文件: cron.py 项目: Ufrutov/telebots
class Cron(object):

	def __init__(self, args):
		super(Cron, self).__init__()
		self.args = args
		self.query = Query(args);
		self.action = Action(args);

	def run(self):
		crons = self.query.list({}, 'AND', 'cron')
		output = []
		date = int(time.time())

		for action in crons:
			if( action['enable'] ):
				local = date - (action['tz_offset']*60*60)

				weekday = dt.utcfromtimestamp(local).weekday()
				hour = dt.utcfromtimestamp(local).hour
				minute = dt.utcfromtimestamp(local).minute

				dates = action['date'].split(',')

				for dte in dates:
					action_date = dt.utcfromtimestamp(int(dte) - (action['tz_offset']*60*60))
					cron_minute = action_date.minute
					cron_hour = action_date.hour

					if( action['repeat'] == 'hour' ):
						cron = {}

						# output.append({ str(action_date): (cron_minute < 30 and minute < 30) or (cron_minute > 29 and minute > 29) })

						if( (cron_minute < 30 and minute < 30) or (cron_minute > 29 and minute > 29) ):
							cron['action'] = action

					if( action['repeat'] == 'day' ):
						cron = {}

						if( cron_hour == hour ):
							if( (cron_minute < 30 and minute < 30) or (cron_minute > 29 and minute > 29)  ):
								cron['action'] = action

					if( action['repeat'] == 'week' ):
						cron = {}

						cron_weekday = action_date.weekday()

						if( weekday == cron_weekday and cron_hour == hour ):
							if( abs(cron_minute-minute) < 30 ):
								cron['message'] = self.action.send_message(action['bot_id'], action['chat_id'], action['text'], action['tz_offset'])
								cron['action'] = action


		return output

	def run_cron(self, action):
		cron = {}
		if( len(action['cron']) > 0 and action['cron'] != 'null' ):
			# Cron contains photo or rss configuration
			cron_obj = json.loads(action['cron'])

			if 'photo' in cron_obj:
				cron['photo'] = self.action.send_photo(action['bot_id'], action['chat_id'], action['cron'], action['text'], action['tz_offset'])

				if( cron_obj['loop'] ):
					self.query.update({'cron': self.action.next_file(action['cron'], action['bot_id'])}, 'cron', action['id'])

			if 'rss' in cron_obj:
				rss_msg = self.complete_rss(cron_obj['resource'], cron_obj['rss'])
				if( len(rss_msg) > 0 ):
					cron['message'] = self.action.send_message(action['bot_id'], action['chat_id'], rss_msg, action['tz_offset'])
					cron['message'] = 'Failed to send rss'

			if 'weather' in cron_obj:
				weather = self.complete_weather(cron_obj['weather'])
				cron['weather'] = self.action.send_message(action['bot_id'], action['chat_id'], weather, action['tz_offset'])

			# Cron contains only text for message
			cron['message'] = self.action.send_message(action['bot_id'], action['chat_id'], action['text'], action['tz_offset'])

		return cron

	def complete_rss(self, resource, url):
		output = []

		if( resource == 'newsmaker.md' ):
			output.append('*{0}* - <DATE>'.format(resource))

				rss_url = urllib2.urlopen(url)
				data = rss_url.read()

				rss = xmltodict.parse(data)

				text = []
				for k in rss['rss']['channel']['item']:
					# fields: title, link, guid, description, pubDate

					text.append('{0} [more..]({1})\n'.format(k['title'].decode('utf8'), k['link']))

				if( len(text) > 0 ):
					output = []

			except Exception as e:
		return '\n'.join(output)

	def complete_weather(self, city):
		output = []

		# Yandex city id - Chisinau - 33815
			y_url = urllib2.urlopen('http://export.yandex.ru/weather-ng/forecasts/33815.xml')
			data = y_url.read()

			rss = xmltodict.parse(data)

			# Debug
			# return rss['forecast']['day']

			text = []

			for k in rss['forecast']:

				if 'fact' in k:
					fact = rss['forecast']['fact']
					text.append('t: *{0} C*'.format(fact['temperature']['#text']))
					text.append('humidity: *{0}*'.format(fact['humidity']))
					text.append('pressure: *{0}*'.format(fact['pressure']['#text']))

			if( len(text) > 0 ):
				output = []

		except Exception as e:

		return '\n'.join(output)
class Action:

	def __init__(self, args):
		self.telegram = args.telegram
		self.query = Query(args);

	def get_updates(self, bot_id):
		output = {}

		bot = self.query.list({'id': bot_id}, 'AND', 'bots')

		if( len(bot) > 0 ):

			req = urllib2.Request( '{0}{1}/{2}'.format(self.telegram, bot[0]['token'], 'getUpdates') )
			request = urllib2.urlopen(req)
			response = json.loads(request.read())
			if( response['ok'] ):
				self.update_chats(response['result'], bot_id)
				output['response'] = response['result']
				output['chats'] = self.query.list({'bot_id': bot_id}, 'AND', 'chats')
				output['ok'] = True			
				output['updates'] = response['result']
				output['ok'] = False
			output['ok'] = False

		return output

	def update_chats(self, updates, bot_id):
		chats = {}
		chat_ids = []
		output = []

		for item in updates:
			chat = item['message']['from']['id']
			if( chat not in chat_ids ):
				chats["chat_id"] = item['message']['from']['id']
				chats["username"] = item['message']['from']['first_name']
				chats["first_name"] = item['message']['from']['first_name']
				chats["bot_id"] = bot_id

		for chat in chat_ids:
			if( len(self.query.list({'chat_id': chat['chat_id'], 'bot_id': bot_id}, 'AND', 'chats')) <= 0 ):
				self.query.insert([chat['chat_id'], chat['username'], chat['first_name'], chat['bot_id']], 'chats')

	def get_message_atr(self, atributes):
		output = {}

		for atr in atributes:
			if( ':' in atr ):
				name = atr.split(':', 1)[0]
				value = atr.split(':', 1)[1]

				output[name] = value

		if( not output ):
			output['error'] = True
			return output
			output['error'] = False
			return output

	def send_message(self, bot_id, ids, text, tz):
		output = {}
		bot = self.query.list({'id': bot_id}, 'AND', 'bots')

		if( len(bot) > 0 ):
			bot_obj = telebot.TeleBot(str(bot[0]['token']))

			chats = ids.split(',')
			success = []

			for chat in chats:

					send = bot_obj.send_message(chat, self.convert_text(text, tz, 'request'))
					output['send'] = {
						'date': str(send.date),
						'message_id': str(send.message_id)

					output['ok'] = True
				except Exception as e:
					output['status'] = str(e)
					output['ok'] = False

			if( output['ok'] ):
				# message = str(MySQLdb.escape_string( self.convert_text(text, tz, 'save') ))
				message = self.convert_text(text, tz, 'save')
				output['saved'] = self.query.insert([', '.join(success), output['send']['date'], message, output['send']['message_id'], bot_id], 'message')

				output['success'] = success
				output['text'] = text

				return output
				output['ok'] = False
				output['status'] = 'Message not sent'
			output['ok'] = False
			output['status'] = 'Bot not found'
		return output

	def convert_text(self, text, tz, action):
		date = int(time.time())-(int(tz)*60*60)

		date = dt.utcfromtimestamp(date).strftime('%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%Y')
		output = string.replace(text, '<DATE>', date)

		# if( action == 'request' ):
		return output
		# else:
			# return output.encode('utf8')

	def send_photo(self, bot_id, ids, file_obj, text, tz):
		output = {}

		bot = self.query.list({'id': bot_id}, 'AND', 'bots')
		user = self.query.list({'id': bot[0]['user_id']}, 'AND', 'users')
		# file_Obj = json.loads(file_obj)
		file_Obj = json.loads(file_obj, object_hook=lambda d: namedtuple('X', d.keys())(*d.values()))

		directory = file_Obj.folder
		photo = file_Obj.photo

		if( len(bot) > 0 and len(user) > 0 ):
			bot_obj = telebot.TeleBot(str(bot[0]['token']))

			chats = ids.split(',')
			success = []

			path = '{0}/files/{1}/{2}/{3}'.format(os.getcwd(), user[0]['name'], directory, photo)
			photo = open(path)

			for chat in chats:
					bot_obj.send_photo(chat, photo, self.convert_text(text, tz, 'request'))

					output['ok'] = True
				except Exception as e:
					output['fail'] = str(e)
					output['ok'] = False

			if( output['ok'] ):
				# message = self.convert_text(text, tz, 'save')
				# output['saved'] = self.query.insert([', '.join(success), output['message']['date'], message, output['message']['message_id'], bot_id], 'message')

				output['success'] = success
				output['ok'] = False
				output['status'] = 'Photo not sent'
			output['ok'] = False
			output['status'] = 'Bot not found'
		return output

	def get_messages(self, bot_id):
		return self.query.list({'bot_id': bot_id}, 'AND', 'message')

	def get_crons(self, bot_id, cron_id):
		if( cron_id == 'all' ):
			return self.query.list({'bot_id': bot_id}, 'AND', 'cron')
			return self.query.list({'bot_id': bot_id, 'id': cron_id}, 'AND', 'cron')

	def save_cron(self, bot_id, id, chats, text, date, tz, repeat, cron):
		output = {}
		if( id == '0' ):
			self.query.insert([chats, 1, date, repeat, text, tz, bot_id, cron], 'cron')
			output['cron'] = self.query.list({'bot_id': bot_id}, 'AND', 'cron')
			output['status'] = 'Saved'
			output['ok'] = True
			return output
			return [id, chats, text, date, repeat]
			# return self.query.update_cron(id, chats, text, date, repeat)

	def update_cron(self, bot_id, id, values):
		output = {}
		update = json.loads(values)
		self.query.update(update, 'cron', id)
		output['cron'] = self.query.list({'id': id}, 'AND', 'cron')
		output['ok'] = True
		return output

	def delete_cron(self, bot_id, id):
		output = {}
		output['ok'] = self.query.delete('cron', id)
		output['cron'] = self.query.list({'bot_id': bot_id}, 'AND', 'cron')
		return output

	def get_chats(self, bot_id):
		return self.query.list({'bot_id': bot_id}, 'AND', 'chats')

	def sign_in(self, name, email, hash):
		user = {}
		user['email'] = email
		output = {}
		if( len(self.query.list_users(user, 'OR')) == 0 ):
			self.query.add_user([name, email, hash])
			output['ok'] = True
			output['log_in'] = self.log_in(email, hash)
			output['ok'] = False
			output['status'] = 'exists'

		return output;

	def log_in(self, email, hash):
		output = {}
		inputs = {}
		inputs['email'] = email
		inputs['hash'] = hash

		user = self.query.list_users(inputs, 'AND')

		if( len(user) > 0 ):
			output['ok'] = True
			output['user'] = user
			output['bots'] = self.query.list({'user_id': user[0]['id']}, 'AND', 'bots')
			output['ok'] = False
			if( len(self.query.list_users({'email': email}, 'AND')) == 0 ):
				output['email'] = False
			if( len(self.query.list_users({'hash': hash}, 'AND')) == 0 ):
				output['hash'] = False

		return output

	def get_user(self, id):
		output = {}
		output['id'] = id

		user = self.query.list({'id': id}, 'AND', 'users')
		if( len(user) > 0 ):
			output['ok'] = True
			output['user'] = user
			output['bots'] = self.query.list({'user_id': id}, 'AND', 'bots')
			output['ok'] = False
			output['status'] = 'User not found'

		return output

	def get_me_bot(self, token):
		req = urllib2.Request( '{0}{1}/{2}'.format(self.telegram, token, 'getMe') )
		request = urllib2.urlopen(req)
		response = json.loads(request.read())

		return response

	def add_bot(self, user, token):
		getbot = self.get_me_bot(token)

		output = {}
		if( getbot['ok'] ):
			output['get_me'] = getbot
			# check bot in db
			local = self.query.list({'token': token, 'user_id': user}, 'AND', 'bots')
			if( len(local) > 0 ):
				output['ok'] = False
				output['status'] = 'You already have this bot'
				# save bot
				result = getbot['result']
				self.query.insert([token, result['username'], result['first_name'], str(result['id']), user], 'bots')
				output['bot'] = self.query.list({'token': token, 'user_id': user}, 'AND', 'bots')
				output['bots'] = self.query.list({'user_id': user}, 'AND', 'bots')
				output['ok'] = True
			output['ok'] = False
			output['status'] = 'Token Error'

		return output

	def add_channel(self, user_id, channel, bot_id):
		output = {}
		user = self.query.list({'id': user_id}, 'AND', 'users')

		if( len(user) > 0 ):
			if( len(self.query.list({'chat_id': channel, 'bot_id': bot_id}, 'AND', 'chats')) <= 0 ):
				self.query.insert([channel, channel, channel, bot_id], 'chats')
				output['ok'] = True
				output['chats'] = self.query.list({'bot_id': bot_id}, 'AND', 'chats')
				output['ok'] = False
				output['status'] = 'Channel is already present'

		return output

	def list_files(self, user_id):
		output = {}
		user = self.query.list({'id': user_id}, 'AND', 'users')

		if( len(user) > 0 ):
			folder = '{0}/files/{1}'.format(os.getcwd(), user[0]['name'])
			if( not os.path.isdir(folder) ):

			output['folders'] = os.listdir(folder)
			output['files'] = {}

			for drct in os.listdir(folder):
				for root, dirs, files in os.walk('{0}/{1}'.format(folder, drct)):
					output['files'][drct] = []
					for file in files:


			output['ok'] = True
			output['ok'] = False
			output['status'] = 'User not found'

		return output

	def next_file(self, file, bot_id):
		file_obj = json.loads(file)
		folder = file_obj['folder']
		photo = file_obj['photo']

		bot = self.query.list({'id': bot_id}, 'AND', 'bots')
		user = self.query.list({'id': bot[0]['user_id']}, 'AND', 'users')

		if( len(user) > 0 ):
			files = self.list_files(user[0]['id'])

			if( len(files['files']) > 0 ):
				f_list = files['files'][folder]

				index = f_list.index(photo)
				if( index == len(f_list)-1 ):
					index = -1

				file_obj['photo'] = f_list[index+1]
				file = json.dumps(file_obj)

		return file

	def query_close(self):