def test_sat_or():

    f = OR

    assert f() == {(): 1}
    assert f('x', 'y') == PUBO({('x', ): 1, ('y', ): 1, ('x', 'y'): -1})
    assert (f({('x', 'y'): 1}, 'a') == PUBO({
                   ('x', 'y'): 1,
                   ('a', ): 1,
                   ('x', 'y', 'a'): -1

    for n in range(1, 5):
        P = f(*tuple(range(n)))
        for i in range(1 << n):
            sol = decimal_to_boolean(i, n)
            if any(sol):
                assert P.value(sol) == 1
                assert not P.value(sol)

    # testing type
    x, y = boolean_var(0), boolean_var(1)
    for model in BOOLEAN_MODELS:
        assert isinstance(f(model(x), y), model)
    def solve_bruteforce(self, all_solutions=False):

        Solves the JobSequence problem exactly with a brute force method. THIS
        SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR LARGE PROBLEMS! The advantage over this method
        as opposed to using a brute force QUBO solver is that the QUBO
        formulation has many slack variables.

        all_solutions : boolean (optional, defaults to False).
            If ``all_solutions`` is set to True, all the best solutions to the
            problem will be returned rather than just one of the best. If the
            problem is very big, then it is best if ``all_solutions == False``,
            otherwise this function will use a lot of memory.

        res : tuple of sets or list of tuple of sets.
            Each element of the tuple corresponds to a worker. Each element
            of the tuple is a set of jobs that are assigned to that worker. If
            ``all_solutions == True`` then ``res`` will be a list, where each
            element of the list will be one of the optimal solutions.

        >>> job_lengths = {"job1": 2, "job2": 3, "job3": 1}
        >>> num_workers = 2
        >>> problem = JobSequencing(job_lengths, num_workers)
        >>> print(problem.solve_bruteforce())
        ({'job1', 'job3'}, {'job2'})  # or ({'job2'}, {'job1', 'job3'})

        >>> print(problem.solve_bruteforce(True))
        [({'job1', 'job3'}, {'job2'}), ({'job2'}, {'job1', 'job3'})]

        best = None, None
        all_sols, n = {}, self._m * self._N
        for i in range(1 << n):
            sol = self.convert_solution(decimal_to_boolean(i, n))
            if self.is_solution_valid(sol):
                obj = max(
                    sum(self._lengths[job] for job in cluster)
                    for cluster in sol)
                if not all_solutions and (best[0] is None or obj < best[0]):
                    best = obj, sol
                elif all_solutions and (best[0] is None or obj <= best[0]):
                    best = obj, sol
                    all_sols.setdefault(obj, []).append(sol)

        if all_solutions:
            return all_sols[best[0]]
        return best[1]
def test_decimal_to_boolean():

    assert decimal_to_boolean(10, 7) == (0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
    assert decimal_to_boolean(10) == (1, 0, 1, 0)

    with assert_raises(ValueError):

    with assert_raises(ValueError):
        decimal_to_boolean(1000, 2)
def test_boolean_to_decimal():

    for i in range(8):
        assert i == boolean_to_decimal(decimal_to_boolean(i))