)), ('input', sect.KeyValue( ('timeout', SettingValue(typ.Int(minval=0, maxval=MAXVALS['int']), '500'), "Timeout for ambiguous keybindings."), ('insert-mode-on-plugins', SettingValue(typ.Bool(), 'false'), "Whether to switch to insert mode when clicking flash and other " "plugins."), ('auto-leave-insert-mode', SettingValue(typ.Bool(), 'true'), "Whether to leave insert mode if a non-editable element is clicked." ), ('auto-insert-mode', SettingValue(typ.Bool(), 'false'), "Whether to automatically enter insert mode if an editable element " "is focused after page load."), ('forward-unbound-keys', SettingValue(typ.ForwardUnboundKeys(), 'auto'), "Whether to forward unbound keys to the webview in normal mode."), ('spatial-navigation', SettingValue(typ.Bool(), 'false'), "Enables or disables the Spatial Navigation feature\n\n" "Spatial navigation consists in the ability to navigate between " "focusable elements in a Web page, such as hyperlinks and form " "controls, by using Left, Right, Up and Down arrow keys. For " "example, if a user presses the Right key, heuristics determine " "whether there is an element he might be trying to reach towards the " "right and which element he probably wants."), ('links-included-in-focus-chain', SettingValue(typ.Bool(), 'true'), "Whether hyperlinks should be included in the keyboard focus chain." ), )), ('tabs',
('insert-mode-on-plugins', SettingValue(typ.Bool(), 'false'), "Whether to switch to insert mode when clicking flash and other " "plugins."), ('auto-leave-insert-mode', SettingValue(typ.Bool(), 'true'), "Whether to leave insert mode if a non-editable element is clicked."), ('auto-insert-mode', SettingValue(typ.Bool(), 'false'), "Whether to automatically enter insert mode if an editable element " "is focused after page load."), ('forward-unbound-keys', SettingValue(typ.ForwardUnboundKeys(), 'auto'), "Whether to forward unbound keys to the webview in normal mode."), ('spatial-navigation', SettingValue(typ.Bool(), 'false'), "Enables or disables the Spatial Navigation feature\n\n" "Spatial navigation consists in the ability to navigate between " "focusable elements in a Web page, such as hyperlinks and form " "controls, by using Left, Right, Up and Down arrow keys. For " "example, if a user presses the Right key, heuristics determine " "whether there is an element he might be trying to reach towards the " "right and which element he probably wants."), ('links-included-in-focus-chain', SettingValue(typ.Bool(), 'true'), "Whether hyperlinks should be included in the keyboard focus chain."),