 def __init__(self, app, conf):
   BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
   self.use_sidetone = 0
   self.vfo_frequency = 52000000
   self.vfo_sample_rate = conf.sample_rate
   self.vfo_test = 0	# JIM
   self.adf4351_freq = 52E6
   self.tx_frequency = 0
   self.firmware_version = None	# firmware version is initially unknown
   self.rx_udp_socket = None
   self.got_udp_status = ''
   self.got_adf4351_status = ''
   self.rx_phase0 = self.rx_phase1 = 0
   self.tx_phase = 0
   self.scan_enable = 0
   self.scan_blocks = 0
   self.scan_samples = 1
   self.scan_phase = 0
   self.fft_scan_valid = 0.84
   self.adf4351_int_mode = 1               # integer one, fractional zero
   self.adf4351_aux_rf_out = 0b101
   self.adf4351_rf_divider = 4             # Fout = Fvco / 2 ** rf_divider
   self.adf4351_band_sel_clock_div = 40
   self.adf4351_r_counter = 8              # Fpfd = Fref / 2 / r_counter
   self.adf4351_int_value = 1317           # Fvco = Fpfd * (int_value + frac_value / modulus)
   self.adf4351_frac_value = 0
   self.adf4351_modulus = 23
   self.decim3 = 10
   self.var_rates = ['31X', '19X', '9X', '5X', '3X', '2X', '1728', '1152', '768', '384', '192', '96', '48']	# supported sample rates as strings
   self.index = 0
 def __init__(self, app, conf):
   BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
   self.use_sidetone = 1
   self.clock = conf.sdriq_clock
   self.rf_gain_labels = ('RF +30', 'RF +20', 'RF +10', 'RF 0 dB')
   if conf.fft_size_multiplier == 0:
     conf.fft_size_multiplier = 3		# Set size needed by VarDecim
  def __init__(self, app, conf):
    BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)

    self.rf_gain_labels = ('RF +0', 'RF -10', 'RF -20', 'RF -30')
    self.antenna_labels = ('Wide Band', 'Band Filter')

    self.vardecim_index = 0
    self.fVFO = 0.0	# Careful, this is a float
    if DEBUG: print ("__init__: %s" % conf)
    self.rates = [ 48000,   \
                   95000,   \
                   96000,   \
                   125000,  \
                   192000,  \
                   250000,  \
                   500000,  \
                   1000000, \
                   1600000, \
                   2000000  \
    self.current_rate = 192000
    self.att = 0;
    self.wb = 0
    def __del__(self):
        # try to clear hardware
        if perseus:
 def __init__(self, app, conf):
     BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
     global UseSdriq, UseRxudp, Application, Config
     Application = app
     Config = conf
     UseSdriq = conf.use_sdriq
     UseRxudp = conf.use_rx_udp
     self.use_sidetone = 1
     self.vfo_frequency = 0  # current vfo frequency
     # Select receiver
     if conf.use_rx_udp:
         from hiqsdr import quisk_hardware as hw
         self.receiver = hw.Hardware(app, conf)
         self.rf_gain_labels = ('RF 0 dB', 'RF +16', 'RF -20', 'RF -10')
     elif UseSdriq:
         from sdriqpkg import quisk_hardware as quisk_hardware_sdriq
         self.receiver = quisk_hardware_sdriq.Hardware(app, conf)
         self.rf_gain_labels = self.receiver.rf_gain_labels
         self.receiver = HwRxEthVfo()
         self.rf_gain_labels = ('RF 0 dB', 'RF +16', 'RF -20', 'RF -10')
     # Select transmitter
     if conf.use_rx_udp:
         self.transmitter = self.receiver  # this is a transceiver
     elif Config.tx_ip:
         self.transmitter = HwTx2007()
         self.transmitter = BaseHardware(app, conf)
     # Other hardware
     self.anttuner = AntennaTuner()  # Control the antenna tuner
     self.lpfilter = LowPassFilter()  # Control LP filter box
     self.hpfilter = HighPassFilter()  # Control HP filter box
 def __init__(self, app, conf):
     BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
     self.use_sidetone = 1
     self.clock = conf.sdriq_clock
     self.rf_gain_labels = ('RF +30', 'RF +20', 'RF +10', 'RF 0 dB')
     if conf.fft_size_multiplier == 0:
         conf.fft_size_multiplier = 3  # Set size needed by VarDecim
    def __init__(self, app, conf):
        BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
        self.device = None
        self.usb = None
        self.rf_gain_labels = ('RF +10', 'RF 0', 'RF -10', 'RF -20')
        self.index = 1
        self.enable = 0
        self.rate = 0
        self.att = 10
        self.freq = 7220000
        self.old_freq = 0
        self.sdrmicron_clock = 76800000
        self.sdrmicron_decim = 1600
        self.bscope_data = ''
        self.fw_ver = None
        self.frame_msg = ''

        if conf.fft_size_multiplier == 0:
            conf.fft_size_multiplier = 3  # Set size needed by VarDecim

        rx_bytes = 3  # rx_bytes is the number of bytes in each I or Q sample: 1, 2, 3, or 4
        rx_endian = 1  # rx_endian is the order of bytes in the sample array: 0 == little endian; 1 == big endian
            rx_bytes, rx_endian
        )  # Initialize: read samples from this hardware file and send them to Quisk
        bs_bytes = 2
        bs_endian = 1
        self.InitBscope(bs_bytes, bs_endian, self.sdrmicron_clock,
                        16384)  # Initialize bandscope
  def __init__(self, app, conf):
    BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
    self.use_sidetone = 1
    self.got_udp_status = ''	# status from UDP receiver
	# want_udp_status is a string with numbers in little-endian order:
	#	[0:2]		'St'
	#	[2:6]		Rx tune phase
	#	[6:10]		Tx tune phase
	#	[10:11]		Tx output level 0 to 255
	#	[11:12]		Tx control bits
    #		0	No transmit
    #		1	CW
    #		2	SSB and IMD
    #	[12:13]		Rx control bits
    #		Second stage decimation less one, 1-39, six bits
    #	[13:14]		zero
    self.rx_phase = 0
    self.tx_phase = 0
    self.tx_level = 0
    self.tx_control = 0
    self.rx_control = 0
    self.index = 0
    self.mode = None
    self.firmware_version = None	# firmware version is initially unknown
    self.is_spot = 0			# Are we in Spot mode?
    self.rx_udp_socket = None
    self.vfo_frequency = 0		# current vfo frequency
    self.tx_frequency = 0
    self.decimations = []		# supported decimation rates
    for dec in (40, 20, 10, 8, 5, 4, 2):
      self.decimations.append(dec * 64)
    if self.conf.fft_size_multiplier == 0:
      self.conf.fft_size_multiplier = 7		# Set size needed by VarDecim
 def __init__(self, app, conf):
   BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
   self.use_sidetone = 0
   self.vfo_frequency = 52000000
   self.vfo_sample_rate = conf.sample_rate
   self.vfo_test = 0	# JIM
   self.tx_frequency = 0
   self.firmware_version = None	# firmware version is initially unknown
   self.rx_udp_socket = None
   self.tx_udp_socket = None
   self.got_rx_udp_status = ''
   self.got_tx_udp_status = ''
   self.band = ''
   self.rx_phase0 = self.rx_phase1 = 0
   self.tx_phase = 0
   self.button_PTT = 0
   self.mode_is_cw = 0
   self.scan_enable = 0
   self.scan_blocks = 0
   self.scan_samples = 1
   self.scan_phase = 0
   self.fft_scan_valid = 0.84
   self.Rx4351 = Adf4351(True, conf.rx_clock38, 8)
   self.Tx4351 = Adf4351(False, 10700000, 2)
   self.Tx4351.aux_rf_out = 0b000  # enable aux RF out 0b111 or turn off 0b000
   self.decim3 = 10
   self.var_rates = ['31X', '19X', '9X', '5X', '3X', '2X', '1728', '1152', '768', '384', '192', '96', '48']	# supported sample rates as strings
   self.index = 0
   self.DcI, self.DcQ = (0.0, 0.0)
   self.NewAdf4351(self.Rx4351, 146E6)
   self.NewAdf4351(self.Tx4351, 146E6)
 def __init__(self, app, conf):
   BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
   global UseSdriq, UseRxudp, Application, Config
   Application = app
   Config = conf
   UseSdriq = conf.use_sdriq
   UseRxudp = conf.use_rx_udp
   self.use_sidetone = 1
   self.vfo_frequency = 0		# current vfo frequency
   # Select receiver
   if conf.use_rx_udp:
     from n2adr import hardware_transceiver
     self.receiver = hardware_transceiver.Hardware(app, conf)
     self.rf_gain_labels = ('RF 0 dB', 'RF +16', 'RF -20', 'RF -10')
   elif UseSdriq:
     from sdriqpkg import quisk_hardware as quisk_hardware_sdriq
     self.receiver = quisk_hardware_sdriq.Hardware(app, conf)
     self.rf_gain_labels = self.receiver.rf_gain_labels
     self.receiver = HwRxEthVfo()
     self.rf_gain_labels = ('RF 0 dB', 'RF +16', 'RF -20', 'RF -10')
   # Select transmitter
   if conf.use_rx_udp:
     self.transmitter = self.receiver		# this is a transceiver
   elif Config.tx_ip:
     self.transmitter =  HwTx2007()
     self.transmitter =  BaseHardware(app, conf)
   # Other hardware
   self.anttuner = AntennaTuner()	# Control the antenna tuner
   self.lpfilter = LowPassFilter()		# Control LP filter box
   self.hpfilter = HighPassFilter()	# Control HP filter box
 def __init__(self, app, conf):
   BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
   self.usb_dev = None
   self.vfo = None
   self.ptt_button = 0
   self.is_cw = False
   self.key_thread = None
   self.si570_i2c_address = conf.si570_i2c_address
 def __init__(self, app, conf):
   BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
   self.debug = 1
   self.si5351 = Si5351Drv()
   self.xtalFreq = 25000000
   print("Init/Using PISDR HAT on RPi, by Yuan Wang (BG3MDO)")
   self.vfo = 0
   self.is_tx = 0
文件: quisk.py 项目: w1wra/DJ-X11
 def __init__(self, app, conf):
   BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
   print "Balthus:Init called"
   self.tty_name = '/dev/ttyUSB0'        # serial port name 
   self.serial = None            # the open serial port
   self.timer = 0.02            # time between  commands in seconds
   self.time0 = 0                # time of last  command
   self.serial_out = []        # send commands slowly
   self.vfo_frequency = 0
 def __init__(self, app, conf):
   BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
   self.var_index = 0
   self.hermes_mac = bytearray(6)
   self.hermes_ip = ""
   self.hermes_code_version = -1
   self.hermes_board_id = -1
   self.hermes_temperature = 0.0
   self.hermes_fwd_power = 0.0
   self.hermes_rev_power = 0.0
   self.hermes_pa_current = 0.0
   self.eeprom_valid = 0
   self.alex_hpf_f1 = 0
   self.alex_hpf_f2 = 0
   self.alex_lpf_f1 = 0
   self.alex_lpf_f2 = 0
   self.mode = None
   self.band = None
   self.vfo_frequency = 0
   self.tx_frequency = 0
   self.vna_count = 0
   self.vna_started = False
   self.repeater_freq = None		# original repeater output frequency
     self.repeater_delay = conf.repeater_delay		# delay for changing repeater frequency in seconds
     self.repeater_delay = 0.25
   self.repeater_time0 = 0			# time of repeater change in frequency
   # Create the proper broadcast addresses for socket_discover
   if conf.udp_rx_ip:		# Known IP address of hardware
     self.broadcast_addrs = [conf.udp_rx_ip]
     self.broadcast_addrs = []
     for interf in QS.ip_interfaces():
       broadc = interf[3]	# broadcast address
       if broadc and broadc[0:4] != '127.':
   if DEBUG: print ('broadcast_addrs', self.broadcast_addrs)
   # This is the control data to send to the Hermes using the Metis protocol
   # Duplex must be on or else the first Rx frequency is locked to the Tx frequency
   self.pc2hermes = bytearray(17 * 4)		# Control bytes not including C0.  Python initializes this to zero.
   self.pc2hermeslitewritequeue = bytearray(4 * 5)
   self.pc2hermes[3] = 0x04	# C0 index == 0, C4[5:3]: number of receivers 0b000 -> one receiver; C4[2] duplex on
   self.pc2hermes[4 * 9] = 63	# C0 index == 0b1001, C1[7:0] Tx level
   for c0 in range(1, 9):		# Set all frequencies to 7012352, 0x006B0000
     self.SetControlByte(c0, 2, 0x6B)
   value = conf.keyupDelay
   if value > 1023:
     value = 1023
   self.SetControlByte(0x10, 2, value & 0x3)		# cw_hang_time
   self.SetControlByte(0x10, 1, (value >> 2) & 0xFF)	# cw_hang_time
 def __init__(self, app, conf):
   BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
   self.var_index = 0
   self.hermes_mac = bytearray(6)
   self.hermes_ip = ""
   self.hermes_code_version = -1
   self.hermes_board_id = -1
   self.hermes_temperature = 0.0
   self.hermes_fwd_power = 0.0
   self.hermes_rev_power = 0.0
   self.hermes_pa_current = 0.0
   self.eeprom_valid = 0
   self.mode = None
   self.band = None
   self.vfo_frequency = 0
   self.tx_frequency = 0
   self.vna_count = 0
   self.vna_started = False
   self.repeater_freq = None		# original repeater output frequency
   self.antenna_labels = ('Ant 0', 'Ant 1')	# labels for the antenna button
   self.antenna_index = 0			# index of antenna in use
   self.delay_config = 30			# Delay sending message to HL2 until after sound starts
     self.repeater_delay = conf.repeater_delay		# delay for changing repeater frequency in seconds
     self.repeater_delay = 0.25
   self.repeater_time0 = 0			# time of repeater change in frequency
   # Create the proper broadcast addresses for socket_discover
   if conf.udp_rx_ip:		# Known IP address of hardware
     self.broadcast_addrs = [conf.udp_rx_ip]
     self.broadcast_addrs = []
     for interf in QS.ip_interfaces():
       broadc = interf[3]	# broadcast address
       if broadc and broadc[0:4] != '127.':
   if DEBUG: print ('broadcast_addrs', self.broadcast_addrs)
   # This is the control data to send to the Hermes using the Metis protocol
   # Duplex must be on or else the first Rx frequency is locked to the Tx frequency
   # From the protocol document, the data are: C1==[31:24], C2=[23:16], C3=[15:8], C4=[7:0] where [] are inclusive.
   # self.pc2hermes[] is used for the first 17 addresses 0x00 through 0x10. These are sent round-robin.
   self.pc2hermes = bytearray(17 * 4)		# Control bytes not including C0.  Python initializes this to zero.
   # Addresses C0 = 0x12 through 0x3E use self.pc2hermeswritequeue, which is capable of requesting an ACK.
   #    C0 is a six-bit address. If the address is OR'd with 0x40, an ACK must be received or the item is re-transmitted.
   #    The item sent to the HL2 is C0<<1 | MoxBit.
   #    Sound must be started before you can use pc2hermeswritequeue.
   self.pc2hermeslitewritequeue = bytearray(4 * 5)	# Four of (C0, C1, C2, C3, C4)
   # Initialize some data
   self.pc2hermes[3] = 0x04	# C0 index == 0, C4[5:3]: number of receivers 0b000 -> one receiver; C4[2] duplex on
   self.pc2hermes[4 * 9] = 63	# C0 index == 0b1001, C1[7:0] Tx level
   for c0 in range(1, 9):		# Set all frequencies to 7012352, 0x006B0000
     self.SetControlByte(c0, 2, 0x6B)
 def __init__(self, app, conf):
   BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
   self.rf_gain_labels = ('RF +30', 'RF +20', 'RF +10', 'RF 0 dB')
   if conf.fft_size_multiplier == 0:
     conf.fft_size_multiplier = 3		# Set size needed by VarDecim
   self.clock = int(conf.sdriq_clock)
   self.device = Sdriq(self, conf.sdriq_name, self.clock, conf.sdriq_decimation)	# SDR-IQ hardware access
   self.busy_cursor = False		# Is the busy cursor displayed?
   rx_bytes = 2	# rx_bytes is the number of bytes in each I or Q sample: 1, 2, 3, or 4
   rx_endian = 0	# rx_endian is the order of bytes in the sample array: 0 == little endian; 1 == big endian
   self.InitSamples(rx_bytes, rx_endian)	# Initialize: read samples from this hardware file and send them to Quisk
 def __init__(self, app, conf):
     BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
     self.var_index = 0
     self.hermes_ip = ""
     self.hermes_code_version = -1
     self.hermes_board_id = -1
     self.hermes_temperature = 0
     self.hermes_fwd_power = 0
     self.hermes_rev_power = 0
     self.hermes_pa_current = 0
     self.mode = None
     self.band = None
     self.vfo_frequency = 0
     self.tx_frequency = 0
     self.vna_count = 0
     self.vna_started = False
     self.repeater_freq = None  # original repeater output frequency
         self.repeater_delay = conf.repeater_delay  # delay for changing repeater frequency in seconds
         self.repeater_delay = 0.25
     self.repeater_time0 = 0  # time of repeater change in frequency
     # Create the proper broadcast address for rx_udp_ip.
     if False and self.conf.rx_udp_ip:
         nm = self.conf.rx_udp_ip_netmask.split('.')
         ip = self.conf.rx_udp_ip.split('.')
         nm = map(int, nm)
         ip = map(int, ip)
         bc = ''
         for i in range(4):
             x = (ip[i] | ~nm[i]) & 0xFF
             bc = bc + str(x) + '.'
         self.broadcast_addr = bc[:-1]
         self.broadcast_addr = ''
     # This socket is used for the Metis Discover protocol
     self.discover_request = chr(0xEF) + chr(0xFE) + chr(0x02) + chr(0) * 60
     self.socket_discover = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
     self.socket_discover.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST,
     # This is the control data to send to the Hermes using the Metis protocol
     # Duplex must be on or else the first Rx frequency is locked to the Tx frequency
     self.pc2hermes = bytearray(
         17 * 4
     )  # Control bytes not including C0.  Python initializes this to zero.
     self.pc2hermeslitewritequeue = bytearray(4 * 5)
         3] = 0x04  # C0 index == 0, C4[5:3]: number of receivers 0b000 -> one receiver; C4[2] duplex on
     for c0 in range(1, 9):  # Set all frequencies to 7012352, 0x006B0000
         self.SetControlByte(c0, 2, 0x6B)
 def __init__(self, app, conf):
     BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
     self.hamlib_rigctld_port = 4532  # Standard rigctld control port
     self.hamlib_poll_seconds = 0.2  # Time interval to poll for changes
     self.hamlib_connected = False
     self.radio_freq = None
     self.radio_mode = None
     self.quisk_freq = None
     self.quisk_vfo = None
     self.quisk_mode = 'USB'
     self.received = ''
     self.toggle = False
     self.time0 = 0
 def __init__(self, app, conf):
   BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
   self.hamlib_rigctld_port = 4532		# Standard rigctld control port
   self.hamlib_poll_seconds = 0.2		# Time interval to poll for changes
   self.hamlib_connected = False
   self.radio_freq = None
   self.radio_mode = None
   self.quisk_freq = None
   self.quisk_vfo = None
   self.quisk_mode = 'USB'
   self.received = ''
   self.toggle = False
   self.time0 = 0
 def __init__(self, app, conf):
     BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
     self.use_sidetone = 0
     self.vfo_frequency = 52000000
     self.vfo_sample_rate = conf.sample_rate
     self.vfo_test = 0  # JIM
     self.tx_frequency = 0
     self.CorrectTxDc = {
         '23cm': (1270.0, 0.167081, 0.150557),
         '2': (146.0, 0.018772, 0.038658),
         '33cm': (915.0, 0.140150, 0.051967),
         '6': (52.0, 0.020590, 0.024557),
         '70cm': (435.0, 0.004495, 0.096879),
         '1.25': (223.5, 0.042958, 0.055212),
     self.rx_clock38 = 38880000 - 30  # master clock frequency, 38880 kHz nominal
     #rx_udp_clock = rx_clock38 * 32 // 2 // 9		# ADC sample rate in Hertz
     self.rx_udp_clock_nominal = 69120000  # rate to display
     self.tx_clock80 = 80000000 + 14
     self.firmware_version = None  # firmware version is initially unknown
     self.rx_udp_socket = None
     self.tx_udp_socket = None
     self.got_rx_udp_status = ''
     self.got_tx_udp_status = ''
     self.band = ''
     self.rx_phase0 = self.rx_phase1 = 0
     self.tx_phase = 0
     self.button_PTT = 0
     self.mode_is_cw = 0
     self.scan_enable = 0
     self.scan_blocks = 0
     self.scan_samples = 1
     self.scan_phase = 0
     self.fft_scan_valid = 0.84
     self.preamp = Preamp()
     self.Rx4351 = Adf4351(True, self.rx_clock38, 8)
     self.Tx4351 = Adf4351(False, 10700000, 2)
     self.Tx4351.aux_rf_out = 0b000  # enable aux RF out 0b111 or turn off 0b000
     self.decim3 = 10
     self.var_rates = [
         '31X', '19X', '9X', '5X', '3X', '2X', '1728', '1152', '768', '384',
         '192', '96', '48'
     ]  # supported sample rates as strings
     self.index = 0
     self.repeater_freq = None
     self.DcI, self.DcQ = (0.0, 0.0)
     self.NewAdf4351(self.Rx4351, 146E6)
     self.NewAdf4351(self.Tx4351, 146E6)
 def __init__(self, app, conf):
     BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
     self.usb_dev = None
     self.vfo = None
     self.repeater_freq = None  # original repeater output frequency
         self.repeater_delay = conf.repeater_delay  # delay for changing repeater frequency in seconds
         self.repeater_delay = 0.25
     self.repeater_time0 = 0  # time of repeater change in frequency
     self.ptt_button = 0
     self.is_cw = False
     self.key_thread = None
     self.si570_i2c_address = conf.si570_i2c_address
 def __init__(self, app, conf):
   BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
   self.usb_dev = None
   self.vfo = None
   self.repeater_freq = None		# original repeater output frequency
     self.repeater_delay = conf.repeater_delay		# delay for changing repeater frequency in seconds
     self.repeater_delay = 0.25
   self.repeater_time0 = 0			# time of repeater change in frequency
   self.ptt_button = 0
   self.is_cw = False
   self.key_thread = None
   self.si570_i2c_address = conf.si570_i2c_address
 def __init__(self, app, conf):
     BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
     self.local_tune = 2
     self.index = 0
     self.clock = 80000000
     self.old_LO_freq = 0
     self.rf_gain_labels = ('RF -10', 'RF -7', 'RF -4', 'RF -1', '+2', '+5',
                            '+8', '+11', '+14', '+17', '+20', '+23', '+26',
                            '+29', '+32', '+35')
     self.conf = conf
     self.plugin = Control(self.conf.rx_udp_ip, self.conf.rx_udp_port)
     self.app = app
     self.decimations = []  # supported decimation rates
     for dec in (53333, 96000, 133333, 185185, 192000, 370370, 740740,
 def __init__(self, app, conf):
     BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
     self.vfo_frequency = self.conf.fixed_vfo_freq  # current vfo frequency
     self.tune = self.vfo_frequency + 10000  # Current tuning frequency in Hertz
     self.is_cw = False  ##20180226 JMH added this property to support SSmicro Si5351 TX setup
     ##    self.ptt_button = 0                 ##20180226 JMH added this property to support SSmicro Si5351 TX setup
     self.key_thread = None  ##20180226 JMH added this property to support SSmicro Si5351 TX setup
     self.usb_dev = None  ##20180226 JMH added this property to support SSmicro Si5351 TX setup
     self.CmdStr = ''  ##20180226 JMH added this property to support SSmicro Si5351 TX setup
     self.tty_name = '/dev/ttyACM0'  # serial port name for SftRkSDR
     self.serial = None  # the open serial port
     self.timer = 0.02  # time between SftRkSDR commands in seconds
     self.time0 = 0  # time of last SftRkSDR command
     self.serial_out = []  # send commands slowly
         if not (conf.HrdwrTalk == None):
             self.HrdwrTalk = conf.HrdwrTalk
         self.HrdwrTalk = True
    def __init__(self, app, conf):
        BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
        self.model = 25018  # Funcube Pro+
        self.vfo = None
        self.lna = None
        self.mixer = None
        self.ifgain = None
        self.receiver = Hamlib.Rig(self.model)
        self.vfo = int(self.receiver.get_freq())
        if (self.vfo == 0):
            print('+++ Could not find FuncubePro+ !\nExiting')

        self.mixer = self.receiver.get_level_i(Hamlib.RIG_LEVEL_ATT,
        self.lna = self.receiver.get_level_i(Hamlib.RIG_LEVEL_PREAMP,
        self.ifgain = (int)(self.receiver.get_level_f(
            Hamlib.RIG_LEVEL_RF, Hamlib.RIG_VFO_CURR) * 100)
    def __init__(self, app, conf):
        BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)

        # Default port settings for RS-HFIQ

        serialport.port = "/dev/ttyUSB0"
        serialport.baudrate = 57600
        serialport.bytesize = serial.EIGHTBITS #number of bits per bytes
        serialport.parity = serial.PARITY_NONE #set parity check: no parity
        serialport.stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_ONE #number of stop bits
        serialport.timeout = 1            #non-block read
        serialport.rtscts = False

        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception
        self.vfo = None

        return None
 def __init__(self, app, conf):
   BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
   self.var_index = 0
   self.hermes_ip = ""
   self.hermes_board_id = -1
   self.mode = None
   self.band = None
   self.vfo_frequency = 0
   self.tx_frequency = 0
   self.repeater_freq = None		# original repeater output frequency
     self.repeater_delay = conf.repeater_delay		# delay for changing repeater frequency in seconds
     self.repeater_delay = 0.25
   self.repeater_time0 = 0			# time of repeater change in frequency
   # Create the proper broadcast address for rx_udp_ip.
   if False and self.conf.rx_udp_ip:
     nm = self.conf.rx_udp_ip_netmask.split('.')
     ip = self.conf.rx_udp_ip.split('.')
     nm = map(int, nm)
     ip = map(int, ip)
     bc = ''
     for i in range(4):
       x = (ip[i] | ~ nm[i]) & 0xFF
       bc = bc + str(x) + '.'
     self.broadcast_addr = bc[:-1]
     self.broadcast_addr = ''
   # This socket is used for the Metis Discover protocol
   self.discover_request = chr(0xEF) + chr(0xFE) + chr(0x02) + chr(0) * 60
   self.socket_discover = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
   self.socket_discover.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1)
   # This is the control data to send to the Hermes using the Metis protocol
   self.pc2hermes = bytearray(17 * 4)		# Python initializes this to zero
   self.pc2hermes[3] = 0x04	# C0 index == 0, C4[5:3]: number of receivers 0b000 -> one receiver; C4[2] duplex on
 def __init__(self, app, conf):
     BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
     self.use_sidetone = 0
     self.vfo_frequency = 52000000
     self.vfo_sample_rate = conf.sample_rate
     self.vfo_test = 0  # JIM
     self.adf4351_freq = 52E6
     self.tx_frequency = 0
     self.firmware_version = None  # firmware version is initially unknown
     self.rx_udp_socket = None
     self.got_udp_status = ''
     self.got_adf4351_status = ''
     self.rx_phase0 = self.rx_phase1 = 0
     self.tx_phase = 0
     self.scan_enable = 0
     self.scan_blocks = 0
     self.scan_samples = 1
     self.scan_phase = 0
     self.fft_scan_valid = 0.84
     self.adf4351_int_mode = 1  # integer one, fractional zero
     self.adf4351_aux_rf_out = 0b101
     self.adf4351_rf_divider = 4  # Fout = Fvco / 2 ** rf_divider
     self.adf4351_band_sel_clock_div = 40
     self.adf4351_r_counter = 8  # Fpfd = Fref / 2 / r_counter
     self.adf4351_int_value = 1317  # Fvco = Fpfd * (int_value + frac_value / modulus)
     self.adf4351_frac_value = 0
     self.adf4351_modulus = 23
     self.decim3 = 10
     self.var_rates = [
         '31X', '19X', '9X', '5X', '3X', '2X', '1728', '1152', '768', '384',
         '192', '96', '48'
     ]  # supported sample rates as strings
     self.index = 0
    def __init__(self, app, conf):
        BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
        self.use_sidetone = 1
        self.got_udp_status = ''  # status from UDP receiver
        # want_udp_status is a 14-byte string with numbers in little-endian order:
        #	[0:2]		'St'
        #	[2:6]		Rx tune phase
        #	[6:10]		Tx tune phase
        #	[10]		Tx output level 0 to 255
        #	[11]		Tx control bits:
        #		0x01	Enable CW transmit
        #		0x02	Enable all other transmit
        #		0x04	Use the HiQSDR extended IO pins not present in the 2010 QEX ver 1.0
        #		0x08	The key is down (software key)
        #	[12]	Rx control bits
        #			Second stage decimation less one, 1-39, six bits
        #	[13]	zero or firmware version number
        # The above is used for firmware  version 1.0.
        # Version 1.1 adds eight more bytes for the HiQSDR conntrol ports:
        #	[14]	X1 connector:  Preselect pins 69, 68, 65, 64; Preamp pin 63, Tx LED pin 57
        #	[15]	Attenuator pins 84, 83, 82, 81, 80
        #	[16]	More bits: AntSwitch pin 41 is 0x01
        #	[17:22] The remaining five bytes are sent as zero.
        # Version 1.2 uses the same format as 1.1, but adds the "Qs" command (see below).
        # Version 1.3 adds features needed by the new quisk_vna.py program:
        #	[17]	This one byte must be zero
        #	[18:20]	This is vna_count, the number of VNA data points; or zero for normal operation
        #	[20:22]	These two bytes mmust be zero

        # The "Qs" command is a two-byte UDP packet sent to the control port.  It returns the hardware status
        # as the above string, except that the string starts with "Qs" instead of "St".  Do not send the "Qs" command
        # from Quisk, as it interferes with the "St" command.  The "Qs" command is meant to be used from an
        # external program, such as HamLib or a logging program.

        # When vna_count != 0, we are in VNA mode.  The start frequency is rx_phase, and for each point tx_phase is added
        # to advance the frequency.  A zero sample is added to mark the blocks.  The samples are I and Q averaged at DC.

        self.rx_phase = 0
        self.tx_phase = 0
        self.tx_level = 0
        self.tx_control = 0
        self.rx_control = 0
        self.vna_count = 0  # VNA scan count; MUST be zero for non-VNA operation
        self.index = 0
        self.mode = None
        self.band = None
        self.HiQSDR_Connector_X1 = 0
        self.HiQSDR_Attenuator = 0
        self.HiQSDR_Bits = 0
        if conf.use_rx_udp == 2:  # Set to 2 for the HiQSDR
            self.rf_gain_labels = ('RF 0 dB', 'RF +10', 'RF -10', 'RF -20',
                                   'RF -30')
            self.antenna_labels = ('Ant 1', 'Ant 2')
        self.firmware_version = None  # firmware version is initially unknown
        self.rx_udp_socket = None
        self.vfo_frequency = 0  # current vfo frequency
        self.tx_frequency = 0
        self.decimations = []  # supported decimation rates
        for dec in (40, 20, 10, 8, 5, 4, 2):
            self.decimations.append(dec * 64)
        if self.conf.fft_size_multiplier == 0:
            self.conf.fft_size_multiplier = 7  # Set size needed by VarDecim
文件: conf4.py 项目: drowe67/quisk
 def __init__(self, app, conf):
     BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
 def __init__(self, app, conf):
   BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
   self.vfo = self.conf.fixed_vfo_freq		# Fixed VFO frequency in Hertz
   self.tune = self.vfo + 10000			# Current tuning frequency in Hertz
  def __init__(self, app, conf):
    BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
    self.got_udp_status = ''		# status from UDP receiver
	# want_udp_status is a 14-byte string with numbers in little-endian order:
	#	[0:2]		'St'
	#	[2:6]		Rx tune phase
	#	[6:10]		Tx tune phase
	#	[10]		Tx output level 0 to 255
	#	[11]		Tx control bits:
	#		0x01	Enable CW transmit
	#		0x02	Enable all other transmit
	#		0x04	Use the HiQSDR extended IO pins not present in the 2010 QEX ver 1.0
	#		0x08	The key is down (software key)
	#		0x40	odyssey: Spot button is in use
	#		0x80	odyssey: Mic Boost 20dB
	#	[12]	Rx control bits
	#			Second stage decimation less one, 1-39, six bits
	#	[13]	zero or firmware version number
	# The above is used for firmware  version 1.0.
	# Version 1.1 adds eight more bytes for the HiQSDR conntrol ports:
	#	[14]	X1 connector:  Preselect pins 69, 68, 65, 64; Preamp pin 63, Tx LED pin 57
	#	[15]	Attenuator pins 84, 83, 82, 81, 80
	#	[16]	More bits: AntSwitch pin 41 is 0x01
	#	[17:22] The remaining five bytes are sent as zero.
	# Version 1.2 uses the same format as 1.1, but adds the "Qs" command (see below).
	# Version 1.3 adds features needed by the new quisk_vna.py program:
	#	[17]	The sidetone volume 0 to 255
	#	[18:20]	This is vna_count, the number of VNA data points; or zero for normal operation
	#	[20]	The CW delay as specified in the config file
	#	[21]	Control bits:
	#		0x01	Switch on tx mirror on rx for adaptive predistortion
	#	[22:24]	Noise blanker level

# The "Qs" command is a two-byte UDP packet sent to the control port.  It returns the hardware status
# as the above string, except that the string starts with "Qs" instead of "St".  Do not send the "Qs" command
# from Quisk, as it interferes with the "St" command.  The "Qs" command is meant to be used from an
# external program, such as HamLib or a logging program.

# When vna_count != 0, we are in VNA mode.  The start frequency is rx_phase, and for each point tx_phase is added
# to advance the frequency.  A zero sample is added to mark the blocks.  The samples are I and Q averaged at DC.

    self.rx_phase = 0
    self.tx_phase = 0
    self.tx_level = 0
    self.tx_control = 0
    self.rx_control = 0
    self.vna_count = 0	# VNA scan count; MUST be zero for non-VNA operation
    self.cw_delay = conf.cw_delay
    self.index = 0
    self.mode = None
    self.usingSpot = False
    self.band = None
    self.rf_gain = 0
    self.sidetone_volume = 0		# sidetone volume 0 to 255
    self.repeater_freq = None		# original repeater output frequency
    self.HiQSDR_Connector_X1 = 0
    self.HiQSDR_Attenuator = 0
    self.HiQSDR_Bits = 0
      if conf.radio_sound_mic_boost:
        self.tx_control = 0x80
    if conf.use_rx_udp == 2:	# Set to 2 for the HiQSDR
      self.rf_gain_labels = ('RF 0 dB', 'RF +10', 'RF -10', 'RF -20', 'RF -30')
      self.antenna_labels = ('Ant 1', 'Ant 2')
    self.firmware_version = None	# firmware version is initially unknown
    self.rx_udp_socket = None
    self.vfo_frequency = 0		# current vfo frequency
    self.tx_frequency = 0
    self.decimations = []		# supported decimation rates
    for dec in (40, 20, 10, 8, 5, 4, 2):
      self.decimations.append(dec * 64)
    if self.conf.fft_size_multiplier == 0:
      self.conf.fft_size_multiplier = 6		# Set size needed by VarDecim
 def __init__(self, app, conf):
     BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
     self.fcd = FCD()
     self.tune = 0
 def __init__(self, app, conf):
     BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
     self.usb_dev = None
     self.vfo = None
     self.key_thread = None
     self.name_of_mic_play = conf.name_of_mic_play  # True if we can transmit
 def __init__(self, app, conf):
   BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
   self.vfo = None
   self.ptt_button = 0
   self.usbsr_ip_address = conf.usbsr_ip_address
   self.usbsr_port = conf.usbsr_port
文件: conf4.py 项目: n1ywb/quisk
 def __init__(self, app, conf):
   BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
   self.use_sidetone = 1
 def __init__(self, app, conf):
   BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
   self.vfo = self.conf.fixed_vfo_freq		# Fixed VFO frequency in Hertz
   self.tune = self.vfo + 10000		# Current tuning frequency in Hertz
 def __init__(self, app, conf):
     BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
     self.model=25019			#Could be a paramter later, to handel different models
     self.vfo = None
     self.receiver = Hamlib.Rig(self.model)
     self.receiver.state.rigport.pathname='/dev/ttyUSB0' #Could be a parameter later
 def __init__(self, app, conf):
   BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
   self.usb_dev = None
   self.vfo = None
   self.key_thread = None
   self.name_of_mic_play = conf.name_of_mic_play	# True if we can transmit
    def __init__(self, app, conf):
        BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
        self.got_udp_status = ''  # status from UDP receiver
        # want_udp_status is a 14-byte string with numbers in little-endian order:
        #	[0:2]		'St'
        #	[2:6]		Rx tune phase
        #	[6:10]		Tx tune phase
        #	[10]		Tx output level 0 to 255
        #	[11]		Tx control bits:
        #		0x01	Enable CW transmit
        #		0x02	Enable all other transmit
        #		0x04	Use the HiQSDR extended IO pins not present in the 2010 QEX ver 1.0
        #		0x08	The key is down (software key)
        #		bits 5 and 4: Transmit sample rate
        #			0b00 48k
        #			0b01 192k
        #			0b10 480k
        #			0b11 8k
        #		0x40	odyssey: Spot button is in use
        #		0x80	odyssey: Mic Boost 20dB
        #	[12]	Rx control bits
        #		bits 5 through 0
        #			Second stage decimation less one, 1-39, six bits
        #		bits 7, 6
        #		0b00	Prescaler 8, 3-byte samples I and Q; 1440 / 6 = 240 samples per UDP packet
        #		0b01	Prescaler 2, 2-byte samples
        #		0b10	Prescaler 40, 3-byte samples
        #		0b11	Prescaler 2, 1-byte samples
        #	[13]	zero or firmware version number
        # The above is used for firmware  version 1.0.
        # Version 1.1 adds eight more bytes for the HiQSDR conntrol ports:
        #	[14]	X1 connector:  Preselect pins 69, 68, 65, 64; Preamp pin 63, Tx LED pin 57
        #	[15]	Attenuator pins 84, 83, 82, 81, 80
        #	[16]	More bits: AntSwitch pin 41 is 0x01
        #	[17:22] The remaining five bytes are sent as zero.
        # Version 1.2 uses the same format as 1.1, but adds the "Qs" command (see below).
        # Version 1.3 adds features needed by the new quisk_vna.py program:
        #	[17]	The sidetone volume 0 to 255
        #	[18:20]	This is vna_count, the number of VNA data points; or zero for normal operation
        #	[20]	The CW delay as specified in the config file
        #	[21]	Control bits:
        #		0x01	Switch on tx mirror on rx for adaptive predistortion
        #	[22:24]	Noise blanker level

        # The "Qs" command is a two-byte UDP packet sent to the control port.  It returns the hardware status
        # as the above string, except that the string starts with "Qs" instead of "St".  Do not send the "Qs" command
        # from Quisk, as it interferes with the "St" command.  The "Qs" command is meant to be used from an
        # external program, such as HamLib or a logging program.

        # When vna_count != 0, we are in VNA mode.  The start frequency is rx_phase, and for each point tx_phase is added
        # to advance the frequency.  A zero sample is added to mark the blocks.  The samples are I and Q averaged at DC.

        self.rx_phase = 0
        self.tx_phase = 0
        self.tx_level = 0
        self.tx_control = 0
        self.rx_control = 0
        self.vna_count = 0  # VNA scan count; MUST be zero for non-VNA operation
        self.cw_delay = conf.cw_delay
        self.index = 0
        self.mode = None
        self.usingSpot = False
        self.band = None
        self.rf_gain = 0
        self.sidetone_volume = 0  # sidetone volume 0 to 255
        self.repeater_freq = None  # original repeater output frequency
        self.HiQSDR_Connector_X1 = 0
        self.HiQSDR_Attenuator = 0
        self.HiQSDR_Bits = 0
            if conf.radio_sound_mic_boost:
                self.tx_control = 0x80
        if conf.use_rx_udp == 2:  # Set to 2 for the HiQSDR
            self.rf_gain_labels = ('RF 0 dB', 'RF +10', 'RF -10', 'RF -20',
                                   'RF -30')
            self.antenna_labels = ('Ant 1', 'Ant 2')
        self.firmware_version = None  # firmware version is initially unknown
        self.rx_udp_socket = None
        self.vfo_frequency = 0  # current vfo frequency
        self.tx_frequency = 0
        self.decimations = []  # supported decimation rates
        for dec in (40, 20, 10, 8, 5, 4, 2):
            self.decimations.append(dec * 64)
        if self.conf.fft_size_multiplier == 0:
            self.conf.fft_size_multiplier = 6  # Set size needed by VarDecim
 def __init__(self, app, conf):
   BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
   self.use_sidetone = 1
 def __init__(self, app, conf):
     BaseHardware.__init__(self, app, conf)
     self.vfo = None
     self.ptt_button = 0
     self.usbsr_ip_address = conf.usbsr_ip_address
     self.usbsr_port = conf.usbsr_port