth)
        self.assertEqual(q2, truth)
        self.assertEqual(q3, truth)
        self.assertEqual(q4, truth)

        # Result should be a versor (Unit Quaternion)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(q1.norm(), 1.0, ALMOST_EQUAL_TOLERANCE)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(q2.norm(), 1.0, ALMOST_EQUAL_TOLERANCE)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(q3.norm(), 1.0, ALMOST_EQUAL_TOLERANCE)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(q4.norm(), 1.0, ALMOST_EQUAL_TOLERANCE)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            q = Quaternion(angle=theta)
            q = Quaternion(axis=v1)
            q = Quaternion(axis=[b, c], angle=theta)
            q = Quaternion(axis=(b, c, d, d), angle=theta)
        with self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError):
            q = Quaternion(axis=[0., 0., 0.], angle=theta)
    def test_normalisation(self): # normalise to unit quaternion
        r = randomElements()
        q1 = Quaternion(*r)
        v = q1.unit()
        n = q1.normalised()

        if q1 == Quaternion(0): # small chance with random generation
            return # a 0 quaternion does not normalise

        # Test normalised objects are unit quaternions
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(v.q, q1.elements() / q1.norm(), decimal=ALMOST_EQUAL_TOLERANCE)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(n.q, q1.elements() / q1.norm(), decimal=ALMOST_EQUAL_TOLERANCE)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(v.norm(), 1.0, ALMOST_EQUAL_TOLERANCE)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(n.norm(), 1.0, ALMOST_EQUAL_TOLERANCE)
        # Test axis and angle remain the same
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(q1.axis(), v.axis(), decimal=ALMOST_EQUAL_TOLERANCE)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(q1.axis(), n.axis(), decimal=ALMOST_EQUAL_TOLERANCE)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(q1.angle(), v.angle(), ALMOST_EQUAL_TOLERANCE)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(q1.angle(), n.angle(), ALMOST_EQUAL_TOLERANCE)
        # Test special case where q is zero
        q2 = Quaternion(0)
        self.assertEqual(q2, q2.normalised())
 def test_norm(self):
     r = randomElements()
     q1 = Quaternion(*r)
     q2 = Quaternion.random()  
     self.assertEqual(q1.norm(), np.linalg.norm(np.array(r)))
     self.assertEqual(q1.magnitude(), np.linalg.norm(np.array(r)))
     # Multiplicative norm
     self.assertAlmostEqual((q1 * q2).norm(), q1.norm() * q2.norm(), ALMOST_EQUAL_TOLERANCE)
     # Scaled norm
     for s in [30.0, 0.3, -2, -4.7]:
         self.assertAlmostEqual((q1 * s).norm(), q1.norm() * abs(s), ALMOST_EQUAL_TOLERANCE)
class RigidTransform(object):
    def __init__(self, rotation_quat, translation_vec):
        self.quat = Quaternion(rotation_quat)
        self.tvec = numpy.array(translation_vec)

    def inverse(self):
        """ returns a new RigidTransform that corresponds to the inverse of this one """
        qinv = self.quat.inverse()
        return RigidTransform(qinv, qinv.rotate(- self.tvec))

    def interpolate(self, other_transform, this_weight):
        assert this_weight >= 0 and this_weight <= 1
        t = self.tvec * this_weight + other_transform.tvec * (1 - this_weight)
        r = self.quat.interpolate(other_transform.quat, this_weight)
        return RigidTransform(r, t)

    def __mul__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, RigidTransform):
            t = self.quat.rotate(other.tvec) + self.tvec
            r = self.quat * other.quat
            return RigidTransform(r, t)
            olen = len(other)
            if olen == 3:
                r = numpy.array(self.quat.rotate(other))
                return r + self.tvec
            elif olen == 4:
                return, other)
                raise ValueError()

    def to_homogeneous_matrix(self):
        result = self.quat.to_matrix_homogeneous()
	result.A[:3, 3] = self.tvec
        return result

    def to_roll_pitch_yaw_x_y_z(self):
        r, p, y = self.quat.to_roll_pitch_yaw()
        return numpy.array((r, p, y, self.tvec[0], self.tvec[1], self.tvec[2]))

    def from_roll_pitch_yaw_x_y_z(r, p, yaw, x, y, z):
        q = Quaternion.from_roll_pitch_yaw(r, p, yaw)
        return RigidTransform(q, (x, y, z))

    def quaternion(self):
        return self.quat

    def translation(self):
        return self.tvec

    def identity():
        return RigidTransform((1, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0))
 def processTelemetryMsg(self, msg):
    # this version only creates a normalized message
    if(msg.state & 1): # only process if coaster is in play
            # code here is non-normalized (real) translation and rotation messages
            quat = Quaternion(msg.quatX,msg.quatY,msg.quatZ,msg.quatW)
            pitch = degrees(quat.toPitchFromYUp())
            yaw = degrees(quat.toYawFromYUp())
            roll = degrees(quat.toRollFromYUp())
        else: #normalize          
            quat = Quaternion(msg.quatX,msg.quatY,msg.quatZ,msg.quatW)
            pitch = quat.toPitchFromYUp() / pi
            yaw = quat.toYawFromYUp() / pi
            roll = quat.toRollFromYUp() / pi             
            x = max(min(1.0, msg.gForceX),-1) # clamp the value 
            y = max(min(1.0, msg.gForceY),-1)             
            z = max(min(1.0, msg.gForceZ),-1)
            data = [x,y,z,roll, pitch, yaw]
            formattedData = [ '%.3f' % elem for elem in data ]                
    def newUpdateStateFunction(self, data):
        if self.up == True:
            rotationData = data['rot_vector']['data']
            linAccelerationData = data['lin_accel']['data']
            accelerometerData = data['accel']['data']
            magData = data['mag']['data']
            gyroData = data['gyro']['data']

            for index, i in enumerate(rotationData, start=0):
                self.currentTime = i[0]
                if self.up == False:
                timeDifference = (self.currentTime - self.previousTime) / 1000

                self.currentQuaternion = pyrr.quaternion.create(
                    i[1][0], i[1][1], i[1][2], i[1][3])

                quat = self.currentQuaternion
                if self.currentTime != self.previousTime and self.previousTime != 0:

                    if index < len(gyroData) and index < len(
                            accelerometerData) and index < len(magData):
                    #elif  index < len(gyroData) and  index < len(accelerometerData):
                    #self.madgwickahrs.update_imu(gyroData[index][1],accelerometerData[index][1] ,timeDifference)


                    #c= self.currentQuaternion-self.initialQuaternion

                    a = pyrr.matrix33.create_from_inverse_of_quaternion(
                    b = pyrr.matrix33.create_from_quaternion(
                    adjustedAccelerations1 = pyrr.matrix33.apply_to_vector(
                        a, linAccelerationData[index][1])
                    adjustedAccelerations = pyrr.matrix33.apply_to_vector(
                        b, adjustedAccelerations1)
                    #adjustedAccelerations=adjustedAccelerations- numpy.array([ 1.14548891e-05 , 3.24514926e-05, -3.21555242e-04])

                    #for i in range(0,len(adjustedAccelerations)):
                    #    if abs(adjustedAccelerations[i]) < 0.01:
                    #       adjustedAccelerations[i]=0

                    kalmanx = self.kalmanX.update(adjustedAccelerations[0])
                    kalmany = self.kalmanY.update(adjustedAccelerations[1])
                    kalmanz = self.kalmanZ.update(adjustedAccelerations[2])
                    print("x" + str(kalmanx))
                    print("y" + str(kalmany))
                    print("z" + str(kalmanz))

                    #adjustedAccelerations= [kalmanx[2],kalmany[2],kalmanz[2]]
                    #adjustedAccelerations= self.lowPass(adjustedAccelerations)

                    #for i in range(0,len(adjustedAccelerations)):
                    #    if abs(adjustedAccelerations[i]) < 0.01:
                    #        adjustedAccelerations[i]=0
                    #adjustedVelocities= numpy.add(self.currentVelocities,numpy.add(adjustedAccelerations * timeDifference, numpy.array(numpy.add(adjustedAccelerations,self.currentAccelerations*-1)*timeDifference *timeDifference * 0.5)))



                    #print("quaternion from madgwick"+str(self.madgwickahrs.quaternion._get_q()))
                    #print("quaternion measured"+str(self.currentQuaternion))

                    for i in range(0, len(adjustedAccelerations)):
                        if abs(adjustedAccelerations[i]) < 0.02:
                            adjustedAccelerations[i] = 0

                    #self.average= (self.average * self.num + adjustedAccelerations)/( self.num + 1)

                    interm1 = numpy.add(
                            self.currentAccelerations)) / timeDifference
                    interm2 = numpy.array(
                        interm1) * timeDifference * timeDifference * 0.5
                    interm3 = numpy.array(
                        self.currentAccelerations) * timeDifference
                    interm4 = numpy.add(interm2, interm3)

                    adjustedVelocities = numpy.add(self.currentVelocities,

                    for k in range(0, len(adjustedVelocities)):
                        if abs(adjustedVelocities[k]) < 0.1:
                            adjustedVelocities[k] = 0.0
                    interm5 = 0.5 * interm3 * timeDifference
                    interm6 = (interm2 * timeDifference) / 3



                    self.positionVectors = numpy.add(
                        numpy.array(adjustedVelocities * timeDifference))

                    self.previousTime = self.currentTime
                    self.currentAccelerations = adjustedAccelerations
                    self.currentVelocities = adjustedVelocities

                    self.previousMeasurement = linAccelerationData[index][1]
                    print(str(timeDifference) + " s")
                    print("Adjusted Acceleration" + str(adjustedAccelerations))

                    #print("Filtered Acceleration"+ str(filtered))
                    print("unadjusted acceleration" +
                    print("rotation vectors" + str(quat))
                    print("madgwick vectors" +
                    print("Adjusted Velocities" + str(adjustedVelocities))

                    print("Distance " + str(self.positionVectors))

                    # for j in range(0,len(self.positionVectors)):
                    #     if abs(self.positionVectors[j])>1:
                    #         sleep(10)

                    #print("euler", Quaternion(self.currentQuaternion).to_euler123()[0]*180/3.14)

                elif self.previousTime == 0:
                    self.previousTime = self.currentTime
                    self.madgwickahrs = MadgwickAHRS(
                    self.initialQuaternion = self.currentQuaternion
                    self.previousMeasurement = linAccelerationData[index][1]
                    self.kalmanX = Kalman_Accel(0)
                    self.kalmanY = Kalman_Accel(0)
                    self.kalmanZ = Kalman_Accel(0)
            self.currentAccelerations = numpy.zeros(3)
            self.currentVelocities = numpy.zeros(3)
            self.previousAccelerations = numpy.zeros(3)
            print("Not Moving")

            print("Distance " + str(self.positionVectors))
            if self.previousTime:
                print("rotation vectors" + str(self.currentQuaternion))
#!/usr/bin/env python

import quaternion
from quaternion import Quaternion
import math
import cmath

qlist = (Quaternion(+0.16, +0.32, +1.48,
                    +0.80), Quaternion(+1.16, +1.32, +1.48, -0.80),
         Quaternion(+2.16, +0.00, -0.01,
                    +0.00), Quaternion(+3.16, +0.32, -1.48, -2.80),
         Quaternion(+4.16, -2.32, +1.48,
                    +0.80), Quaternion(+0.16, -0.32, +1.48, -0.80),
         Quaternion(+6.16, -3.32, -1.48,
                    +3.80), Quaternion(+7.16, -0.32, -3.48, -0.80),
         Quaternion(+0.16, +0.32, +1.48, +4.80))

def qfoo(q):
    """ Rotate axis by +tau/3 about axis (1,1,1) """
    return Quaternion(q.w, q.y, q.z, q.x)

def qbar(q):
    """ Rotate axis by -tau/3 about axis (1,1,1) """
    return Quaternion(q.w, q.z, q.x, q.y)

def check(rfn, cfn, qfn, q):
    """ compares the Quaternion function (qfn) with the equivilent
def qfoo(q):
    """ Rotate axis by +tau/3 about axis (1,1,1) """
    return Quaternion(q.w, q.y, q.z, q.x)
def qbar(q):
    """ Rotate axis by -tau/3 about axis (1,1,1) """
    return Quaternion(q.w, q.z, q.x, q.y)
def compute_mean(Y, prev_estimate):
    mean = np.zeros(7)
    err_vecs = np.zeros((3, Y.shape[1]))
    q = Quaternion()
    q.q = prev_estimate[:4]
    qi = Quaternion()
    Quat_part = Y[:4, :]
    Omg_part = Y[4:, :]
    e = Quaternion()

    for _ in range(5):
        for j in range(Y.shape[1]):
            qi.q = Quat_part[:, j]
            err_q = qi * q.inv()
            err_vecs[:, j] = err_q.axis_angle()
        err_mean = np.mean(err_vecs, axis=1)
        q.q = (e * q).q
        if np.linalg.norm(err_mean) < 0.001:

    omg_mean = np.mean(Omg_part, axis=1)

    mean[:4] = q.q
    mean[4:] = omg_mean

    return mean, err_vecs
def load_vicon(data_path):
    #    names = ['Time (s)', 'Gyroscope X (deg/s)', 'Gyroscope Y (deg/s)', 'Gyroscope Z (deg/s)', 'Accelerometer X (g)', 'Accelerometer Y (g)','Accelerometer Z (g)','Magnetometer X (uT)','Magnetometer Y (uT)','Magnetometer Z (uT)']
    df = pd.read_csv(data_path, index_col=False)
    #    df=df[35:-35,:]
    i_end = np.zeros([len(df.values[:, 0]), 3])
    i_start = np.copy(i_end)
    j_end = np.copy(i_end)
    j_start = np.copy(i_end)
    k_start = np.copy(i_end)
    k_end = np.copy(i_end)
    temp_mts = np.zeros(len(df.values[:, 11]))
    temp_ts = np.zeros(len(df.values[:, 10]))
    ref_delta_t = np.zeros(len(df.values[:, 11]))
    ref_ts = np.copy(temp_ts)
    temp_mts[:] = df.values[:, 11]
    temp_ts[:] = df.values[:, 10]
    ref_ts[:] = temp_ts[:] + temp_mts[:] * 0.001
    for i in range(len(temp_ts) - 1):
        tempp = temp_ts[i + 1] - temp_ts[i]
        if tempp >= 0:
            ref_delta_t[i] = tempp
            ref_delta_t[i] = (61 - temp_ts[i]) + temp_ts[i + 1]
    for i in range(2, len(ref_delta_t)):
        if ref_delta_t[i] > 0.5:
            ref_delta_t[i] = (ref_delta_t[i - 1] + ref_delta_t[i - 2]) / 2
    ref_ts = np.cumsum(ref_delta_t)
    j_end[:, :] = df.values[:, 14:17]  #1 +x方向8-1
    j_start[:, :] = df.values[:, 49:52]  #8
    i_end[:, :] = df.values[:, 24:27]  #3#
    i_start[:, :] = df.values[:, 29:32]  #4#
    k_start[:, :] = df.values[:, 19:22]  #2  #y 2-5
    k_end[:, :] = df.values[:, 34:37]  #5#
    j_end = j_end[:, [0, 2, 1]]
    j_start = j_start[:, [0, 2, 1]]
    i_end = i_end[:, [0, 2, 1]]
    i_start = i_start[:, [0, 2, 1]]
    k_end = k_end[:, [0, 2, 1]]
    k_start = k_start[:, [0, 2, 1]]
    c_xm = mag_v(i_end - i_start)
    c_ym = mag_v(j_end - j_start)
    c_zm = mag_v(k_end - k_start)
    Q = np.zeros([len(c_xm), 4])
    tempa = np.zeros([3, 3])
    for i in range(len(Q) - 2):
        tempa = np.vstack((c_xm[i, :], c_ym[i, :], c_zm[i, :]))
        tempa = -tempa.transpose()
        Q[i, :] = quaternions.mat2quat(tempa)
#    Q[:,:]=df.values[:,6:10]
#    Q=Q[:,[3,0,1,2]]
    Q = Q[:, [0, 1, 3, 2]]
    Q[:, 0] = -Q[:, 0]
    #    Q=Q[:,[0,2,1,3]]
    #    Q[:,2]=-Q[:,2]
    ref_eu = np.zeros([len(Q), 3])
    #    Qb=Quaternion([1,0,0,0])
    #    Qc=np.array([[0,0,-0.707,0.707],
    #                 [0,0,0.707,0.707],
    #                 [0.707,-0.707,0,0],
    #                 [-0.707,-0.707,0,0]])
    #    Qb=Quaternion(np.mean(Q[100:400,:],axis=0))
    #    Qb=Quaternion(0.246265,-0.0168084,0.0457804,0.967974)
    #    Qb=Qb.conj() #有加這樣才對 用static測試
    for i in range(1, len(Q)):
        tempq = Quaternion(Q[i, :])
        #        tempq=tempq*Qb.conj()
        #        Q[i,:]=tempq.__array__()
        ref_eu[i, 0], ref_eu[i,
                             1], ref_eu[i,
                                        2] = tempq.to_euler_angles_by_wiki()

#        ref_eu[i,0],ref_eu[i,1],ref_eu[i,2]=tempq.to_euler_angles_no_Gimbal()

    return ref_ts, c_xm, c_ym, c_zm, Q, ref_eu / np.pi * 180, ref_delta_t
def _mat4_rotation(w=0, x=1, y=0, z=0):
    n = np.array([x, y, z])
    n *= 1. / np.sqrt(1. * np.sum(n**2))
    q = Quaternion(np.cos(.5 * w), *(np.sin(.5 * w) * n))
    return q.toRotation4()
 def local_to_global(self, vector):
     vector = q * Quaternion()  # todo
     return vector
while True:
    gyro_x = read_gyro_x(address)
    gyro_y = read_gyro_y(address)
    gyro_z = read_gyro_z(address)
    bes_x = read_bes_x(address)
    bes_y = read_bes_y(address)
    bes_z = read_bes_z(address)
    mag_x = read_mag_x(mag_address)
    mag_y = read_mag_y(mag_address)
    mag_z = read_mag_z(mag_address)

    bes_arr = [bes_x, bes_y, bes_z]
    gyro_arr = [gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z]
    mag_arr = [mag_x, mag_y, mag_z]

    q = Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0)
    m = MadgwickAHRS(1 / 1000, q, 1)
    #print("before: ",m.quaternion.q)
    MadgwickAHRS.update(m, bes_arr, gyro_arr, mag_arr)
    #print("after: ",m.quaternion.q)

    roll = math.atan2(
        2.0 * (m.quaternion.q[2] * m.quaternion.q[3] +
               m.quaternion.q[0] * m.quaternion.q[1]),
        m.quaternion.q[0] * m.quaternion.q[0] - m.quaternion.q[1] *
        m.quaternion.q[1] - m.quaternion.q[2] * m.quaternion.q[2] +
        m.quaternion.q[3] * m.quaternion.q[3]) * (180.0 / math.pi)
    pitch = math.asin(
        -2.0 * (m.quaternion.q[1] * m.quaternion.q[3] -
                m.quaternion.q[0] * m.quaternion.q[2])) * (180.0 / math.pi)
    yaw = math.atan2(
def estimate_rot(data_num=1):
    # loading the data from the IMU and Vicon

    imu = io.loadmat(
                     "imu/imuRaw" + str(data_num) + ".mat"))
    imu = io.loadmat('imu/imuRaw' + str(data_num) + '.mat')
    vicon = io.loadmat('vicon/viconRot' + str(data_num) + '.mat')
    accel = imu['vals'][0:3, :].astype('int')
    gyro = imu['vals'][3:6, :].astype('int')
    T = np.shape(imu['ts'])[1]
    imu_time = imu['ts']
    time = vicon['ts']
    rots = vicon['rots']

    m = Quaternion()
    quats_x = []
    rot_arr = []
    for i in range(len(time[0])):
        r = Rotation.from_matrix(rots[:, :, i]).as_euler('xyz', degrees=False)
        m.from_rotm(rots[:, :, i])

    time = np.array(time)
    rotationss = np.array(rot_arr)

    # Processing the raw data of the IMU

    true_accel = (accel - 506) * 3300 * 9.81 / (1023 * 320)
    test = (gyro[1, :] - 373.8) / (3.3 / 2.78) * np.pi / 180
    test2 = (gyro[2, :] - 375.8) / (3.3 / 2.78) * np.pi / 180
    test3 = (gyro[0, :] - 369.8) * 1.3 / (3.3 / 2.78) * np.pi / 180

    x_angle = 0
    y_angle = 0
    z_angle = 0
    xs = []
    ys = []
    zs = []
    for i in range(len(imu_time[0, :]) - 1):
        x_angle += test[i] * (imu_time[0, i + 1] - imu_time[0, i])
        y_angle += test2[i] * (imu_time[0, i + 1] - imu_time[0, i])
        z_angle += test3[i] * (imu_time[0, i + 1] - imu_time[0, i])

    x_accel = -1 * true_accel[0, :]
    y_accel = -1 * true_accel[1, :]
    z_accel = true_accel[2, :]
    measurements_cal = np.stack(
        (x_accel, y_accel, z_accel, test, test2, test3))

    pitch_angs = []
    roll_angs = []

    for i in range(len(imu_time[0])):
        pitch_ang = math.atan2(-1 * x_accel[i],
                               np.sqrt(y_accel[i]**2 + z_accel[i]**2))
        roll_ang = math.atan2(y_accel[i], z_accel[i])

    init_state = np.zeros((7))
    P = 1 * np.identity(6)
    Q = 500 * np.identity(6)
    R = 100 * np.identity(6)
    init_omegas = np.array([0, 0, 0])
    init_quat = Quaternion()
    init_quat.q = np.array([1, 0, 0, 0])
    init_state[:4] = init_quat.q
    init_state[4:] = init_omegas
    state_estimate = init_state

    phi = []
    theta = []
    psi = []

    quat_for_plot = Quaternion()

    for i in range(len(imu_time[0, :])):
        if i == len(imu_time[0, :]) - 1:
            delta_t = imu_time[0, -1] - imu_time[0, -2]
            delta_t = imu_time[0, i + 1] - imu_time[0, i]

        W = get_W(P, Q)
        X = get_X(state_estimate, W)
        Y = process_model(X, delta_t)
        mean_minus, err_vecs = compute_mean(Y, state_estimate)
        W_dash = get_W_dash(Y, err_vecs, mean_minus)
        Pk_minus = get_covariance(W_dash)
        Z = measurement_model(Y)
        zk_minus = compute_z_mean(Z)
        Z_dash = get_Z_dash(Z, zk_minus)
        nu_k = measurements_cal[:, i] - zk_minus
        P_zz = get_covariance(Z_dash)
        P_vv = P_zz + R
        P_xz = get_cross_covariance(W_dash, Z_dash)
        K =, np.linalg.inv(P_vv))
        state_estimate = get_new_estimate(mean_minus, K, nu_k)
        P = Pk_minus -,, K.T))
        quat_for_plot.q = state_estimate[:4]
        euls = quat_for_plot.euler_angles()

    phi = np.asarray(phi)
    theta = np.asarray(theta)
    psi = np.asarray(psi)

    # Comparing the ground truth orientation and orientation produced by the Unscented Kalman Filter

    (fig, axes) = plt.subplots(nrows=3,
                               num='Orientation given by UKF')
    ax = axes[0]
    ax.plot(time[0, :], rotationss[:, 0], 'r', imu_time[0, :], phi, 'b')
    ax.legend(("vicon", "imu"))
    ax.set_ylabel('orientation x')
    ax = axes[1]
    ax.plot(time[0, :], rotationss[:, 1], 'r', imu_time[0, :], theta, 'b')
    ax.legend(("vicon", "imu"))
    ax.set_ylabel('orientation y')
    ax = axes[2]
    ax.plot(time[0, :], rotationss[:, 2], 'r', imu_time[0, :], psi, 'b')
    ax.legend(("vicon", "imu"))
    ax.set_ylabel('orientation z')

    # True orientation of the drone given by the Vicon

    (fig, axes) = plt.subplots(nrows=3,
                               num='Ground Truth Orientation vs Time')
    ax = axes[0]
    ax.plot(time[0, :], rotationss[:, 0], 'r')
    ax.set_ylabel('rotation x')
    ax = axes[1]
    ax.plot(time[0, :], rotationss[:, 1], 'r')
    ax.set_ylabel('rotation y')
    ax = axes[2]
    ax.plot(time[0, :], rotationss[:, 2], 'r')
    ax.set_ylabel('rotation z')

    # Orientation as tracked only by the gyroscope

    (fig, axes) = plt.subplots(nrows=3,
                               num='Orientation given by Gyroscope')
    ax = axes[0]
    ax.plot(time[0, :], rotationss[:, 0], 'r', imu_time[0, :-1], xs, 'b')
    ax.legend(("vicon", "imu"))
    ax.set_ylabel('orientation x')
    ax = axes[1]
    ax.plot(time[0, :], rotationss[:, 1], 'r', imu_time[0, :-1], ys, 'b')
    ax.legend(("vicon", "imu"))
    ax.set_ylabel('orientation y')
    ax = axes[2]
    ax.plot(time[0, :], rotationss[:, 2], 'r', imu_time[0, :-1], zs, 'b')
    ax.legend(("vicon", "imu"))
    ax.set_ylabel('orientation z')

    return imu_time, phi, theta, psi