def test_ClearQueue_511(self): sel = self.selenium loginlogout.LogInAsAdmin(self,sel) # Memorizing videosRejected = queue.ClearQueue(self,sel) # Check that videos were rejected print "Checking that videos were successfully rejected..." # At present, it is technically impossible to check the status for # every video on the rejected page because of an issue with # Bulk Edit page (5 or 6 are the viable limit) # As a temporary solution until the issue is resolved, # just three videos will be checked - the first, the last, and one # from the middle print "Looking up the following videos:" last = len(videosRejected)-1 videosToCheck = [videosRejected[0],videosRejected[last/2],videosRejected[last]] print videosToCheck # Searching each selected video in the list of Rejected videos # on Bulk Edit page for item in videosToCheck: if item!="None": newResult=queue.CheckVideoStatus(self,sel,item,"Rejected") print item+"__________"+str(newResult) if newResult==False: mclib.AppendErrorMessage(self,sel,"Could not find video "+item+" in the list of rejected videos.")["AdminReviewQueue"]) #["ViewMainSiteLink"])["TestSite"]) sel.wait_for_page_to_load(testvars.MCTestVariables["TimeOut"])["ViewAdmin"]) sel.wait_for_page_to_load(testvars.MCTestVariables["TimeOut"]) else: print "None__________None"
def test_SubmitDuplicateVideo_475(self): sel = self.selenium # Log in as an Administrator loginlogout.LogInAsAdmin(self, sel) theme = 1 # List theme sitesettings.ChangeTheme(self, sel, theme) sitesettings.UncheckRequireLoginToSubmitVideo(self, sel) # Set video parameters testVideoURL = "" testVideoTitle = "Miro Demo" titleUnicode = unicode(testVideoTitle) # Check if the video is in the premoderation queue ("Unapproved") print "Looking for the video " + testVideoTitle + " in the premoderation queue" if queue.FindVideoInQueue(self, sel, testVideoTitle) != [0, 0]: print "Found the video in the premoderation queue" for theme in range(1, 2): TestCase_SubmitDuplicateVideo_475.ChangeThemeAndSubmitDuplicateVideo( self, sel, theme, testVideoURL) else: print "Could not find the video in the premoderation queue" # Check if the video is in the current ("Approved") set of videos if queue.CheckVideoStatus(self, sel, testVideoTitle, "Approved") == False: print "Could not find the video among the approved videos" "The test case demands that a copy of the video already existed in the system. Cannot continue now." ) else: print "Found the video among the approved videos" for theme in range(1, 2): TestCase_SubmitDuplicateVideo_475.ChangeThemeAndSubmitDuplicateVideo( self, sel, theme, testVideoURL)
def RejectVideoFromApproved(self, sel, title):["ReviewQueuePage"]) sel.wait_for_page_to_load(testvars.MCTestVariables["TimeOut"]) if queue.CheckVideoStatus(self, sel, title, "Approved") == True: print "Duplicate video found - preparing to delete it..." sel.set_timeout(300000)["BulkEditPage"]) sel.wait_for_page_to_load(testvars.MCTestVariables["TimeOut"]) trimmedTitle = mclib.split_by_punctuation_char(title) # print title # print trimmedTitle sel.type("q", trimmedTitle)"//div[@id='labels']/form[1]/button") sel.wait_for_page_to_load(testvars.MCTestVariables["TimeOut"]) if sel.is_text_present(title) == True: # found video? row = 1 titleElement = "//div[@id='labels']/form[2]/table/tbody/tr[" + str( row) + "]/td[2]/span" while sel.is_element_present(titleElement): tempTitle = sel.get_text(titleElement) if tempTitle == title: break row = row + 1 titleElement = "//div[@id='labels']/form[2]/table/tbody/tr[" + str( row) + "]/td[2]/span" if tempTitle == title: deleteElement = "//div[@id='labels']/form[2]/table/tbody/tr[" + str( row) + "]/td[2]/div/a[2]" sel.wait_for_page_to_load(testvars.MCTestVariables["TimeOut"]) else: mclib.AppendErrorMessage(self, sel, "Query did not return the video " + title) print "Also tried searching by: " + trimmedTitle"Cannot proceed with the test scenario")
def EditTitle(self, sel, theme): # Selecting video No. <theme> from New Videos listing videoTitleLink = videopage.PickVideoFromNewVideosListingPage( self, sel, theme) videoTitle = sel.get_text(videoTitleLink) print "Opening video page for video " + videoTitle + "..." sel.wait_for_page_to_load(testvars.MCTestVariables["TimeOut"]) newTitle = "test title" print "Replacing the existing title with " + newTitle videopage.InlineEditTitle(self, sel, theme, newTitle) if queue.CheckVideoStatus(self, sel, newTitle, "Approved") == True: print "OK, test passed" print "Restoring the original title..."["NewVideosListingPage"]) sel.wait_for_page_to_load(testvars.MCTestVariables["TimeOut"]) sel.wait_for_page_to_load(testvars.MCTestVariables["TimeOut"]) videopage.InlineEditTitle(self, sel, theme, videoTitle) else: print "Oops, test failed" mclib.AppendErrorMessage( self, sel, "Could not find the video in the list of approved videos")
def test_SearchVideoByNonASCIITerm_261(self): sel = self.selenium loginlogout.LogInAsAdmin(self, sel) searchterm = u"\u0442\u0443\u0440\u0438\u0437\u043C" #'tourism' in Cyrillic alphabet # searchterm = u"\u0414\u0443\u0431\u0440\u043E\u0432\u043D\u0438\u043A" #'Dubrovnik' in Cyrillic alphabet sortby = 1 # sort by Relevance if sources.SearchForVideos(self, sel, searchterm, sortby) == 0: print "0 videos found - cannot approve, feature or add to queue items" else: # Approve video No.1 video1title = sel.get_text( "//div[@id='admin_videolisting_row']/div[1]/div[1]/h3/a") print "Approving video \"" + video1title + "\"..." approveLink = "//div[@id='admin_videolisting_row']/div[1]/div[2]/a[2]/span" if sel.is_element_present(approveLink) == True: time.sleep(10) print "OK" else: mclib.AppendErrorMessage( self, sel, "Approve link not found for the video") # Feature video No.2 (as video 1 disappears from the list, ) video2title = sel.get_text( "//div[@id='admin_videolisting_row']/div[1]/div[1]/h3/a") print "Featuring video \"" + video2title + "\"..." featureLink = "//div[@id='admin_videolisting_row']/div[1]/div[2]/a[1]/span" if sel.is_element_present(featureLink) == True: time.sleep(5) #sel.wait_for_page_to_load(testvars.MCTestVariables["TimeOut"]) print "OK" else: mclib.AppendErrorMessage( self, sel, "Feature link not found for the video") # Add to Queue video No.3 video3title = sel.get_text( "//div[@id='admin_videolisting_row']/div[1]/div[1]/h3/a") print "Adding video \"" + video3title + "\" to the queue..." queueLink = "//div[@id='admin_videolisting_row']/div[1]/div[2]/a[3]/span" if sel.is_element_present(queueLink) == True: time.sleep(5) print "OK" else: mclib.AppendErrorMessage( self, sel, "Add to Queue link not found for the video") #Checking the new videos in the lists #Searching for the approved video queue.CheckVideoStatus(self, sel, video1title, "Approved") # Navigate to Manage Sources page to prevent freezing if the script["AdminManageSources"]) sel.wait_for_page_to_load(testvars.MCTestVariables["TimeOut"]) print " " #Searching for the featured video queue.CheckVideoStatus(self, sel, video2title, "Featured") print "" print "Searching for the video in the queue..." # Looking for the last page in the queue try:["ReviewQueuePage"] + "/?page=1000000") sel.wait_for_page_to_load(testvars.MCTestVariables["TimeOut"]) except: pass if sel.is_element_present( "//a[contains(text(),video3title)]") == True: print "Found video \"" + video3title + "\" in the queue on the last page - OK" else: mclib.AppendErrorMessage( self, sel, "Could not find video " + video3title + " on the last page of the queue")
def InlineManageVideo(self, sel, theme, action): if action == "Feature": if theme != 4: ActionLink = "Feature this video" else: ActionLink = "Feature this Video" elif action == "Unfeature": if theme != 4: ActionLink = "Unfeature this video" else: ActionLink = "Unfeature this Video" elif action == "Reject": if theme != 4: ActionLink = "Reject this video" else: ActionLink = "Reject this Video" elif action == "Approve": if theme != 4: ActionLink = "Approve this video" else: ActionLink = "Approve this Video" else: mclib.AppendErrorMessage( self, sel, "Wrong parameter passed to InlineManageVideo procedure") if sel.is_element_present( "link=" + ActionLink) == 0: # Action button not found on the video page mclib.AppendErrorMessage(self, sel, "'" + ActionLink + "' button is missing") #"Impossible to carry on with the test") return False else: # Memorize the video title if theme != 4: titleCaption = "//div[@id='main']/div[1]/div/div/div[1]/h2" else: titleCaption = "css=h2.edit_click" #"//div[@id='view_video']/div[3]/div[1]/div/div[1]/h2" titleUntrimmed = sel.get_text(titleCaption) title = titleUntrimmed.replace(' Edit', '') print "Going to " + action + " video: " + title print "Clicking the button...""link=" + ActionLink) # Click Action button time.sleep(5) sel.refresh() time.sleep(5) # sel.wait_for_page_to_load(testvars.MCTestVariables["TimeOut"]) if sel.is_element_present( "link=" + ActionLink) != 0: # Action button must have disappeared mclib.AppendErrorMessage( self, sel, "'" + action + "' button is still present on the page, though it should not") return False else: print "OK" print "Verifying that the video has actually been " + action + "d..." if action == "Feature": blCheckResult = queue.CheckVideoStatus(self, sel, title, "Featured") if action == "Unfeature": blCheckResult = not (queue.CheckVideoStatus( self, sel, title, "Featured")) if action == "Reject": blCheckResult = queue.CheckVideoStatus(self, sel, title, "Rejected") if action == "Approve": blCheckResult = queue.CheckVideoStatus(self, sel, title, "Approved") time.sleep(3) if action != "Reject": print "Rejecting the " + action + "d video..." bulkedit.DeleteVideo(self, sel, title) return blCheckResult else: print "Approving the rejected video..." bulkedit.ApproveRejectedVideo(self, sel, title) return blCheckResult