def assign_defaults(self): self.assign_constants() self.AVOID_HANGUP = False # this is to avoid the hangup of communication with QubicStudio. See self.logfile = None self.NPIXELS = NPIXELS self.assign_obsdate() #self.assign_datadir() # already called from assign_obsdate() above self.endobs = None self.NPIXELS_requested = False # this is a hack to help with the hangup problem self.NPIXELS_sampled = None self.detector_name = 'undefined' self.FLL_state = None self.FLL_P = None self.FLL_I = None self.FLL_D = None self.Rfeedback = 10e3 # 10kOhm, this is selectable between 10kOhm and 100kOhm (also called "relay" resistance) self.asic = None self.assign_integration_time() self.adu = None self.vbias = None self.timeline_vbias = None self.cycle_vbias = True self.nbiascycles = None self.bias_frequency = None self.bias_period = None self.max_permitted_bias = 3.0 self.max_bias = None self.min_bias = None self.max_bias_position = None self.bias_factor = 1.0 self.bias_mode = None self.pausetime = 0.3 = 'APC LaboMM' self.nsamples = None self.chunk_size = None self.rawmask = None self.timeline_conversion = None self.tdata = None self.pix_grid = assign_pix_grid() self.filtersummary = [] for idx in range(self.NPIXELS): self.filtersummary.append(None) self.assign_lookup_table() self.temperature = None self.oxford_assign_temperature_labels() self.oxford_assign_heater_ranges() self.calsource_LF = None self.calsource_HF = None self.modulator = None self.datafiletype = None self.dataset_name = None self.hornswitch_files = None = {} self.assign_fitsblurbs() return
from pysimulators import FitsArray import matplotlib.mlab as mlab import sys import scipy.signal as scsig import scipy.stats from scipy.ndimage.filters import correlate1d, gaussian_filter1d import glob from import fits from qubic.utils import progress_bar from qubicpack import qubicpack as qp from qubicpack.pix2tes import assign_pix_grid, assign_pix2tes, tes2pix, pix2tes, TES2PIX pix_grid = assign_pix_grid() TES2PIX = assign_pix2tes() def printnow(truc): print(truc) sys.stdout.flush() def isfloat(s): try: a = float(s) return True except ValueError: pass return False
def plot_fp(args): ''' plot curves and background colour on the QUBIC focal plane the argument is a dictionary with the curves and options valid keywords (n is the ASIC number): 'ASIC<n>' : the array of NPIXELS curves 'ASIC<n> x-axis' : x-axis (use this to plot bias curves) 'ASIC<n> bg' : the value to determine the background colour 'ASIC<n> good' : an array of bool for each TES (good or not) 'obsdate' : observation date (datetime object) 'title' : plot title 'subtitle' : plot subtitle 'lutmin' : min value for colour look up table 'lutmax' : max value for colour look up table 'pngname' : name of file for saving the plot 'nolabels' : if true, do not plot TES labels in each box 'quadrant' : quadrant in which to plot the quarter focal plane (default=3) ''' # initialize stuff pix_grid = assign_pix_grid() nrows = pix_grid.shape[0] ncols = pix_grid.shape[1] if 'figsize' in args.keys(): figsize = args['figsize'] else: figwidth = plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'][0] figsize = (figwidth, figwidth) fontsize = figsize[0] ttlfontsize = figsize[0] * 1.2 quadrant = 3 if 'quadrant' in args.keys(): quadrant = args['quadrant'] obsdate = None if 'obsdate' in args.keys(): obsdate = args['obsdate'] tes_grid = assign_tes_grid() if 'pngname' in args.keys(): pngname = args['pngname'] elif obsdate: pngname = 'QUBIC_focal_plane_%s.png' % obsdate.strftime( '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') else: pngname = 'QUBIC_focal_plane.png' if 'title' in args.keys(): ttl = args['title'] else: ttl = 'QUBIC TES array' subttl = None if 'subtitle' in args.keys(): subttl = args['subtitle'] lutmin = 0.0 if 'lutmin' in args.keys(): lutmin = args['lutmin'] lutmax = 10.0 if 'lutmax' in args.keys(): lutmax = args['lutmax'] face_colours = {} face_colours['ASIC0'] = 'black' face_colours['ASIC1'] = 'white' face_colours['ASIC2'] = 'white' curve_colours = {} curve_colours['ASIC0'] = 'black' curve_colours['ASIC1'] = 'black' curve_colours['ASIC2'] = 'blue' label_boxprops = dict(boxstyle='round, pad=0.1', facecolor='white', alpha=1.0) label_colours = {} label_colours['ASIC0'] = 'black' label_colours['ASIC1'] = 'black' label_colours['ASIC2'] = 'blue' if 'nolabels' in args.keys() and args['nolabels']: print_labels = False else: print_labels = True plt.ion() fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, figsize=figsize) fig.text(0.5, 0.985, ttl, ha='center', fontsize=ttlfontsize) figure_window_title(fig, ttl) fig.suptitle(subttl, fontsize=ttlfontsize) for j in range(nrows): for i in range(ncols): if quadrant == 1: row = j col = i elif quadrant == 2: row = i col = j elif quadrant == 3: row = 16 - j col = 16 - i else: row = 16 - i col = 16 - j ax[row, col].get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax[row, col].get_yaxis().set_visible(False) # the pixel identity associated with its physical location in the array TES = tes_grid[j, i].TES TES_str = '%03i' % TES asic = tes_grid[j, i].ASIC asic_str = '%i' % asic TES_idx = TES - 1 pix_label = TES_str asic_key = 'ASIC%s' % asic_str asicbg_key = '%s bg' % asic_key asicgood_key = '%s good' % asic_key xaxis_key = '%s x-axis' % asic_key face_colour = face_colours[asic_key] label_colour = label_colours[asic_key] curve_colour = curve_colours[asic_key] text_x = 0.5 text_y = 0.9 labelfontsize = ttlfontsize if asic_key in args.keys() and args[asic_key] is not None: if xaxis_key in args.keys() and args[xaxis_key] is not None: curve_x = args[xaxis_key][TES_idx] else: curve_x = range(args[asic_key].shape[1]) curve = args[asic_key][TES_idx] text_x = 0.5 text_y = 0.9 labelfontsize = 0.8 * fontsize if asicgood_key in args.keys( ) and not args[asicgood_key][TES_idx]: face_colour = 'black' label_colour = 'white' curve_colour = 'white' elif asicbg_key in args.keys(): if args[asicbg_key][TES_idx] is None: face_colour = 'white' else: face_colour = mylut(args[asicbg_key][TES_idx], lutmin, lutmax) ax[row, col].plot(curve_x, curve, color=curve_colour) #print('(%i,%i) : facecolour=%s, labelcolour=%s' % (row,col,face_colour,label_colour)) ax[row, col].set_facecolor(face_colour) label_boxprops['facecolor'] = face_colour if print_labels: ax[row, col].text(text_x, text_y, pix_label, va='top', ha='center', color=label_colour, fontsize=labelfontsize, bbox=label_boxprops, transform=ax[row, col].transAxes) plt.savefig(pngname, format='png', dpi=100, bbox_inches='tight') return