def getSafeQueryPlan(self, init=True): # we are interested in whether the separator represents # a generic inequality constraint - if so, it doesn't matter which # component it occurs in, as it must have the same # constraint everywhere representativeSeparator = self.separator[0] if representativeSeparator.isInequality() and representativeSeparator.getInequalityConstraint().isGeneric(): self.replacementVal = "generic_%s" % representativeSeparator.getInequalityConstraint().getConstant() else: self.replacementVal = algorithm.attCounter() # for webkb if representativeSeparator.domainSize: self.effectiveDomainSize = representativeSeparator.domainSize d = self.disjunctiveQuery self.usedSeparatorVars = d.getUsedSeparators() d.applySeparator(self.separator, self.replacementVal) if isinstance(d, query_exp.DisjunctiveQuery): cons = [] for c in d.getComponents(): cons.append(query_exp.ConjunctiveQuery(query_exp.decomposeComponent(c))) self.childDNF = query_exp.DNF(cons) else: self.childDNF = d if init: self.child = algorithm.getSafeOpenQueryPlanNaive(self.childDNF) symbolString = str(algorithm.dom) + "_" + str(representativeSeparator) self.lam = symbols(symbolString)* self.child.lam else: self.child = None
def getSafeQueryPlan(self, init=True): # we are interested in whether the separator represents # a generic inequality constraint - if so, it doesn't matter which # component it occurs in, as it must have the same # constraint everywhere representativeSeparator = self.separator[0] if representativeSeparator.isInequality( ) and representativeSeparator.getInequalityConstraint().isGeneric(): self.replacementVal = "generic_%s" % representativeSeparator.getInequalityConstraint( ).getConstant() else: self.replacementVal = algorithm.attCounter() # for webkb if representativeSeparator.domainSize: self.effectiveDomainSize = representativeSeparator.domainSize d = self.disjunctiveQuery self.usedSeparatorVars = d.getUsedSeparators() d.applySeparator(self.separator, self.replacementVal) if isinstance(d, query_exp.DisjunctiveQuery): cons = [] for c in d.getComponents(): cons.append( query_exp.ConjunctiveQuery( query_exp.decomposeComponent(c))) self.childDNF = query_exp.DNF(cons) else: self.childDNF = d if init: self.child = algorithm.getSafeQueryPlan(self.childDNF) else: self.child = None
def getSafeQueryPlan(dnf): if isinstance(dnf, query_exp.DNF): cnf = dnf.toCNF().minimize() else: cnf = dnf.minimize() symbolComponentsDNF = query_exp.computeSymbolComponentsDNF(dnf) if len(symbolComponentsDNF) > 1: termList = [query_exp.DNF((list(s))) for s in symbolComponentsDNF] return ind_union.IndependentUnion(cnf, termList) symbolComponents = query_exp.computeSymbolComponentsCNF(cnf) # independent join if len(symbolComponents) > 1: termList = [query_exp.CNF(list(s)) for s in symbolComponents] return ind_join.IndependentJoin(cnf, termList) # inclusion/exclusion if len(cnf.getDisjuncts()) > 1: termList = [] coeffList = [] for x in powerset(cnf.getDisjuncts()): if len(x): termList.append( query_exp.CNF( [query_exp.DisjunctiveQuery( [c.copy() for d in x for c in d.getComponents()] ) ] ) ) coeffList.append((-1) ** len(x)) lexpr = nltk.Expression.fromstring for i in range(len(termList)): if coeffList[i] == 0: continue for j in range(i + 1, len(termList)): if coeffList[j] == 0: continue p9termI = lexpr(termList[i].toProver9()) p9termJ = lexpr(termList[j].toProver9()) proverItoJ = nltk.Prover9Command( p9termJ, assumptions=[p9termI]) proverJtoI = nltk.Prover9Command( p9termI, assumptions=[p9termJ]) if proverItoJ.prove() and proverJtoI.prove(): coeffList[i] += coeffList[j] coeffList[j] = 0 subplans = [] finalCoeffList = [] for ind, term in enumerate(termList): if coeffList[ind] == 0: continue subplans.append(term) finalCoeffList.append(coeffList[ind]) return incl_excl.InclusionExclusion(cnf, subplans, finalCoeffList) d = cnf.getDisjuncts()[0] symbolComponents = query_exp.computeSymbolComponentsDisjunct(d) # independent union if len(symbolComponents) > 1: termList = [ query_exp.CNF( [query_exp.DisjunctiveQuery(list(s))] ) for s in symbolComponents] return ind_union.IndependentUnion(cnf, termList) # ground tuple if not d.hasVariables(): comInd = 0 # only one component in a ground tuple rel = d.getComponents()[comInd].getRelations()[comInd] return ground_tup.GroundTuple(cnf, d, rel) # separator variable separator = d.getSeparator() if separator: return ind_proj.IndependentProject(cnf, d, separator) lexpr = nltk.Expression.fromstring p9d = lexpr(d.toProver9()) for x in powerset(d.getRelations()): if len(x) > 1: proposedComponent = query_exp.Component(x) # TODO(ericgribkoff) Fix query R(x,y),R(y,z),~R(z,x) # right now prover9 is timing out on: # p9 assertion: (R(x,y), ~R(z,x)) p9 kb: exists y x z.(R(x,y) & # R(y,z) & -R(z,x)) # TODO(ericgribkoff) Temporary fix for the above problem if any([r.isNegated() for r in x]): continue p9component = lexpr(proposedComponent.toProver9()) prover = nltk.Prover9Command(p9d, assumptions=[p9component]) componentFalse = nltk.Prover9Command( lexpr(r'False'), assumptions=[p9component]) if (prover.prove() and not componentFalse.prove() and not any( [proposedComponent.containedIn(c) for c in d.getComponents()] )): newConjQueries = [] newConjQueries.append(query_exp.ConjunctiveQuery( query_exp.decomposeComponent(proposedComponent))) for c in d.getComponents(): newConjQueries.append(query_exp.ConjunctiveQuery([c])) newDNF = query_exp.DNF(newConjQueries) return getSafeQueryPlan(newDNF) raise UnsafeException("FAIL")