def do(SM):
    """RETURNS: A state machines that matches anything which is 
               not matched by SM.

       Idea: The paths along SM do not guide to acceptance states,
             but to normal states.

             Any drop-out is translated into a transition into 
             the 'accept all state'.

       NOTE: This function produces a finite state automaton which
             is not applicable by itself. It would eat ANYTHING
             from a certain state on.
    result = deepcopy(SM) # Not clone

    accept_all_state_index = index.get()
    state = State(AcceptanceF=True)
    state.add_transition(NumberSet_All(), accept_all_state_index)
    result.states[accept_all_state_index] = state

    def is_accept_all_state(sm, StateIndex):
        state = sm.states[StateIndex]
        if not state.is_acceptance():                return False
        tm    = state.target_map.get_map()
        if len(tm) != 1:                             return False
        elif tm.iterkeys().next() != StateIndex:     return False
        elif not tm.itervalues().next().is_all():    return False

        # Target is an 'Accept-All' state. Delete the transition.
        return True

    for state_index, state in SM.states.iteritems():
        # deepcopy --> use same state indices in SM and result
        result_state = result.states[state_index]
        assert state.target_map.is_DFA_compliant(), \
               "State machine must be transformed to DFA first: nfa_to_dfa.do()"

        # -- Every transition to 'Accept-All' state becomes a drop-out.
        for target_index in (i for i in state.target_map.get_target_state_index_list()
                               if is_accept_all_state(SM, i)):

        # -- Every drop-out becomes a transition to 'Accept-All' state.
        trigger_set         = state.target_map.get_trigger_set_union()
        inverse_trigger_set = trigger_set.get_complement(Setup.buffer_codec.source_set)
        if not inverse_trigger_set.is_empty():
            result_state.add_transition(inverse_trigger_set, accept_all_state_index)

    # Every acceptance state becomes a non-acceptance state.
    # Every non-acceptance state becomes an acceptance state.
    for state_index, state in SM.states.iteritems():
        if state.is_acceptance(): 
        elif state_index != SM.init_state_index:


    return result.clone()
    def add_transition(self,
        """Adds a transition from Start to Target based on a given Trigger.

           TriggerSet can be of different types: ... see add_transition()
           (see comment on 'State::add_transition)

           RETURNS: The target state index.
        # NOTE: The Transition Constructor is very tolerant, so no tests on TriggerSet()
        #       assert TriggerSet.__class__.__name__ == "NumberSet"
        assert type(TargetStateIdx) == long or TargetStateIdx is None

        # If target state is undefined (None) then a new one has to be created
        if TargetStateIdx is None: TargetStateIdx = state_machine_index.get()
        if self.states.has_key(StartStateIdx) == False:
            self.states[StartStateIdx] = State()
        if self.states.has_key(TargetStateIdx) == False:
            self.states[TargetStateIdx] = State()
        if AcceptanceF: self.states[TargetStateIdx].set_acceptance(True)

        self.states[StartStateIdx].add_transition(TriggerSet, TargetStateIdx)

        return TargetStateIdx
def get_TemplateState(State, DropOutCatcher, Name=None):
    if not isinstance(State, TemplateState): 
        State = PseudoTemplateState(State, DropOutCatcher)

    if Name is not None:
        print "State %s:" % Name, State.state_index_sequence()
        print_tm(State.transition_map, State.state_index_sequence())

    return State
def get_TemplateState(State, DropOutCatcher, Name=None):
    if not isinstance(State, TemplateState):
        State = PseudoTemplateState(State, DropOutCatcher)

    if Name is not None:
        print "State %s:" % Name, State.state_index_sequence()
        print_tm(State.transition_map, State.state_index_sequence())

    return State
 def get_merged_state(AcceptanceStateIndexList, EpsilonClosure):
     """Create the new target state in the state machine
        Accept only if all accept.
     acceptance_f = has_one_from_each(AcceptanceStateIndexList, 
     return State(AcceptanceF=acceptance_f)
def plug_state_sequence_for_trigger_set_sequence(sm, StartStateIdx,
                                                 EndStateIdx, XList, L, DIdx):
    """Create a state machine sequence for trigger set list of the same length.

       L      Length of the trigger set list.
       DIdx   Index of first byte that differs, i.e. byte[i] == byte[k] for i, k < DIdx.
       XList  The trigger set list.

                                    .          .              .
                       [A,         B,         C,         80-BF  ] 

    global FullRange
    assert L <= 6

    s_idx = StartStateIdx
    # For the common bytes it is not essential what list is considered, take list no. 0.
    for trigger_set in XList[0][:DIdx]:
        s_idx = sm.add_transition(s_idx, trigger_set)
    # Store the last state where all bytes are the same
    sDIdx = s_idx

    # Indeces of the states that run on 'full range' (frs=full range state)
    def get_sm_index(frs_db, Key):
        result = frs_db.get(Key)
        if result is None:
            result = state_machine.index.get()
            frs_db[Key] = result
        return result

    frs_db = {}
    for trigger_set_seq in XList:
        # How many bytes at the end trigger on 'Min->Max'
        sbw_idx = EndStateIdx
        last_idx = EndStateIdx
        i = L - 1
        while i > DIdx and i != 0:
            if not trigger_set_seq[i].is_equal(FullRange): break
            last_idx = get_sm_index(frs_db, i - 1)
            if not sm.states.has_key(last_idx): sm.states[last_idx] = State()
            sm.add_transition(last_idx, trigger_set_seq[i], sbw_idx)
            sbw_idx = last_idx
            i -= 1

        sbw_idx = last_idx
        while i > DIdx:
            # Maybe, it has already a transition on trigger_set .. (TO DO)
            last_idx = state_machine.index.get()
            sm.add_transition(last_idx, trigger_set_seq[i], sbw_idx)
            sbw_idx = last_idx
            i -= 1

        sm.add_transition(sDIdx, trigger_set_seq[i], last_idx)

    def mount_cloned(self, OtherSM, OperationIndex, OtherStartIndex,
        """Clone all states in 'OtherSM' which lie on the path from 'OtherStartIndex'
        to 'OtherEndIndex'. If 'OtherEndIndex' is None, then it ends when there's no further
        path to go. 

        State indices of the cloned states are generated by pairs of (other_i, OperationIndex).
        This makes it possible to refer to those states, even before they are generated.
        assert OtherStartIndex is not None

        work_set = set([OtherStartIndex])

        if OtherEndIndex is None: done_set = set()
        else: done_set = set([OtherEndIndex])

        while len(work_set) != 0:
            other_i = work_set.pop()
            other_state = OtherSM.states[other_i]

            state_i = state_machine_index.map_state_combination_to_index(
                (other_i, OperationIndex))

            state = self.states.get(state_i)
            if state is None:
                state = State(AcceptanceF=other_state.is_acceptance())
                self.states[state_i] = state

            for other_ti, other_trigger_set in other_state.target_map.get_map(
                target_i = state_machine_index.map_state_combination_to_index(
                    (other_ti, OperationIndex))
                # The state 'target_i' either:
                #   -- exists, because it is in the done_set, or
                #   -- will be created because its correspondance 'other_i' is
                #      added to the work set.
                state.add_transition(other_trigger_set, target_i)
                if target_i not in done_set:
                    assert other_i in OtherSM.states

def get_all():

       A state machine that 'eats' absolutely everything, i.e. 

                              .--- \Any ---.
                              |            |
           (0)--- \Any --->(( 0 ))<--------'
    result = StateMachine()

    i      = index.get()
    state  = State(AcceptanceF=True)
    state.add_transition(NumberSet(Interval(-sys.maxint, sys.maxint)), i)
    result.states[i] = state

    result.get_init_state().add_transition(NumberSet(Interval(-sys.maxint, sys.maxint)), i)

    return result
def get_all():

       A state machine that 'eats' absolutely everything, i.e. 

                              .--- \Any ---.
                              |            |
           (0)--- \Any --->(( 0 ))<--------'
    result = StateMachine()

    i = index.get()
    state = State(AcceptanceF=True)
    state.add_transition(NumberSet_All(), i)
    result.states[i] = state

    result.get_init_state().add_transition(NumberSet_All(), i)

    return result
文件: core.py 项目: mplucinski/quex
    def mount_cloned(self, OtherSM, OperationIndex, OtherStartIndex, OtherEndIndex):
        """Clone all states in 'OtherSM' which lie on the path from 'OtherStartIndex'
        to 'OtherEndIndex'. If 'OtherEndIndex' is None, then it ends when there's no further
        path to go. 

        State indices of the cloned states are generated by pairs of (other_i, OperationIndex).
        This makes it possible to refer to those states, even before they are generated.
        assert OtherStartIndex is not None

        work_set = set([OtherStartIndex])

        if OtherEndIndex is None:   done_set = set()
        else:                       done_set = set([OtherEndIndex])

        while len(work_set) != 0:
            other_i     = work_set.pop()
            other_state = OtherSM.states[other_i]

            state_i = state_machine_index.map_state_combination_to_index((other_i, OperationIndex))

            state = self.states.get(state_i)
            if state is None:
                state = State(AcceptanceF=other_state.is_acceptance())
                self.states[state_i] = state

            for other_ti, other_trigger_set in other_state.target_map.get_map().iteritems():
                target_i = state_machine_index.map_state_combination_to_index((other_ti, OperationIndex))
                # The state 'target_i' either:
                #   -- exists, because it is in the done_set, or
                #   -- will be created because its correspondance 'other_i' is 
                #      added to the work set.
                state.add_transition(other_trigger_set, target_i)
                if target_i not in done_set:
                    assert other_i in OtherSM.states

    def add_epsilon_transition(self,
        assert TargetStateIdx is None or type(TargetStateIdx) == long

        # create new state if index does not exist
        if not self.states.has_key(StartStateIdx):
            self.states[StartStateIdx] = State()
        if TargetStateIdx is None:
            TargetStateIdx = self.create_new_state(
        elif not self.states.has_key(TargetStateIdx):
            self.states[TargetStateIdx] = State()

        # add the epsilon target state
        # optionally raise the state of the target to 'acceptance'
        if RaiseAcceptanceF: self.states[TargetStateIdx].set_acceptance(True)

        return TargetStateIdx
def test_plug_sequence(ByteSequenceDB):
    L = len(ByteSequenceDB[0])

    for seq in ByteSequenceDB:
        assert len(seq) == L
        for x in seq:
            assert isinstance(x, Interval)

    first_different_byte_index = -1
    for i in range(L):
        x0 = ByteSequenceDB[0][i]
        for seq in ByteSequenceDB[1:]:
            if not seq[i].is_equal(x0):
                first_different_byte_index = i
        if first_different_byte_index != -1:
    if first_different_byte_index == -1:
        first_different_byte_index = 0

    print "# Best To be Displayed by:"
    print "#"
    print "#  > " + sys.argv[0] + " " + sys.argv[1] + " | dot -Tsvg -o tmp.svg"
    print "#"
    print "# -------------------------"
    print "# Byte Sequences:     "
    i = -1
    for seq in ByteSequenceDB:
        i += 1
        print "# (%i) " % i,
        for x in seq:
            print "    " + x.get_string(Option="hex"),
    print "#    L    = %i" % L
    print "#    DIdx = %i" % first_different_byte_index

    sm = StateMachine()
    end_index = state_machine.index.get()
    sm.states[end_index] = State()

    trafo = EncodingTrafoUTF8()
    Setup.buffer_codec_set(trafo, 1)
    trafo._plug_interval_sequences(sm, sm.init_state_index, end_index,
                                   ByteSequenceDB, beautifier)

    if len(sm.get_orphaned_state_index_list()) != 0:
        print "Error: Orphaned States Detected!"

    def __init__(self,
        # Get a unique state machine id

        if DoNothingF: return

        if InitStateIndex is None: InitStateIndex = state_machine_index.get()
        self.init_state_index = InitStateIndex

        # State Index => State (information about what triggers transition to what target state).
        if InitState is None: InitState = State(AcceptanceF=AcceptanceF)
        self.states = {self.init_state_index: InitState}
StateMachine(InitStateIndex=5L, AcceptanceF=True)
StateMachine(InitStateIndex=6L, AcceptanceF=True)
StateMachine(InitStateIndex=100L, AcceptanceF=False)
StateMachine(InitStateIndex=101L, AcceptanceF=False)
StateMachine(InitStateIndex=102L, AcceptanceF=False)
StateMachine(InitStateIndex=103L, AcceptanceF=False)
StateMachine(InitStateIndex=104L, AcceptanceF=False)
StateMachine(InitStateIndex=105L, AcceptanceF=False)
StateMachine(InitStateIndex=106L, AcceptanceF=False)

# (*) add priviledges
# add_priority(4L, 0L)
# add_priority(6L, 3L)

# (1) only acceptance and non-acceptance states
si = State()
add_origin(1, True)
add_origin(4, True)
add_origin(0, True)
add_origin(5, True)
add_origin(6, True)
add_origin(3, True)
add_origin(2, True)
add_origin(7, False)
add_origin(8, False)
add_origin(9, False)
add_origin(10, False)
add_origin(11, False)
add_origin(12, False)
add_origin(13, False)
def setup_state_operation(sm, CmdList, StateIndex):
    state = State()
    for cmd in CmdList:
    sm.states[StateIndex] = state
def do(StateMachineList, CommonTerminalStateF=True, CloneF=True):
    """Connect state machines paralell.

       CommonTerminalStateF tells whether the state machines shall trigger 
                            to a common terminal. This may help nfa-to-dfa
                            or hopcroft minimization for ISOLATED patterns.

                            A state machine that consists of the COMBINATION
                            of patterns MUST set this flag to 'False'.

       CloneF               Controls if state machine list is cloned or not.
                            If the single state machines are no longer required after
                            construction, the CloneF can be set to False.

                            If Cloning is disabled the state machines themselves
                            will be altered--which brings some advantage in speed.
    assert len(StateMachineList) != 0

    # filter out empty state machines from the consideration
    state_machine_list = [
        sm for sm in StateMachineList
        if not (sm.is_empty() or special.is_none(sm))
    empty_state_machine_list = [
        sm for sm in StateMachineList if (sm.is_empty() or special.is_none(sm))

    if len(state_machine_list) < 2:
        if len(state_machine_list) < 1: result = StateMachine()
        elif CloneF: result = state_machine_list[0].clone()
        else: result = state_machine_list[0]

        return __consider_empty_state_machines(result,

    # (*) need to clone the state machines, i.e. provide their internal
    #     states with new ids, but the 'behavior' remains. This allows
    #     state machines to appear twice, or being used in 'larger'
    #     conglomerates.
    if CloneF: clone_list = map(lambda sm: sm.clone(), state_machine_list)
    else: clone_list = state_machine_list

    # (*) collect all transitions from both state machines into a single one
    #     (clone to ensure unique identifiers of states)
    new_init_state = State()
    result = StateMachine(InitState=new_init_state)

    for clone in clone_list:

    # (*) add additional **init** and **end** state
    #     NOTE: when the result state machine was created, it already contains a
    #           new initial state index. thus at this point only the new terminal
    #           state has to be created.
    #     NOTE: it is essential that the acceptance flag stays False, at this
    #           point in time, so that the mounting operations only happen on
    #           the old acceptance states. Later the acceptance state is raised
    #           to 'accepted' (see below)
    new_terminal_state_index = -1L
    if CommonTerminalStateF:
        new_terminal_state_index = index.get()
        result.states[new_terminal_state_index] = State()

    # (*) Connect from the new initial state to the initial states of the
    #     clones via epsilon transition.
    #     Connect from each success state of the clones to the new terminal
    #     state via epsilon transition.
    for clone in clone_list:

    if CommonTerminalStateF:

    return __consider_empty_state_machines(result, empty_state_machine_list)
def do(SM):
    """RETURNS: A state machines that matches anything which is 
               not matched by SM.

       Idea: The paths along SM do not guide to acceptance states,
             but to normal states.

             Any drop-out is translated into a transition into 
             the 'accept all state'.

       NOTE: This function produces a finite state automaton which
             is not applicable by itself. It would eat ANYTHING
             from a certain state on.
    result = deepcopy(SM) # Not clone

    accept_all_state_index = index.get()
    state = State(AcceptanceF=True)
    state.add_transition(NumberSet(Interval(-sys.maxint, sys.maxint)), 
    result.states[accept_all_state_index] = state

    def is_accept_all_state(sm, StateIndex):
        state = sm.states[StateIndex]
        if not state.is_acceptance():                return False
        tm    = state.target_map.get_map()
        if len(tm) != 1:                             return False
        elif tm.iterkeys().next() != StateIndex:     return False
        elif not tm.itervalues().next().is_all():    return False

        # Target is an 'Accept-All' state. Delete the transition.
        return True

    for state_index, state in SM.states.iteritems():
        # deepcopy --> use same state indices in SM and result
        result_state = result.states[state_index]
        assert state.target_map.is_DFA_compliant(), \
               "State machine must be transformed to DFA first: nfa_to_dfa.do()"

        # -- Every transition to 'Accept-All' state becomes a drop-out.
        for target_index in (i for i in state.target_map.get_target_state_index_list()
                               if is_accept_all_state(SM, i)):

        # -- Every drop-out becomes a transition to 'Accept-All' state.
        trigger_set         = state.target_map.get_trigger_set_union()
        inverse_trigger_set = trigger_set.get_complement(Setup.buffer_codec.source_set)
        if not inverse_trigger_set.is_empty():
            result_state.add_transition(inverse_trigger_set, accept_all_state_index)

    # Every acceptance state becomes a non-acceptance state.
    # Every non-acceptance state becomes an acceptance state.
    for state_index, state in SM.states.iteritems():
        if state.is_acceptance(): 
        elif state_index != SM.init_state_index:


    return result.clone()
 def get_state_core(self, AStateIndex):
     acceptance_f = self.original.states[AStateIndex].is_acceptance()
     return State(AcceptanceF=acceptance_f)
    def create_new_state(self, AcceptanceF=False, StateIdx=None):
        if StateIdx is None: new_state_index = state_machine_index.get()
        else: new_state_index = StateIdx

        self.states[new_state_index] = State(AcceptanceF)
        return new_state_index