def restore(self): text = config.get("browsers", "query_text").decode("utf-8") entry = self.__search entry.set_text(text) # update_filter expects a parsable query if Query.is_parsable(text): self.__update_filter(entry, text, scroll_up=False, restore=True) keys = config.get("browsers", "albums").split("\n") # FIXME: If albums is "" then it could be either all albums or # no albums. If it's "" and some other stuff, assume no albums, # otherwise all albums. self.__inhibit() if keys == [""]: self.view.set_cursor((0,)) else: def select_fun(row): album = row[0] if not album: # all return False return album.str_key in keys self.view.select_by_func(select_fun) self.__uninhibit()
def test_get_columns_migrated(self): self.failIf(config.get("settings", "headers", None)) columns = "~album,~#replaygain_track_gain,foobar" config.set("settings", "columns", columns) self.failUnlessEqual(get_columns(), ["~album", "~#replaygain_track_gain", "foobar"]) self.failIf(config.get("settings", "headers", None))
def refresh_cb(button): from quodlibet.library import library from quodlibet.util import copool paths = util.split_scan_dirs(config.get("settings", "scan")) exclude = config.get("library", "exclude").split(":") copool.add(library.rebuild, paths, False, exclude, cofuncid="library", funcid="library")
def __init__(self): super(PreferencesWindow.Tagging, self).__init__(spacing=12) self.set_border_width(12) self.title = _("Tags") vbox = gtk.VBox(spacing=6) cb = ConfigCheckButton(_("Auto-save tag changes"), 'editing', 'auto_save_changes', populate=True) cb.set_tooltip_text(_("Save changes to tags without confirmation " "when editing multiple files")) vbox.pack_start(cb, expand=False) cb = ConfigCheckButton(_("Show _programmatic tags"), 'editing', 'alltags', populate=True) cb.set_tooltip_text( _("Access all tags, including machine-generated ones " "e.g. MusicBrainz or Replay Gain tags")) vbox.pack_start(cb, expand=False) hb = gtk.HBox(spacing=6) e = UndoEntry() e.set_text(config.get("editing", "split_on")) e.connect('changed', self.__changed, 'editing', 'split_on') e.set_tooltip_text( _("A list of separators to use when splitting tag values. " "The list is space-separated")) l = gtk.Label(_("Split _on:")) l.set_use_underline(True) l.set_mnemonic_widget(e) hb.pack_start(l, expand=False) hb.pack_start(e) vbox.pack_start(hb, expand=False) vb2 = gtk.VBox(spacing=6) cb = ConfigCheckButton(_("Save ratings and play _counts"), "editing", "save_to_songs", populate=True) vb2.pack_start(cb) hb = gtk.HBox(spacing=6) lab = gtk.Label(_("_Email:")) entry = UndoEntry() entry.set_tooltip_text(_("Ratings and play counts will be set " "for this email address")) entry.set_text(config.get("editing", "save_email")) entry.connect('changed', self.__changed, 'editing', 'save_email') hb.pack_start(lab, expand=False) hb.pack_start(entry) lab.set_mnemonic_widget(entry) lab.set_use_underline(True) vb2.pack_start(hb) f = qltk.Frame(_("Tag Editing"), child=vbox) self.pack_start(f, expand=False) f = qltk.Frame(_("Ratings"), child=vb2) self.pack_start(f, expand=False) self.show_all()
def __init__(self): print_d("Starting Soundcloud API...") super(SoundcloudApiClient, self).__init__(self.API_ROOT) self.access_token = config.get("browsers", "soundcloud_token", None) = bool(self.access_token) self.user_id = config.get("browsers", "soundcloud_user_id", None) if not self.user_id: self._get_me() self.username = None
def test_get_columns_migrates(self): self.failIf(config.get("settings", "headers", None)) self.failIf(config.get("settings", "columns", None)) headers = "~album ~#replaygain_track_gain foobar" config.set("settings", "headers", headers) columns = get_columns() self.failUnlessEqual(columns, ["~album", "~#replaygain_track_gain", "foobar"]) self.failIf(config.get("settings", "headers", None))
def test_get_set_columns(self): self.failIf(config.get("settings", "headers", None)) self.failIf(config.get("settings", "columns", None)) columns = ["first", "won't", "two words", "4"] set_columns(columns) self.failUnlessEqual(columns, get_columns()) columns += ["~~another~one"] set_columns(columns) self.failUnlessEqual(columns, get_columns()) self.failIf(config.get("settings", "headers", None))
def restore(self): try: name = config.get("browsers", "playlist") except config.Error as e: print_d("Couldn't get last playlist from config: %s" % e) else: self.__view.select_by_func(lambda r: r[0].name == name, one=True) try: text = config.get("browsers", "query_text") except config.Error as e: print_d("Couldn't get last search string from config: %s" % e) else: self._set_text(text)
def connect(self): '''Moved from __init__ to ensure we always read the current configuration data''' self._host = config.get("connection", "hostname") self._port = config.get("connection", "port") self._password = config.get("connection", "password") try: self._client.connect(self._host, self._port) # Catch socket errors except IOError as (errno, strerror): raise PollerError("Could not connect to '%s': %s" % (self._host, strerror))
def _get_order(self, shuffle): """Get the active order for shuffle/inorder mode""" first_matching = None if shuffle: name = config.get("memory", "order_shuffle") else: name = config.get("memory", "order") for order in ORDERS: if order.is_shuffle == shuffle: first_matching = first_matching or order if == name: return order return first_matching
def restore(self): try: text = config.get("browsers", "query_text") except config.Error: return self._set_text(text)
def __init__(self, tag, value): super(SplitPerson, self).__init__(label=self.title, use_underline=True) self.set_image(Gtk.Image.new_from_icon_name( Icons.EDIT_FIND_REPLACE, Gtk.IconSize.MENU)) spls = config.get("editing", "split_on").decode( 'utf-8', 'replace').split() self.set_sensitive(bool(split_people(value, spls)[1]))
def __post_read(self): email = config.get("editing", "save_email").strip() maps = {"rating": float, "playcount": int} for keyed_key, func in maps.items(): for subkey in ["", ":" + const.EMAIL, ":" + email]: key = keyed_key + subkey if key in self: try: self["~#" + keyed_key] = func(self[key]) except ValueError: pass del(self[key]) if "metadata_block_picture" in self: self.has_images = True del(self["metadata_block_picture"]) if "coverart" in self: self.has_images = True del(self["coverart"]) if "coverartmime" in self: del(self["coverartmime"]) self.__post_read_total("tracktotal", "totaltracks", "tracknumber") self.__post_read_total("disctotal", "totaldiscs", "discnumber")
def plugin_on_song_started(self, song): if (song is None and config.get("memory", "order") != "onesong" and not app.player.paused): browser = app.window.browser if not browser.can_filter('album'): return albumlib = app.library.albums albumlib.load() if browser.can_filter_albums(): keys = browser.list_albums() values = [albumlib[k] for k in keys] else: keys = set(browser.list("album")) values = [a for a in albumlib if a("album") in keys] if self.use_weights: # Select 3% of albums, or at least 3 albums nr_albums = int(min(len(values), max(0.03 * len(values), 3))) chosen_albums = random.sample(values, nr_albums) album_scores = sorted(self._score(chosen_albums)) for score, album in album_scores: print_d("%0.2f scored by %s" % (score, album("album"))) album = max(album_scores)[1] else: album = random.choice(values) if album is not None: self.schedule_change(album)
def refresh(self): """Reread the current pipeline config and refresh the list""" self.handler_block(self.__sig) model = self.get_model() model.clear() self.__fill_model(model) if not len(model): self.handler_unblock(self.__sig) # Translators: Unknown audio output device. model.append(row=["", _("Unknown")]) self.set_active(0) self.set_sensitive(False) return self.set_sensitive(True) # Translators: Default audio output device. model.insert(0, row=["", _("Default")]) dev = config.get("player", "gst_device") for row in model: if row[self.DEVICE] == dev: self.set_active_iter(row.iter) break self.handler_unblock(self.__sig) # If no dev was found, change to default so the config gets reset if self.get_active() == -1: self.set_active(0)
def tag_editing_vbox(self): """Returns a new VBox containing all tag editing widgets""" vbox = Gtk.VBox(spacing=6) cb = CCB(_("Auto-save tag changes"), 'editing', 'auto_save_changes', populate=True, tooltip=_("Save changes to tags without confirmation " "when editing multiple files")) vbox.pack_start(cb, False, True, 0) hb = Gtk.HBox(spacing=6) e = UndoEntry() e.set_text(config.get("editing", "split_on")) e.connect('changed', self.__changed, 'editing', 'split_on') e.set_tooltip_text( _("A list of separators to use when splitting tag values. " "The list is space-separated")) def do_revert_split(button, section, option): config.reset(section, option) e.set_text(config.get(section, option)) split_revert = Button(_("_Revert"), Icons.DOCUMENT_REVERT) split_revert.connect("clicked", do_revert_split, "editing", "split_on") l = Gtk.Label(label=_("Split _on:")) l.set_use_underline(True) l.set_mnemonic_widget(e) hb.pack_start(l, False, True, 0) hb.pack_start(e, True, True, 0) hb.pack_start(split_revert, False, True, 0) vbox.pack_start(hb, False, True, 0) return vbox
def config_get(key, default=''): """Returns value for 'key' from config. If key is missing *or empty*, return default.""" try: return (config.get("plugins", "scrobbler_%s" % key) or default) except config.Error: return default
def restore(self): try: names = config.get("browsers", "audiofeeds").split("\t") except: pass else: self.__view.select_by_func(lambda r: r[0].name in names)
def restore(self): try: paths = config.get("browsers", "filesystem").split("\n") except config.Error: pass else: self.__select_paths(paths)
def get_init_select_dir(): scandirs = util.split_scan_dirs(config.get("settings", "scan")) if scandirs and os.path.isdir(scandirs[-1]): # start with last added directory return scandirs[-1] else: return const.HOME
def restore(self): try: text = config.get("browsers", "query_text") except Exception: return self._text = text
def __init__(self): super(ScanBox, self).__init__(spacing=6) self.model = model = gtk.ListStore(str) view = RCMHintedTreeView(model) view.set_fixed_height_mode(True) view.set_headers_visible(False) view.set_tooltip_text(_("Songs in the listed folders will be " "added to the library during a library refresh")) menu = gtk.Menu() remove_item = gtk.ImageMenuItem(gtk.STOCK_REMOVE) menu.append(remove_item) menu.show_all() view.connect('popup-menu', self.__popup, menu) remove_item.connect_object('activate', self.__remove, view) sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow() sw.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_NEVER, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) sw.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN) sw.add(view) sw.set_size_request(-1, max(sw.size_request()[1], 100)) render = gtk.CellRendererText() render.set_property('ellipsize', pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) def cdf(column, cell, model, iter): row = model[iter] cell.set_property('text', util.unexpand(row[0])) column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(None, render) column.set_cell_data_func(render, cdf) column.set_sizing(gtk.TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED) view.append_column(column) add = gtk.Button(stock=gtk.STOCK_ADD) add.connect("clicked", self.__add) remove = gtk.Button(stock=gtk.STOCK_REMOVE) selection = view.get_selection() selection.set_mode(gtk.SELECTION_MULTIPLE) selection.connect("changed", self.__select_changed, remove) selection.emit("changed") remove.connect_object("clicked", self.__remove, view) vbox = gtk.VBox(spacing=6) vbox.pack_start(add, expand=False) vbox.pack_start(remove, expand=False) self.pack_start(sw) self.pack_start(vbox, expand=False) self.show_all() paths = util.split_scan_dirs(config.get("settings", "scan")) paths = map(util.fsdecode, paths) for path in paths: model.append(row=[path])
def init(librarian): """May raise PlayerError""" try: driver = config.get("settings", "xine_driver") except: driver = None return XinePlaylistPlayer(driver, librarian)
def background_filter(): bg = config.get("browsers", "background").decode('utf-8') if not bg: return try: return Query(bg, except Query.error: pass
def __init__(self, tag, value): super(SplitValues, self).__init__( label=_("Split into _Multiple Values"), use_underline=True) self.set_image(Gtk.Image.new_from_icon_name( Icons.EDIT_FIND_REPLACE, Gtk.IconSize.MENU)) spls = config.get("editing", "split_on").decode( 'utf-8', 'replace').split() self.set_sensitive(len(split_value(value, spls)) > 1)
def __cols_changed(self, songlist): headers = [col.header_name for col in songlist.get_columns()] try: headers.remove('~current') except ValueError: pass if len(headers) == len(config.get("settings", "headers").split()): # Not an addition or removal (handled separately) config.set("settings", "headers", " ".join(headers)) SongList.headers = headers
def get_headers(): # QL <= 2.1 saved the headers tab-separated, but had a space-separated # default value, so check for that. headers = config.get("browsers", "panes") if headers == "~people album": return headers.split() else: return headers.split("\t")
def __init__(self): try: self._times = config.get("plugins", self._pref_name).split(' ')[:7] except: pass else: self._times = (self._times + ["HH:MM"] * 7)[:7] GLib.timeout_add(30000, self._check)
def enabled(self): self.__enabled = True self.__init_defaults() theme = config.get("plugins", self.CONFIG_THEME, None) self.__set_theme(theme) self.__set_dark(self.__get_dark())
def restore(cls, library, player): """restore saved browser windows""" value = config.get("memory", "open_browsers", "") for name in value.split(): kind = browsers.get(name) browser = cls(kind, library, player) browser.show_maybe()
def __create_menu(self, player, library): def add_view_items(ag): act = Action(name="Information", label=_('_Information'), icon_name=Icons.DIALOG_INFORMATION) act.connect('activate', self.__current_song_info) ag.add_action(act) act = Action(name="Jump", label=_('_Jump to Playing Song'), icon_name=Icons.GO_JUMP) self.__jump_to_current(True, None, True) act.connect('activate', self.__jump_to_current) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, "<Primary>J") def add_top_level_items(ag): ag.add_action(Action(name="File", label=_("_File"))) ag.add_action(Action(name="Song", label=_("_Song"))) ag.add_action(Action(name="View", label=_('_View'))) ag.add_action(Action(name="Browse", label=_("_Browse"))) ag.add_action(Action(name="Control", label=_('_Control'))) ag.add_action(Action(name="Help", label=_('_Help'))) ag ='QuodLibetWindowActions') add_top_level_items(ag) add_view_items(ag) act = Action(name="AddFolders", label=_(u'_Add a Folder…'), icon_name=Icons.LIST_ADD) act.connect('activate', self.open_chooser) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, "<Primary>O") act = Action(name="AddFiles", label=_(u'_Add a File…'), icon_name=Icons.LIST_ADD) act.connect('activate', self.open_chooser) ag.add_action(act) act = Action(name="AddLocation", label=_(u'_Add a Location…'), icon_name=Icons.LIST_ADD) act.connect('activate', self.open_location) ag.add_action(act) act = Action(name="BrowseLibrary", label=_('Open _Browser'), icon_name=Icons.EDIT_FIND) ag.add_action(act) act = Action(name="Preferences", label=_('_Preferences'), icon_name=Icons.PREFERENCES_SYSTEM) act.connect('activate', self.__preferences) ag.add_action(act) act = Action(name="Plugins", label=_('_Plugins'), icon_name=Icons.SYSTEM_RUN) act.connect('activate', self.__plugins) ag.add_action(act) act = Action(name="Quit", label=_('_Quit'), icon_name=Icons.APPLICATION_EXIT) act.connect('activate', lambda *x: self.destroy()) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, "<Primary>Q") act = Action(name="EditTags", label=_('Edit _Tags'), icon_name=Icons.DOCUMENT_PROPERTIES) act.connect('activate', self.__current_song_prop) ag.add_action(act) act = Action(name="EditBookmarks", label=_(u"Edit Bookmarks…")) connect_obj(act, 'activate', self.__edit_bookmarks, library.librarian, player) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, "<Primary>B") act = Action(name="Previous", label=_('Pre_vious'), icon_name=Icons.MEDIA_SKIP_BACKWARD) act.connect('activate', self.__previous_song) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, "<Primary>comma") act = Action(name="PlayPause", label=_('_Play'), icon_name=Icons.MEDIA_PLAYBACK_START) act.connect('activate', self.__play_pause) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, "<Primary>space") act = Action(name="Next", label=_('_Next'), icon_name=Icons.MEDIA_SKIP_FORWARD) act.connect('activate', self.__next_song) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, "<Primary>period") act = ToggleAction(name="StopAfter", label=_("Stop After This Song")) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, "<shift>space") # access point for the tray icon self.stop_after = act act = Action(name="Shortcuts", label=_("_Keyboard Shortcuts")) act.connect('activate', self.__keyboard_shortcuts) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, "<Primary>question") act = Action(name="About", label=_("_About"), icon_name=Icons.HELP_ABOUT) act.connect('activate', self.__show_about) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, None) act = Action(name="OnlineHelp", label=_("Online Help"), icon_name=Icons.HELP_BROWSER) def website_handler(*args): act.connect('activate', website_handler) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, "F1") act = Action(name="SearchHelp", label=_("Search Help")) def search_help_handler(*args): act.connect('activate', search_help_handler) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, None) act = Action(name="CheckUpdates", label=_("_Check for Updates…"), icon_name=Icons.NETWORK_SERVER) def check_updates_handler(*args): d = UpdateDialog(self) d.destroy() act.connect('activate', check_updates_handler) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, None) act = Action(name="RefreshLibrary", label=_("_Scan Library"), icon_name=Icons.VIEW_REFRESH) act.connect('activate', self.__rebuild, False) ag.add_action(act) current = config.get("memory", "browser") try: browsers.get(current) except ValueError: current = first_action = None for Kind in browsers.browsers: name = index = browsers.index(name) action_name = "View" + Kind.__name__ act = RadioAction(name=action_name, label=Kind.accelerated_name, value=index) act.join_group(first_action) first_action = first_action or act if name == current: act.set_active(True) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, "<Primary>%d" % ((index + 1) % 10, )) assert first_action self._browser_action = first_action def action_callback(view_action, current_action): current = browsers.get(current_action.get_current_value())) self._select_browser(view_action, current, library, player) first_action.connect("changed", action_callback) for Kind in browsers.browsers: action = "Browser" + Kind.__name__ label = Kind.accelerated_name name = index = browsers.index(name) act = Action(name=action, label=label) def browser_activate(action, Kind):, library, player) act.connect('activate', browser_activate, Kind) ag.add_action_with_accel(act, "<Primary><alt>%d" % ((index + 1) % 10, )) ui = Gtk.UIManager() ui.insert_action_group(ag, -1) menustr = MENU % { "views": browser_menu_items(), "browsers": secondary_browser_menu_items(), "filters_menu": FilterMenu.MENU } ui.add_ui_from_string(menustr) self._filter_menu = FilterMenu(library, player, ui) # Cute. So. UIManager lets you attach tooltips, but when they're # for menu items, they just get ignored. So here I get to actually # attach them. ui.get_widget("/Menu/File/RefreshLibrary").set_tooltip_text( _("Check for changes in your library")) return ui
def CODECS(self): codecs = ["utf-8"] codecs_conf = config.get("editing", "id3encoding") codecs.extend(codecs_conf.strip().split()) codecs.append("iso-8859-1") return codecs
def __init__(self): super(PreferencesWindow.Browsers, self).__init__(spacing=12) self.set_border_width(12) self.title = _("Browsers") # Search vb = Gtk.VBox(spacing=6) hb = Gtk.HBox(spacing=6) l = Gtk.Label(label=_("_Global filter:")) l.set_use_underline(True) e = ValidatingEntry(QueryValidator) e.set_text(config.get("browsers", "background")) e.connect('changed', self._entry, 'background', 'browsers') e.set_tooltip_text(_("Apply this query in addition to all others")) l.set_mnemonic_widget(e) hb.pack_start(l, False, True, 0) hb.pack_start(e, True, True, 0) vb.pack_start(hb, False, True, 0) # Translators: The heading of the preference group, no action f = qltk.Frame(C_("heading", "Search"), child=vb) self.pack_start(f, False, True, 0) # Ratings vb = Gtk.VBox(spacing=6) c1 = CCB(_("Confirm _multiple ratings"), 'browsers', 'rating_confirm_multiple', populate=True, tooltip=_("Ask for confirmation before changing the " "rating of multiple songs at once")) c2 = CCB(_("Enable _one-click ratings"), 'browsers', 'rating_click', populate=True, tooltip=_("Enable rating by clicking on the rating " "column in the song list")) vbox = Gtk.VBox(spacing=6) vbox.pack_start(c1, False, True, 0) vbox.pack_start(c2, False, True, 0) f = qltk.Frame(_("Ratings"), child=vbox) self.pack_start(f, False, True, 0) # Album Art vb = Gtk.VBox(spacing=6) c = CCB(_("_Use rounded corners on thumbnails"), 'albumart', 'round', populate=True, tooltip=_("Round the corners of album artwork thumbnail " "images.")) c.connect('toggled', self.__toggle_round_corners) vb.pack_start(c, False, True, 0) # Filename choice algorithm config cb = CCB(_("Prefer _embedded art"), 'albumart', 'prefer_embedded', populate=True, tooltip=_("Choose to use artwork embedded in the audio " "(where available) over other sources")) vb.pack_start(cb, False, True, 0) hb = Gtk.HBox(spacing=3) cb = CCB(_("_Fixed image filename:"), 'albumart', 'force_filename', populate=True, tooltip=_("The single image filename to use if " "selected")) hb.pack_start(cb, False, True, 0) entry = UndoEntry() entry.set_tooltip_text( _("The album art image file to use when forced")) entry.set_text(config.get("albumart", "filename")) entry.connect('changed', self.__changed_text, 'filename') # Disable entry when not forcing entry.set_sensitive(cb.get_active()) cb.connect('toggled', self.__toggled_force_filename, entry) hb.pack_start(entry, True, True, 0) vb.pack_start(hb, False, True, 0) f = qltk.Frame(_("Album Art"), child=vb) self.pack_start(f, False, True, 0) for child in self.get_children(): child.show_all()
def main(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys_argv import quodlibet config_file = os.path.join(quodlibet.get_user_dir(), "config") quodlibet.init_cli(config_file=config_file) try: # we want basic commands not to import gtk (doubles process time) assert "gi.repository.Gtk" not in sys.modules sys.modules["gi.repository.Gtk"] = None startup_actions, cmds_todo = process_arguments(argv) finally: sys.modules.pop("gi.repository.Gtk", None) quodlibet.init() from quodlibet import app from quodlibet.qltk import add_signal_watch add_signal_watch(app.quit) import quodlibet.player import quodlibet.library from quodlibet import config from quodlibet import browsers from quodlibet import util = "Quod Libet" app.description = _("Music player and music library manager") = "io.github.quodlibet.QuodLibet" app.process_name = "quodlibet" quodlibet.set_application_info(app) library_path = os.path.join(quodlibet.get_user_dir(), "songs") print_d("Initializing main library (%s)" % ( quodlibet.util.path.unexpand(library_path))) library = quodlibet.library.init(library_path) app.library = library # this assumes that nullbe will always succeed from quodlibet.player import PlayerError wanted_backend = environ.get( "QUODLIBET_BACKEND", config.get("player", "backend")) try: player = quodlibet.player.init_player(wanted_backend, app.librarian) except PlayerError: print_exc() player = quodlibet.player.init_player("nullbe", app.librarian) app.player = player environ["PULSE_PROP_media.role"] = "music" environ["PULSE_PROP_application.icon_name"] = app.icon_name browsers.init() from quodlibet.qltk.songlist import SongList, get_columns headers = get_columns() SongList.set_all_column_headers(headers) for opt in config.options("header_maps"): val = config.get("header_maps", opt) util.tags.add(opt, val) in_all = ("~filename ~uri ~#lastplayed ~#rating ~#playcount ~#skipcount " "~#added ~#bitrate ~current ~#laststarted ~basename " "~dirname").split() for Kind in browsers.browsers: if Kind.headers is not None: Kind.headers.extend(in_all) Kind.init(library) pm = quodlibet.init_plugins("no-plugins" in startup_actions) if hasattr(player, "init_plugins"): player.init_plugins() from quodlibet.qltk import unity unity.init("io.github.quodlibet.QuodLibet.desktop", player) from quodlibet.qltk.songsmenu import SongsMenu SongsMenu.init_plugins() from quodlibet.util.cover import CoverManager app.cover_manager = CoverManager() app.cover_manager.init_plugins() from quodlibet.plugins.playlist import PLAYLIST_HANDLER PLAYLIST_HANDLER.init_plugins() from quodlibet.plugins.query import QUERY_HANDLER QUERY_HANDLER.init_plugins() from gi.repository import GLib from quodlibet.commands import registry as cmd_registry, CommandError def exec_commands(*args): for cmd in cmds_todo: try: resp =, *cmd) except CommandError: pass else: if resp is not None: print_(resp, end="", flush=True) from quodlibet.qltk.quodlibetwindow import QuodLibetWindow, PlayerOptions # Call exec_commands after the window is restored, but make sure # it's after the mainloop has started so everything is set up. app.window = window = QuodLibetWindow( library, player, restore_cb=lambda: GLib.idle_add(exec_commands, priority=GLib.PRIORITY_HIGH)) app.player_options = PlayerOptions(window) from quodlibet.qltk.window import Window from import EventPluginHandler from quodlibet.plugins.gui import UserInterfacePluginHandler pm.register_handler(EventPluginHandler(library.librarian, player, app.window.songlist)) pm.register_handler(UserInterfacePluginHandler()) from quodlibet.mmkeys import MMKeysHandler from quodlibet.remote import Remote, RemoteError from quodlibet.qltk.tracker import SongTracker, FSInterface try: from quodlibet.qltk.dbus_ import DBusHandler except ImportError: DBusHandler = None mmkeys_handler = MMKeysHandler(app) mmkeys_handler.start() current_path = os.path.join(quodlibet.get_user_dir(), "current") fsiface = FSInterface(current_path, player) remote = Remote(app, cmd_registry) try: remote.start() except RemoteError: exit_(1, True) if DBusHandler is not None: DBusHandler(player, library) tracker = SongTracker(library.librarian, player, window.playlist) from quodlibet import session session_client = session.init(app) quodlibet.enable_periodic_save(save_library=True) if ("start-playing" in startup_actions or (config.getboolean("player", "restore_playing", False) and config.getboolean("player", "is_playing", False))): player.paused = False if "start-hidden" in startup_actions: Window.prevent_inital_show(True) # restore browser windows from quodlibet.qltk.browser import LibraryBrowser GLib.idle_add(LibraryBrowser.restore, library, player, priority=GLib.PRIORITY_HIGH) def before_quit(): print_d("Saving active browser state") try: except NotImplementedError: pass print_d("Shutting down player device %r." % player.version_info) player.destroy(), before_quit=before_quit) app.player_options.destroy() quodlibet.finish_first_session("quodlibet") mmkeys_handler.quit() remote.stop() fsiface.destroy() tracker.destroy() session_client.close() print_d("Finished shutdown.") if app.is_restarting: os.execv(sys.executable, [sys.executable] + sys.argv)
def __init_pipeline(self): """Creates a gstreamer pipeline. Returns True on success.""" if self.bin: return True pipeline = config.get("player", "gst_pipeline") try: pipeline, self._pipeline_desc = GStreamerSink(pipeline) except PlayerError as e: self._error(e) return False if self._use_eq and Gst.ElementFactory.find('equalizer-10bands'): # The equalizer only operates on 16-bit ints or floats, and # will only pass these types through even when inactive. # We push floats through to this point, then let the second # audioconvert handle pushing to whatever the rest of the # pipeline supports. As a bonus, this seems to automatically # select the highest-precision format supported by the # rest of the chain. filt = Gst.ElementFactory.make('capsfilter', None) filt.set_property('caps', Gst.Caps.from_string('audio/x-raw,format=F32LE')) eq = Gst.ElementFactory.make('equalizer-10bands', None) self._eq_element = eq self.update_eq_values() conv = Gst.ElementFactory.make('audioconvert', None) resample = Gst.ElementFactory.make('audioresample', None) pipeline = [filt, eq, conv, resample] + pipeline # playbin2 has started to control the volume through pulseaudio, # which means the volume property can change without us noticing. # Use our own volume element for now until this works with PA. self._vol_element = Gst.ElementFactory.make('volume', None) pipeline.insert(0, self._vol_element) # Get all plugin elements and append audio converters. # playbin already includes one at the end plugin_pipeline = [] for plugin in self._get_plugin_elements(): plugin_pipeline.append(plugin) plugin_pipeline.append( Gst.ElementFactory.make('audioconvert', None)) plugin_pipeline.append( Gst.ElementFactory.make('audioresample', None)) pipeline = plugin_pipeline + pipeline bufbin = Gst.Bin() for element in pipeline: assert element is not None, pipeline bufbin.add(element) PIPELINE_ERROR = PlayerError(_("Could not create GStreamer pipeline")) if len(pipeline) > 1: if not link_many(pipeline): print_w("Linking the GStreamer pipeline failed") self._error(PIPELINE_ERROR) return False # Test to ensure output pipeline can preroll bufbin.set_state(Gst.State.READY) result, state, pending = bufbin.get_state(timeout=STATE_CHANGE_TIMEOUT) if result == Gst.StateChangeReturn.FAILURE: bufbin.set_state(Gst.State.NULL) print_w("Prerolling the GStreamer pipeline failed") self._error(PIPELINE_ERROR) return False # Make the sink of the first element the sink of the bin gpad ='sink', pipeline[0].get_static_pad('sink')) bufbin.add_pad(gpad) self.bin = Gst.ElementFactory.make('playbin', None) assert self.bin bus = self.bin.get_bus() bus.add_signal_watch() self.__bus_id = bus.connect('message', self.__message, self._librarian) self.bin = BufferingWrapper(self.bin, self) self.__atf_id = self.bin.connect('about-to-finish', self.__about_to_finish) # set buffer duration duration = config.getfloat("player", "gst_buffer") self._set_buffer_duration(int(duration * 1000)) # connect playbin to our pluing/volume/eq pipeline self.bin.set_property('audio-sink', bufbin) # by default playbin will render video -> suppress using fakesink fakesink = Gst.ElementFactory.make('fakesink', None) self.bin.set_property('video-sink', fakesink) # disable all video/text decoding in playbin GST_PLAY_FLAG_VIDEO = 1 << 0 GST_PLAY_FLAG_TEXT = 1 << 2 flags = self.bin.get_property("flags") flags &= ~(GST_PLAY_FLAG_VIDEO | GST_PLAY_FLAG_TEXT) self.bin.set_property("flags", flags) # find the (uri)decodebin after setup and use autoplug-sort # to sort elements like decoders def source_setup(*args): def autoplug_sort(decode, pad, caps, factories): def set_prio(x): i, f = x i = {"mad": -1, "mpg123audiodec": -2}.get(f.get_name(), i) return (i, f) return zip(*sorted(map(set_prio, enumerate(factories))))[1] for e in iter_to_list(self.bin.iterate_recurse): try: e.connect("autoplug-sort", autoplug_sort) except TypeError: pass else: break self.__source_setup_id = self.bin.connect("source-setup", source_setup) # ReplayGain information gets lost when destroying self.volume = self.volume if self.bin.set_property('uri',"~uri")) return True
def cover(self): # TODO: Deserves some refactoring if not return None base ='~dirname') images = [] # Issue 374: Specify artwork filename if config.getboolean("albumart", "force_filename"): path = os.path.join(base, config.get("albumart", "filename")) if os.path.isfile(path): images = [(100, path)] else: get_ext = lambda s: os.path.splitext(s)[1].lstrip('.') entries = [] try: entries = os.listdir(base) except EnvironmentError: pass fns = [] for entry in entries: lentry = entry.lower() if get_ext(lentry) in self.cover_exts: fns.append((None, entry)) if lentry in self.cover_subdirs: subdir = os.path.join(base, entry) sub_entries = [] try: sub_entries = os.listdir(subdir) except EnvironmentError: pass for sub_entry in sub_entries: lsub_entry = sub_entry.lower() if get_ext(lsub_entry) in self.cover_exts: fns.append((entry, sub_entry)) for sub, fn in fns: dec_lfn = fsdecode(fn, False).lower() score = 0 # check for the album label number labelid ="labelid", "").lower() if labelid and labelid in dec_lfn: score += 20 # Track-related keywords keywords = [ k.lower().strip() for k in ["artist"),"albumartist"),"album") ] if len(k) > 1 ] score += 2 * sum(map(dec_lfn.__contains__, keywords)) # Generic keywords score += 3 * sum( is not None for r in self.cover_positive_regexes) negs = sum( is not None for r in self.cover_negative_regexes) score -= 2 * negs #print("[%s - %s]: Album art \"%s\" scores %d (%s neg)." % ( # self("artist"), self("title"), fn, score, negs)) if score > 0: if sub is not None: fn = os.path.join(sub, fn) images.append((score, os.path.join(base, fn))) images.sort(reverse=True) for score, path in images: # could be a directory if not os.path.isfile(path): continue try: return file(path, "rb") except IOError: print_w("Failed reading album art \"%s\"" % path) return None
def main(argv): import quodlibet quodlibet.init_cli() try: # we want basic commands not to import gtk (doubles process time) assert "gi.repository.Gtk" not in sys.modules sys.modules["gi.repository.Gtk"] = None startup_actions, cmds_todo = process_arguments(argv) finally: sys.modules.pop("gi.repository.Gtk", None) quodlibet.init() from quodlibet import app from quodlibet.qltk import add_signal_watch, Icons add_signal_watch(app.quit) import quodlibet.player import quodlibet.library from quodlibet import config from quodlibet import browsers from quodlibet import util = "Quod Libet" = "quodlibet" quodlibet.set_application_info(Icons.QUODLIBET,, config.init(os.path.join(quodlibet.get_user_dir(), "config")) library_path = os.path.join(quodlibet.get_user_dir(), "songs") print_d("Initializing main library (%s)" % (quodlibet.util.path.unexpand(library_path))) library = quodlibet.library.init(library_path) app.library = library # this assumes that nullbe will always succeed from quodlibet.player import PlayerError wanted_backend = os.environ.get("QUODLIBET_BACKEND", config.get("player", "backend")) backend_traceback = None for backend in [wanted_backend, "nullbe"]: try: player = quodlibet.player.init_player(backend, app.librarian) except PlayerError: backend_traceback = format_exc() else: break app.player = player os.environ["PULSE_PROP_media.role"] = "music" os.environ["PULSE_PROP_application.icon_name"] = "quodlibet" browsers.init() from quodlibet.qltk.songlist import SongList, get_columns headers = get_columns() SongList.set_all_column_headers(headers) for opt in config.options("header_maps"): val = config.get("header_maps", opt) util.tags.add(opt, val) in_all = ("~filename ~uri ~#lastplayed ~#rating ~#playcount ~#skipcount " "~#added ~#bitrate ~current ~#laststarted ~basename " "~dirname").split() for Kind in browsers.browsers: if Kind.headers is not None: Kind.headers.extend(in_all) Kind.init(library) pm = quodlibet.init_plugins("no-plugins" in startup_actions) if hasattr(player, "init_plugins"): player.init_plugins() from quodlibet.qltk import unity unity.init("quodlibet.desktop", player) from quodlibet.qltk.songsmenu import SongsMenu SongsMenu.init_plugins() from quodlibet.util.cover import CoverManager app.cover_manager = CoverManager() app.cover_manager.init_plugins() from quodlibet.plugins.playlist import PLAYLIST_HANDLER PLAYLIST_HANDLER.init_plugins() from quodlibet.plugins.query import QUERY_HANDLER QUERY_HANDLER.init_plugins() from gi.repository import GLib def exec_commands(*args): for cmd in cmds_todo: try: resp =, *cmd) except CommandError: pass else: if resp is not None: print_(resp, end="") from quodlibet.qltk.quodlibetwindow import QuodLibetWindow, PlayerOptions # Call exec_commands after the window is restored, but make sure # it's after the mainloop has started so everything is set up. app.window = window = QuodLibetWindow( library, player, restore_cb=lambda: GLib.idle_add(exec_commands, priority=GLib.PRIORITY_HIGH)) app.player_options = PlayerOptions(window) from quodlibet.qltk.debugwindow import MinExceptionDialog from quodlibet.qltk.window import on_first_map if backend_traceback is not None: def show_backend_error(window): d = MinExceptionDialog( window, _("Audio Backend Failed to Load"), _("Loading the audio backend '%(name)s' failed. " "Audio playback will be disabled.") % {"name": wanted_backend}, backend_traceback) # so we show the main window first on_first_map(app.window, show_backend_error, app.window) from import EventPluginHandler pm.register_handler(EventPluginHandler(library.librarian, player)) from quodlibet.mmkeys import MMKeysHandler from quodlibet.remote import Remote, RemoteError from quodlibet.commands import registry as cmd_registry, CommandError from quodlibet.qltk.tracker import SongTracker, FSInterface try: from quodlibet.qltk.dbus_ import DBusHandler except ImportError: DBusHandler = lambda player, library: None mmkeys_handler = MMKeysHandler(app) mmkeys_handler.start() current_path = os.path.join(quodlibet.get_user_dir(), "current") fsiface = FSInterface(current_path, player) remote = Remote(app, cmd_registry) try: remote.start() except RemoteError: exit_(1, True) DBusHandler(player, library) tracker = SongTracker(library.librarian, player, window.playlist) from quodlibet.qltk import session session.init("quodlibet") quodlibet.enable_periodic_save(save_library=True) if "start-playing" in startup_actions: player.paused = False # restore browser windows from quodlibet.qltk.browser import LibraryBrowser GLib.idle_add(LibraryBrowser.restore, library, player, priority=GLib.PRIORITY_HIGH) def before_quit(): print_d("Saving active browser state") try: except NotImplementedError: pass print_d("Shutting down player device %r." % player.version_info) player.destroy() quodlibet.main(window, before_quit=before_quit) app.player_options.destroy() quodlibet.finish_first_session( mmkeys_handler.quit() remote.stop() fsiface.destroy() tracker.destroy() print_d("Finished shutdown.")
def scan_dirs(self): return config.get('settings', 'scan')
def config_get(key, default=None): return config.get('plugins', f"lastfmsync_{key}", default)
def PluginPreferences(self, parent): # pylint: disable=C0103 """Set and unset preferences from gui or config file.""" def bool_changed(widget): """Boolean setting changed.""" if widget.get_active(): setattr(self.configuration, widget.get_name(), True) else: setattr(self.configuration, widget.get_name(), False) config.set('plugins', 'autoqueue_%s' % widget.get_name(), widget.get_active() and 'true' or 'false') def str_changed(entry, key): """String setting changed.""" value = entry.get_text() config.set('plugins', 'autoqueue_%s' % key, value) setattr(self.configuration, key, value) def int_changed(entry, key): """Integer setting changed.""" value = entry.get_text() if value: config.set('plugins', 'autoqueue_%s' % key, value) setattr(self.configuration, key, int(value)) table = Gtk.Table() table.set_col_spacings(3) i = 0 j = 0 for setting in BOOL_SETTINGS: button = Gtk.CheckButton(label=BOOL_SETTINGS[setting]['label']) button.set_name(setting) button.set_active( config.get("plugins", "autoqueue_%s" % setting).lower() == 'true') button.connect('toggled', bool_changed) table.attach(button, i, i + 1, j, j + 1) if i == 1: i = 0 j += 1 else: i += 1 for setting in INT_SETTINGS: j += 1 label = Gtk.Label('%s:' % INT_SETTINGS[setting]['label']) entry = Gtk.Entry() table.attach(label, 0, 1, j, j + 1, xoptions=Gtk.AttachOptions.FILL | Gtk.AttachOptions.SHRINK) table.attach(entry, 1, 2, j, j + 1, xoptions=Gtk.AttachOptions.FILL | Gtk.AttachOptions.SHRINK) entry.connect('changed', int_changed, setting) try: entry.set_text(config.get('plugins', 'autoqueue_%s' % setting)) except: pass for setting in STR_SETTINGS: j += 1 label = Gtk.Label('%s:' % STR_SETTINGS[setting]['label']) entry = ValidatingEntry() table.attach(label, 0, 1, j, j + 1, xoptions=Gtk.AttachOptions.FILL | Gtk.AttachOptions.SHRINK) table.attach(entry, 1, 2, j, j + 1, xoptions=Gtk.AttachOptions.FILL | Gtk.AttachOptions.SHRINK) entry.connect('changed', str_changed, setting) try: entry.set_text(config.get('plugins', 'autoqueue_%s' % setting)) except: pass return table
def __init__(self, player, debug=False): super(GstPlayerPreferences, self).__init__(spacing=6) e = UndoEntry() e.set_tooltip_text( _("The GStreamer output pipeline used for " "playback. Leave blank for the default pipeline. " "In case the pipeline contains a sink, " "it will be used instead of the default one.")) e.set_text(config.get('player', 'gst_pipeline')) def changed(entry): config.set('player', 'gst_pipeline', entry.get_text()) e.connect('changed', changed) pipe_label = Gtk.Label(label=_('_Output pipeline:')) pipe_label.set_use_underline(True) pipe_label.set_mnemonic_widget(e) apply_button = Button(_("_Apply")) def format_buffer(scale, value): return _("%.1f seconds") % value def scale_changed(scale): duration_msec = int(scale.get_value() * 1000) player._set_buffer_duration(duration_msec) duration = config.getfloat("player", "gst_buffer") scale = Gtk.Adjustment(value=duration, lower=0.2, upper=10)) scale.set_value_pos(Gtk.PositionType.RIGHT) scale.set_show_fill_level(True) scale.connect('format-value', format_buffer) scale.connect('value-changed', scale_changed) buffer_label = Gtk.Label(label=_('_Buffer duration:')) buffer_label.set_use_underline(True) buffer_label.set_mnemonic_widget(scale) def rebuild_pipeline(*args): player._rebuild_pipeline() apply_button.connect('clicked', rebuild_pipeline) gapless_button = ConfigCheckButton(_('Disable _gapless playback'), "player", "gst_disable_gapless", populate=True) gapless_button.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5) gapless_button.set_tooltip_text( _("Disabling gapless playback can avoid track changing problems " "with some GStreamer versions")) widgets = [ (pipe_label, e, apply_button), (buffer_label, scale, None), ] table = Gtk.Table(n_rows=len(widgets), n_columns=3) table.set_col_spacings(6) table.set_row_spacings(6) for i, (left, middle, right) in enumerate(widgets): left.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5) table.attach(left, 0, 1, i, i + 1, xoptions=Gtk.AttachOptions.FILL | Gtk.AttachOptions.SHRINK) if right: table.attach(middle, 1, 2, i, i + 1) table.attach(right, 2, 3, i, i + 1, xoptions=Gtk.AttachOptions.FILL | Gtk.AttachOptions.SHRINK) else: table.attach(middle, 1, 3, i, i + 1) table.attach(gapless_button, 0, 3, 2, 3) self.pack_start(table, True, True, 0) if debug: def print_bin(player): player._print_pipeline() b = Button("Print Pipeline", Icons.DIALOG_INFORMATION) connect_obj(b, 'clicked', print_bin, player) self.pack_start(b, True, True, 0)
def __init__(self, library, player, headless=False, restore_cb=None): super(QuodLibetWindow, self).__init__(dialog=False) self.__destroyed = False self.__update_title(player) self.set_default_size(600, 480) main_box = Gtk.VBox() self.add(main_box) self.side_book = qltk.Notebook() # get the playlist up before other stuff self.songlist = MainSongList(library, player) self.songlist.connect("key-press-event", self.__songlist_key_press) self.songlist.connect_after('drag-data-received', self.__songlist_drag_data_recv) self.song_scroller = ScrolledWindow() self.song_scroller.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC) self.song_scroller.set_shadow_type(Gtk.ShadowType.IN) self.song_scroller.add(self.songlist) self.qexpander = QueueExpander(library, player) self.qexpander.set_no_show_all(True) self.qexpander.set_visible(config.getboolean("memory", "queue")) def on_queue_visible(qex, param): config.set("memory", "queue", str(qex.get_visible())) self.qexpander.connect("notify::visible", on_queue_visible) self.playlist = PlaylistMux(player, self.qexpander.model, self.songlist.model) self.__player = player # create main menubar, load/restore accelerator groups self.__library = library ui = self.__create_menu(player, library) accel_group = ui.get_accel_group() self.add_accel_group(accel_group) def scroll_and_jump(*args): self.__jump_to_current(True, None, True) keyval, mod = Gtk.accelerator_parse("<Primary><shift>J") accel_group.connect(keyval, mod, 0, scroll_and_jump) # custom accel map accel_fn = os.path.join(quodlibet.get_user_dir(), "accels") Gtk.AccelMap.load(accel_fn) # save right away so we fill the file with example comments of all # accels menubar = ui.get_widget("/Menu") # Since # toplevel menu items show an empty 16x16 image. While we don't # need image items there UIManager creates them by default. # Work around by removing the empty GtkImages for child in menubar.get_children(): if isinstance(child, Gtk.ImageMenuItem): child.set_image(None) main_box.pack_start(menubar, False, True, 0) top_bar = TopBar(self, player, library) main_box.pack_start(top_bar, False, True, 0) self.top_bar = top_bar self.__browserbox = Align(bottom=3) self.__paned = paned = ConfigRHPaned("memory", "sidebar_pos", 0.25) paned.pack1(self.__browserbox, resize=True) # We'll pack2 when necessary (when the first sidebar plugin is set up) main_box.pack_start(paned, True, True, 0) play_order = PlayOrderWidget(self.songlist.model, player) statusbox = StatusBarBox(play_order, self.qexpander) self.order = play_order self.statusbar = statusbox.statusbar main_box.pack_start(Align(statusbox, border=3, top=-3), False, True, 0) self.songpane = SongListPaned(self.song_scroller, self.qexpander) self.songpane.show_all() try: orders = [] for e in config.getstringlist('memory', 'sortby', []): orders.append((e[1:], int(e[0]))) except ValueError: pass else: self.songlist.set_sort_orders(orders) self.browser = None self.ui = ui main_box.show_all() self._playback_error_dialog = None connect_destroy(player, 'song-started', self.__song_started) connect_destroy(player, 'paused', self.__update_paused, True) connect_destroy(player, 'unpaused', self.__update_paused, False) # make sure we redraw all error indicators before opening # a dialog (blocking the main loop), so connect after default handlers connect_after_destroy(player, 'error', self.__player_error) # connect after to let SongTracker update stats connect_after_destroy(player, "song-ended", self.__song_ended) # set at least the playlist. the song should be restored # after the browser emits the song list player.setup(self.playlist, None, 0) self.__restore_cb = restore_cb self.__first_browser_set = True restore_browser = not headless try: self._select_browser(self, config.get("memory", "browser"), library, player, restore_browser) except: config.set("memory", "browser", raise self.songlist.connect('popup-menu', self.__songs_popup_menu) self.songlist.connect('columns-changed', self.__cols_changed) self.songlist.connect('columns-changed', self.__hide_headers)"changed", self.__set_totals) lib = library.librarian connect_destroy(lib, 'changed', self.__song_changed, player) targets = [("text/uri-list", Gtk.TargetFlags.OTHER_APP, DND_URI_LIST)] targets = [*t) for t in targets] self.drag_dest_set(Gtk.DestDefaults.ALL, targets, Gdk.DragAction.COPY) self.connect('drag-data-received', self.__drag_data_received) if not headless: on_first_map(self, self.__configure_scan_dirs, library) if config.getboolean('library', 'refresh_on_start'): self.__rebuild(None, False) self.connect("key-press-event", self.__key_pressed, player) self.connect("destroy", self.__destroy) self.enable_window_tracking("quodlibet")
def restore(self): try: name = config.get("browsers", "playlist") except Exception: return self.__view.select_by_func(lambda r: r[0].name == name, one=True)
def test_raw_config_is_standard(s): s.assertEquals(config.get('display', 'duration_format'), DurationFormat.STANDARD)
def get_path(): default = os.path.join(quodlibet.get_user_dir(), "current.cover") return config.get("plugins", __name__, default=default)
def __init__(self, activator): super(Preferences, self).__init__(spacing=12) self.set_border_width(6) ccb = ConfigCheckButton(_("Hide main window on close"), 'plugins', 'trayicon_window_hide') ccb.set_active(get_hide_window()) self.pack_start(ccb, False, True, 0) combo = Gtk.ComboBoxText() combo.append_text( _("Scroll wheel adjusts volume\n" "Shift and scroll wheel changes song")) combo.append_text( _("Scroll wheel changes song\n" "Shift and scroll wheel adjusts volume")) combo.set_active( int(config.getboolean("plugins", "icon_modifier_swap", False))) combo.connect('changed', self.__changed_combo) self.pack_start(qltk.Frame(_("Scroll _Wheel"), child=combo), True, True, 0) box = Gtk.VBox(spacing=12) table = Gtk.Table(n_rows=2, n_columns=4) table.set_row_spacings(6) table.set_col_spacings(12) cbs = [] for i, tag in enumerate([ "genre", "artist", "album", "discnumber", "part", "tracknumber", "title", "version" ]): cb = Gtk.CheckButton(label=util.tag(tag)) cb.tag = tag cbs.append(cb) table.attach(cb, i % 3, i % 3 + 1, i // 3, i // 3 + 1) box.pack_start(table, True, True, 0) entry = Gtk.Entry() box.pack_start(entry, False, True, 0) preview = Gtk.Label() preview.set_ellipsize(Pango.EllipsizeMode.END) ev = Gtk.EventBox() ev.add(preview) box.pack_start(ev, False, True, 0) frame = qltk.Frame(_("Tooltip Display"), child=box) frame.get_label_widget().set_mnemonic_widget(entry) self.pack_start(frame, True, True, 0) for cb in cbs: cb.connect('toggled', self.__changed_cb, cbs, entry) entry.connect('changed', self.__changed_entry, cbs, preview) try: entry.set_text(config.get("plugins", "icon_tooltip")) except: entry.set_text( "<album|<album~discnumber~part~tracknumber~title~version>|" "<artist~title~version>>") for child in self.get_children(): child.show_all()
def restore(self): text = config.get("browsers", "query_text").decode("utf-8") self.__searchbar.set_text(text) self.__query_changed(None, text, restore=True)
def write(self): with translate_errors(): audio = self.Kind(self['~filename']) if audio.tags is None: audio.add_tags() tag = audio.tags # prefill TMCL with the ones we can't read mcl = tag.get("TMCL", mutagen.id3.TMCL(encoding=3, people=[])) mcl.people = [(r, n) for (r, n) in mcl.people if not self.__validate_name(r)] # delete all TXXX/COMM we can read except empty COMM for frame in ["COMM:", "TXXX:"]: for t in tag.getall(frame + "QuodLibet:"): if t.desc and self.__validate_name(t.desc): del tag[t.HashKey] for key in ["UFID:", "TMCL", "POPM:%s" % const.EMAIL, "POPM:%s" % config.get("editing", "save_email")]: if key in tag: del(tag[key]) for key, id3name in self.SDI.items(): tag.delall(id3name) if key not in self: continue enc = encoding_for(self[key]) Kind = mutagen.id3.Frames[id3name] text = self[key].split("\n") if id3name == "WOAR": for t in text: tag.add(Kind(url=t)) else: tag.add(Kind(encoding=enc, text=text)) dont_write = (RG_KEYS | set(self.TXXX_MAP.values()) | {"genre", "comment", "musicbrainz_trackid", "lyrics"}) if "musicbrainz_trackid" in self.realkeys(): f = mutagen.id3.UFID( owner="", data=self["musicbrainz_trackid"].encode("utf-8")) tag.add(f) # Issue 439 - Only write valid ISO 639-2 codes to TLAN (else TXXX) tag.delall("TLAN") if "language" in self: langs = self["language"].split("\n") if all([lang in ISO_639_2 for lang in langs]): # Save value(s) to TLAN tag. Guaranteed to be ASCII here tag.add(mutagen.id3.TLAN(encoding=3, text=langs)) dont_write.add("language") else: print_w( f"Not using invalid language {self['language']!r} in TLAN") # Filter out known keys, and ones set not to write [generically]. dont_write |= self.SDI.keys() keys_to_write = (k for k in self.realkeys() if k not in dont_write) for key in keys_to_write: enc = encoding_for(self[key]) if key.startswith("performer:"): mcl.people.append((key.split(":", 1)[1], self[key])) continue f = mutagen.id3.TXXX( encoding=enc, text=self[key].split("\n"), desc=u"QuodLibet::%s" % key) tag.add(f) if mcl.people: tag.add(mcl) if "genre" in self: enc = encoding_for(self["genre"]) t = self["genre"].split("\n") tag.add(mutagen.id3.TCON(encoding=enc, text=t)) else: try: del(tag["TCON"]) except KeyError: pass tag.delall("COMM:") if "comment" in self: enc = encoding_for(self["comment"]) t = self["comment"].split("\n") tag.add(mutagen.id3.COMM(encoding=enc, text=t, desc=u"", lang="\x00\x00\x00")) tag.delall("USLT") if "lyrics" in self: enc = encoding_for(self["lyrics"]) if not ("~lyricslanguage" in self and # language has to be a 3 byte ISO 639-2 code self["~lyricslanguage"] in ISO_639_2): self["~lyricslanguage"] = "und" # undefined # lyrics are single string, not array tag.add(mutagen.id3.USLT(encoding=enc, text=self["lyrics"], desc=self.get("~lyricsdescription", ""), lang=self["~lyricslanguage"])) # Delete old foobar replaygain .. for frame in tag.getall("TXXX"): if frame.desc.lower() in RG_KEYS: del tag[frame.HashKey] # .. write new one for k in RG_KEYS: # Add new ones if k in self: value = self[k] tag.add(mutagen.id3.TXXX(encoding=encoding_for(value), text=value.split("\n"), desc=k.upper())) # we shouldn't delete all, but we use unknown ones as fallback, so make # sure they don't come back after reloading for t in tag.getall("RVA2"): if == 1: del tag[t.HashKey] for k in ["track", "album"]: if ('replaygain_%s_gain' % k) in self: try: gain = float(self["replaygain_%s_gain" % k].split()[0]) except (ValueError, IndexError): gain = 0 try: peak = float(self["replaygain_%s_peak" % k]) except (ValueError, KeyError): peak = 0 # peak = max(min(1.9, peak), 0) gain = max(min(63.9, gain), -64) f = mutagen.id3.RVA2(desc=k, channel=1, gain=gain, peak=peak) tag.add(f) for key in self.TXXX_MAP: try: del(tag["TXXX:" + key]) except KeyError: pass for key in self.PAM_XXXT: if key in self.SDI: # we already write it back using non-TXXX frames continue if key in self: value = self[key] f = mutagen.id3.TXXX(encoding=encoding_for(value), text=value.split("\n"), desc=self.PAM_XXXT[key]) tag.add(f) if (config.getboolean("editing", "save_to_songs") and (self.has_rating or self.get("~#playcount", 0) != 0)): email = config.get("editing", "save_email").strip() email = email or const.EMAIL t = mutagen.id3.POPM(email=email, rating=int(255 * self("~#rating")), count=self.get("~#playcount", 0)) tag.add(t) with translate_errors(): self.sanitize()
def config_get(key, default=None): return config.get('plugins', 'spotify_%s' % key, default)
def config_get(key, default=None): return config.get('plugins', 'lastfmsync_%s' % key, default)
def __init__(self, parent=None): if self.is_not_unique(): return super(PluginWindow, self).__init__() self.set_title(_("Plugins")) self.set_default_size(700, 500) self.set_transient_for(parent) self.enable_window_tracking("plugin_prefs") paned = Paned() vbox = Gtk.VBox() vbox.set_property("margin-top", 3) sw = ScrolledWindow() sw.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.NEVER, Gtk.PolicyType.ALWAYS) model = ObjectStore() filter_model = ObjectModelFilter(child_model=model) self._list_view = tv = PluginListView() tv.set_model(filter_model) tv.set_rules_hint(True) tv.connect("plugin-toggled", self.__plugin_toggled) fb = Gtk.HBox(spacing=6) enabled_combo = PluginEnabledFilterCombo() enabled_combo.connect("changed", lambda s: filter_model.refilter()) enabled_combo.set_tooltip_text("Filter by plugin state / tag") fb.pack_start(enabled_combo, True, True, 0) self._enabled_combo = enabled_combo type_combo = PluginTypeFilterCombo() type_combo.connect("changed", lambda s: filter_model.refilter()) type_combo.set_tooltip_text("Filter by plugin type") fb.pack_start(type_combo, True, True, 0) self._type_combo = type_combo filter_entry = UndoSearchEntry() filter_entry.set_tooltip_text("Filter by plugin name or description") filter_entry.connect("changed", lambda s: filter_model.refilter()) self._filter_entry = filter_entry sw.add(tv) sw.set_shadow_type(Gtk.ShadowType.IN) bbox = Gtk.HBox(homogeneous=True, spacing=6) errors = qltk.Button(_("Show _Errors"), Icons.DIALOG_WARNING) errors.set_focus_on_click(False) errors.connect('clicked', self.__show_errors) errors.set_no_show_all(True) bbox.pack_start(errors, True, True, 0) pref_box = PluginPreferencesContainer() if const.DEBUG: refresh = qltk.Button(_("_Refresh"), Icons.VIEW_REFRESH) refresh.set_focus_on_click(False) refresh.connect('clicked', self.__refresh, tv, pref_box, errors, enabled_combo) bbox.pack_start(refresh, True, True, 0) filter_box = Gtk.VBox(spacing=6) filter_box.pack_start(fb, False, True, 0) filter_box.pack_start(filter_entry, False, True, 0) vbox.pack_start(Align(filter_box, border=6, right=-6), False, False, 0) vbox.pack_start(sw, True, True, 0) vbox.pack_start(Align(bbox, border=6, right=-6), False, True, 0) paned.pack1(vbox, False, False) close = qltk.Button(_("_Close"), Icons.WINDOW_CLOSE) close.connect('clicked', lambda *x: self.destroy()) bb_align = Align(halign=Gtk.Align.END, valign=Gtk.Align.END) bb = Gtk.HButtonBox() bb.set_layout(Gtk.ButtonBoxStyle.END) bb.pack_start(close, True, True, 0) bb_align.add(bb) selection = tv.get_selection() selection.connect('changed', self.__selection_changed, pref_box) selection.emit('changed') right_box = Gtk.VBox(spacing=12) right_box.pack_start(pref_box, True, True, 0) self.use_header_bar() if not self.has_close_button(): right_box.pack_start(bb_align, True, True, 0) paned.pack2(Align(right_box, border=12), True, False) paned.set_position(275) self.add(paned) self.__refill(tv, pref_box, errors, enabled_combo) self.connect('destroy', self.__destroy) filter_model.set_visible_func( self.__filter, (filter_entry, enabled_combo, type_combo)) self.get_child().show_all() filter_entry.grab_focus() restore_id = config.get("memory", "plugin_selection") tv.select_by_plugin_id(restore_id)
def __get_repeat_class(self): name = config.get("memory", "repeat_mode", None) return self._repeat_orders.by_name(name) or RepeatSongForever
def do_revert_split(button, section, option): config.reset(section, option) e.set_text(config.get(section, option))
def __get_shuffle_class(self): name = config.get("memory", "shuffle_mode", None) return self._shuffle_orders.by_name(name) or OrderShuffle
def ratings_vbox(self): """Returns a new VBox containing all ratings widgets""" vb = Gtk.VBox(spacing=6) # Default Rating model = Gtk.ListStore(float) default_combo = Gtk.ComboBox(model=model) default_lab = Gtk.Label(label=_("_Default rating:")) default_lab.set_use_underline(True) default_lab.set_alignment(0, 0.5) def draw_rating(column, cell, model, it, data): num = model[it][0] text = "%0.2f: %s" % (num, util.format_rating(num)) cell.set_property('text', text) def default_rating_changed(combo, model): it = combo.get_active_iter() if it is None: return RATINGS.default = model[it][0] qltk.redraw_all_toplevels() def populate_default_rating_model(combo, num): model = combo.get_model() model.clear() deltas = [] default = RATINGS.default precision = RATINGS.precision for i in range(0, num + 1): r = i * precision model.append(row=[r]) deltas.append((abs(default - r), i)) active = sorted(deltas)[0][1] print_d("Choosing #%d (%.2f), closest to current %.2f" % (active, precision * active, default)) combo.set_active(active) cell = Gtk.CellRendererText() default_combo.pack_start(cell, True) default_combo.set_cell_data_func(cell, draw_rating, None) default_combo.connect('changed', default_rating_changed, model) default_lab.set_mnemonic_widget(default_combo) def refresh_default_combo(num): populate_default_rating_model(default_combo, num) # Rating Scale model = Gtk.ListStore(int) scale_combo = Gtk.ComboBox(model=model) scale_lab = Gtk.Label(label=_("Rating _scale:")) scale_lab.set_use_underline(True) scale_lab.set_mnemonic_widget(scale_combo) cell = Gtk.CellRendererText() scale_combo.pack_start(cell, False) num = RATINGS.number for i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10]: it = model.append(row=[i]) if i == num: scale_combo.set_active_iter(it) def draw_rating_scale(column, cell, model, it, data): num_stars = model[it][0] text = "%d: %s" % (num_stars, RATINGS.full_symbol * num_stars) cell.set_property('text', text) def rating_scale_changed(combo, model): it = combo.get_active_iter() if it is None: return RATINGS.number = num = model[it][0] refresh_default_combo(num) refresh_default_combo(RATINGS.number) scale_combo.set_cell_data_func(cell, draw_rating_scale, None) scale_combo.connect('changed', rating_scale_changed, model) default_align = Align(halign=Gtk.Align.START) default_align.add(default_lab) scale_align = Align(halign=Gtk.Align.START) scale_align.add(scale_lab) grid = Gtk.Grid(column_spacing=6, row_spacing=6) grid.add(scale_align) grid.add(scale_combo) grid.attach(default_align, 0, 1, 1, 1) grid.attach(default_combo, 1, 1, 1, 1) vb.pack_start(grid, False, False, 6) # Bayesian Factor bayesian_factor = config.getfloat("settings", "bayesian_rating_factor", 0.0) adj =, 0.0, 10.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0) bayes_spin = Gtk.SpinButton(adjustment=adj, numeric=True) bayes_spin.set_digits(1) bayes_spin.connect('changed', self.__changed_and_signal_library, 'settings', 'bayesian_rating_factor') bayes_spin.set_tooltip_text( _("Bayesian Average factor (C) for aggregated ratings.\n" "0 means a conventional average, higher values mean that " "albums with few tracks will have less extreme ratings. " "Changing this value triggers a re-calculation for all " "albums.")) bayes_label = Gtk.Label(label=_("_Bayesian averaging amount:")) bayes_label.set_use_underline(True) bayes_label.set_mnemonic_widget(bayes_spin) # Save Ratings hb = Gtk.HBox(spacing=6) hb.pack_start(bayes_label, False, True, 0) hb.pack_start(bayes_spin, False, True, 0) vb.pack_start(hb, True, True, 0) cb = CCB(_("Save ratings and play _counts"), "editing", "save_to_songs", populate=True) vb.pack_start(cb, True, True, 0) hb = Gtk.HBox(spacing=6) lab = Gtk.Label(label=_("_Email:")) entry = UndoEntry() entry.set_tooltip_text( _("Ratings and play counts will be set " "for this email address")) entry.set_text(config.get("editing", "save_email")) entry.connect('changed', self.__changed, 'editing', 'save_email') hb.pack_start(lab, False, True, 0) hb.pack_start(entry, True, True, 0) lab.set_mnemonic_widget(entry) lab.set_use_underline(True) vb.pack_start(hb, True, True, 0) return vb
def config_get(cls, name, default=""): """Gets a config string value for this plugin""" return config.get(PM.CONFIG_SECTION, cls._config_key(name), default)
def getter(section, option): return decode(config.get(section, option))
def __init__(self, filename): with translate_errors(): audio = self.Kind(filename) if audio.tags is None: audio.add_tags() tag = audio.tags self._parse_info( for frame in tag.values(): if frame.FrameID == "APIC" and len( self.has_images = True continue elif frame.FrameID == "TCON": self["genre"] = "\n".join(frame.genres) continue elif (frame.FrameID == "UFID" and frame.owner == ""): self["musicbrainz_trackid"] ="utf-8", "replace") continue elif frame.FrameID == "POPM": rating = frame.rating / 255.0 if == const.EMAIL: try: self.setdefault("~#playcount", frame.count) except AttributeError: pass self.setdefault("~#rating", rating) elif == config.get("editing", "save_email"): try: self["~#playcount"] = frame.count except AttributeError: pass self["~#rating"] = rating continue elif frame.FrameID == "COMM" and frame.desc == "": name = "comment" elif frame.FrameID in ["COMM", "TXXX"]: if frame.desc.startswith("QuodLibet::"): name = frame.desc[11:] elif frame.desc in self.TXXX_MAP: name = self.TXXX_MAP[frame.desc] else: continue elif frame.FrameID == "RVA2": self.__process_rg(frame) continue elif frame.FrameID == "TMCL": for role, name in frame.people: key = self.__validate_name("performer:" + role) if key: self.add(key, name) continue elif frame.FrameID == "TLAN": self["language"] = "\n".join(frame.text) continue elif frame.FrameID == "USLT": name = "lyrics" else: name = self.IDS.get(frame.FrameID, "").lower() name = self.__validate_name(name) if not name: continue name = name.lower() id3id = frame.FrameID if id3id.startswith("T"): text = "\n".join(map(str, frame.text)) elif id3id == "COMM": text = "\n".join(frame.text) elif id3id == "USLT": # lyrics are single string, not list text = frame.text self["~lyricsdescription"] = frame.desc self["~lyricslanguage"] = frame.lang elif id3id.startswith("W"): text = frame.url frame.encoding = 0 else: continue if not text: continue text = self.__distrust_latin1(text, frame.encoding) if text is None: continue if name in self: self[name] += "\n" + text else: self[name] = text self[name] = self[name].strip() # to catch a missing continue above del name # foobar2000 writes long dates in a TXXX DATE tag, leaving the TDRC # tag out. Read the TXXX DATE, but only if the TDRC tag doesn't exist # to avoid reverting or duplicating tags in existing libraries. if audio.tags and "date" not in self: for frame in tag.getall('TXXX:DATE'): self["date"] = "\n".join(map(str, frame.text)) # Read TXXX replaygain and replace previously read values from RVA2 for frame in tag.getall("TXXX"): k = frame.desc.lower() if k in RG_KEYS: self[str(k)] = u"\n".join(map(str, frame.text)) self.sanitize(filename)
def test_mapping(self): c = PluginConfig("some") c.set("foo", "bar") self.assertEqual(config.get("plugins", "some_foo"), "bar")
def __init_pipeline(self): """Creates a gstreamer pipeline. Returns True on success.""" if self.bin: return True # reset error state self.error = False pipeline = config.get("player", "gst_pipeline") try: pipeline, self._pipeline_desc = GStreamerSink(pipeline) except PlayerError as e: self._error(e) return False if self._use_eq and Gst.ElementFactory.find('equalizer-10bands'): # The equalizer only operates on 16-bit ints or floats, and # will only pass these types through even when inactive. # We push floats through to this point, then let the second # audioconvert handle pushing to whatever the rest of the # pipeline supports. As a bonus, this seems to automatically # select the highest-precision format supported by the # rest of the chain. filt = Gst.ElementFactory.make('capsfilter', None) filt.set_property('caps', Gst.Caps.from_string('audio/x-raw,format=F32LE')) eq = Gst.ElementFactory.make('equalizer-10bands', None) self._eq_element = eq self.update_eq_values() conv = Gst.ElementFactory.make('audioconvert', None) resample = Gst.ElementFactory.make('audioresample', None) pipeline = [filt, eq, conv, resample] + pipeline # playbin2 has started to control the volume through pulseaudio, # which means the volume property can change without us noticing. # Use our own volume element for now until this works with PA. self._int_vol_element = Gst.ElementFactory.make('volume', None) pipeline.insert(0, self._int_vol_element) # Get all plugin elements and append audio converters. # playbin already includes one at the end plugin_pipeline = [] for plugin in self._get_plugin_elements(): plugin_pipeline.append(plugin) plugin_pipeline.append( Gst.ElementFactory.make('audioconvert', None)) plugin_pipeline.append( Gst.ElementFactory.make('audioresample', None)) pipeline = plugin_pipeline + pipeline bufbin = Gst.Bin() for element in pipeline: assert element is not None, pipeline bufbin.add(element) if len(pipeline) > 1: if not link_many(pipeline): print_w("Linking the GStreamer pipeline failed") self._error( PlayerError(_("Could not create GStreamer pipeline"))) return False # see if the sink provides a volume property, if yes, use it sink_element = pipeline[-1] if isinstance(sink_element, Gst.Bin): sink_element = iter_to_list(sink_element.iterate_recurse)[-1] self._ext_vol_element = None if hasattr(sink_element.props, "volume"): self._ext_vol_element = sink_element # In case we use the sink volume directly we can increase buffering # without affecting the volume change delay too much and safe some # CPU time... (2x default for now). if hasattr(sink_element.props, "buffer_time"): sink_element.set_property("buffer-time", 400000) def ext_volume_notify(*args): # gets called from a thread GLib.idle_add(self.notify, "volume") self._ext_vol_element.connect("notify::volume", ext_volume_notify) self._ext_mute_element = None if hasattr(sink_element.props, "mute") and \ sink_element.get_factory().get_name() != "directsoundsink": # directsoundsink has a mute property but it doesn't work # self._ext_mute_element = sink_element def mute_notify(*args): # gets called from a thread GLib.idle_add(self.notify, "mute") self._ext_mute_element.connect("notify::mute", mute_notify) # Make the sink of the first element the sink of the bin gpad ='sink', pipeline[0].get_static_pad('sink')) bufbin.add_pad(gpad) bin_ = Gst.ElementFactory.make('playbin', None) assert bin_ self.bin = BufferingWrapper(bin_, self) self._seeker = Seeker(self.bin, self) bus = bin_.get_bus() bus.add_signal_watch() self.__bus_id = bus.connect('message', self.__message, self._librarian) self.__atf_id = self.bin.connect('about-to-finish', self.__about_to_finish) # set buffer duration duration = config.getfloat("player", "gst_buffer") self._set_buffer_duration(int(duration * 1000)) # connect playbin to our pluing/volume/eq pipeline self.bin.set_property('audio-sink', bufbin) # by default playbin will render video -> suppress using fakesink fakesink = Gst.ElementFactory.make('fakesink', None) self.bin.set_property('video-sink', fakesink) # disable all video/text decoding in playbin GST_PLAY_FLAG_VIDEO = 1 << 0 GST_PLAY_FLAG_TEXT = 1 << 2 flags = self.bin.get_property("flags") flags &= ~(GST_PLAY_FLAG_VIDEO | GST_PLAY_FLAG_TEXT) self.bin.set_property("flags", flags) if not self.has_external_volume: # Restore volume/ReplayGain and mute state self.props.volume = self._volume self.mute = self._mute # ReplayGain information gets lost when destroying self._reset_replaygain() if self.bin.set_property('uri',"~uri")) return True